Category Archives: Immigration

Obama Administration v. Arizona v. The Constitution

The straw man argument of the year is Eric Holder’s challenge to Arizona’s law that deals with illegal immigrants which, is no different from federal law. You will recall all the hoopla by Obama and his people crying about the Arizona law being all about racial profiling, which is illegal. Apparently Eric Holder does not believe his boss’s assertion, otherwise he would have filed his suit against Arizona on that basis. He didn’t.

Holder’s case is based on the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution. I’m not a lawyer, I make sandwiches, but it seems to me that you can’t prove a supremacy argument by laying down and not enforcing federal law like Eric Holder and President Obama are doing.

Besides, it’s not like this issue has not been before the Supreme Court. Ann Coulter, who is a lawyer, sums it up as only Ann can . . .

The court -– per Justice William Brennan — said that the federal government’s supremacy over immigration is strictly limited to: (1) a “determination of who should or should not be admitted into the country,” and (2) “the conditions under which a legal entrant may remain.”

So a state can’t start issuing or revoking visas, but that’s about all it can’t do.

Manifestly, a state law about illegal immigrants has nothing to do with immigrants who enter legally or the condition of their staying here. Illegal aliens have neither been “admitted into the country” nor are they “legal entrants.”

Indeed, as Brennan noted in the De Canas case, there’s even “a line of cases that upheld certain discriminatory state treatment of aliens lawfully within the United States.” (You might want to jot some of this down, Mr. Holder.)

So there’s no “field pre-emption” of state laws dealing with aliens, nor is there an explicit statement from Congress pre-empting state regulation of aliens.

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Comprehensive Immigration Reform

A recent editorial about ‘comprehensive’ immigration reform suggested that solving the illegal immigration cancer takes more than laws. It also takes money. And money is a commodity in short supply, not only for Florida but every State except North Dakota and Utah. Here is a version of comprehensive immigration reform that is without cost and does not involve amnesty. The cornerstone of the reform is pulling up the welcome mat where illegal immigrants are concerned.

Pulling up the welcome mat to illegals does not have to cost taxpayers a dime and will reduce the incoming ‘tide’ of illegals. Illegals will self-deport. The tide will go out. Not all, but more than would go back home otherwise. No police state tactics, as the writer suggests, are required.

What’s the welcome mat? Things like employers giving them jobs and landlords (public or private) giving them housing, ‘in-state’ tuition discounts, sanctuary cities, ‘anchor’ babies, all the social, medical, and educational benefits that legal citizens get. Pull it.

Imagine the effect of a financial reform law that allows international transfer of money to legal citizens and legal tourists only? Lacking the tool to send ‘remittances’ back home would be a major ‘mat’ to pull. Pulling the mat is part of immigration reform.

Another part is getting control of the border to the extent that crossing it illegally would be difficult if not impossible. There are hundreds of miles of border control barriers not completed and just as many miles totally unprotected. Complete it. By the time these two phases are completed, the number of illegals remaining would be those who are productive and have a place to live. Then, and only then, the last phase, guest worker status with intent to assimilate into American society can begin. If they just want to use America instead of become American, then they will not meet the minimum requirement to the path to ‘citizenship.’

This is not the amnesty that Reagan tried or that Obama wants. This is getting in line behind the immigration requests filed in accordance with our laws. To do that, they must come out of the closet and register themselves as an illegal seeking to stay here under some earned legal status. It will take as long as it takes for them to get their chance to become an amnestied American citizen. However many years that may take is what it will take. And to remove the political motivation from the equation, amnestied American citizens will not have the right to vote in federal elections. After all, this is supposed to be a humanitarian issue, not a political one.

Although it is a crying shame that Mexico’s state of affairs is as bad as it is, it’s their problem to fix. Maybe the prospect of millions of illegals returning home would help them fix their corruption and economic problems once and for all?

Link: Editorial: Our problems are solved!

From Yes We Can To No I Won’t

Two short years ago, candidate Barack Obama campaigned on being the world’s savior. He was going to cool the earth’s temperature, lower sea levels, foster global harmony, end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, bring North Korea and Iran into the world of civility, bring a lasting peace to the Middle East, improve the United States’ standing and reputation in the world, convert radical Muslims to just Muslims, turn the economic slump/recession around, and put an end to racial tensions. All that good stuff.

The point here is not to measure his accomplishments to his campaign rhetoric, but to compare his commitment to secure our borders with the same enthusiasm he had as a candidate for doing everything else.

This past week, President Obama seems to be indicating that we can’t secure our border. It’s just too big. This admission of impotence is new for someone who professes the capacity to change the global temperature and sea level.

Like his predecessor President Bush, President Obama is ringing the ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ bell, which is fancy words that mean amnesty for illegal aliens.

It is remarkable how similar the heads of the respective political parties are when it comes to courting the illegal vote, once they become legalized. It didn’t help John McCain. After losing the election, he saw the light and changed the priority to securing the border first, THEN deal with those that are already here in some civilized, organized, and fair way.

Heads of the party need to focus on what’s good for the country, not how a faithful voting block of illegal aliens might be good for the Party.

Societal Devolution And Illegal Aliens

Maywood California, a Los Angeles area municipality that used to be a thriving city, is now broke and laying off all its city employees. And it is all because of the ‘migration’ of people who come to this country to use America instead of be American.

Boasting a population that is 97% Hispanic, more than half foreign born, and 40% illegal, the Los Angeles County, Calif., incorporated city of Maywood has achieved the Reconquista goal. It is now as lawless and chaotic as any place in Mexico. Maywood is a warning to every city and town in America.

This phenomenon is a cancer on society and there’s nothing ‘American’ about it. Is there a ‘Maywood cancer’ in your state?

Link: Welcome to Maywood, Mexico by Roger Hedgecock

Punishment Rendered At The Border

A 15 yr old Mexican citizen was shot and killed by a US Border Control agent. The kid was part of a group of known human traffickers who were also throwing rocks at the Border Control agents.

Mexico is all up in arms that this kid’s civil rights were violated. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the open-border administration are opening an investigation. Mexican President Felipe Calderon called for a thorough U.S. investigation that “clears up the facts and culminates with punishing those responsible.”

Right. It’s already been handled Mr. Calderon. The person responsible died. Punishment was rendered. Rock throwing is considered deadly force. The officer did his job superbly. Perhaps President Calderon needs an English translation for the purpose of an international border?

Link: FBI opens civil rights probe into border shooting

Mr. President, Whose Side Are You On?

Border divides Obama, Arizona Governor. That was the headline of a front page story in the dead tree version of today’s Pensacola News Journal. After having hosted Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon in Washington, where both presidents gave the collective ‘bird’ to the American people at a special joint session of congress over Arizona’s illegal immigration enforcement law, it is apparent that my president, in his heart, is on the wrong side of the border.

There is an obvious symbiosis on the issue of illegal immigration where these two are concerned.

For Calderon, the billions of dollars in remittances that Mexicans (not Americans, Mexicans) send back to Mexico helps to keep his sorry country from total collapse. Calderon refuses to utter the word ‘illegal’ when it comes to his citizens crashing the border. He uses a word associated with animals, migration. He says his people are migrating into this country. Some would describe it as invading. You know, to go with the lower life form reference of Calderon, kind of like termites or locusts invade. With similar results. Destroying all State economies in its path.

For Obama, illegals are a political tool. Otherwise known as undocumented Democrats. This commander in chief is more concerned with protecting and defending political power than the sovereignty, safety, and security of the United States of America.  In his world, Gov. Brewer should just sit down and shut up. And from what I’ve seen of Gov. Brewer, that’s not going to happen.

The media and the Left have a political angle on it all as well. They try to intimidate republicans by suggesting that trying to enforce the law regarding illegal immigration will lose the Hispanic vote forever. In other words, looking at demographics, they believe that would make the Republican party a minority party forever. When your political opponent, and that’s what these parties are nowadays, is digging himself into a hole, you stand back and let them. Or give them a bigger shovel. When it comes to America remaining American, who is it that is digging themselves into a hole? Democrats or Republicans?

Ann Coulter has opined on the notion that enforcing the law is tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot. Making the point as only Ann can . . .

The media have been crowing that Republicans will lose the Hispanic vote forever if they support enforcing laws against illegal immigration, such as the Arizona law. To great fanfare, a poll was released last week showing that 67 percent of Hispanics oppose the Arizona law.

The headline on that poll should have been: “One-Third of Hispanics Support Arizona Immigration Law Despite Frantic Media Campaign to Convince Them It’s a Racist Plot Against Hispanics.”

Incidentally, 67 percent of Hispanics also vote Democrat. The exact same percentage of Hispanics who oppose the Arizona law voted for Obama over John McCain — who was championing amnesty for illegals.

Suck up to Hispanics with insane amnesty proposals; get one out of three Hispanic voters. Do the right thing and defend the country’s borders; get one out of three Hispanic voters. … Promise to make every Tuesday “Ladies’ Night”; get one out of three Hispanic voters. Offer them a choice between “Extra Crispy” and “Original Recipe”; get one out of three Hispanic voters.

Now maybe we can concentrate on securing not only Mexico’s border, but more importantly, our border.

Links: Facing off over illegal immigration, Arizona Gov | Did you plug the hole with a blue dress yet, Daddy?

What Is The Biggest Threat To America?

Dennis Prager answered that question at the University of Denver in this video. ‘We have not passed on what it means to be ‘American’ to this generation.’

Along that same line is the current lack of interest to crack down on illegal immigration. Both political parties are guilty of trying to find a way to exploit illegals for political advantage. Bush tried it under the label of ‘comprehensive’ immigration reform. Otherwise known as amnesty-lite.

Now, prepping the field for the 2010 election season, Democrats are doing it by trashing Arizonans for wanting to do nothing more than enforce the law. They used Mexico’s president Felipe Calderon as the bird to flip to Americans and Arizonans, in front of a joint session of congress no less. Obama echoed Calderon’s spin that the Arizona law, that neither of them have read, is racial profiling.  This president is not about uniting this country. This president is all about dividing this country for purely political purposes. The standing ovations that Calderon got from Democrats in congress is testament to their motivation and belief that illegal immigrants are noting more than undocumented Democrats.

Which brings me to the other angle of the biggest threat to America. It is about immigration. It is good that people from all over the world want to come to America to live and prosper, when done legally. Legal immigrants come here to assimilate and become Americans. Illegal immigrants come here not to assimilate and become Americans, but rather to use America. And if steps are not taken now to insure that America remains American, future generations might learn about the American dream from history books, because it will be gone. There’s nothing wrong or un-American about this country being a so-called melting pot. What’s wrong is to let the pot melt.

Reading Is Fundamental, Unless . . .

Unless it works against your spin, lying, and mis-characterization of Arizona’s illegal immigration enforcement law SB1070 and the subsequent amendment to it HB2162.

That is exactly what the president, the attorney general, the director of homeland security AND the president of Mexico have done. Oh, and let me also include Congressional Democrats who gave the standing O to Calderon when, before a joint session of Congress, he said the Arizona law was racial profiling. Quick to pass judgment, quick to demonize, quick to inflame Latinos and further divide America for purely political purposes, none of these people whose responsibility it is to know the truth, utter the truth.

Liberals like videos. It’s easier than having to read things like the stimulus bill or the health care bill, or even these 17 pages of Arizona’s illegal immigration enforcement bill.  Here’s exactly what I’m talking about.

Having perfected lying to the American people, aided and abetted by the willing accomplices in the media, I think we have reached the most dishonest and arrogant administration in American history. When you understand that we are saddled with a group-thought process where the end justifies the means, lying about what you’re doing and what you want to do is no big deal. Hell, it’s expected. Progressives and Liberals have to lie about what they want to do because what they want to do would never be approved if put to a vote.

Start anywhere you want to find a lie: health care reform will cost us less, there will be better care, the stimulus bill will create jobs, GM has paid off May I see your ID?their loan, they don’t want to take over the auto industry, no tax increases for people earning less than $250,000, we need to live within our means and pass this $195 billion dollar bill that is 30% ‘paid’ for, we now have ‘pay-go’ so we’ll no longer be spending money we don’t have,  and if you live in Arizona and you take your kids to buy an ice cream cone and walk down the street with them, you’re going to be harassed by the police.

Today’s reading assignment: Arizona’s bill SB1070, and amendment HB2162.

How Mexico Facilitates Illegal Immigration

In case you missed it four years ago . . .

A Mexican government agency is to issue some 70,000 maps marking main roads and water tanks for people wanting to cross illegally into the US. Previously, the Mexican government issued comic-book style pamphlets warning of the dangers of illegal migration, while also giving advice on how to stay safe. Launching the project in Mexico City, officials from Mexico’s Human Rights Commission (HRC) flatly denied they were trying to encourage greater migration.

There’s that word ‘migration’ again. Don’t be conditioned into the notion that there is no way to stop it, like that word and the Mexican government would suggest. People immigrate, animals migrate.

“The only thing we are trying to do is warn them of the risks they face and where to get water, so they don’t die,” said Mauricio Farah of the HRC.

What advice does Mexico have for Mexicans being shot by drug gangs within their borders, so they don’t die?

If Mexico wants to help their citizens, they should do a few things first. Eliminate the influence of drug smugglers from the government, including its police and military. Create an economic system that is not dependent on illegals in the US sending billions of dollars a year back to Mexico, and give them this map instead.

Meanwhile, we will do all we can to limit immigration to legal immigration, and make it impossible for an individual or business to hire illegals. Mexico has its own problems. Aside from the national security problem of an open border, we don’t need to worsen our economic and social problems (jobs, welfare, education, health care, anchor babies) by leaving the welcome mat out for illegals.

Links: BBC NEWS | Americas | Mexican migrants to get US maps.  |  Mexican Govt. Comic Book, Tips For IllegalsStill An Issue Of Trust For Obama Administration

Still An Issue Of Trust For Obama Administration

Now that the dust from the terrorist car bombing attack in Manhattan has settled, and the oil spill talking points are down, all while the flooding in Tennessee is being ignored, what else has the media not been telling you about when it comes to the Obama administration?

Having removed all possibilities offered by giving the benefit of doubt to President Obama, let’s examine the actions of the community organizer-turned Commander in Chief since last month. Time has come to hold him accountable for the disparity between his words and his deeds.

Missed from the news pages and the evening ‘news’ was this little ditty.Our honest leadership and open government at work.

The economic report released last week by Health and Human Services, which indicated that President Barack Obama’s health care “reform” law would actually increase the cost of health care and impose higher costs on consumers, had been submitted to the office of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius more than a week before the Congressional votes on the bill, according to career HHS sources, who added that Sebelius’s staff refused to review the document before the vote was taken.

“The reason we were given was that they did not want to influence the vote,” says an HHS source. “

Which is actually the point of having a review like this.To put it another way, telling Americans and Congress the truth would be contrary to President Obama’s agenda. So the truth loses.

And today the Congressional Budget Office says President Barack Obama’s new health care law could potentially add at least $115 billion more to government health care spending over the next 10 years.

Long before the so-called health reform bill was voted on, I was willing to accept that Obama was just wrong in his assertion that his bill would reduce costs. I was even willing to believe him (well, not really) when he said that he wouldn’t sign a bill that wouldn’t reduce cost and increase care. But when put to the wall, this administration is all about the means justifying the end. Truth, openness, and accountability was the smokescreen used to usurp nearly 20 percent of the private sector economy and the health care decisions of all Americans, whether they like it or not.

We now know that none of what the President promised will happen. Ditto with the so-called ‘stimulus’ package of out-of-sight deficit spending keeping unemployment below eight percent. If the President was an honest man, he would hold a news conference and admit his ‘mistake’ and call for the revocation of The Affordable Care Act and hold true to his word that no bill of that magnitude will ever again pass on a simple majority, bribery notwithstanding.

Then there is the divider-in-chief’s comments on the new law in Arizona that gives state and local police the same powers of the federal government when it comes enforcing the law as relates to border crashers, aka illegal aliens.

Anyone who characterizes the Arizona law as an immigration law is mis-characterizing it. The federal government has immigration laws that cover how people immigrate to the United States legally. Arizona has given State authorities the same tools to identify those in the country illegally as those used by the federal government. Their law has nothing to do with immigration laws.

It was in late April at a campaign-style event in Iowa when Obama said, “Now, suddenly, if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you’re going to get harassed.” That simply and factually is not true. It is a deliberate prevarication of the facts, or more simply, a lie. Standard practice for a community organizer who looks at illegal aliens as undocumented democrats. But deplorable practice for the President of the United States.

The Arizona law prohibits profiling to ascertain citizenship, same as the federal law prohibits profiling. What the President knows, and is deliberately misleading to inflame emotions in the Latino community, is that (like the federal law) any interrogation such as asking for identification may only come AFTER a lawful contact with a person such as being stopped in the commission of a crime, a traffic stop, or some other reason that an officer may lawfully come in contact with an individual. It may not happen solely on the color of their skin.

And where is the President when it comes to responding to Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon who said . . .

Criminalizing immigration, which is a social and economic phenomena, this way opens the door to intolerance, hate, and discrimination.” Calderon told a meeting with Mexican immigrant groups.

“My government cannot and will not remain indifferent when these kinds of policies go against human rights,” Calderon said, adding that he would bring up the new law when he meets with Obama next month during an official visit to Washington.

Like his predecessor Vicente Fox, Calderon often refers to illegal aliens who are Mexicans as a migration phenomenon. Breaking U.S. immigration laws is not a human right Mr. Calderon. Something else to ponder President Calderon, people immigrate, animals migrate.

I have no problem with people who want to come to America to live and prosper, when done legally. And if steps are not taken now to insure that America remains American, then I apologize to our future generations for the chaos they’ll be going through. There’s nothing wrong or un-American about this country being a so-called melting pot. What’s wrong is to let the pot melt.
