Category Archives: 2012 Election

Love Affair With The Wall Street Protesters

Democrats in Washington are just aching to attach themselves to the Occupy Everywhere protests. Pelosi is in love with them. Democrats want so badly their version of the Tea Party (which isn’t a real political ‘party’) to help advance their agenda. I wish them luck with that. They are fomenting chaos, enabling and stoking the useful idiots, most of which are anti-capitalists and socialists. Big Labor doesn’t care which way it goes. They’re in the government money laundering scheme no matter what happens to the country.

Oh, now I get it.

Any other political party would distance themselves from these mobs (some of them paid to be there) rather than condone their shameful behavior.

But not these three Democratic leaders:

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Yes, I think people are frustrated and, you know, the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works.

The scary thing is that they believe that crap. They are dumb enough to not blame you, Mr. President, for the laws and regulations that mangled our financial system.

REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CA, HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: God bless them for their spontaneity. It’s — you know, it’s an independent people coming. It’s young, it’s spontaneous, it’s focused, and it’s going to be effective.

This begs the question for former Speaker Pelosi, at what is it going to be effective? In her case, I can see why Nancy Pelosi holds a special bond with the protesters. Neither of them have a clue.

VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: The core is the American people do not think the system is fair or on the level. That is the core of what you’re seeing on Wall Street.

The ‘system’ isn’t fair? Where on earth did they get that idea? The Divider in Cheif? And who thinks it is the job of government to distribute fairness?

Link: Political Influence of ‘Occupy Wall Street’?

Phase 2, The FairTax

If the mainstream media could ignore Herman Cain’s economic plan any more, I can’t imagine how. From the questions asked at the Bloomberg so-called debate about economic plans, you would think that Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 economic plan was just a nine percent tax. When in real life, the 9-9-9- tax plan is the bridge to converting to the FairTax.

We get there in two stages. Phase one is the 9-9-9 taxing structure, which also ends the payroll tax, capital gains tax, the death tax, and the elimination of double taxation of dividends. It also eliminates the fear, uncertainty, and doubt caused by our current tax policies and the politicians in Washington. The economic impact is immediate, and sets the stage for the permanent, more stimulative, and more progressive ‘FairTax’ method of funding the government.

That there are two stages is out of necessity. The FairTax requires more time to educate the public of its benefits to them and to the country. It is Phase One that will get us going sooner than later, and in due course it will be replaced by the FairTax.

The FairTax is the best long-term solution to funding the government in a business friendly environment than anything ever tried in the United States. It is the bold reform that we need.

Debate Falls Short On Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan

There’s no doubt that Herman Cain’s challengers for the Republican nomination want to knock him out of the race ASAP. They want the nomination. There is also no doubt that his challengers, and the media, are not being honest with you about Cain’s 9-9-9 plan.

The demagoguery begins with misrepresentation #1. Adding a sales tax. The truth that they all intentionally miss is that this plan REPLACES (that means ends) the current income tax, payroll tax, capital gains tax, death tax, and the double taxation of dividends. This 9 percent sales tax is not in addition to the current IRS tax code. The taxes that are eliminated more than make up for a 9 percent tax which is applied only on new goods and services. Advantage to ‘working people.’

On the corporate / business level, Cain’s 9-9-9 plan provides certainty. The 9-9-9 plan eliminates the FUD factor. The biggest impediment to economic recovery we face is the Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt that this administration foments, and that Cain’s challengers’ plans do not address. His challengers want to tinker around with the current abortion of a tax code which is part of the problem for our economic woes. The current tax code, which supports hundreds of special interest lobbyists and manipulative politicians, must go.

Whether it is a deliberate dodge or incomplete preparation, Cain’s opponents (media included) don’t talk about Phase 2 of Cain’s plan for economic recovery. That’s because they have nothing better that can touch it.

Phase 1 will give an immediate stimulus to business and personal income. It will end the FUD factor. It will increase the tax base. It will level the playing field for our multi-national businesses. The reason Phase 1 is needed is because it will be an economic stimulus right away. And it does all that now.

The other blatant obfuscation of Cain’s 9-9-9 plan is its ‘Phase 2.’ Enacting the FairTax requires educating the folks about it. Because of that, it will take longer to implement. What they are all missing is that 9-9-9 is the bridge to the FairTax. 9-9-9 is Phase 1. The FairTax is Phase 2. Which so far has not even been mentioned by his opponents or the media.

Bottom line, Herman Cain has the right solution to the country’s problem. It is bold enough to do exactly what is needed. The FairTax will be the economic engine to grow our economy. And growing the economy is the only possible way to solve our economic problems. The solution is not higher taxes. The solution, according to  Cain, is eliminating the FUD factor, decreasing spending, broadening the tax base, and decreasing taxes.


Remembering What ‘Democracy’ Looks Like

This Is What A Mob Looks Like

I am not the first to note the vast differences between the Wall Street protesters and the tea partiers. To name three: The tea partiers have jobs, showers and a point.

No one knows what the Wall Street protesters want — as is typical of mobs. They say they want Obama re-elected, but claim to hate “Wall Street.” You know, the same Wall Street that gave its largest campaign donation in history to Obama, who, in turn, bailed out the banks and made Goldman Sachs the fourth branch of government.

This would be like opposing fattening, processed foods, but cheering Michael Moore — which the protesters also did this week.
Continue reading Remembering What ‘Democracy’ Looks Like

Ron Paul Ends Campaign

Whether he knows it or not, Republican candidate for president Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) has effectively ended his chances to win the Republican nomination for president because of his idiotic defense of those two terrorists in Yemen who were blown to Hell last Friday.

BTW, good job President Obama. (That’s makes three times that Barack Obama did something right since becoming President.)

Paul said that because they were American citizens, that they should have been brought to trial here in the United States.

That might have been the plan if they were still living in the Unites States instead of Yemen. I mean, how hard would it have been to go to their safe-house, arrest them, and frog-march them to federal court? And take the risk that Attorney General Eric Holder might drop the charges on them like he did for the Black Panthers in Philadelphia?

Ron Paul brings to the discussion a whole new way to fight a war which is, if the enemy is an American citizen, then taking out the command and control is not part of the rules of engagement.

Link: Hey, Due Processers: Here’s the Smoking Underwear Bomb  | Ron Paul, ACLU condemn Anwar al-Awlaki killing

Obama Campaign Borrows From Bush ’04 Playbook

Well there’s a losing strategy. It depends on the electorate forgetting Bill Clinton’s ’92 campaign. It went something like ‘it’s the economy stupid.’

If you stop to consider that the word ‘economy’ in that slogan can be swapped for other words like, socialism, Obamacare, government over-reaching, the Constitution, and a few others, you quickly realize that the campaign is faced with a special challenge. A challenge that the Obama campaign can not overcome between now and election day.

According to John Harwood at the Times, “The last time an incumbent president faced re-election, George W. Bush exploited social and national security issues to offset his economic vulnerabilities.”

So instead of the economy and jobs, the Obama campaign is going to run on attacking republicans on social issues and national security issues?

In battleground states, “Obama’s strategists intend to use abortion, gay rights, the environment and successes in the fight against Al Qaeda to counter economic attacks and drive a wedge between Republicans and swing voters.”

On those issues, Harwood says that the Democrats have shifted from defense to offense. I have to disagree with the Times that the Democrats have shifted “from defense to offense on those issues stems from evolving public attitudes, intensifying Republican conservatism . . .” Democrats have never shifted from offense. They live to ‘fight for              ‘. Just fill in the blank.

What is important to note is the shift in public attitudes that are more in tune with Republican conservatism than with this administration. Not a pretty picture for Obama’s re-election chances.

What it means is all that the Democrats have left to run on, or run with, is more class warfare, wealth envy, and the race card. All directed at Republicans. (about half the country) Not much about why he should be re-elected. It is more like, ‘they are worse than we are.’ Good luck with that one.

Link: Obama Campaign Borrows From Bush ’04 Playbook –