Category Archives: Economy

Too Socialist For Socialists

‘The President Of The World’ is beginning to lose favor with the European Union over the Porkulus Bill, also called the $787 B  Stimulus Bill.

The president of the European Union Wednesday lambasted President Obama’s costly economic recovery program as “the way to hell.”

Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, criticized the $787 billion U.S. stimulus program in unusually sharp comments that highlighted a continuing divide between Europe and the U.S. on crisis-fighting steps. Topolánek said the U.S. was repeating mistakes it made during the Great Depression when it ramped up government spending, and said Washington’s errors would boomerang on Europe.

Who knows socialism better than the EU?

European leaders have resisted U.S. calls for more government pump-priming, fearing the effects of swollen budget deficits. The IMF says the collective stimulus measures being enacted by G20 nations “fall well short of the 2% of GDP recommended by the Fund, especially in 2010.”

Link: EU leader says U.S. plan will debilitate all markets

Question For President Obama

President Obama had an online Q&A today, taking questions from the Internet. They received 104,074 questions before the 8:30 a.m. deadline.  Since I got there 15 minutes late, they were deprived the benefit of deleting my question for the President. So I’ll just post it here. It will get back to him.

Having known before the last election that the economy was going to be the #1 problem, with the war dropping to a distant second (and why is that again?), how is it that the Treasury department is still understaffed? Why is there no Asst. Secretary and why do 17 of 18 positions remain unfilled 65 days since inauguration day?

Forming his administration was not delayed by a court fight like his predecessor. During his campaign, do you recall how his lack of executive experience was portrayed as bogus right-wing rhetoric? Now, his inexperience is showing and we’re paying the price.

And What Caused The Mortgage Crisis?

Many have heard people on the right, not the media, but people on the right, accuse Barney Frank as having a role in the Freddie Mac and Fanny May mortgage meltdown. This C-SPAN video shows his role.

In this video, the word OFHEO is used a lot. OFHEO (Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight) is the regulatory agency setup to monitor them as relates to the Community Reinvestment Act and the subprime mortgage debacle. Nearly two years after the audits began, OFHEO’s one and only report to Congress is what we are seeing in this video.  That, and how all the Democrats on the Banking Committee attacked the messenger and ignored the message. And the rest is history. Thank you Barney Frank and Maxine Waters.

What follows is an excerpt of an October 27, 2008 post The Real Barack Obama. That post explains perfectly all that we are seeing from President Obama today.

The roots of it go back to a law called the Community Reinvestment Act, passed by President Jimmy Carter in 1977, under pressure from a community activist movement that started in Chicago.

ACORN aggressively sought to expand loans to low income groups using the CRA as a whip. Economist Stan Leibowitz wrote in the New York Post

In the 1980s, groups such as the activists at ACORN began pushing charges of “redlining”-claims that banks discriminated against minorities in mortgage lending. In 1989, sympathetic members of Congress got the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act amended to force banks to collect racial data on mortgage applicants; this allowed various studies to be ginned up that seemed to validate the original accusation.

And ACORN’s involvement in the mortgage crises is compounded, thanks to help from, guess who, Chicago lawyer Barack Obama.

ACORN showed its colors again in 1991, by taking over the House Banking Committee room for two days to protest efforts to scale back the CRA. Obama represented ACORN in the Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Fed. Sav. Bank, 1994 suit against redlining. Most significant of all, ACORN was the driving force behind a 1995 regulatory revision pushed through by the Clinton Administration that greatly expanded the CRA and laid the groundwork for the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac borne financial crisis we now confront. Barack Obama was the attorney representing ACORN in this effort. With this new authority, ACORN used its subsidiary, ACORN Housing, to promote subprime loans more aggressively.

I don’t know how Barack Obama can say with a straight face how he has no ties to ACORN, how he so easily dismisses them as a community group that merely helps low-income people. He is clearly and deliberately deceiving you, and the media lets him get away with it. When he says that, he is telling just as big a lie as ‘I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.’ Barack Obama is not being honest with the American people about who he is and where he wants to take this country. Examining his character and his past is not a distraction from the ‘real issues’ as his campaign will have you believe. First, we need to know who he is.

link: The Real Barack Obama

U.S. Constitution 1787 – 2009

Congress just passed a law doing President Obama’s bidding, that of ‘getting those bonuses back.’ These are the same bonuses that the President approved when he signed that stimulus bill on Friday the 13th. That was also the day that the media watchdog died.


If the day comes that this bill passes the Senate and Obama signs it, that will be the day that our Constitution died.

related link: UPDATE:Sen Reid: Senate Should Take Up AIG Bill Before Apr 6

No, Not THAT America

On the economy, President Obama told a few million people in America that we will recover from this if we can get back to the values that built America. So why is he doing all that he can to re-write those values?

“We need to get back to a place where people know enough is enough,” he said. “If we can get back to those values that built America, then we’ll be OK.”

That was right after he promised to do everything he could to “get these bonuses back.” He is referring to using the power of the federal government to take the incomes of private citizens. 70 in particular of our 300 million citizens.

The seismic readings from across the Potomac are coming from our founding fathers turning over in their graves.

MSNBC: President promises on ‘Tonight Show’ to get payments back

Clearing The Way To Your Wallet

For weeks now, every media outlet has been railing against AIG for paying out bonuses to some of their employees. An easier issue to demagogue does not exist and everyone is on board with it.

The new CEO of AIG says the bonuses are part of their employment contracts. Now, because the government has given AIG billions of dollars to ‘bail them out,’ the administration feels that they have a right to intervene in the employee/employer relationship and pick the pocket of the employees, or ‘workers’ as Obama likes to refer to wage earners.

It was reported early on, but not since about a week or two ago, that the employment contracts like those being harangued by the media are normal for Wall Street traders. That they operate on a ‘low’ weekly salary, and the nut of their income comes in the form of a bonus arrangement based on whatever is well known in the industry and that these contracts were part of the terms of their employment.

If all the above is true, then it is easy to see how dangerous it is that the government is talking about interfering with that employee/employer relationship by voiding the contracts and not paying the ‘workers.’

It feeds the populist feeding frenzy of eating the rich. Only in a socialist state my fiends.

FairTax Press Release

The Pensacola Fair Tax Advocates will be bringing the facts on the Fair Tax to Pensacola. The Fair Tax is an alternative method to the current tax system for financing the federal government, and is an economic engine all on its own when compared to the current taxing system. The Fair Tax would do more to revitalize our economy and at no cost to future generations than the proposals currently coming out of Washington. If you would like to know more, like why and how the Fair Tax is a better way to finance the government, please join us on Tuesday evening 6PM to eat, 7PM for the presentation, March 31, 2009 at Jerry’s Cajun Cafe.

The FFTEA (Florida Fair Tax Education Association) is recruiting Fair Tax advocates. Now seeking Community Coordinators in the Panhandle in Congressional District 1. Please come and enjoy the food, fellowship, and fun in getting the word out about the Fair Tax.

Ross Calloway, Co District Director (FFTEA) Call 850-512-9860 for more info or visit our website at or my blog at

White House, Fundamentals Sound

My how things change when you leave politics out of it.

During the fall campaign, Obama relentlessly criticized his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, for declaring, “The fundamentals of our economy are strong.” Obama’s team painted the veteran senator as out of touch and failing to grasp the challenges facing the country.

But on Sunday, that optimistic message came from economic adviser Christina Romer. When asked during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” if the fundamentals of the economy were sound, she replied: “Of course they are sound.”

Never mind Obama. How’s the media going to take this 180?

 AP link:  White House says economy is sound despite ‘mess’

Obama's Oval Office Chat On The Economy

President Obama spoke in the Oval Office today, Friday 13, 2009, after meeting with economic adviser Paul Volcker and members of his business advisory board. Here’s AP’s account of the chat, ‘Obama: Help coming for those facing economic pain.’ What does ‘for those’ mean?’ I’m of the impression that the whole country is facing economic pain, not just ‘those.’

– President Barack Obama on Friday acknowledged that many families are suffering “incredible pain” from the economy but said his government is on a daily campaign to get credit flowing and build a long-term recovery.

He is right about one thing. The ‘daily campaign’ part. The ‘his government’ was kind of cute too. The teleprompter just isn’t working to boost confidence that he has a clue. Confidence is what the market is looking for, and does not yet have. The ’empty suit’ is showing again.

“If we are keeping focused on all the fundamentally sound aspects of our economy – all the outstanding companies, workers, all the innovation and dynamism in this economy – then we’re going to get through this,” Obama told reporters in the Oval Office. “And I’m very confident about that.”

Did he say ‘the fundamentally sound aspects of our economy?’ (bad images of John McCain going through my head) I’m glad President Obama feels confident. I’m not. This one statement shows Obama’s lack of understanding of our economy. There is one fundamental aspect of our economy that he omits, the weight and level of involvement of government on the free market. To be fair, it may not be a lack of understanding on his part. If not that, then he is being intellectually dishonest and deceptive in discussing the economy and its performance by leaving government involvement out of the picture. Neither one makes me feel very confident. Which one works for you?

Under his bailouts, nationalization and stimulus plans, the exceptionalism of our people (he refers to as workers), and the innovation and dynamism of our companies will be all but gone. I suppose it depends on what your definition of ‘getting through this’ is? Someone should ask him. Maybe Jim Cramer from  CNBC’s business channel. Does it mean recovering once again as a free-market economy like we used to be, or recovering as a more socialist country with the lousy economy that goes with socialism?

He said more help will be announced soon for small businesses, but did not elaborate.

I can elaborate. Card Check. That’s what he has in store for small business. Card Check is a labor union ticket to organize small business, and any other size business. Card Check will depress and suppress small business. Which will be mirrored by the economy. Can’t wait to hear him spin Card Check as being good for small business. I mean, when he campaigned, he said  ‘no more earmarks.’ Now that he’s elected, and the Pelosi / Reid budgets are in front of him, earmarks are cool.

Pushing a big agenda for health care, energy and education, Obama said he was seeking a “post-bubble economic growth model.”

Wouldn’t it be preferable, safer, and cheaper to recover the economy BEFORE going into the grand government health care scheme?  NO, before nationalized health care. How about announcing your plans to fix Social Security, which even if we were in good economic times, will bankrupt the country all on its own? On that point, there isn’t even any argument. (embarrasing images of Obama, the ‘long-term thinker’ come to mind)

“The days when we are going to be able to grow this economy just on an overheated housing market or people maxing out on their credit cards, those days are over,” he said.

It’s good that he is at least admitting, in a way that only Obama can, that the Left’s idea of putting people in houses that they can’t afford was not a good idea.

“We’ve got to get through this difficult period,” he said. “And, look, there are a lot of individual families who are experiencing incredible pain and hardship right now. If you’ve been laid off at your job, if you’ve lost your home, then, you know, right now is very tough. But we’re providing help along the way.”

And getting used to living in a socialist nation will take time. Just hang in there and remember, we feel your pain.