Obama, Putting The Cart Before The Horse

My president said Obamacare would be affordable. He put it in its name, The Affordable Care Act. He said my premiums would go down because young people would be chomping at the bit to buy an insurance policy they didn’t know they wanted or needed.

cart-before-the-horseSo if young and healthy people wanted a health insurance policy that bad, why is HHS running ads and hiring sports icons to try to “sell” it? To have to “sell” Americans on this redistribution scheme should tell you that this program wasn’t wanted in the first place. It is true that Democrats wanted government-run health care since John Dingell first tried it in 1943. And it has been rejected by the American people for the last seventy years.

So when one considers the lengths to which Democrats went, under President Obama’s leadership, to get the ACA passed; the bribes, kickbacks, and “deeming” it passed, it’s no wonder that it is turning out the way it is.

Turns out, only 25% of those “sold” are from that targeted demographic. And 80% of all those sold also are getting a subsidy (because they can’t afford it either), paid for by me and you. Nothing of what was promised, and nothing of what was planned, is happening. Should we just pick a good seat on the Titanic or change ships before it’s too late and we have a full-fledged single payer socialized medicine scenario like what other countries, and their citizens, are suffering under?

This is what happens when you try to put the cart in front of the horse. In this case the cart is the President, leading the horse, which is the U.S. Constitution and 300,000,000 Americans.

Hillary Clinton Audio That Ends Her 2016 Aspirations

Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Hits!

Hillary-Clinton-benghazi_hearingYou have to hear then Senator Clinton in 2001 and in 2002, pressing for answers surrounding the first 9/11 attack. The one in 2001. Wanting to find out who was responsible for the deaths of Americans. And suggesting that, given all the warnings, the Bush administration could have done more and should have done more to prevent the attack.

Continue reading Hillary Clinton Audio That Ends Her 2016 Aspirations

Can Hillary Survive Benghazi? Not With This Audio

071512bridge_dngnkUPDATE: New audio of Hillary Clinton below.

According to news reporting for the last week, the big and only question is about Gov. Chris Christie. Can he survive Bridge Gate. The main reason for their concern is that Christie is the only Republican that, according to polls, beats Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical presidential race.

Yesterday and today, the House and Senate Intelligence Committees declassified some of their findings on the massacre at Benghazi and revealed what everyone knew but President Obama, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice lied about. For weeks. Only now it’s not a right-wing talking point to call them liars. Now, it’s a confirmed fact.

  • The attack was a planned, coordinated terrorist attack.
  • The attack was carried out by alQaeda-afilliated terrorists.
  • It had nothing to do with a video on YouTube.
  • It could have been prevented.
  • Nothing was done to help.
  • Sec. of Defense Panetta, Gen. Carter Ham, and Gen. Dempsey knew from the start what happened, as did President Obama, and did nothing to correct the administration’s spin.

The last bullet point exposes something that isn’t getting any media attention. That this administration has cultivated a climate of loyalty that trumps the truth. Where leaders under the president, Bob Gates included, will allow things of this nature to go on unchallenged. From committing troops in harms way for political instead of national security reasons, and flat-out lying to the American people, shows an unhealthy climate in the administration. Unhealthy for our form of government that depends on our leaders being trusted to tell us the truth. If the American people can’t trust their own government, why should our allies?

In a most amazing audio of then Senator Clinton in 2001 and 2002, in the investigation into the first 9/11 attack, the one in 2001, former Secretary of State Clinton seems to have changed her tune for the second 9/11 attack. Under President Bush, it made a difference. Under President Obama and her as Secretary of State? Not so much. Give a listen.

H/T to Roger Hedgecock for airing this audio on his radio show today.

Because they were an accomplice, the media is maintaining their blackout as the New York Times covers for Mrs. Clinton. They could do something to save themselves from total irrelevancy if they would ask the obvious question. Can Hillary survive Benghazi? All they have to do is their job, and play this audio, and send Hillary to the home for presidential candidate also-rans. Even they can’t change Hillary’s testimony from twelve, thirteen years ago.

Open Letter To President Obama

President Barack Obama holds a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Jan. 14, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
President Barack Obama holds a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Jan. 14, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Below is a rant-turned-letter that was prompted by a Facebook post from Barack Obama’s OFA that started like this:

We have an opportunity to fix America’s broken immigration system, grow our economy, and give undocumented youth and their families the chance to earn their citizenship.


Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States

Here’s a clue Barack ol buddy. You’ve had the opportunity to do something to grow our economy via private sector jobs, not by growing government with handouts and dependency programs, for 5 years now. And there’s nothing wrong with the immigration laws we already have. What’s wrong is you won’t enforce them.

You continue to amaze me with your criticism of all that is wrong in our country. Everything you are responsible for; high unemployment (U-6 at 13%), lowest worker participation rate since the Carter era, falling family incomes, and all the above hurting Blacks more than any other demographic, as if you are a bystander. The conditions you criticize are valid. But you are the one responsible for all of it. You and your policies are the problem.

Have you ever been accused of being one of those “enemies from within?” As in “foreign and domestic?” You sir, are one of the domestic ones. You make that real clear by the way you make your own laws, and break your own laws, and rule, like a dictator, to get around Congress. As if there is only one branch of government now. And, you use the power of government, the DOJ, IRS, and Treasury, to target your political enemies.

And especially your hissy fit today at your Cabinet meeting when you threatened to rule by executive order. Fidelity to the Constitution doesn’t mean to circumvent it. You, of all people, should know. I’m told you were a Constitutional Professor, as if that’s supposed to mean something. That doesn’t give you the authority to ignore it. You hate our Constitution and refuse to protect and defend it. Your oath didn’t mean to make sure the Smithsonian Institute doesn’t burn down (where the Constitution is archived). That’s not the kind of protecting and defending your oath means. I’m sure you would feel more at home in Venezuela, Cuba, or Egypt, running the streets with the Muslim Brotherhood. Sucks to be you for being responsible for a country you despise.

So I ask you Mr. President, former Constitutional professor, what’s next when a domestic enemy is identified?

Looking forward to hearing from you (not the Secret Service, IRS, DOJ, or Treasury) soon.

Putting America and Americans first,

Ross Calloway

Pensacola FL

{for quality assurance, this post may be recorded by the NSA}

Affordable Care Act And Racketeering

With the plethora of mis-information that these graphics demonstrate, perpetrated by President Obama and coordinated with many more in his administration for the purpose of getting the American people to accept a government-controlled health care system, it seems that a RICO case against the administration would be an easy case to make. After all, criminalizing politics as racketeering is a craft invented and perfected by the political Left. How about they get a taste of their own medicine? (no pun intended)

Meanwhile, please feel free to download and distribute these graphics as you see fit.

Link: Share One of These to Let the President Know You Haven’t Forgotten-Heritage Foundation

Left’s Feign Outrage At Gates

Where the war on terror is concerned, whether in Iraq or Afghanistan, while still a Senator, Barack Obama made his political intentions known. He felt his mission was to end the war. Not to win it.  As a matter of fact, in the heat of the 2008 presidential campaign, the Iraqi people backed McCain for the very same reason.

For the Obama administration and the Left to show outrage over what Gates had said, and even that he said it at all, shows you how they don’t like being shown for what they are. Sucks to be them. The best they can do is make lemonade from the lemons by saying how good it is that Obama questioned the generals. Sure, let’s pick a community organizer to fight the war on terror instead of the generals doing the fighting.

Gates saw it differently . . .

“It’s one thing to tell the troops that you support them. It’s another to work at making them believe that you believe as president that their sacrifice is worth it, that the cause is just, that what they are doing was important for the country, and that they must succeed,” Gates told CBS.

“President Bush did that with the troops when I was secretary. I did not see President Obama do that. As I write in the book, it was this absence of passion, this absence of a conviction of the importance of success, that disturbed me.”

I have a problem with Gates’ actions for a different reason. He should have come out and said what he said in his book was happening, AT THE TIME it was happening. And if that meant resigning, then he should have done that, in a most public way. Beginning with, “Today I have submitted my resignation as Secretary of Defense to President Obama, for the following reasons . . . ” And let the chips fall where they may. I say this because I believe his fidelity to the constitution and the Americans under his command, comes before his loyalty to his boss. You’re mileage may vary.

President Obama, Managing America’s Decline

In a matter of two months, Josef Joffe’s book ‘The Myth of America’s Decline’ has a become its own myth as China surpasses the US as the world’s china-exportslargest trading nation.

China became the world’s largest trading nation in 2013, overtaking the US in what Beijing described as “a landmark milestone” for the country. China’s annual trade in goods passed the $4tn (£2.4tn) mark for the first time last year according to official data, after exports from the world’s second largest economy rose 7.9% to $2.21tn and imports rose 7.3% to $1.95tn.

As a result total trade rose 7.6% over the year to $4.16tn. The US is yet to publish its 2013 trade figures, but with trade totalling $3.5tn in the first 11 months of the year, it is unlikely to beat China.

The shift in the trading pecking order reflected China’s rising global dominance, despite a slowdown in economic growth last year.

There are 92 million Americans without a job who don’t need to be convinced that Obama’s economy is a disaster. And 15 million Americans who have lost their health insurance policies don’t need to be told that the nation’s health security is a disaster. Worse than it was before Obamacare. And our allies around the world already know that we are an unreliable ally, too eager to subjugate our own interests, and theirs, for some naive world view that if we will be nice to our enemies that they will be nice in return. Iran and al-Qaida just love President Obama. And they and the rest of the world just laughs at him.

Mr. Joffe’s book has all the ingredients of being right, except for the assumption that America has a President and congress intent on keeping  America strong. Starting with his apology tour, our president acts like he is embarrassed by our number one ranking in military and economic strength, and sees projecting that strength for the benefit of ourselves and our allies as being an obnoxious bully. He has set out to “right those wrongs” and is succeeding, to our detriment and that of future generations of Americans.

Link: China surpasses US as world’s largest trading nation

What’s Next? The Department Of Promise?

While the country is pondering how just about everything that President Obama has told us he was going to do, like, “I will not rest until everyone that wants a job can get a job” and the promises about how wonderful the ACA (Obamacare) will be if we would pass it into law, has not come to fruition. The latest distraction from the lousy economy, no jobs, and a failing Obamacare, is Promise Zones. Like anyone can trust the man who can’t do the right thing to create jobs for everyone can now somehow do something that will turn around local economies on a micro level.

So it occurred to me, what we have in The White House is a Commander In Promise. But that sounds a little, um, insensitive. But, where this guy is concerned, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he were to come up with a new cabinet department. What better excuse to grow government even further than to have a Department of Promise. Who the Promise Secretary would be is anyone’s guess.

Media Watchdog? Not So Much

Here’s a little ditty about how the media covers things that they think will benefit their president and his party, and how they don’t cover things that won’t.

Mainstream media stories and coverage on two news issues. You decide if there’s a bias or not.

Chris Christie/GW Bridge scandal: Since Wednesday night, NBC included six reports over 14 minutes and 14 seconds. CBS devoted five reports over 12 minutes and 27 seconds. ABC managed 4 stories over seven minutes and 47 seconds.

As a comparison over the last six months, NBC featured a scant five seconds on updating the IRS story. CBS responded with a minute and 41 seconds. ABC produced a meager 22 seconds.

Link: There’s Already 17 Times More Coverage on Christie Scandal Than in Last Six Months of IRS

Unemployment Rate Drops To 6.7% AND Increases To 13%

The Lunch Counter has documented over and over how the unemployment numbers are phony, in that they don’t mean that more people are working as that percentage goes down. The Left and its compliant media don’t know, or won’t tell you, that the reason the percent of unemployment is dropping is not because more people are working but because more people gave up looking for work (in Obama’s depressed economy) than found jobs. The labor force participation fell 347,000 from Nov 2013 to Dec 2013. When the unemployment rate declines, we want to see both employment and participation increase as discouraged workers return to the labor force. Today, we got the former, but not the latter.

The civilian labor force participation rate declined by 0.2 percentage point to 62.8 percent in December, offsetting a change of the same magnitude in November. In December, the employment- population ratio was unchanged at 58.6 percent. The labor force participation rate declined by 0.8 percentage point over the year, while the employment-population ratio was unchanged. (See table A-1.)

It will be interesting to see how the Administration spins the drop in unemployment rate and the jobless recovery. What do I mean by “jobless recovery” when 74,000 jobs were created in December 2013? When you consider that about 250,000 jobs need to be created each month just to break even with population growth and retirement turnover, we’re going in the wrong direction, and have been for years.

Next time you hear someone tout the good unemployment numbers, ask them how the unemployment percent goes down when fewer people are working than at any time since the Jimmy Carter era. In terms of jobs and employment, President Obama is Jimmy Carter’s second term.

The BLS keeps track of total, as in real, unemployment which they call the U-6. This number includes people they quit counting that causes the published unemployment “rate” to go down. That’s the figure The White House shamelessly champions to say how the recovery is real yet “not as good as we’d like.” The U-6 unemployment percentage is 13%. (see table A-15)

Link: Bureau Of Labor Statistics Employment Situation for December 2013.

Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.