Category Archives: Economy

It’s Obama’s Tax Increase, Not Obama’s Tax Cuts

In a typical yet clever way to halt his falling popularity, the Obama administration is framing the current tax debate from the Bush tax cuts to Obama’s tax cuts.  The reality is, the only tax issues on the table right now are tax increases ‘for the rich.’

A non-revisionist history lesson will show that the current tax rates are what they are right now after having been cut for all Americans by the previous administration.  That is why President Obama wants to keep the lower tax rates the same, and call them tax cuts, and raise the higher tax brackets on ‘the rich,’ making them pay (according to the Dear Leader) ‘their fair share.’ Committing class warfare and wealth envy is what community organizers do.

The last time I checked, poor people typically don’t hire the unemployed. And increasing taxes on the people who do, and expecting that to generate private-sector jobs, is what economic ignoramuses do.

Hearings On Obamacare Begin Tomorrow

Hearings on the State of Florida (and dozens of others) v United States begin tomorrow at U.S. District Court in Pensacola, Florida. The state is challenging the health care legislation on several angles, not the least of which is that the Federal Government can not force citizens to buy health insurance or a certain kind of health insurance if they don’t want to.

Recovery Winter?

‘Recovery summer’ was a bust. Obama has moved the deck chairs around and replaced Christina Romer as the head of his Council of Economic Advisers with yet another university professor with zero real-world business experience, Austan Goolsbee.

It doesn’t take a professor of economics to see that the jobless rate is likely to remain high. Unless Obama’s economic policies take a 180, high unemployment will be the new norm.

Link: Obama adviser: Jobless rate likely to remain high – Washington Times.

One Thing That’s Up, Poverty

The number of people in the U.S. who are in poverty is on track for a record increase on President Barack Obama’s watch, with the ranks of working-age poor approaching 1960s levels that led to the national war on poverty.
But here’s the good part. The sympathetic media calls it ‘unfortunate.’

It’s unfortunate timing for Obama and his party just seven weeks before important elections when control of Congress is at stake.

Unfortunate timing for Obama? Is that the news analysis? Screw the folks, their readers, I guess.

But rest assured that Obama will not rest until everyone that wants a job has one.

Link: Record gains for U.S. poverty

Khavari Names Running Mate

Author, Financial Analyst Richardson joins Khavari Ticket

MIAMI, AUGUST 31 — Gubernatorial hopeful Farid A. Khavari named his running mate today, announcing that author and financial analyst Darcy G. Richardson of Jacksonville qualified for Lieutenant Governor on Wednesday.

“Darcy’s wealth of political experience and economic expertise are of inestimable value to this campaign,” says Khavari, 67 of Miami. “More importantly, they will prove indispensable when we take office next January and begin the job of turning Florida’s economy around.”

Richardson, 54, is a nationally known figure in independent political circles, not least for Others, his multi-volume history of third-party politics in America. He’s managed numerous campaigns, including the 1988 independent presidential campaign of former US Senator Eugene McCarthy. He also ran for office himself twice in the 1980s, on the ticket of Pennsylvania’s Consumer Party.

As a former senior specialist for a major brokerage firm, Richardson has more than a dozen years experience in the financial services industry. His seventh book,  Collapse: How the Managerial Class Plunged the Nation into the Greatest Depression is slated for publication in October 2011.

The centerpiece of the Khavari/Richardson platform is the formation of a state bank to serve the financial needs of Florida’s people and the requirements of the state’s economy.

“The banking industry’s dirtiest secret,” says Richardson, “is that it’s half ‘socialist,’ and in the worst sense of that word. While privately held at the profit end, it externalizes all the attendant risks to the public. If the people of Florida are going to bear the risks of finance, we contend that they should also reap its benefits.”

Khavari and Richardson will face Democrats Alex Sink and running mate Rod Smith, a former State Senator from Gainesville, and Republican Rick Scott and his yet-to-be-named running mate in the November 2nd election.

Link: Khavari for Governor

Biden, ‘We’re Moving In The Right Direction’

The media is dutifully in line with the administration in talking about this ‘summer of recovery.’ Obama was talking about this summer, right?

The theme is ripe for a SNL skit. The media and administration are trying to put lipstick on a pig by saying that the economic recovery isn’t happening as fast as they had expected. The punch line is you first have to have a recovery.

They just can’t and won’t admit that the policies implemented are making matters worse, not better.  Saying that it isn’t happening as fast as hoped entirely misses the point.  (The media watchdog died years ago.) There hasn’t been any recovery yet. Unemployment is still high and getting worse. The FUD factor (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) created by this administration has not abated one bit. People and entrepreneurs are holding on to whatever assets they have, afraid of what the administration will do to them, their business, their taxes, or to their employees next. Working people are hitting their retirement accounts just to get by. Just like Obama is providing their children’s and grandchildren’s future debt, their parents are spending their retirement money before they retire. See any red flags here?

And Vice President Biden is still bold to say . . .

There is “no doubt we’re moving in the right direction.”

I have to agree with Biden on that point. There is no doubt that we are moving in the direction that Obama wants. It is required if he is to remake America like he said he wanted to do. So from Biden’s perspective, yea, Obama is a genius and everything is just dandy. We’ll be brought to our knees economically until socialism seems to be better than starving. Until we all are dependent on the federal government. It would be enough to make Hugo Chavez jealous.

And, November elections can’t come soon enough.

Biden: ‘We’ve seen this movie before’: The Swamp.

The Folks Win, For Now

Wouldn’t you like to know where your bank bailout money went? Who knew, in this age of transparency and accountability, that you would have to go to the Supreme Court to find out?

A U.S. appeals court refused to reconsider a ruling that requires the Federal Reserve Board to disclose documents identifying financial firms that might have failed without the largest U.S. government bailout.

And speaking of the accountability and transparency that President Obama promised we would see, what does it take to see that we were lied to?

Link: Fed Loses (Again), Expected to Appeal

The Taxman Cometh, In January

Barring any legislation to the contrary, the largest tax increase in American history coming in January!

If you thought that the only people in danger of tax increases planned by Congress were rich – think again!

Buckle your seat belts and hold on for the plunge the economy will take when government grabs a lot more money from the poor, the middle class, businesses… and yes… the investor class.

As Ryan Ellis of Americans for Tax Reform painstakingly details below, every part of the American family is about to get socked with big – really big – tax increases. Not only will every rate go up but every employee with company provided health care will discover next year that the value of those benefits will be added to annual income totals by the IRS!

That’s right. You get to pay income taxes on the value of your health care benefits on top of higher rates, reinstitution of the marriage penalty and a loss of deductions for a range of costs including tuition costs, student loans interest payments and health savings accounts!

You don’t need an advanced degree in economics to predict what will happen to our already struggling economy when so much more money is taken from the American economy—and our pockets—to pay for federal government spending (including shiny new luxury jets for Congressional junkets!).

Hopes for new employment from small businesses will also be dashed when new rules require far higher costs from businesses to comply with absurdly increased new paperwork requirements, when investments are taxed at a dramatically higher rate and when most small businesses see their tax rates skyrocket.

The FairTax remains the best researched and most popular alternative to the destructive income tax and headlong rush toward a national economic cliff. Far short of the citizen support to force such a change on Washington, however, our campaign must reach out to every neighbor, friend, colleague and stranger with a positive message of hope, economic improvement, full employment and fiscal restraint.

The FairTax is good for all – not just investors, one party or another. Take the FairTax message now and share it with your most vexing political opponents, with candidates and with friends because without this sea change we’re about to suffer a tax tsunami.

Continue reading The Taxman Cometh, In January

It’s The Economy Stupid, Part 2

That echo from the early 90’s is bouncing off the fiscal wall again. It’s just much worse this time. The co-chairmen of President Obama’s debt and deficit commission gave an ominous assessment of the nation’s fiscal future, calling current budgetary trends a cancer “that will destroy the country from within” unless checked by tough action in Washington.

That we are headed for an economic calamity, unless drastic changes take place, is not a right-wing talking point. No amount of hope will change this picture. It will affect us all unless we take steps to live within our means.

Blaming W for this is getting old and, does not solve the problem. Nor does it justify increasing the debt from $1.3 trillion to $13-20 trillion over the next ten years like this Congress has done.

Let’s recognize one fact about this debt that Obama inherited. It was proposed and passed by a Democrat controlled Congress. Recall that Democrats took control of Congress in 2006. And it is Congress that makes all tax and spending legislation. They, Obama included, voted for every dollar of this debt that they have been blaming Bush for. In fact, they continually complained that he wasn’t spending enough. That Gawd awful prescription drug entitlement program and his doubling the size of government was not enough for the then minority party. If they are sincere in their blaming Bush for his spending now, please show me the news accounts of Democrats urging Bush to use his veto pen.  But I digress.

This graph, supplied by The White House Office of Management and Budget clearly shows that at present, current federal revenue (for those educated in government schools, that means the sum of all taxes) is fully consumed by just three programs: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The rest of the federal government, including fighting two wars, homeland security, education, art, culture, veterans, you name it,  — the whole rest of the discretionary budget is borrowed from China and other countries.

See anything there that you want to eliminate or cut back? Living within our means necessitates that we find things here to eliminate or cut back. For starters, ‘means testing’ should apply in every entitlement program. Walter Williams talks to this calamity too in his piece What Handouts To Cut?

This debt is too large for the country to grow out of and there is not enough economic activity to eliminate it even if the IRS tax rate was 100%. That should tell you that adding a VAT (Value Added Tax) isn’t the answer either.  On the contrary, adding or increasing taxes will only further depress the economy and increase the jobless population. Is there any doubt that this is what candidate Obama meant when he said he wanted to fundamentally change America?

Dr. Farid Khavari’s Economic Plan For Floridians

Running as an Independent candidate for Governor of the State of Florida, Dr. Farid Khavari is the only candidate that has a plan that is designed to help the state, and every citizen in it as well. His plan will generate money for the State that will be used to lower costs that our taxes currently pay for. His plan will lower our cost of living via lower interest rates on everything we do.

Lowering costs is the way to lift us all up without creating more debt. And his plan is so simple, you’ll wonder why other States are not doing it. Actually, candidates in other states are considering it right now. But Khavari’s plan for Florida doesn’t stop at a public bank. The public bank is the engine that will fund and drive projects in all aspects of our lives, including reducing the costs of education, health care, and reducing or eliminating taxes, creating energy independency, and more. He wrote the book on it. Towards a Zero-Cost Economy is available from his website free for download.

Enjoy the videos. Visit his campaign website for the details, and vote for Dr. Farid Khavari in Florida’s primary. Florida needs him. And he needs your support.

Link: Farid Khavari for Florida Governor