Category Archives: 2008 Election

Congressional Black Caucus Says YES To FOX

As a follow-up to my post of March 15 (Here Comes The Race Card), the CBC has rebuked the agitators on the left and decided to partner with FOX broadcasting to co-sponsor presidential primary debates this fall.  Proving, as this writer puts it, that a broken clock is right twice a day. 

“The CBC Institute is committed to presenting the presidential candidates to the broadest audience possible,” Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., the chairman of the institute, said in a statement. “Collaborating with Fox News provides an opportunity to take this presidential election to millions of households.”

It is a symbolic set-back for the rabid left to be sure, when the CBC decides NOT to play along with the race card.  Rep. Bennie Thompson has it right.

reference:   New Leadership Blog and Hip Hop Republican

Troops = Football

To the far left, the ones apparently calling the shots in the Democrat(ic) party today, the troops are the political football and their game-plan it to play a game.  That’s why they have apparently put Barack Obama on their s***list, for really trying to support the troops.

In a post titled ‘Obama caves to Bush,’ the shadow party chairman (kos) says

“Instead of threatening Bush with even more restrictions and daring him to veto funding for the troops out of pique, Barack just surrendered to him.”

It is obvious that the far left is fighting the wrong war.  This is what Obama said that kos characterizes as surrendering to Bush.

If President Bush vetoes an Iraq war spending bill as promised, Congress quickly will provide the money without the withdrawal timeline the White House objects to because no lawmaker “wants to play chicken with our troops.”

A Liberal Who Wants To Win, Not Retreat

Meet Marc Danziger, a liberal democrat who wants to win the war, not run from it. He also believes that the war in Iraq is just one front in the overall global war on terror. And he has a plan to support any and all efforts to that end. He has started The Victory PAC.

For a perspective you haven’t heard from another liberal, with the exception of Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Ct), here’s where Marc is coming from.

I’m a liberal Democrat (pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-progressive taxation, pro-equal rights, pro-environmental regulation, pro-public schools) who supported and supports the war in Iraq. As I tell my liberal friends “Did I miss the part where it was progressive not to fight medieval religious fascists?”

I’ve been waiting for four years for the White House to start really explaining the war to the American people, and to do anything sensible at all to maintain the political capital necessary to keep America in the fight – to keep us from withdrawing because the war is too messy, or too long, or just plain makes us feel bad.


Marc is a liberal who knows who the real enemy is, and its not George Bush.

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for the heads up on Victory PAC

Here Comes The Race Card

The Congressional Black Caucus is being pressured to reject the FOX news network in any and all presidential debates by labeling the TV network itself as racist.  The rabid left in the blogosphere represented by websites like the Daily KOS and the Huffington Post are on board with this as well.  They can’t, and won’t, discern the difference between people expressing a different opinion than their own and the network that puts it out there.   They react as though it is FOX’s opinion. For example, here’s what a website called says about it:

Here’s a sampling of the kind of offensive messages that are put out on Fox:

  • Commenting on Hannity & Colmes about the speakers at Coretta Scott King’s funeral, featured guest Mary Matalin said, “I think these civil rights leaders are nothing more than racists” who are keeping “their African-American brothers enslaved.”
  • Jesse Lee Peterson, a regular guest who is Black said: “Kwanzaa is a racist, pagan, Marxist holiday” and then claimed that the “so-called seven principles of Kwanzaa are socialist, Marxist, separatist ideas… if a white man started a white holiday, seven-day white holiday, black folks would be burning down America.”
  • Erik Rush, another Black guest, labeled Sen. Obama’s church as cultish and separatist for espousing values of black unity and black empowerment (Fox regularly selects Black guests it knows will undermine Black causes). Rush said he replaced the word “black” with “white” in the church’s mission statement and “Suddenly, I was looking at this really scary doctrine. You know, it was something that you’d see in more like a cult or an Aryan Brethren church… I would go beyond saying they’re Afrocentric. They’re African centric. They refer to themselves as an African people and that somewhat disturbs me from the viewpoint of well, do they consider themselves Americans? Do they consider themselves Christians?”
  • On Hannity and Colmes, David Horowitz said: “The only lynch mob in America that is allowed to exist in America is a black lynch mob.”

Obviously, news outlets like CBS, NBS, ABS, CNNBS, and MSNBS don’t show the ‘other side’ of an argument to let ‘you decide.’  They all speak with one voice and one message, theirs.  Fox doesn’t need defending by me.  They are the only news outlet that makes an attempt to show you opinions from all sides of an issue.  It is the addition of the ‘other side’ that causes them to whip out the race card.  It becomes the next best tool to censorship for stifling debate.  

If you think that there is no connection between these blogs and democrat party operatives then I have this bridge I’d like to sell you.  Oh that’s right, these blogs are the democrat party operatives.  It was pressure from them that caused Democrats to cancel FOX’s participation in the Nevada primary debates just last week.  This after having signed on to do it.  Whats in play now is page three in the democrat’s playbook.  The entire book is three pages long.  Page one says, never respond to an opposing viewpoint.  Don’t participate in the arena of ideas.  Stay on your message only.  Page two is demonize the opposition.  If that doesn’t work, page three is use the race card.  Thats all they need, it’s all they have, it is what guides them.

If the purpose of participating in a debate is to connect to people via effective debate and persuasion, then FOX is the choice.  If they’re looking for an echo chamber where they can preach to the choir and a minuscule audience, then CNN would be the best choice.  It remains to be seen what action, if any, the CBC will take.  Based on the recent history of the purity of the Congressional Black Caucus, as in ‘no whites allowed,’ the odds are that they’ll follow suit.  I hope I’m wrong on this but time will tell.

Republicans, Get Off Your Butt

If you’ve watched any TV lately you are surely aware of the flap that some democrat senators are making over the termination of a few federal prosecutors.  And if that’s all you’ve been exposed to then you probably believe that there was something untoward going on, on the part of the Bush administration.  If so then please consider the possibility that you’ve been misinformed.

To put it bluntly, the whole episode is spin.  Nothing illegal, nothing even improper.  For ‘the rest of the story’ (thank you Paul Harvey for that one) turn to this editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal (not the mainstream media).

You probably have also noticed that neither the President or Attorney General Gonzalez have had anyone come to their defense.  Total silence among fellow republicans.  Could it be that, after 6 years of pounding by the MSM, republicans have been defeated by the mainstream media and democrat spin?  That they’ve lost their spine and/or the will to fight back.  Ahem, just the exact result the democrats want for the constant pounding on one hand, with no platform of their own in the other.  The “culture of corruption” and all that crap.

The democrats in Washington have gone a long way to ruin this government, and lose the war on terror, for the sole purpose of  ‘image’ around the world and getting their monopoly back in Washington.  Nothing is too sacred to sacrifice as long as they get where they want to be and to get what they want.  Which is total control in Washington, punitive taxes, punish free enterprise, expand the welfare state, socialized medicine, abortion on demand up to and including the last half-inch of birth in the vagina, borders in name only, free-for-all voting, constitutional rights for terrorists, just to name a few.

2008 is in the democrat’s sights and republicans are too distracted to see that far ahead.  It’s time.  Now, before its too late.  Take the time to let your elected representatives know that you expect them to get their spine back and stand up to democrat spin and not just sit back and watch the world go by.

For example, I just spent the last half hour getting this off my chest and I implore you to do likewise.  Republicans can not expect to lead anyone when they appear to be intimidated by people the likes of Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton.

Below is a copy of my note to my republican elected officials up to and including the President.  You can do it easily at  Tell them you’ve had enough and what you expect them to do.

Although the main focus of this request is to my Rep. Jeff Miller, the biggest opportunity to put an end to the democrats’ stirring the pot, to hamstring the administration, is in your hands Mr. President and Mr. Gonzalez.  Please get to a camera, get to a microphone, and call a spade a spade.  Explain the facts as they are in this so-called scandal.  Point out the unwillingness of some of the 8 prosecutors to tackle obvious voter fraud cases.  Point out that yes, it is political. It is totally political.  Elections are political.  And the democrats are not interested in eradicating, let alone investigating, voter fraud.  There is ample probable cause.

Point out that Clinton replace them all, some say (and I happen to agree) so that he could get rid of the one who was working on, or would be working on, the Whitewater scandal.  Point out Hubbell’s role in it.

Point out that they all serve at the pleasure of the President, even though nobody seems to deny that fact.  But whatever you do, don’t let the democrats throw blood in the water to purposefully smear and incapacitate the administration.

Point out the facts, that Kay, and the guy in New Mexico, sat on their hands in suspected voter fraud cases.  Point out that these were democrat prosecutors.

Point out that these democrats don’t trust the American people to do what’s right.  That’s why they wholly 100% rest their agendas on the judiciary, from prosecutors right on up to the Supreme Court.  Otherwise, they would be on your side in canning those prosecutors instead of castigating you.

Point out that ‘the American People’ (other than the drive-by media) and Schumer and Clinton, want and expect absolutely no hanky panky with elections.  Point out the hypocrisy in the democrats’ interest in stopping voter fraud.  IE. if the suspect is republican, they’re all for it.  But not for it if the the suspect is a democrat.  Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004 come to mind.

I’m left scratching my head and pulling my hair out at the SILENCE of all the republicans in Congress in this matter.  We need to fight back.  IF you don’t, the silence becomes tantamount to an admission of wrongdoing, which I know is 180 degrees from the truth.

We need a pep rally on the steps of the Capitol and in front of the White House.  The dems have that show down pat, and it works for them.

Time has long past to step up and tell the people exactly what is happening.  Don’t leave it up to Schumer and his ilk to do all the talking.  “The American people” will be able to understand the motives of the democrat’s phony scandal campaign without you having to tell them that too!

The ‘new tone’ has not worked.  It has won nothing but trouble.  Democrats don’t respect you, simply and only because you are an R and not a D.  They deserve to be stood up to, before another election season rewards democrats for their total and constant attacks on everything and anything you do.

Democrats Run From Debate

And the Edwards Campaign wants Fox Cash.First came Coulter Cash, now it’s Fox Cash. By denying the fact that democrats have chosen not to participate in a Fox-sponsored debate in Nevada, where the candidates can stand on their own two feet to make their case as to why people should be interested in voting for them, the Breck Girl is characterizing news of that fact as an attack. It’s not an attack. It’s called news.

it’s an insult to the voters, and the height of cynicism, for candidates to refuse to take the public stage and subject themselves to public scrutiny.

WaaaaaaaaaaaThe above is a Dennis Kucinich quote on the subject. Nevertheless, the Edwards Campaign is appealing to their minions to pony up donations to ‘strike back.’ In other words, they’ve chosen not to play. They are taking their ball and going home. Most ridiculous item of the day? You bet. Can you see it coming? Next it’ll be Blog Cash.

And For Our Next Trick

The headline reads ‘Dems split over Iraq plan details.’  Why, how could that be?  Since the election last November, democrat leaders claimed a mandate to end the war.  Not win it, just end it.  Well, it seems there is some concern for their political ass now, which should be indicative of which is more important to them; the security of our country or the security of their political party.

AP link

Dems Need Defeat, Cannot Survive Victory

Democrats’ ‘slow bleed’ policy isn’t neocon rhetoric.  It is their plan that will insure defeat in Iraq.  The Democrat party leaders are beyond the point of no return where Iraq is concerned.  They are so invested in defeat now that they cannot politically survive a victory.

Determined to challenge President Bush, Senate Democrats are drafting legislation to limit the mission of U.S. troops in Iraq, effectively revoking the broad authority Congress granted in 2002, officials said Thursday.

(AP) Senate Dems move to limit Iraq mission; (WaPo) Democrats Seek to Repeal 2002 War Authorization