In what is being described as the climate conference in Hopenhagen, as opposed to Copenhagen, Bruce Bawer reports from Copenhagen and sheds the light on the real climate in Copenhagen that the mainstream media somehow fails to notice. Or, maybe doesn’t want you to see?
It follows along the line of America is bad, capitalism is bad, and bow to the religion of climate change. It appears to be a political version of Woodstock only in an anti-capitalist environment instead of an anti-war environment.
And if you would like to see the list of emails commenting on FOIA – Freedom of Information Action including concerns about FOIA ways to hide, delete documents from the scrutiny of FOIA – click here.
A senior member of the United Nations climate change movement shut down a journalist at a climate change news conference in Copenhagen for asking about the leaked emails and deleted data. It was enough to make Hugo Chavez (the hemisphere’s idiot) proud.
It didn’t happen in Communist China, Iran, or Venezuela. It happened at a press briefing at the climate change conference in Copenhagen.
Professor Stephen Schneider, who is a senior member of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), had two armed UN security guards to order cameraman Ian Foster to stop recording. The guard then threatened to take away the camera and expel the film crew from the conference.
Was it a gotcha question? Of course it was. But it was also a legitimate question that should be addressed. I mean really. How can you talk about Tiger Woods without also talking about his blond infidelity? How can President Obama talk about his administration without also talking about Bush?
How Professor Schneider handled the question, by removing the member of the media, just follows along the M.O. of the leaked emails. It’s called an inconvenient truth. Somebody ought to make a movie about that.
Well, no. What I was searching for was all I could find in the Pensacola News Journal on a candidate for Governor of the State of Florida, Farid Khavari. Instead, what I got was, ‘Did you mean caviar?’
Dr. Farid Khavari is a candidate for Governor of the State of Florida. Like most serious candidates, they will travel the state and visit the folks, and issue press releases, all in an attempt to get the word out about their platform and to gain some name recognition, and ultimately your vote.
Isn’t it the role of the media to pass along information about such folks? It’s called news. It’s called informing the public, for the public good, and with the public trust, so that the electorate can be as well informed as possible when it comes time to exercise our right to vote.
You will be surprised to know that Khavari has visited the Pensacola area twice in the last month, has issued press releases, and was interviewed by another media outlet after he visited with the Democratic Executive Committee.
That’s why I was disappointed to learn that, aside from my own input in the online comment area of a few relevant newspaper articles, there is no mention about candidate Khavari in the Pensacola News Journal, our predominant and only local daily newspaper, or any other local media.
I happen to support him in his efforts. Yeah, I know, a conservative supporting a democrat. What’s that about? It’s about issues, that’s what.
For a quick primmer about Khavari and his platform for the State of Florida, check these links. You’ll be glad you did.
He sees America as another pleasant country on the U.N. roll call, somewhere between Albania and Zimbabwe
President Pelosi
He’s in love with the man in the mirror
At the risk of being redundant, here’s number 8. He’s an empty suit as a President.
Joined at the hip with his teleprompter, forever reciting the bumper sticker slogans that are measured so as to not offend his wacko Left base, the man has no principles that guide him, beyond trying to fool all of the people all of the time. Well, no principles that he cares to admit to like being anti-military, anti-American exceptionalism, anti free-market capitalism, and pro ‘social justice’ as in ‘from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.’ Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky’s principles are too much ‘Rev. Wright’ for the American people to swallow.
But not to worry. The alternative media will fill the void.
It could cost you in so many ways. The Ft. Hood terrorist is one example. But there’s another example that, for PC, is a well kept secret. Do you think that black gangs targeting whites and Hispanics for a beat-down and robbery is newsworthy? If you live in Denver it certainly should be.
Denver Post . . .
A task force comprised of the Denver Police, FBI and the Denver District Attorney’s Office investigated 26 incidents in which groups of black males verbally harassed and then assaulted white or Hispanic males, according to Denver Police Chief Gerry Whitman.
The situation was so grave even the FBI got involved. Who knew? Certainly not the young white and Latino men who were at risk of being attacked. Though Denver Police issued a warning on Sept. 3 that they were aware of “a pattern of assaults and robberies,” they simply said “single males” should be on the lookout.
Michelle Malkin . . .
. . . if the races were reversed that p.c. panderer AG Eric Holder would be flying to Denver right now (with race demagogue Al Sharpton in tow) to hold a press conference and vow to ensure the safety of the Mile High City’s residents.
This PC crap has got to stop. It is in and of itself a method, call it a tactic, to avoid the inherent responsibility of calling it like you see it, and to effectively deal with issues or problems before they get out of hand, as what happened in Denver.
I call it a tactic, not simply ignorance, because there always is a benefactor. Someone always wins in the PC world. It’s the bad guys. Creating chaos and disruption in our society is a means to an end. And it’s working.
In the most unreported news story of the month, and prepping the field for amnesty of all who are in this country illegally . . .
Arrests of illegal immigrant workers have dropped precipitously under President Obama, according to figures released Wednesday.
Criminal arrests, administrative arrests, indictments and convictions of illegal immigrants at work sites all fell by more than 50 percent from fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2009.
The figures show that Mr. Obama has made good on his pledge to shift enforcement away from going after illegal immigrant workers themselves – but at the expense of Americans’ jobs, said Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the Republican who compiled the numbers from the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE).
In a speech last week to the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank headed by John Podesta and funded by George Soros, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano proclaims that border security is so good now that it’s now time to consider amnesty for the ’12 million’ illegal aliens already in the United States.
Right! It is so good now that there is still 400 miles of border fencing to be built.
”How can they claim that enforcement is ‘done’ when there are more than 400 open miles of border with Mexico, hundreds of thousands of criminal and fugitive aliens and millions of illegal immigrants taking American jobs?” said Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, which oversees immigration and border issues.
And it doesn’t stop there. The administration’s spin is that economic recovery would be enhanced by amnesty. And, that doing so would also enhance national security. What? With a 400 mile long welcome mat and a laundry list of free stuff? Dang, almost forgot about al-Qaeda. They like the welcome mat too!
Hearken back to the Sept 9 Joint Session of Congress where President Obama said, and was called a liar for it, that illegals were not covered in the bill, which at that time was H.R. 3200. That bill did not exclude illegals from participating in the health care plans. So yes, he lied.
Now there is a ‘better’ way. Make them all legal, problem solved. Now he’s no longer a liar. Feel better now?
Harry Reid prepares for a big cloture vote in the Senate, late tomorrow night. Do you know what Reid is doing to prepare for it? He’s offering/bribing Sen. Mary Landrieu ( D-LA) who opposed this health care takeover, $100 300 million FOR HER VOTE. Even though it is substantially the same as the House Bill.
It’s a bit of parliamentarian gobbledygook, but Rush Limbaugh explains it better as to why a vote for cloture, although the vote Saturday night, does not enact the bill, it is a strong indication that the bill will pass.
All right, health care test vote on Saturday night. Let me explain why they’re calling it a test vote. There are two stages to a piece of legislation in the Senate, and both stages require 60 votes. The first vote, which is what’s going to happen tomorrow night, is being called a test vote because if it gets 60 votes, it then is moved to the floor and debate begins. The next vote after that requires 60 votes again to stop the debate. That’s called cloture. And that vote, the cloture vote, tells us whether or not the bill will pass.
You can bet your last dollar that if Bush was in The White House and Republicans were the majority party, that there wouldn’t be anything on TV OTHER THAN how corrupt the administration is, bribing Senators with your tax money. That’s your tax money that was supposed to be used to stimulate the economy, not to buy a vote to take over one sixth of it.
Proving that there is nothing beneath doing if it will advance the Democrat’s agenda. That, and that the media is purposely looking the other way to watch it happen. Is this the hope and change that Americans voted for?
There is a reason that for the last 60 years Americans refused to accept government control over our health care. Americans don’t want it. So what else is there to do but to act like Russia or Venezuela or North Korea and just do whatever you have to in order to get what you want. This isn’t America as we know it, or as we knew it.
Hot topic in Florida politics is Gov Charlie Crist, that well-tanned guy with bright smile. Not so much for his collusion with the RPOF to derail his challenger for the senate seat, but for his attempt to re-write history in his support for Obama’s so-called economic stimulus bill and subsequent loss of support. Editors on the Gulf Coast say Crist should ‘man up,’ quit pretending, and ponder what he needs to do to stop his slide in the polls.
It is demonstrative of what happens when a ‘leader’ is politically driven, instead of driven by core principles, always measuring the effects of a decision on a political bloc instead of just doing what you believe to be right.
President Obama finds himself in the same situation right now over any number of subjects. The most blatant of which is the war effort in Afghanistan. His dithering over not just what to do, but whether to do, will bite him in the butt as well. His core beliefs on that subject are beginning to show and becoming harder to disguise. If he does what is right, he ticks off his anti-war, anti-military, anti-American (as we know it) far-left base. If he caves, he loses those high-valued ‘independent’ voters who elected him.
The ‘real’ Crist is a political chameleon. Obama is the wizard of OZ. The only difference is in their motivation. Crist is denying whatever he has to, to get elected to the Senate. Obama is trying, with the help of the media, to keep people from knowing what he is all about and what his goal of remaking America is, so he can permanently stifle capitalism and personal freedom. In other words, ‘social justice.’ It’s what Marxists do.
If Obama had the guts to run on what he is doing to the economy and the private sector, Hillary Clinton would most likely be President now. Crist should man up. Obama can’t man up. But the more the folks learn about each of them, the slimmer their chances of election or re-election. And in both cases, if both lose, America wins.
As any comedian or philosopher will tell you, what makes comedy and/or satire funny is there has to be a shred of believability, not to be confused with truth, in it.
So on Friday’s show, Rush commented on an article from Michael Ledeen, a respected writer, that gave an excerpt to what was alleged to be the highly sought after thesis that candidate Obama wrote while at Columbia University. Before his show ended, Rush also held out the possibility that the story may not be true. Doing some due diligence, he said this . . .
A researcher has been scouring the Internet and can’t find any sources for the quote. “The blog that Ledeen cites doesn’t have supporting info,” supposedly. The source post that was from August, says it’s going to be in an upcoming report from Joe Klein, but the researcher can’t find anything that has come out since, and nothing in Klein’s blog. There have been no matches found on the Internet for any of the info or quotes other than the source posting. So I now say that the blog from which this came has no sourcing data other than Joe Klein upcoming report and Joe Klein hasn’t written his upcoming report. So we have to hold out the possibility that this is not accurate.
Ledeen’s source was from a post in the Jumping in Pools blog. That, attributed the ‘quote’ to research by Joe Klien, another respected writer. Problem is, it was all made up. You have to look very carefully at a tag at the end of the post that among others is ‘satire.’
Here’s the made-up quote:
‘[T]he Constitution allows for many things, but what it does not allow is the most revealing. The so-called Founders did not allow for economic freedom. While political freedom is supposedly a cornerstone of the document, the distribution of wealth is not even mentioned.
“‘While many believed that the new Constitution gave them liberty, it instead fitted them with the shackles of hypocrisy.'”
Pretty hot comment, if it were true. Until the real thesis is exposed we’ll never know. Much like the way Dan Rather claimed that his report on Bush’s National Guard service was true even though the paper itself was fabricated.
Why would that quote be believable you ask? Mostly from what we know Obama himself has said, as well as the way he is governing, and from the way his policies affect the country. His penchant for ‘economic and social justice,’ redistribution of wealth (Joe the plumber), and Chicago style politics, attacking anyone or any industry that opposes him and his policy.
This video is relevant to Obama’s driving philosophy.
Lesson here is, like anything else you read or hear from any source, whether from the internet sewer or the pristine printed and broadcast media is this.
Don’t believe anything you read on this web page unless it is consistent with what you already know to be true, or unless you have taken the time to research the matter to prove its accuracy to your satisfaction. This is known as “doing your homework.”
Last Monday, Oct 19, the National Press Club was punked by a group posing as the National Chamber of Commerce. A group later discovered to be the ‘Yes Men,’ were there to explain why the Chamber changed its position on Obama’s global warming legislation called ‘cap and trade,’ saying that the Chamber now supports it. A man calling himself Hingo Sembra represented himself as a spokesperson for the Chamber of Commerce. And the media just ate it up.
The ‘real’ news organizations Reuters, CNN, the Washington Post, and New York Times fell for it, putting out their ‘news’ in much the same way Sam Donaldson did with Bush’s National Guard hoax.
This, after US Chamber of Commerce Director of Communications Eric Wohlschlegel interrupted the fake press conference and said this . . .
I’m with the US Chamber of Commerce. This is not an official US Chamber of Commerce event, so I don’t know under what pretenses you’re here. I know some of you in the press world, but this is a fraudulent press activity and a stunt.
If anyone has any questions, you want to talk to the real Chamber of Commerce, they can direct — direct your questions to me.
But it gets better. The hoaxer was given legitimacy on CNN (the most respected name in news) by ‘reporter’ Rick Sanchez. Sanchez was giving the fraud kudos for his acting. Giving this fraud yet another platform to push his, and the President’s agenda, meets all the criteria for CNN receiving the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.
Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.