Category Archives: MRIOTD

American Airlines Wins MRIOTD Award

American Airlines is charging extra baggage fees to troops going to Iraq to fight in the war. This forces soldiers heading for a war zone in Iraq to

try to get reimbursement from the military. Presumably in their spare time. I’m sorry. I believe in the capitalist system and business making a profit and all that, but on September 11, 2001, American Airlines flight 11 was hijacked by terrorists and crashed into the North Tower 1 World Trade Center. Fifty-one minutes later, American Airlines flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon by the same group of terrorists.

America suffered the first 3000 casualties in the War On Terror that day, and the war was on. The VFW is trying to get American Airlines to waive the extra baggage fee for our brave men and women going to war.

What is American Airlines’ position?

‘Because the soldiers don’t pay a dime, our waiver of the fees amounts to a discount to the military, not a discount to soldiers,’ said Tim Wagner, spokesman for American Airlines. ‘Soldiers should not have to pay a penny of it.’

And their point is? There comes a time when being an American means more than a logo on the side of an airplane. The fact that American Airlines is showing itself to be ‘American’ in name only, by not waiving this fee, qualifies American Airlines for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

Businesses should make a profit, that’s what business does. But businesses should also be good citizens in their community. Waiving this fee is not too much to expect, especially since these special passengers are risking it all to insure that American Airlines doesn’t lose more planes full of passengers.

link: Soldiers pay bag fee on travel to war

Democrats Closed Tent On Lieberman

Referring to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) as public enemy no. 1, Democrats are once again illustrating how really ‘closed tent’ that party really is. They are upset that Joe Lieberman supports Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) instead of the Democrat’s choice, first-time Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL).

Anyone who knows Joe Lieberman, knows how he feels about the war on terror. Like me, he feels that there is nothing else more important to us as a society right now than to see to it that we don’t have 9/11’s on a weekly basis. They are at war with us, believe it or not. And if you’ve been blown up, what does it matter which company you can tax into oblivion? Then the company gets blown up, like what happened on 9/11. Then what are you going to tax? Continue reading Democrats Closed Tent On Lieberman

'Working Class' Philanthropist In Millville

Here’s a story of a multi-millionaire philanthropist, who never made more than $11 an hour in the 62 years he worked and does not own a TV or have a phone.

He can’t remember the last time he owned a television. The last thing he remembers watching on TV, Navone said, was the NASA moon landing in 1969.

He applied for his first job, at Wheaton Glass, upon becoming eligible to work on his 16th birthday. He said he was amazed at his first hourly wage – 75 cents – and thought it was a mistake. He said nothing and waited the two weeks to his first paycheck, and when he saw that the hourly wage was no mistake, he was elated.

What a great man to do what he did, and continues to do. And what a country to make it possible. Not a better example of how making the right choices, like making bad choices, can change your life.

related link: John Martins

Continue reading 'Working Class' Philanthropist In Millville

Al Gore Wins MRIOTD Award

The inevitable has happened. Al Gore adds his two cents on the cyclone (hurricane) in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. It was caused by global warming. No doubt aided and abetted by his global jet travel. Hawking his latest book ‘The Assault on Reason,’ Gore tells Terry Gross on NPR’s ‘Fresh Air’ show yesterday. . .

“And as we’re talking today, Terry, the death count in Myanmar from the cyclone that hit there yesterday has been rising from 15,000 to way on up there to much higher numbers now being speculated,” Gore said. “And last year a catastrophic storm from last fall hit Bangladesh. The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China – and we’re seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.”

The self-proclaimed inventor of the Internet supports his assertion with facts like ‘might be associated with’ and ’emerging consensus.’ No word from Gore on the emerging consensus surrounding the fact that global ocean temperature has actually dropped in the last 12 months by nearly one degree or its association with a decrease in solar activity.

Today’s Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award goes to Al Gore.

related link:Al Gore Calls Myanmar Cyclone a ‘Consequence’ of Global Warming

afterthought: Wait, I’ve seen this before.  First it was Rita Cosby with her book, ‘Blonde Ambition.’ Now it’s Al Gore with his book, ‘The Assault on Reason.’ Just too funny.

Olbermann, Rush Calls For Riots

What happens when people who don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh criticize him? It can manifest itself in the person of Keith Olbermann who last night accused Rush of trying to start rioting at the Democratic national convention.

If Olbermann listened to Rush enough to get to know him, he wouldn’t have shown us just how shallow he is in this characterization of Rush. The context is that Rush was playing his CinC USOC role, based on what ‘democratics’ would do if the super delegates went contrary to the popular vote. Obama had the popular vote at the time. It is not a stretch to think that the convention would degrade just like it did in 1968. Especially since there is an activist group in Denver called ‘Recreate ’68.’

The Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award goes to Keith Olbermann at pMSNBC.

video link

related link: Maggie’s Notebook

Criminal Safe Haven Endorsed By SCOTUS

The SCOTUS decided to allow a safe haven for Rep. William (Dollar Bill) Jefferson (D-La) to conduct illegal activity by refusing to hear an appeal by the FBI.

Hiding behind the ’speech or debate’ clause of the Constitution creates a safe haven for criminal behavior. Who thinks that was the intention of the founding fathers?

related link: The Godfathers In Congress | Court Declines FBI Jefferson appeal | Best Defense Is A Good Admission?

aSide Order

Are you as shocked as this white guy to learn what goes on in some, I hope very very few, black churches on Sunday? From Barack Obama’s former minister and still ‘spiritual leader’ spewing political and racial hatred, to a church in Harlem that tore Obama to shreds, from the pulpit. Is is painful to hear. I don’t care if you read The Lord’s Prayer on Sunday and spew that political and racial hatred, it doesn’t qualify to be the tax exempt entity it is supposed to be. Question is, how is it that THESE churches still have tax exempt status?  Not to mention how damaging it is to the life and spirit of generations of black children being exposed to this kind of hatred.

Always on top of things Brian Ross of ABC News, finds that Hillary was in the White House on ‘blue dress day.’ But Brian, where’s the cigar?

Stuff White People Like. Hilarious blog. Covers many subjects that might answer some questions about white people. Helpful information for people of all races.

Vermont Towns Vote To Indict Bush, Cheney

Big victory, if not symbolic, for the far left. From the land of Bernie Sanders ‘voters in two Vermont towns approved measures Tuesday calling for the indictment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for what they consider violations of the Constitution.’

More symbolic than anything, the items sought to have police arrest Bush and Cheney if they ever visit Brattleboro or nearby Marlboro or to extradite them for prosecution elsewhere — if they’re not impeached first.

In Brattleboro, the vote was 2,012-1,795. In Marlboro, which held a town meeting on the issue, it was 43-25 with three abstentions.

Oh, and

The question put to voters in Brattleboro referred to “crimes against our Constitution” but did not specify the allegations.

In typical Vermont fashion. What, no adults in politics in Vermont?  Sanders and Leahy don’t count.

related link: ABC news

Iran Gives Green Light To Fire, The Soros Wing Of The Party

That’s one way to look at it. Speaking of the Iranian Navy provocation in the Hormuz Strait last Sunday. According to the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad version, the video of it is a fake. As long as he believes that it is a fake, American propaganda, then he wouldn’t mind the next time it happens and they get blown out of the water. If it isn’t his Navy, it must be ours. And don’t you think Ahmadinejad would like to see that?

Just kick ass. No names left to take. Thanks for your support Mahmoud.

And the motive for such a fake would be what? Well, according to Robert Fantina, an American who moved to Canada after the 2004 election, it could be what the Iranian media suggests, a show designed to be an excuse to invade Iran. What are Robert Fantina’s credentials you ask? They are:Robert Fantina, fled U.S. in 2004

Robert Fantina is a long-time activist for peace and social justice. Originally involved in the Dennis Kucinich presidential campaign in 2004, he eventually worked as a district organizer through on the Kerry campaign in Florida.

To him, history repeats itself. “The similarities to the Gulf of Tonkin incident are alarming,” he says.

As an aside, or, as an added bonus, there is another story in this story. When I write about ‘the George Soros wing’ of the Democrat party, Robert Fantina’s credentials says it better than I have ever said. It’s not those neocons talking trash about the Democrat party. It is more like revealing the people behind the party.

‘Ring Of Fire’ Radio On Air America

Direct from the host of Air America’s ‘Ring of Fire‘ radio program himself, Mike Papantonio claimed that his show, which he co-hosts with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., would be the response to ‘the fat drug addict with a tie,’ his snide reference to his nemesis, Rush Limbaugh. He said this on WEAR-TV, an ABC affiliate in Pensacola, FL back in January 2004.

At that time, I wished him luck. And knowing the message he had to give based solely on that remark, I had my doubts that the show would make it.

The truth of the matter will be in the profit & loss statement of the PK radio show. The studio and all its costs are one thing. One could expect a new business to go a year or two, or even more, before it begins to make a profit. Conservative talk radio is actually supported by advertisers who are supported by listeners. Will PK radio have the same success, or will it have to be fed by the special interests of the left to stay on the air? Whichever way keeps them on the air will determine whether it is a legitimate business or a mouth organ of the left.

Well, one bankruptcy and a couple buy-outs later, I think it is more a mouth organ for the left than genuine talk radio. In his case, it’s more like rabid radio. They recently added a third co-host to their lineup. No amount of quantity will make up for the quality of their message. Rabid radio has no market beyond the lemmings that they attract, and their friends, relatives, and employees.

The show is driven by the agenda they choose, not the news of the day, with pre-recorded interviews of other ‘progressives’ like Molly Ivens, Bill Moyers, and Michael Moore. There are no dissenting opinions offered on whatever the topic is that they discuss. It is a pep rally for the left, not talk radio.

To compete in the talk radio industry, you have to take calls from actual listeners and debate the topics of the day. That’s what Limbaugh, Hannity, and Boortz do. They take calls. The Ring of Fire does neither. They could show you their syllabus for upcoming shows which says what they’ll be talking about.

Hear how they “take” calls, from BIG LAW attorney and Air America radio host Mike Papantonio himself. Call the show 866-389-FIRE (3473) and this is what you’ll get. Pain yourself, like I did, and listen to a show (one show/week for 3 hrs), available on short wave, the internet, and a few AM radio stations, and see how many calls they take. I listened to one, to see if they would comment on either of my two questions. Of course, they did not. As a matter of fact, a quadruple amputee could count on his toes and fingers the number of calls from actual callers they did take, which was zero. The Ring of Fire is really more like a blow torch than talk radio. Not even in the same league as Rush or the other conservative talkers. Their newest incarnation of ‘progressive’ news is goLeftTV, also financed by the Levin Papantonio law firm. From rabid radio to rabid internet, they’ve got it covered. “Investors” welcome, since advertising isn’t paying the bills.

This is the Ring of Fire’s version of TALK RADIO. <click here>

h/t Ron’s Musings

related links: Ring Of Fire | goLeftTV | Papantonio & Kennedy Talk Radio | Papantonio & Kennedy Talk Radio & Air America