Within hours of the school shooting in Newtown, CT, the political Left have fed on the emotions of Americans to convince us that they can stop this kind of crime if they can only ban so-called “assault weapons.” Problem for them is how to violate the Constitution and get away with it. That’s a BIG problem. Unlike our current President and his accomplices in this attempt, the mainstream media, Atty. Gen. Eric Holder and VP Joe Biden, our U.S. House Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL1), takes his oath and the Constitution seriously.
What Miller says on this subject . . .
Interest groups, politicians, and the Administration should not be exploiting a national tragedy to abandon liberty in pursuit of political expedience and advantage, rather, we should all comprehensively examine the policies, practices, and culture which lead to mass violence. Additionally, any attempt by the President to enact gun control by executive order would be an obscene abuse of power, ungrounded in Constitutional authority, and tantamount to a violation of his oath to support and defend the Constitution.
For nearly 240 years, the right to keep and bear arms has stood the test of time, and I will continue to stand by those courageous citizens who follow in the footsteps of generations of American patriots and who through their sacrifice dare defend and protect the written words of our Founding Fathers.
I have a better idea. Why not offer to take a non gun owner to the range with you?
If you have a fear of guns but are curious enough to check it out, or are interested in maybe getting a gun but don’t have a clue what caliber, size, kind, or brand to get, an hour at a gun range will answer those kind of questions. Maybe you don’t yet own a gun but want to see what it is like to shoot one, a state-approved gun range is the place to start. All gun ranges accept guests and first-time visitors. No invitation required. You’ll be able to see all types of weapons (the proper terminology for a ‘gun’ imho) there, and chances are, you’ll leave with a good idea of what you can or can not handle. The next (if not first) step is to visit a gun shop where people behind the counter can help in something best suited for you.
An hour at the gun range with your spouse or other family member, buddy, or budette, makes for great recreation while building your skill in shooting and handling. In fact, any responsible gun owner will tell you to visit the range often enough to be proficient and keep proficient in its use. The most important thing in owning a weapon is learning to respect it. You learn to handle it safely. You learn to shoot it accurately. You don’t play with it. After all, it is a lethal weapon.
Any non gun owner in the Pensacola area want to by my guest at the Escambia River Gun Club’s shooting range next Saturday? Use the contact form HERE and give me your contact information or come see me at Philly’s. Representatives of the media are welcome too! I’ll show you how to have fun and be safe at the same time. From what I and others at the range will bring, you’ll get a chance to see and/or shoot all sorts of firearms from small to large. Ear and eye protection is required at the range. Earplugs and other ear gear is available at the range or any gun shop. I have a spare set of earplugs and shooting glasses for you to use. New and unused of course. 🙂 I gotcha covered.
Something happened last week that went virtually unreported. Not that it matters now that his second election is over, but there’s one thing that you can take away from this ‘story.’ Whether it is this report, or that report, the story is the same nearly word for word, by different ‘reporters,’ except for a few words changed in one paragraph or another. Who is copying who is not clear.
What is clear though is the emphasis given to the size of the fine for Obama’s 2008 campaign, by any reporting of the incident. It was the largest fine ever levied against a presidential campaign. But the reports consistently read like this; ‘one of the largest fines levied against a presidential campaign,’ and ‘The fines are among the largest ever levied on a presidential campaign…’ The timidity exhibited in the media’s inability to call the largest fine ‘the largest fine’ is amusing.
This is a love story without words. The music is Journey Of The Angels by Enya. Have a tissue handy.
What Made Jovan Belcher Murder the Mother of His Child? Was It Football or the Gun? Or Maybe Something Else…
The current climate in Washington is a perfect storm over gun violence. The theater shooting, the murder/suicide of Jovan Belcher and his girlfriend, the school shootings. It wasn’t the presence of a gun that was the cause. If a gun wasn’t available, something else would have or could have been used. The ’cause’ of these kind of crimes has more to do with America losing its soul than it does with the proximity of a firearm. The text below is from a Dec. 3, 2012 segment of the Rush Limbaugh Show. The topic then was about the Jovan Belcher murder/suicide. The video is from his TV show in Dec. 1992. Twenty years ago.
This clip comes from our December 17, 1992 show. The topic: a column by Bob Greene of the New York Daily News, who wrote about four teenagers who tortured, stabbed and killed an eight-year-old boy literally for the fun of it. Greene made several of the same points Rush had on the topic of valuing human life and healing “the dying national soul.”
That’s what originally caught Rush’s eye, but looking back at this episode, you can’t help but be shocked by just how prescient Rush was about the need to teach morality, not subjective values. He pointed out that Greene talks of the soul, and then pointed out that religion, not science, teaches of the soul – yet religion is now a taboo subject.
Rush continued: “Why do kids take guns into schools? Because they have no respect for the sanctity of life. I told you that time and time again. You can’t have a million-and-a-half abortions every year in this country for all the years that we’ve had, folks, without life itself being cheapened. We take kids to school, and they have guns and knives in their pockets. What do we do? We put metal detectors up in the schools… We have this killer disease out there and it’s behaviorally spread… We do not let people anymore be taught right from wrong, good from bad.”
This is more than seven years before Columbine, folks. Rush was truly on the cutting edge of societal evolution on this one, as you’ll see when you watch this video. Rush was trying to get people thinking about the devaluation of human life – in all its forms – and about what that kind of cheapening does to the souls of individuals and of nations.
{Hit RELOAD if the video below looks like a big black box.}
Publishing the names and addresses of people who follow the law is not, or should not be, “news.” So for a newspaper to put an interactive map online of handgun permit holders, you have to wonder what their agenda might be. Aside from trying to perhaps, boost circulation, publishing this type of information serves only to intimidate citizens because they have a permit to own a handgun. They “justify” doing that because in New York that is considered to be “public information.” The obvious agenda of the newspaper is jumping on the anti-gun bandwagon. You don’t like guns? Fine, use your editorial pages to say so. But don’t go on the offensive against lawful citizens.
Aside from acting as a bully towards people who follow the law, the publishing of that information has put all of them at risk for any number of reasons. It’s a treasure trove for burglars looking to steal some weapons. But worse than just that, all law enforcement and who knows how many judges, active or retired, are now identified for the people who were arrested or sentenced by them. This puts them and their families at risk for retaliation.
I see this as an abuse of what public information is all about. Inquiring for public information and making that info available to the detail that they did, putting people at risk, and representing it as a news product is an abuse of the availability and purpose of public information, and an abuse of their constitutional right of freedom of the press. It is an abuse and invasion of privacy for the people listed, and should be actionable in civil court.
In support of the victims created by the actions of the newspaper, I have culled a few signs to make a point in support of the Second Amendment.
Only President Obama has the nerve to lie (and get away with it) to the American people when he says he is serious about cutting taxes and reducing the debt.
President Obama’s statement at the pep rally in The White House yesterday . . .
Last year in 2011, we started reducing the deficit through $1 trillion in spending cuts. Those have already taken place.
The truth is, shelving a proposed trillion-dollar spending measure is not reducing or cutting anything real.
The agreement being worked on right now would further reduce the deficit by asking the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans to pay higher taxes for the first time in two decades, so that would add additional hundreds of billions of dollars to deficit reduction. So that’s progress, but we’re going to need to do more.
The smoke and mirrors that the media ignores and the dumb masses can’t figure out is that, there is no connection between raising taxes and deficit reduction. Period.
The bill that passed the Senate earlier today raises taxes, and raises spending. The ratio is 1:6.7 For every dollar of tax increase, spending increases nearly seven dollars. It does zip, zero, nada to decreasing the national debt or the deficit. And what’s worse is this. The Left is fine with the lies. They’re upset because, in their mind, Obama caved and didn’t raise taxes enough.
And by ‘Lobby’ I mean most of the media and lefty talk-radio. It’s about calling names and using hyperbole for measures that no one is advocating. It’s what the Left does. Not necessarily democrats. Just those that hold this ‘ban all guns’ and ‘ban assault weapons’ agenda.
It’s not just the ranters on the left, like MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, who recently called National Rifle Association chief Wayne LaPierre “the lobbyist for mass murderers.” O’Donnell is a controversialist who says things like that all the time. So is CNN’s Piers Morgan, who told the Gun Owners of America chief Larry Pratt, “You are an unbelievably stupid man” and “You shame your country.”
And . . .
when a Republican congressman, Georgia’s Jack Kingston, argued on MSNBC recently that tough gun control laws haven’t prevented mass shootings in some European countries, the network’s anchor, Thomas Roberts, responded, “So, we need to just be complacent in the fact that we can send our children to school to be assassinated?”
Then there’s Lefty talker Stephanie Miller and the Media Matters crowd that say, in response to NRA President Wayne LaPierre’s suggestion that there be a police presence in schools, (like we have here in Pensacola, FL, they are called ‘resource officers’), “oh sure, like we can afford to have a cop in every classroom.” Nobody suggested a cop for every classroom. Proving that the Left will say whatever they need to say if it will advance their agenda. The facts don’t matter.
There are ways to save lives without banning guns. Do away with so-called ‘gun-free’ zones and get real with lawful ‘concealed carry.’ It’s already against the law for a mentally unstable person to buy a gun. But clearly, improvements can be made in the mental health field if it weren’t for the ACLU. Groups like them advocate for part of the Constitution. Not all of it. Make punishment meaningful for crimes committed with guns. A bad person with a gun can be stopped by a good person with a gun. Whether the good person wears a badge or a pocket protector, lives of fellow citizens can be protected.
There’s no question that the media response to both storm disasters are different. And so was, is, the government’s response to them. There’s also no question that there is no interest in why this is.
First and foremost in the Katrina storm coverage was the racial aspect of its inhabitants and Bush (R) didn’t care about them, for a couple ‘reasons.’ They’re Black and for the most part, democrats. The media pushed the race card narrative, and paid less attention to the interference of the state’s own politicians.
New Orleans population is about 250, 000 and 67% Black. Staten Island’s population is twice that, about 500,000, and 9.5% Black. Not saying that the racial disparity between both disasters is material to the government’s poor response to the people in Staten Island. The disparity in the media’s response and coverage is perhaps more political than racial now that there’s a D in The White House, who also happens to be a White-Black (by NYTimes definition). Who knows? I’m just say’n.
What is obvious is that the government response, FEMA and the rest, is no where near as efficient in Staten Island as it was in New Orleans. Same with the media’s coverage of it, which, aside from FOX News, has been pretty much forgotten.
It’s easy to assume that the government is overwhelmed and unable to respond like it did after Katrina. What’s not so easy is for the media or The White House to admit it. The photo ops have been done. Obama is going on his Hawaiian vacation. That must mean the disaster relief is complete. Just don’t ask anyone, Black or White, in Staten Island if they think so.
I’m trying to come up with an explanation for the alternate reality that seems to prevail in the media today.
For example, where is the cacophony of media reports aimed at the president for his inept handling of hurricane Sandy in the northeast compared to what we saw with Katrina and one city on the Gulf coast?
And why is a high-ranking government official having an affair with a young woman such a big deal now?
Time for a little fun video.
h/t to Neal Boortz for calling this video to my attention.
A heartfelt salute to our veterans past and present, and their families that supported them, on this Veterans Day.
It’s a love story, and then some. The rest of this story has no words.
Howard Kurtz, writing in The Daily Beast, is appealing to Mitt Romney to show some compassion for members of the “Democratic Party.”
Romney also noted that in Massachusetts, “with a Democrat legislature, I helped turn my state from deficit to surplus.” (Memo to Mitt: its members prefer that it be called the Democratic Party.) {emphasis added}
As the ‘church lady’ would say, “Isn’t that special?” No problem Howard. From now on, the term to describe Democrats, as members of the Democratic Party, shall be Democratics. It goes something like this. Republicans are of the Republican Party, and Democratics are of the Democratic Party.
Obviously, Mr. Kurtz must not see anything awry with democratics saying that republicans want to poison the water and air, kill senior citizens, and starve children. As if republicans breath different air and drink different water, and use different schools, hospitals and doctors.
So if calling members of the Democratic Party democratics has him all torqued up, then he and democratics should grow some thicker skin.
Always quick to sweat the small stuff and ignore $16 trillion in debt. And if re-elected, $20 trillion by the end of a second term. Then there’s the record high unemployment, socialized medicine in the name of Obamacare, wasteful spending propping up union pensions and paying back campaign contributors. Not to mention selectively enforcing and not enforcing laws from immigration to bankruptcy.
Nothing personal Howard, but republicans don’t ‘prefer’ to accept that.
Considering that our local newspaper, the Pensacola News Journal, endorsed Barack Obama in ’08, their endorsement of Mitt Romney today was a surprise. Whether it is a sign of buyers remorse or their own economic situation, the basis for their endorsement is the economy, and the likelihood that Romney can turn things around for the better.
Obama failed to adequately address the rising national debt that will cripple future generations. He has not pushed the approval submitted two years ago by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, also known as the Simpson-Bowles plan, that called for higher taxes to bring the debt under control. Congress also has failed to take the debt seriously, instead passing the buck, or in this case, $16 trillion of them.
Clearly, President Obama is disconnected from reality with this statement.
If the economy and our economic situation in NW Florida is as important to them as they say, the Romney endorsement seems to be inconsistent with their ‘NO’ recommendation for all of Florida’s 11 amendments. Early voting started yesterday in Florida. But don’t hold your breath waiting to see them reverse themselves on those too.