Category Archives: 2012 Election

Obama Threatens “Every Industry”

On the campaign trail, President Obama touted his takeover of the auto industry as a smashing success (for who?). He said the auto industry is roaring back, which it isn’t. And that GM is #1 again, which it isn’t. Then he said this . . .

I said I believe in American workers, I believe in this American industry, and now the American auto industry has come roaring back and GM is number one again. So now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs not just in the auto industry, but in every industry. I don’t want those jobs taking root in places like China. I want them taking root in places like Pueblo.

President Obama just illustrated the power of the bully pulpit. Knowingly or not, the content of what he said will have a negative effect on an already stagnant economy.

The business climate now is in survival mode. Not hiring employees and not planning to expand. The administration is doing everything it can to depress private business by Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. The FUD Factor. And it has been that way since before President Obama was inaugurated.

In his first 100 days analysis . . .

The power grab the Obama administration has perpetrated over various industries and companies within his first 100 days is sending only one message to business. Watch out, you could be next.

President Obama’s recent statement answers the final question. Who, what business, or what industry, could be next? Given the chance, he wants “every industry.” After finally admitting to how he truly intends to change this country, there is no end to the FUD Factor where private sector business is concerned.

Until the FUD Factor is eliminated, there will be

  • no economic rebound
  • higher unemployment
  • college grads without jobs
  • higher energy costs
  • higher food cost
  • depressed home values
  • “kids” returning home

You know, the whole economic scheme that Obama said “works”.

Couldn’t have said more to perpetuate the fear, uncertainty, and doubt to American business. He’s already got his thumb on energy-related industries. Preventing (high-paying, union) oil industry jobs from being created, and kicking coal miners out of a job. Now, it’s everyone else.

related link: Hugo Chavez Campaign, Sean Penn

Forward Or Backward?

GDP ‘growth’ fell from 2 to 1.5% for the second quarter ending June. Or to put it another way, a 25% decrease from the first quarter. That’s how it would be described if it was Bush in the White House. And arrgh! We’re headed for a depression! But what do we get? From the architect himself, it is “a step in the right direction.” And, I need another trillion in “stimulus” spending to keep the economy moving “forward. ”

This from the guy that pretends that “taxing the rich” is something fiscally responsible to do for the economy. Something ‘fair,’ given that we are now over $15 trillion dollars in debt.

Let’s talk about being ‘responsible.’ Truth is, Obama has incurred over a trillion dollars in new debt each year he has been in office. And his 10 year budget projection has no year where the annual deficit increases by less than a trillion dollars. In fact, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner told House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan that they have no plan to reach a balanced budget. Ever! Completely ignoring the debt bomb on year 11 caused by baby boomers entering Social Security and Medicare.

In a House Budget Committee hearing on the subject, here’s what Geithner told committee chairman Paul Ryan.

We’re not coming before you to say we have a definitive solution to our long-term problem. What we do know is we don’t like yours.

At current spending levels,”taxing the rich”, as Obama puts it, would generate enough revenue to run the government for a total of eight days. Does that sound like a solution to the debt problem? How is that being responsible?

Now if these economic and political facts do not illustrate that his “tax the rich” campaign serves no economic purpose, is nothing more than his divide-and-conquer strategy to stay in The White House via class warfare, I don’t know what can.


Parting Shot for the AP

Couldn’t help but notice the slug in the Chicago Tribune’s article compared to the title in the dead-tree version and online.

The slug: chi-few-think-sluggish-us-economy-will-strengthen-soon-

The title: GDP: Economy grew at sluggish 1.5% rate in 2Q

In fact, that AP article is so rich (none of it good for Obama) in the condition of the economy and the administrations’ performance that it requires a post of its own. The bad news in it for Obama is dispersed over the entire article to avoid a connection to Obama. Except this one line in a 971 word article “The lackluster economy is raising pressure on President Barack Obama in his re-election fight…”


Obama Raising Taxes

In 2010, the last time “the Bush tax cuts” were scheduled to expire (remember the Democrat-controlled congress wouldn’t pass those tax rates into law unless they were ‘temporary?’) President Obama said that raising taxes during a recession would be counter-productive to any recovery. A correct statement. So the bill was extended two years. Notice too how tax cuts expire and tax increases don’t.

Now two years later and in another campaign season, his stump speech is that it was those “Bush tax cuts for the rich” that caused our economic trouble. That, and his claiming ignorance. Ignorance that the economy was so bad that he and his advisers did not know how bad things were. You’ve heard it. It’s all Bush’s fault.

Today Obama wants to keep the tax rates for the ‘middle class.’ Have you noticed how this president calls the Bush tax cuts as “tax cuts for the rich?” The fraud he is perpetrating on the American people is that the Bush tax cuts were tax cuts for EVERYONE, including the middle class. Sans the class warfare.

The ‘class warfare tactic’ demands that they be called tax cuts for the rich, and, it is Obama who is going to give the middle class a tax cut. The reality is the tax rates that Bush signed were tax cuts for the middle class too! Obama likes those, and wants to own them.

The only way Barack Obama can get away with this fraud is the legacy media will allow him to get away with it.

How’s this explanation work for you? ‘It was those tax cuts that caused the economy and jobs to tank. That’s why I want to extend them.’

I don’t know how President Obama sleeps at night when he continues to lie to us to advance his agenda. He does it because it works on the ‘less informed.’ Or as Boortz refers to them, the ‘dumb masses.’ It’s unfortunate for America that Community Organizer Barack Obama can’t be honest about it. And he deserves to be re-elected for that?

Barack, Whining For Dollars

Got an email from my President today. He sounds a little panicky to me.

Ross — {yeah, we’re on a first-name basis}

I will be the first president in modern history to be outspent in his re-election campaign, if things continue as they have so far.

I’m not just talking about the super PACs and anonymous outside groups — I’m talking about the Romney campaign itself. Those outside groups just add even more to the underlying problem.

The Romney campaign raises more than we do, and the math isn’t hard to understand: Through the primaries, we raised almost three-quarters of our money from donors giving less than $1,000, while Mitt Romney’s campaign raised more than three-quarters of its money from individuals giving $1,000 or more.

{I’m afraid you’ll be last to find out why.}

And, again, that’s not including the massive outside spending by super PACs and front groups funneling up to an additional billion dollars into ads trashing me, you, and everything we believe in.

{No, it’s just you Barack. And your idea of the relationship between the government and the people.}

We can be outspent and still win — but we can’t be outspent 10 to 1 and still win.

More than 2.2 million Americans have already chipped in for us, and I’m so grateful for it. As we face this week’s fundraising deadline, can you make a donation of $3 or more today?

Every donation you make today automatically enters you to join Michelle and me for one of the last grassroots dinners of this campaign — today is your last chance to get your name in.

{Speaking of that. What did the ‘winners’ of the dinner party in Manhattan have to say to you about their ideas to fix the economy?}

These dinners represent how we do things differently. My opponent spent this past weekend at a secretive retreat for the biggest donors to both his campaign and the super PACs that support him.

I’ve got other responsibilities I’m attending to.

{Like the illegal immigration catch and release program. Trying to find out who is leaking national defense secrets while attempting to cover up the Fast & Furious investigation by illegally applying your executive privilege.}

Donate today to stand for our kind of politics: {emphasis added}

Thank you,



Obama Campaign Fundraising Problem

It wasn’t that long ago we were hearing about the ‘billion dollar‘ campaign that Obama was going to have this time around. Now, the Obama campaign is not even looking competitive.

In an attempt to supplement the less than stellar campaign donor performance, the campaign has turned to capitalism via merchandising. With every issue lodged against Obaselling-obama-coverma over his record, a campaign fundraising letter is generated with a desperate tone of having to ‘fight back’ the bogeyman that wants to . . .

  1. send children brought into the country by their illegal alien parents back to Mexico.
  2. The country is not fair to them.
  3. And Republicans want to take away the health care that he wants to give them.
  4. And Republicans want to take away college Pell Grants that he wants to give them, so families can no longer afford a college education for their children.
  5. And Republicans want to take away the Social Security and Medicare of millions of Hispanic seniors citizens who depend on it.

President Obama just tweeted: ¡Obama! Show your support for the President: http://OFA.BO/Zd8XBe

The Obama campaign says . . .

 Over the last four years, President Obama has been focused on restoring basic economic security to Hispanics and all Americans.

I don’t believe even they believe that now.  They are living the reality that more Hispanics are unemployed now than when President Obama began. And all the campaign can say is that he “has been focused” on bla bla bla. They know (don’t they?) that Obama concentrated first on getting Obamacare enacted. Not the economy. In fact, he said that fixing the economy depends on first getting health care ‘under control.’ That was his justification for pushing government controlled health care first, over economic recovery. It’s the hype, the lies, that isn’t flying any more. Hispanics in America hear the same words and see the same poor, and worsening, results.

And to show his compassion for poor, out-of-work Hispanics, he is asking them to chip in $5 for a stinking button. If they had their job, the Obama campaign wouldn’t be looking for money from people who can least afford to give it. Who’s helping who here?



President Obama- ‘You’re the ultimate arbiter’

No! Not you. Are you serious? According to President (of the United States) Obama, the ultimate arbiters make up New York’s elite celebrities.

One thing about the Obama White House you can depend on. Under pressure, they begin to show themselves for who they really are.

And when you’re being out-raised by your opponent, something no one would have believed would be possible 15 months ago, the pitch becomes even more desperate.

Speaking in a dimly lighted, art-filled room, Obama told supporters they would play a critical role in an election that would determine a vision for the nation’s future.

 “You’re the tie-breaker,” he said. “You’re the ultimate arbiter of which direction this country goes.”

The $40,000 a plate fundraiser party in Manhattan was for 50 of Manhattan’s élite celebrities. And they are the tie-breaker, the ultimate arbiter.

This event was also the ‘prize’ for a fund-raising lottery. Two ‘regular people’ (not sure if that means unemployed) were supposed to be Obama’s guests at that dinner. And these winners were to have the opportunity to offer their advice to the President for improving the economy and creating jobs. Haven’t heard how that turned out. Have you?

Obama As Himself In RNC Ad

Very effective video featuring President Obama’s economic message from now to eternity. April 3, 2012 in remarks before the National Press Club, and June 14, 2012, at what was billed as the big “framing” speech in Cleveland on how President Obama was going to create jobs and heal the economy.

It’s pretty clear, if you want more of the same fear, uncertainty, and doubt, and high unemployment, a stagnant economy, failing schools, a no-energy energy policy, more people out of work, and an expanding ‘poor’ population, then Barack Obama is your man.

Barack Obama’s Background

Obama’s past (from the 90’s, not the 60’s) is coming back again.  The post ‘The Real Barack Obama‘ from nearly four years ago details Obama’s political bent in the New Party, a socialist political party. And then some. Stanley Kurtz published Obama’s affiliation with the New Party in 1996 yesterday. We had it here a few years ago.

As in 2008, the mainstream media is ignoring it. You’ll see it in conservative outlets only. Certainly not in the New York Times.

Once you understand who Obama is, in a political and ideological sense, which you will know if you read the post, you will see how everything he has done to the country and still wants to do makes perfect sense. From his point of view. Which is why he must be defeated in November.


Wisconsin Voters Still Support Gov. Walker

With 27 percent of the votes counted, both FOX and CNN are projecting that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his Lt. Governor Kleefisch keep their jobs by a landslide margin with 60% of the votes to the challengers’ 40%. That 20 percent spread is a wider margin than elected Gov. Walker the last time. Twenty percent is way beyond the voter fraud margin.

Tough luck for the public sector labor unions. If they had any sense, they would see the need to be competitive in the labor market, because the taxpayers (at least in Wisconsin) are holding their feet to the fire. And if they had any sense, they would realize that it was the governor’s policies that the legislature put into law that enabled them all to keep their jobs while at the same time turning a budget deficit into a surplus.

Big Labor’s free ride on ‘the government’ (aka taxpayers) is over.

Reaction to a Walker victory from DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Shultz (D-Fl) was enormously downplayed . . .

She said the June 5 recall is a contest with no implications for national politics. “It’s an election that’s based in Wisconsin,” she said.

The union’s know what it’s all about. As described by Patrick Martin.

[W]alker’s hard-line stance threatens their position as a secondary layer of management in controlling state employees.

The Walker victory today has the socialists calling for a split from the Democrat Party to form a third party.

The debacle in Wisconsin underscores the dimensions of the struggle now facing the working class. The defense of jobs, living standards and social services can go forward only through a mass rebellion against capitalism and the political domination of the financial aristocracy. This requires, first and foremost, a break with the Democratic Party and all its political apologists and defenders and the building of an independent party of the working class, fighting for a socialist program.

What a great idea. For them.

Update: Watching Gov. Walker’s victory speech live, thanking Wisconsins ?? on FOX. Checked to see what CNN was covering, and they’re re-playing the Queen’s Jubilee.  “CNN, the most trusted name in news.”   ROTFLMAO