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2007 Mummers Parade Results

From the Philadelphia Inquirer comes the results of this year’s Mummers Parade.

Related link: Mummers 2009 on TV

String Bands Division

Club Totals


1. Fralinger… 94.500

2. Quaker City… 93.875

3. South Philadelphia… 88.750

(tie) Ferko… 88.750

5. Avalon… 86.500

6. Uptown… 85.750

7. Woodland… 84.875

8. Hegeman… 81.500

9. Greater Kensington… 77.625

10. Polish American… 74.625 Continue reading 2007 Mummers Parade Results

Radical Islamists On The Run In Somalia

Three reservations at Club Gitmo pending, the three are Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan and Abu Taha al-Sudani, thought to be in Somalia.

Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi said three al-Qaeda suspects wanted in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in east Africa that killed more than 250 people were hiding in Kismayo. The three are Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan and Abu Taha al-Sudani.

Islamic leaders had vowed to make a stand against Ethiopia, which has one of the largest armies in Africa, or to begin an Iraq-style guerrilla war.

Saddam’s Last Video

Now that an apparently unofficial cell phone video of Saddam Hussein’s last two minutes of life is on YouTube, it was amusing to hear Wolf Blitzer on his Late Edition show today, wringing his conscience over the release of it. He and the folks at PMSNBC had no problem (after much careful consideration you know) showing our soldiers getting murdered by al Qaeda snipers October 19, 2006.

It is also apparent that their connections with al Qaeda are more intimate than those with Iraq. Thanks to fasterhero for the video.

related link

Corrupt Educators, A Camden Tradition

You may remember in June 2006 that the Camden School District was under investigation for cheating on tests that measure their performance, or rather, the performance of their students. Now, come to find out, corruption in the Camden school district has been going on since the 1980’s.

And again, when the kids are the big losers in the administration’s quest for ? the perfectly educated child, it really exposes the very basic of reasons to support a school voucher system. Administrators like those in Camden, New Jersey have not been interested in educating their kids and it shows in the kids they ‘process.’

Philadelphia Inquirer link

1Vote Majority Isn’t Enough

Regardless of the outcome of the Sen. Tim Johnson episode, congressional politics isn’t going to be pretty.  With the exception of committee chairs, there’s no use expecting anything different even if the majority turns out to be republican.  Because of the RINOs in the bunch, we already know that a 7 seat majority isn’t enough to get anything meaningful passed, so why would anyone think that a 1 seat majority would be any better?

New Democrat Caucus?

Twenty-five years after Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner was killed in the line of duty by ‘former’ Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal, the case is still on appeal.  Various communist groups have maintained Jamal’s innocence, despite his guilty conviction and death sentence.  They recently got active in France too in the killer’s behalf.  Paris made him an honorary citizen, and a slum named St. Denis in April 2006 named a street after him.  So in response to these events, one of those non-binding resolutions was put forth by Pennsylvania politicians to voice their displeasure with the actions taken by French authorities.  The measure passed 368-31, with 8 members voting “present.”  

Pardon me for noticing that it wasn’t a unanimous vote in favor.  What does it say when all 31 who voted against the resolution, and all 8 who voted ‘present’ were democrats?  Have cop killers, communists, socialists, and the French become a new special interest for these democrats?

Neil Abercrombie (Hawaii) Carolyn Kilpatrick (Mich.)  Robert Scott (Va.)
William Clay (Mo.) Barbara Lee (Calif.) Jose Serrano (N.Y.)
Emanuel Cleaver (Mo.) Cynthia McKinney (Ga.) Fortney Hillman Stark Jr. (Calif.)
John Conyers (Mich.) Gregory Meeks (N.Y.) Edolphus Towns (N.Y.)
Jim Cooper (Tenn.) Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.) Tom Udall (N.M.)
Danny Davis (Ill.) James Oberstar (Minn.) Nydia Velazquez (N.Y.)
Raul Grijalva (Ariz.) Major Owens (N.Y.) Maxine Waters (Calif.)
Maurice Hinchey (N.Y.) Ed Pastor (Ariz.) Anthony Weiner (N.Y.)
Mike Honda (Calif.) Donald Payne (N.J.) Lynn Woolsey (Calif.)
Jesse Jackson Jr. (Ill.) Charles Rangel (N.Y.)
Eddie Bernice Johnson (Texas)  Bobby Rush (Ill.)

Looks like a Cop Killers Caucus to me too.  James Taranto makes an astute observation.

The most disturbing name on the “no” list is that of John Conyers. Granted, this is only a symbolic vote, but is it really a good idea to entrust the chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee to a man who casts a symbolic vote for a cop-killer and against his victim?

What Real Women Do

Palestinian women’s’ soccer? These players (Muslims and Christians) are “changing things around.”  How they even have a team is amazing, under otherwise unbearable circumstances.  These women have embraced freedom and are great ambassadors for it.

Opportunities for the entire national team to play together are extremely rare. The handful of team members from Ramallah and the Gaza Strip can’t come to practices in Bethlehem. They train locally, often with fewer resources and even less support than the girls in Bethlehem. The team can meet and play together only at overseas championships.

Christian Science Monitor link

Britney Speared

Thanks to grandma Sharon Stone for ‘opening the way’ so to speak, Britney Spears ‘accidentally’ got a camera shot seen around the world.  In food lingo, it’s sort of, speared.  Could be the latest thing now, a race to the ground.  Not to be outdone, we might expect to see her new best bud Paris Hilton?  Question is, will it be on a bar stool or getting out of a car?