Category Archives: Judiciary

Supreme Court Hands Another Win To The Enemy

There is not a better example of Judicial abuse then what the five liberal justices on the Supreme Court did today. They ignored precedent.

With this court, precedents are fine as long as it meets their liberal agenda, which includes the notion that the U.S. Constitution is a rough draft of the way things should be. And decisions like the one today serve to refine or update it.

The Justices have just made American citizens unsafe in a time that we are at war.

Never in the history of American jurisprudence have we given full Constitutional rights to terrorists captured anywhere in the world who commit atrocities on civilians.

They overstepped their bounds in the separation of powers. The executive branch is responsible for conducting all aspects of war, not the judiciary. They cast a pall over our entire military and the brave men and women wearing the uniform and fighting to protect us and kill the enemy. They insulted the surviving families of those who gave their life for the very same constitution that this court is abusing. And they may as well have spat on the graves of those who gave the full measure with this decision.

It is our soldiers, our citizens, that deserve the protection of our Constitution, NOT the terrorists that want to kill us.

The media and their buds on the left report this decision as a loss for Bush. It reveals to all just who they are at war with, and it isn’t al Qaeda. This isn’t a loss for Bush. This is a loss for America.

Hear it all put into context by Mark Levin in this 10 minute audio clip. H/T NewsBusters.

related links: Mark Levin | Debra Burlingame | JOHNSON V. EISENTRAGER, 339 U. S. 763 (1950)

Judge Rejects Fraud Claims Against State Farm In Katrina Lawsuit

As a follow-up to mass tort attorney Dickey Scruggs’s bribery charges in his class action lawsuit for Hurricane Katrina victims, adding insult to injury, he also loses his case against State Farm for fraud. But wait, there’s more! Any attorney that worked with Scrugg’s in this lawsuit can not represent any policyholder against State Farm in any Katrina related claim.

The case was a key lawsuit filed by embattled tort attorney Richard “Dickie” Scruggs, who sued on behalf of dozens of storm victims claiming that State Farm routinely denied claims based on bad faith and fraud. Scruggs has since pleaded guilty to federal bribery charges in an unrelated case and no longer represents storm victims.

Senter ruled earlier this month that attorneys once affiliated with Scruggs on the case could no longer represent any policyholders in lawsuits against State Farm over Katrina damages. The judge said the attorneys knew Scruggs paid two sisters who once worked for Renfroe $150,000 a year and planned to use them as so-called “whistleblowers” after they secretly copied thousands of storm damage reports. Senter said “these payments were clearly improper.”

Do you think it’s part of a conspiracy like this guy?

related link: Lawyers Being Rounded Up, In US? | Lawyers Bribing Judges?

Criminal Safe Haven Endorsed By SCOTUS

The SCOTUS decided to allow a safe haven for Rep. William (Dollar Bill) Jefferson (D-La) to conduct illegal activity by refusing to hear an appeal by the FBI.

Hiding behind the ’speech or debate’ clause of the Constitution creates a safe haven for criminal behavior. Who thinks that was the intention of the founding fathers?

related link: The Godfathers In Congress | Court Declines FBI Jefferson appeal | Best Defense Is A Good Admission?

Lawyers Bribing Judges?

Last week, mass tort lawyer Richard (Dickie) F. Scruggs, who squeezed hundreds of billions of dollars from tobacco companies, pleaded guilty to trying to bribe a state court judge in Mississippi. This, concerning a mass tort scam on insurance companies over Hurricane Katrina victims and his fees. His son, David Zachary Scruggs, reached a plea agreement today with federal prosecutors who had charged him with a role in a conspiracy to bribe a state court judge.

Is this part of a ‘design to dismantle the plaintiffs bar’ as has been suggested, or simply a matter of law enforcement? Kudo’s to the judge who did not take the bribe.

Recent John McCain History

Have you noticed how the media seems to have selected a Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain? It is also apparent that you should not know the John McCain of last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. If the media thought that it was important, they would have told you by now. This man is no conservative. And if he is the media’s choice, then that should be a clue that he is not where the republican party needs to be going.

Aside from the several McCain positions that Ann Coulter illuminates below, I can add two more things he did, and does, to her list of why I don’t want the Senator to be President. It has nothing to do with his position on the war on terror and defense, except for his position on waterboarding, Club Gitmo, and constitutional protections for the Club Gitmo enemy combatants.

One is his little coup in the Senate known as the gang of fourteen. Designed to intervene in judicial appointments, and prevent the ‘nuclear option’ concerning them. Effectively obstructing the Executive branch in judicial appointments and nominations. Politically speaking, McCain is left of Arlen Specter for crying out loud. And the other thing that turns me off about McCain is that he hardly knows the Reagan he speaks of if he is willing to subjugate conservative principles to the furtherance of liberal principles in order to ‘enlarge’ the party just to get votes. Otherwise known as the end of the republican party as we know it. And you know the media is down with that.

Ann Coulter writes . . .

John McCain is Bob Dole minus the charm, conservatism and youth. Like McCain, pollsters assured us that Dole was the most “electable” Republican. Unlike McCain, Dole didn’t lie all the time while claiming to engage in Straight Talk.

Of course, I might lie constantly too, if I were seeking the Republican presidential nomination after enthusiastically promoting amnesty for illegal aliens, Social Security credit for illegal aliens, criminal trials for terrorists, stem-cell research on human embryos, crackpot global warming legislation and free speech-crushing campaign-finance laws.

I might lie too, if I had opposed the Bush tax cuts, a marriage amendment to the Constitution, waterboarding terrorists and drilling in Alaska.

I’m beginning to see why he is the media’s choice. It’s not by accident that Sen. John McCain is the democrat’s favorite republican.

link: Ann Coulter

Legal Process Begins At Guantanamo Bay

The wheels of justice start turning at Club Gitmo, otherwise known as Guantanamo Bay, for the first  detainee.

The Office of Military Commissions announced today that charges have been sworn against Guantanamo detainee Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Haza al Darbi of Saudi Arabia. The accused, al Darbi, is the brother-in-law of the Flight 77 hijacker al Mihdhar. Flight 77 is the plane that hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

The sworn charges are: Conspiring with others , to attack civilians, to murder in violation of the law of war, to destroy property in violation of the law of war, to hazard a vessel and to commit terrorism, and Providing Material Support to Terrorism. Mr. al Darbi was allegedly involved in planning attacks on a vessels in the Strait of Hormuz and off the coast of Yemen.

I’m sure he’s a really nice guy who was abused as a child by his father.  Ah, but I could be wrong.  At any rate, the enemy combatants down there are about to have their day in court in the form of a military commission.  The last time this was done was in World War II.

related link: Guantanamo detainee charged  |  Please, Don’t Pet The Terrorist

The Godfathers In Congress

I don’t know how else to characterize it when politicians believe, and so far get away with, that because they are elected representatives of the people that they are immune from criminal investigations. It’s enough to make Tony Soprano jealous.

The Justice Department has asked the Supreme Court to overturn an appeals court decision limiting law enforcement searches of congressional offices, arguing that the sweep of the ruling last summer may kill ongoing public corruption investigations.

Acting Solicitor General Gregory G. Garre, in a petition filed this week, urged the high court to weigh in on how far the “speech or debate” clause of the Constitution goes in insulating members of Congress from legal action. In the meantime, he said, “investigations of corruption in the nation’s capital and elsewhere will be seriously and perhaps fatally stymied.”

Hiding behind the ‘speech or debate’ clause of the Constitution creates a safe haven for criminal behavior. Who thinks that was the intention of the founding fathers?

related links:
U.S. Asks High Court to Nix ‘Speech-or-Debate’ Ruling | Best defense is a good admission? | Jefferson plays the race card | Congressman Indicted In Washington | Nation’s Capitol Is No Safe Haven For Corrupt Politicians

Compean & Ramos, Not On President’s Pardon List

The CFIF has been on the case to free border control agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos from the start, even before the U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton lied to the jury about the dangerous drug smuggler with a long-established criminal record.

And although Sutton’s office portrayed their “star witness” to the jury as a man beyond reproach… a victim of the system who only smuggled drugs into the United States just once to pay his poor sick mother’s medical bills… it was well known that this drug smuggler was a dangerous career criminal!

Thanks to the e-mails and other efforts from concerned citizens like yourself, demanding that Compean and Ramos be set free, it looked like it was actually going to happen. People in Congress got involved towards that end.

So where is it now? First of all, they are not on the President’s pardon list for this year. Second of all, granting them a pardon is meeting fierce objections from, of all people, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

Last week, Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Democrat Congressmen William Delahunt and Silvestre Reyes introduced the resolution, the importance of which Rohrabacher described to media by saying:

“The significance of the resolution is that it is truly a bipartisan effort. Up until this point, this has basically been a conservative Republican cause.”

But it only took a few days for the wind to change direction and now Rohrabacher is pointing fingers at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus:

“The [Democratic] leadership has gone along with the Hispanic Caucus… Instead of being proud [of] Mexican-Americans who are defending our border, the Hispanic Caucus is portraying them as simple, brutal cops who are committing police brutality.”

Since when is it “police brutality” for a law enforcement officer to fire his weapon when he reasonably believes a suspect is about to fire upon him?

Maybe the Congressional Hispanic Caucus should change its name to the Congressional Vicente Fox-Felipe Calderon Caucus :

Judging from their behavior, that would be about right. It also is apparent that your help is again needed. The effort to free these two scapegoats of political correctness and perversion of justice needs to start again. This is a call to action to petition your federal representatives including and up to the ‘compassionate conservative’ in the White House to pardon these agents, give them their deserved freedom, jobs, and family back.

related link: taking action | illegal alien arrested again | NOT on pardon list

Please, Don’t Pet The Terrorist

Meet Army Col. Wendy A. Kelly, director of operations of the Office of Military CommissionsCol. Wendy Kelly, and a Philadelphia lawyer who is in charge of setting up America’s forthcoming terrorism trials in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Don’t pet the terrorist. In other words: Treat detainees humanely but don’t be so eager to make up for past abuses that you put yourself or your country at risk.

Perhaps Col. Kelly’s biggest challenge will be to figure out how trying 80 detainees will not be turned into the greatest show on earth by the mainstream media. Albeit not her only challenge.

She has spent 26 years as a government lawyer – half in the military, half as a civilian federal prosecutor in Philadelphia. Her DNA is half soldier, half lawyer.

From challenges about ‘torture’ that is not torture, to who trashed the videotapes, to these human debris are protected by the Geneva Convention, to these human debris have U.S. Constitutional protection, and the list goes on and on from the anti-Bush, anti-war, anti-American pro-terrorist groups in this country. And that’s just for starters.

Back in Washington, in an unmarked, secure corner office near the Pentagon, Kelly helps draft terrorism-trial rules and reviews proposed formal charges against detainees, including top-secret evidence.

If the first terrorism trial does begin early next year – roughly six years after detainees began arriving from Afghanistan – it will mark the first full-fledged U.S. “military commission” since World War II.

Will the military commissions, as Kelly predicts, show that the United States can convene fair trials for accused terrorists? “I think people will be surprised,” she says.

“I’m sure most Americans think, ‘To hell with them. Why should we give them a fair trial? They’re terrorists.’ It’s true that we don’t have to provide a trial for any of these people. We have the legal right to keep them until the conflict is over, which may be five years or may be 100 years.

That would be my choice for them.

But if you’re going to provide trials – for the sake of the United States and the JAG [military legal] corps, because we are the ones who are going to be judged – they have to be fair.”

I think we’ve reached the point of no return on the issue of whether or not there will be trials, thanks to bleeding hearts in Washington who bow to the U.N. And that’s a shame, but from what it looks like, Col. Kelly will do the job that needs to be done in a fair way.

More than half of the 800 detainees brought to Club Gitmo have been ordered released. Ironically, they have it better in Cuba now than if they were returned to their country of origin, which is why they’re still in Cuba. Sounds good to me, send them back to face the music. Make them wish they were in the custody of the United States.

“No one writes about what the detainees do,” Kelly says. “There’s just the conclusion by the media that detainees are constantly mistreated and the guard force are a bunch of sadistic monsters – that particularly bothers me.”

According to military reports and interviews with guards, the detainees scream, they attack, they carve shanks, they spit, they hurl cocktails of semen and feces. “It takes a lot of patience,” a guard said.

And for the absurdly ridiculous of rules, created by backlash from the fake Koran down the toilet episode, Kelly says . . .

“The guards are not allowed to search detainees’ ‘sacred places’ ” – between their waist and knees – “because it might offend their religious sensibilities.”

She shakes her head. “I’m sorry. Their sacred places? Can you believe that?”

No, I can’t believe that. That area is sacred? Does the Koran cover proper use and handling of genitalia and body orifices? Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day! That must be the Penthouse version of the Koran in use down there. Apparently the Koran is also OK with “hurling cocktails of semen and feces” too! Will have to consult the local Imam about that.

Philadelphia Inquirer link: Mission:Fairness

When Justice Is Political

In front of the Supreme Court is a case to determine whether enemy combatants who prefer to kill all nine justices and the other 300 million of us should have the right that all U.S. citizens have, access to habeas corpus rights. This matter was decided once already in 1950 in Johnson v. Eisentrager (1950).

Ignoring precedent, there are still politicians, most of them trying to be president on the Democrat(ic) ticket, that are trying to extend our legal protections to our enemy. While at the same time trying to undercut our troops that are currently fighting for us in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Our courts have no place being involved in telling the Commander in Chief or Congress how to conduct an ongoing war, or any war for that matter.

For the first time in American history, an entire panoply of the federal government’s overseas actions directed at foreigners, including surveillance and even use of deadly force, would become subject to constitutional strictures. This would transform the U.S. into a Gulliver, bound by its own judicial strings, on the international stage.

related link: Gitmo Goes To Court