Immigration officials say local authorities across the U.S. released thousands of immigrants from jails this year despite efforts to take them into federal custody, including more than 3,000 with previous felony charges or convictions.
This is the Cloward-Piven strategy to a T. Overwhelm the system. What seems like incompetence of ICE, really isn’t. It’s the plan. This is but one of Obama’s Catch & Release immigration programs.
It is no longer even arguable that this administration is hell-bent on not securing our border while telling us that it’s never been more secure. One day after posting this On Immigration, Show Me The Metrics, there were four terrorists caught on the Texas border, two each from two different locations. That was on Septermber 10th. One day before the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack.
It was that attack that begat the Department of Homeland Security cabinet position. The purpose of that multi-billion dollar bureaucracy was to streamline communication on threats or potential threats, and to protect the country. So one would think that the capture of four terrorists would elevate to the level and interest of DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson to jump on the details and tell his boss, the president. No way.
His response at a House Homeland Security meeting yesterday was . . .
Chaffetz: “Since you took office, Secretary Johnson, on December 23, are you aware of any apprehensions of suspected or known terrorists who were trying to come to our country illegally?”
Johnson: “Umm. That’s an important question. Uh, attempting to come to this country?”
Chaffetz: “Who came across our border illegally. Did you ever apprehend anybody who was a known terrorist, a suspected terrorist, somebody who had ties to a terrorist organization?”
Johnson: “Sitting here right now, um, no specific case comes to mind; that doesn’t mean there is none. Um, uh, perhaps, perhaps Director Comey can think of one. Siting here right now none comes to mind but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Nor does that mean there’s no investigation of one either.”
Chaffetz: “I have reason to believe that on September 10th there were actually four individuals trying to cross through the Texas border, who were apprehended at two different stations that do have ties to known terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Are you aware of that?
Johnson: “Uh, I’ve heard reports to that effect. Uh, I don’t know the accuracy of the reports, or uh, how much creedence to give them. But I’ve heard reports to that effect.
As if that incompetence isn’t enough, an internal (as in we’re not supposed to know the truth) DHS report shows these disturbing metrics.
During the 351 days of fiscal year 2014, there were 466,000 apprehensions of illegals, also 157,012 illegals that “got away,” and 142,630 individuals that were reported “turn backs”. The compilation of apprehensions represented people from 143 different countries. Additionally, the sensors that are placed in locations primarily in the southwest, recorded a jump of over 1,000,000 hits from fiscal year 2013 until now.
Think that’s bad? It’s worse. Much worse.
According to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report mentioned by Congressman Chaffetz, there is only a 6% operational control of our border. Which means, the numbers quoted above are likely only a very small representation of the real traffic of illegals from all across the world, including the Middle East, which are easily gaining access to our country.
Chaffetz: “Previously the GAO had indicated that there was only a 6% operational control of the border. What percentage, what is the operational control of the border at this time?”
Johnson: “Um, I don’t have that number off-hand. I do agree with you that the challenge of those coming from countries other than Mexico, particularly into the Rio Grand Valley sector is one I’m very concerned about. It’s something I’ve been concerned about since taking office in January. I’ve seen it myself at our detention center in Brownsville when I visited there in January. There were something like 80 nationalities of illegal migrants present there.
Not only is the administration not taking their job seriously, in the last 13 years, they’ve made no attempt to secure the border.
The explanation is horribly simple. The protection and security of the country is secondary to the protection and security of the Democratic party.
Waiting with baited breath to hear from the CDC, the answer to these two questions. Is this strain of the subject virus found in any of the Central American countries? If you don’t know, then is there an effort being made to do the testing down there to find out if that strain exists down there?
Since we’re dealing with the Obama administration, I’m really not expecting a truthful response, if I even get a response. Regardless, there ought to be some biologists, or whatever they are called, that can go to Guatamala, Equador, Mexico, and the rest of the countries that are illegally flooding our borders, and do the science to see if this strain exists there.
The Connecticut Department of Public Health reported that there have been 97 confirmed cases of EV- D68 across the U.S. since mid-August, FOX CT reported.
“We’re starting to see a few just in the last day or so, where I’m really suspicious that’s what’s happening,” Dr. Nicholas Bennett of the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, told FOX CT. “I guess the concern about the virus is how quickly and how severely the kids have been affected with their breathing.”
The NYS Department of Health also revealed in the statement that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC has been closely working with health departments in several states “to investigate suspected clusters of respiratory illness.”
One thing is certain. There seems to be zero reporting about any connection of this “new” disease with the new illegals that Barack (the Coyote) Obama is shipping all over this country.
UPDATE 9/19/2014: I did receive a reply from the CDC today.
What it says to me is that an inquiry to the Pan American Health Organization is in order. The international program set up to find and report infectious diseases is voluntary. And according to the CDC, no country in Central America has the technology to test for EV- D68. Only labs in the United States do. Which would explain why there are no reported cases in Central America. It does not mean that there are none.
What I do not know at this time is whether any Central American countries have requested the services of the PAHO “to perform enterovirus typing.”
The pull quote from their email is this . . .
[I]t is most likely that the virus could be circulating there but in low numbers, undetected.
Below is the reply from the CDC.
Hi Ross,
Thank you for your inquiry. From the scientific publications published to date, we are not aware of any EV-D68 detection in countries from Central America. However, it is most likely that the virus could be circulating there but in low numbers, undetected. The Pan American Health Organization has enlisted the help of our laboratory here at CDC to perform enterovirus typing for any country in South or Central America that requests it. In addition, CDC currently has developed the Global Disease Detection Program to help other countries identify and detect new illnesses.
You can find more information about CDC’s Global Detection Program and our site in Guatemala here:
Great find Cosmic Girl. If news reporting (or lack thereof) of EV-D68 is any indication, apparently not. But with the open borders agenda of this administration, and the passing of illegals (children included) from one coyote to another, this administration knows this, and is mute about it. Especially before the mid-terms. Because sacrificing America’s health is second string to Democrats retaining political power and control. No price is too great for that.
From the start of his first term, President Obama has pushed his idea of immigration reform. Since that time, everyone knows that by “reform” he means not enforcing the immigration laws and accepting as many illegals as humanly possible, and spreading them around the country.
Refuting the obvious, the DHS and ICE say that the border is as secure as ever. If trainloads of illegals being escorted through Mexico and delivered by coyotes to the Coyote-in-Chief Obama is their idea of “as secure as ever,” then we’re in big trouble. In so many ways.
For example, the President says that his directives on immigration are not causing more illegals to come. He says because he’s been deporting more illegals that he is stemming the tide. That’s about as big a lie as the Affordable Care Act was going to be affordable.
Unfortunately, Americans are used to being deceived lied to by this president and his administration. Like his statement on Meet the Press the other day. He told host Chuck Todd that the delay of using executive actions on immigration until after the 2014 elections was not for political consideration, but to make sure “the public understands what the facts are on immigration.” He said . . .
“It’s going to be more sustainable and more effective if the public understands what the facts are on immigration,” Obama said in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “I want to spend some time, even as we’re getting all our ducks in a row for the executive action … to make sure that the public understands why we’re doing this, why it’s the right thing for the American people, why it’s the right thing for the American economy.”
If the president is interested in making sure the public understands what the fact are, then why does it take a FOIA request to find out the statistics surrounding immigration? The facts not only show that more illegals are coming, and that fewer minors are being sent back, but that we are being lied to again.
It’s long past time that the administration be forced into being open and transparent (like they say they are) before ANY legislation is passed. On immigration, let’s see stats on number of illegals crossing the border. Let’s see the stats on deportations. Let’s see the stats on visa overstays. Let’s see all that, and let the American people (Congress) decide when America is secure enough to pass any legislation.
Just like his run-around the Senate on climate change, the lawless president demonstrates neglect of duty with this . . .
With impeachment threats and potential lawsuits looming, President Barack Obama knows whatever executive actions he takes on immigration will face intense opposition. So as a self-imposed, end-of-summer deadline to act approaches, Obama’s lawyers are carefully crafting a legal rationale they believe will withstand scrutiny and survive any court challenges, administration officials say.
Media note: notice the meme to remove President Obama from the responsibility of his actions. The key is transferring his name with “The White House” in anything and everything that HE does. The media continues to portray him as the outsider, trying to solve problems. Harken back to the previous administration. Not an article appeared that didn’t begin with the word Bush and, rightly or wrongly, everything that happened was hung on Bush. Following nearly 8 years of media pummeling going unanswered, this is where we are today. See the difference?
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto thanked California on Thursday for improving the lives of illegals (he incorrectly refers to them as immigrants) from his country, including legalizing drivers’ licenses for “undocumented migrants” and making it easier for them to work and start businesses.
For Mexican President Nieto (and national Coyote) to thank a state in the United States for making it more tempting and so easy for Mexicans to leave their country, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.
Equatorial Guinea president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo
and his wife Constancia Mangue De Obiang. Like his dictator uncle before him, President Obiang kills or jails political opponents. Wins elections with 99% of the vote, and there is no freedom of the press.
In another time, not so long ago, people around the world suffering oppression or genocide from evil dictators, could look and would look to the United States for help. Because we could help, and because we would help. We’ve been involved militarily to free people, not to take their land, but to free them from those kind of situations.
That was before we elected a President who’s mission became knocking America down to size, withdrawing from world affairs both militarily (in a way that supported our enemies) and morally (by ignoring security agreements with Ukraine).
Out to “improve” our image around the world, President Obama has successfully made that image into a country willing to watch the rest of the world go to hell in a hand basket, while turning our own society into a basket case, by a combination of no border enforcement and increasing the number of government-dependent citizens (usurping 20% of the private sector economy) with the lowest worker participation rate since the Jimmy Carter era.
Two current, and glaring, examples is when President Obama opened up The White House to host Africa’s worst despots and dictators. Correctly described as the “Monster’s Ball.” But not by any of the U.S. media. Imagine the hopes of the poor Africans being dashed when they see the president of the United States having a dinner party with the people directly responsible for their misery.
Then there is 40,000 religious minorities (Christian and other non-Islam), that have been literally chased to a mountain top by ISIS in Iraq, where ISIS says they will either starve to death or come down and be shot to death, unless they agree to convert to Islam. This is the same group that the world (and President Obama) watched roll unopposed into Iraq in convoys to take it over after our departure. The world also watched Obama refuse (by stalling) Iraq’s request for air strikes on ISIS at a time when it would have been most effective. After all that we accomplished and sacrificed there.
America’s response isn’t to use our air-power to clear out ISIS to free those people. Obama’s response is to air-drop food to them. And threaten to use force IF ISIS attacks any U.S. installations left in Iraq. Apparently, America is now OK with the genocide about to take place.
This is Obama’s America. Is this the new America? The America Michelle Obama can be proud of? There you have it. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
This was addressed seven years ago. And the pro-Islamists like Dick (Turban) Durbin, and then Senator Obama, who couldn’t fight a war on terror if their next welfare check depended on it, were calling “water boarding” torture. Not because it worked, but because it was the Bush administration that sought, and got, legal authorization to do it. And “it” was not deemed to be torture.
Having as his only mission to reverse everything Bush, and everything Republican, President Obama is still at it. But it might be politically useful to bring this up again (for the Obama-media) to distract the folks from his anti-immigration practices of not following immigration law he is supposed to be enforcing. And acting as Coyote-in-Chief. There is so much to be distracted from. High Black unemployment, shrinking median family incomes (especially on his core constituents), Obamacare’s broken promises, abuse and intimidation by the IRS, DOJ, BLM and EPA, Benghazi lies for political gain, etc.
Besides, the number of Islamic waste that were water boarded were three, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zabaydah, and Abd Al Rahim al-Nashiri. And they were terrorists, not “folks.” Folks are law-abiding citizens. Terrorists are terrorists. Water boarding is water boarding.
Torture looks like this,
and this.
And it often ends up like this.
For a look at what torture is like, just look at the torture manual used by our enemy. Waterboarding is a method of interrogation that appeals to the most basic of animal or human instinct, survival. It works. It is the only interrogation technique that a subject can walk to and walk away from with not so much as a mark on their body. The interrogatee can return to his cell to masturbate in front of the female guards, and go on to have a good night’s sleep. Unlike the pictures of what is real torture.
Obama’s faux concern over torture now is just another distraction.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina
Here’s why trainloads of illegals are coming to America in such large numbers. It’s not only from news reports in Central American countries saying that if you can get the United States that you won’t be sent back, but welcomed, given housing, food stamps, clothing, health care, and transportation within the U.S..
It’s because of the agreement that the Presidents of Guatemala and Mexico just signed and announced. It’s called “The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage” program. News of it is also dutifully ignored by the mainstream media. The broke it, but it’s basically a rewrite of a Spanish language report from El Universal . . .
Mexico government will release two announcements to solve the situation of Central Americans and some Mexicans using this freight train. (Photo: Archive/EL UNIVERSAL )
“On Monday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina held a joint press conference in Playas de Catazaja, Mexico, to officially announce an agreement to make it easier for those making the illegal journey to the United States from Central America, to cross into Mexico.”
Coyote status has escalated to the presidents of Mexico and Guatemala, egged on by the rest of Central America. Mexico will escort the illegals as long as they don’t stay in Mexico, but go through Mexico into the United States. Isn’t that special?
There’s more. The Interior Minister, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, announced that the Government of Mexico will regulate the rail system known as “La Bestia” (The Beast) as part of the migration program on the southern border to protect the lives of those who use this transport in their attempt to reach the United States.
And, their illegal cargo is welcomed by the United States’ official Coyote, President Obama, and the departments in the Executive Branch executing the plan to fundamentally change America; DHS, ICE, and the DOJ.
It should come as no surprise whatsoever that President Obama wants to grow government. With every crisis comes a request for more money, more government control, and more government expansion. The invasion on our southern border is no exception.
Now he wants $3.7 billion dollars to support, not return, a few hundred thousand illegal aliens. The Coyote-In-Chief is literally taking illegals from the Mexican Coyotes and ferrying them to cities all over the country. This is not how to protect and defend the country and its citizens. That is all the federal government is allowed, by the Constitution, to do.
Our border has not changed in over 168 years. Money has already been appropriated for a border fence and hundreds of miles of it are still not built.
The root of the problem is not that they are over-running our border illegally. The problem is a testament to the failure of socialism in the countries those people are fleeing.
The best, and cheapest, solution to what to do with this mass of illegals is simple. Put them in buses, not on top of trains, and send them back to where they came from. “Go Greyhound, and leave the driving to us.”