All posts by Ross

A Bulava Is Not For Dunking In Coffee

A Bulava is a new submarine-fired missile that Russia is calling their ‘new’ weapon. This is their second test of this weapon in as many months that had failed. This development could delay the commissioning their 3 new Borei-class submarines, the intended vehicle for the Bulava system.

This isn’t a political comment, just an observation. I don’t remember the last time I heard of Russia developing new weapons systems.

Los Alamos Documents Found In Drug Raid

Apparently our nuclear weapons secrets at Los Alamos are still not secure. Not yet, even after the Wen Ho Lee incident going back to 1995. A speed freak with nuclear weapons secrets certainly could find a buyer. The Chinese have been the largest beneficiary of our national secrets in nuclear weapons technology. The line starts with North Korea, Iran, and terrorists, but doesn’t end there.

Drug raid yields Los Alamos documents.

Father Pulls Gun On 6 Year Old Son’s Coach

Give credit where credit is due.  I believe in that principle.  The Detroit Pistons featuring Ron Artest have in no small way contributed to the Miami v FIU game incident, and the many other cases since their ruckus two years ago.  But that’s the small-time now.  Rioting on the field?  No problem.  Now its guns.  And where else but Philadelphia at a football game for 6 and 7 year olds.  On Sunday morning.

Gee honey, lets go see the kids’ football game today.  Pack a lunch, and don’t forget the bullet-proof vests.

What ever happened to zero tolerance?  You know, where an honor student would be expelled for having an Excedrin in her locker.  Given that, these idiots that carry on in the stands and start fights should go directly to jail for disturbing the peace if for nothing else.  But a weapon?  By a kid or a parent?  Go to jail.

Schools everywhere need to get a grip on this because, remember, they are the ones setting the example.  So far I haven’t seen any good ones.

There is even group called the Citizenship Through Sports Alliance that gives grades based on parent’s behavior.  They give Philly a D. I wonder if you get an F for pulling a gun?

related link

Are Dems A Victim Of Their Own Making?

It depends on what the definition of ‘attack’ is I guess.  Every time I see a republican accused of attacking the democrats, I check the article out to see what it’s all about.  What I invariably find is that the so-called attack is merely a stone cold analysis of a democrat position.  When I think of an ‘attack’, I think of stuff like calling Bush a liar, a thief, a murderer, etc..

In this case, the Washington Post calls this an attack:

“You can’t say I want to win the war but not be willing to fight the war,” said Rove, Bush’s top political adviser. “And if leading Democrats have their way, our nation will be weaker and the enemies of our nation will be stronger. And that’s a stark fact, and it’s the reason that this fall election will turn very heavily on national security.”

Rove is right of course.  But because it is he who had the nerve to utter those words, that makes it an attack?  Despite the confidence they are exhibiting about the election this November, democrats continue to show just how thin skinned they are about their own positions.

Rove Road-Tests Tougher Attack on Democrats

CNN Video Is Newsworthy For Who?

CNN demonstrates the synergy between the insurgents in Iraq and the media.  If their ratings are so bad that they need to show videos of insurgent snipers killing our soldiers in Iraq, then they need to be expelled from the battlefield. Let the enemy do their own propaganda.  But who thinks this is put out for ratings?  It would fly well with terrorists in Iraq, and Iran, and Pakistan, and Afghanistan.  So in that sense, ‘ratings’ could be a factor.

The truth is, this is merely another episode that helps to undermine the administration and the war effort, which has been the objective of the MSM and their friends in the Democrat party for years.

CNN’s David Doss, executive producer of Anderson Cooper’s show said:

“We also understood that this kind of footage is upsetting and disturbing for many viewers,” he said. “But after getting beyond the emotional debate, we concluded the tape meets our criteria for newsworthiness.”


“Whether or not you agree with us in this case, our goal, as always, is to present the unvarnished truth as best we can,” Doss said.

Consider this.  We have been flooded with images, and videos, of our soldiers being attacked by IED’s in their humvees, trucks, and tanks.  We see them in their hospital beds.  We have all seen images of vehicles blown apart that had our soldiers in them. Now we get videos of an enemy sniper killing one of our soldiers.

OK fine.  Lets recall images that they and the rest of the MSM thought differently about.  Images that, from their perspective, were neither ‘newsworthy’ nor ‘unvarnished truth.’

  • Our citizens, choosing to commit suicide by leaping from the upper floors of the WTC rather than be incinerated at the hands of the terrorists.
  • The gruesome be-headings of Americans at the hands of the terrorists.  If it was reported at all.
  • We shouldn’t see the video of 9/11, because we, as a people, don’t have the mental toughness.

Where is CNN’s concern for the family of that soldier, not to mention the sensibilities of Americans period? 

CNN’s Doss also said that they

understood that some critics might find that the tape had public relations benefits for the insurgency.

Well of course.  And look at the choice they made.  The media bias cannot be subtle any longer.  Its in your face.  You see, any unvarnished images of what our vicious enemy does to us, both here in the United States and overseas, would tend to underscore why we are in this war to begin with, and why the President is doing what he is doing to protect us, (Patriot act, military tribunals, effective interrogations, terrorist surveillance program) and is the reason they won’t show them.  But, showing a video of one of our guys getting murdered tends to support their agenda of portraying this war as not winnable and that we should  just get out of Iraq.

I haven’t seen anyone question when CNN got that video.  On its face, showing the video is over the top, no matter when they got it.  What if we were to learn that the video was held for a period only to show near election-time?  And given recent history on this subject, who in their right mind would not suspect that?

Tune in to the al-CNN network for more terrorist propaganda, and Democrat talking points.


KESQ NewsChannel 3 Palm Springs, CA: House Defense chair asks Pentagon to remove embedded CNN reporters

Security Clearance Of NIE Leaker Suspended

A staffer of Democrat, Rep. Jane Harman of California, who is the senior Democrat in the House Intelligence Committee, is looking like the one who shared the report to the New York Times, just weeks before the election.  As an investigation begins in the committee, his security clearance is suspended.  That, according to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan.

NewsMax article snippet:

Hoekstra acted after another Republican on the intelligence committee, Rep. Ray LaHood of Illinois, pointed out that the Democratic staff member requested and received a copy of the document from the office of U.S. intelligence chief John Negroponte just days before the leaks began to appear.

It’s about time that the Justice Department gets to the bottom of the leaking of top secret documents to the media.

Would-be Theif, Gets Cooked

One thief, medium rare.  Picture a thief going to an electrical company’s substation with a mission to steal copper wire.   Then imagine him cutting into 7,000 amps, and getting away. 

“A jolt like this microwaves your insides,” said John Hutchinson, spokesman for Gulf Power. “You might not have lots of burns on the outside, but your insides will be cooked. After that, it’s only a matter of time before gangrene sets in.”

“We found fingerprints on a regulator,” Hutchinson said. “The (suspect’s) fingers melted his prints into the paint. He was that hot.”

They have checked the area hospitals and clinics.  No one has come in yet, and the Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s help in locating the suspect. 

Is America Worth Keeping?

Listening to the secular progressives, the ACLU, and people like Vicente Fox, and CAIR, you would think not. But I like how people around the world, if given a chance or choice, want to come to America to live and prosper, when done legally. And if steps are not taken now to insure that America remains American, then I apologize to our future generations for the chaos they’ll be going through. There’s nothing wrong or un-American about this country being a so-called melting pot. What’s wrong is to let the pot melt.