All posts by Ross

Candidates Receive Selective Scrutiny

The WAPO headline is ‘Allen Blasts Webb Novels For Sex Scenes.’  Think about this for a moment.  If it were Allen who authored those books, Webb wouldn’t have to ‘blast’ anybody because the media would gladly do it for him.  Politically speaking, the MSM has chosen sides.  We’re here simply to do the job that they refuse to do, which is to present the other side of every and any issue.
They don’t seem the least bit interested in going back 40 years in Webb’s school years like they did with George Allen.  Maybe it’s because they think that riding around in the Watts area of Los Angeles with guns (unloaded) and pointing them at blacks on the street, pulling the trigger, then driving off laughing at the ‘joke’ would not help forward their agenda that only republicans are corrupt, uncaring, and evil.  James Webb did that while in college.  Have you heard about that?  What, that’s not newsworthy?

RICHMOND, Oct. 27 — Virginia Sen. George Allen (R) has accused his Democratic opponent, James Webb, of writing inappropriate sex scenes and demeaning descriptions of women in his fictional books, the latest character attack in a close and nasty campaign.
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Muslims, Muslims, Just Peaceful Muslims

“Marauding youths,” “protesters,” “immigrants”. . . Why not just call them that which distinguishes them from those who are not rioting? Muslims. Believe this, it is Muslims doing the rioting in Paris. From reading this article you’d never know it. Al-AP mentions the M’word in the fourth paragraph.

AP – Police deployed 4,000 reinforcements as marauding youths torched at least two public buses Friday, the anniversary of the deaths of two teenagers that ignited weeks of riots in largely immigrant housing projects across France.

Related: The European Intifada

Vicente Fox And The Berlin Wall

Today, finally and thankfully, President Bush signs into law the Secure Fence Act of 2006.  The erection of the wall has prompted Mexican President Vicente Fox to call it Bush’s Berlin Wall.  No, the coca-cola dealer has it wrong.  It depends on who owns the fence.  If it were his wall then the Berlin Wall analogy is correct.

AP – President Bush wanted an exchange of workers with Mexico to bring order to the border, but wound up signing a law Thursday that approves partitioning 700 miles of the United States from its southern neighbor.

Gov. Bill Richardson, Plug The Leaks

Good to see a democrat, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, calling for better security for our nations secrets. Richardson said Thursday:

“We need to plug the leaks, we need to beef up security,” the governor said Wednesday. “This can’t keep happening.”

If you think he is referring to the leakers in cahoots with the New York Times you would be wrong. He is referring to what happened last week in a drug bust.

When Paris Was Burning

Will it be a peaceful ‘anniversary’ of the Paris riots last year?    One of the consequences of open borders? 

The good news is the 20 plus million ‘immigrants’ that have flooded our borders don’t want to kill us, and they aren’t depending on the government to care for them.  Most are working and supporting themselves, some are scamming the system to get welfare.

Fearing the worst, the mayor of one Paris suburb, Eric Raoult, will spend tonight – the first anniversary of the violent rioting that left 10,000 cars burned out across France – patrolling his town in a car packed with fire extinguishers. Read on

Gays And Marriage

I have no problem with ‘gays’ getting married. A gay man is just as free to marry a woman as I am. Similarly, a gay woman is free to marry a man. No problem. No one is preventing gays from getting married. Gays need to get a grip on the fact that they are not the mainstream of general society and learn to live with that fact, rather than trying to turn society upside down to suit their purpose, using judges that should be disbarred and politicians that should be arrested for blatantly violating the law.

I don’t believe ‘marriage’ has anything to do with rights. If it’s rights they’re after, then legislate some rights, call it a civil union, or even ‘gay married,’ but not simply ‘married.’ The latter being reserved for respect and preservation of traditional family values. Marriage is something that happens between members of the opposite sex. A judge can’t change the definition of marriage. Society via legislatures can, and I hope I’m not around if/when that ever happens.

Getting ‘rights’ for the gay lifestyle isn’t, on its face, a bad idea. Trying to equate it to normal heterosexual marriage is, however.

If gays were as proud of their situation as they seem to be, then one would think they would also be proud of that which defines them. Why not invent another hyphenated class to further delineate us? Along with ?-Americans (insert your word of choice), we’ll now have Gay-Americans. And Gay-Americans can be “gay married.” That seems to me to be a fair solution for gays that are tolerant of societal norms.

That would work, if only “tolerance” wasn’t missing from the lexicon of the gay “movement.”
ref: NewsMax

The Ring-Of-Fire Is The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Have you heard that Air America Radio is in bankruptcy?  Not a big deal you know.  Businesses come and go based on their success.  But for Mike Papantonio, board member of Air America Radio and host of AAR’s ‘Ring of Fire’ radio program (I think it’s one hour a week), it must be a big deal. Into AAR for over $600,000, not counting his ‘state-of-the-art’ broadcast studio in Pensacola, Papantonio says he is not a creditor, but rather an investor.

Aside from being an investor in Rabid Radio, he also is loose with the truth.  His animosity towards Rush Limbaugh seems to be his only motivation to continue to be an ‘investor’ in Rabid Radio.  And telling lies in order to utter his name and maybe catch one or two more listeners is more important than his credibility.

Case in point ishis latest ‘Pap Attack’.  In this Pap Attack, did I say attack?  That’s right I did.  That’s what he calls it himself.  Anyway, in this clip, he uses Limbaugh’s name several times as though he is even in the same league, by denouncing the White House’s ‘media day’ as a hate radio gathering with Limbaugh, and other conservative talk-radio hosts.  Give one listen to this clip and you tell me who the hate monger is.  As usual, there is no substance, only a lot of creative pejoratives and insults and crap directed at conservatives, Bush, and talk-radio.  The latter of which he knows apparently little about.

The lie?  What would he have said about ‘media day’ if he knew that Rush Limbaugh was not there nor was he invited to be there?  Spoken like a real class-action attorney.  Sounded great, but not true.

Economics 101 would suggest a correlation between ‘no credibility’ and ‘no money.’  Business 101 would suggest having a product doesn’t mean anyone will buy it. OK, but that’s all the help they’re going to get from me.

Hate Radio Goes To Washington” by Mike Papantonio

A Bulava Is Not For Dunking In Coffee

A Bulava is a new submarine-fired missile that Russia is calling their ‘new’ weapon. This is their second test of this weapon in as many months that had failed. This development could delay the commissioning their 3 new Borei-class submarines, the intended vehicle for the Bulava system.

This isn’t a political comment, just an observation. I don’t remember the last time I heard of Russia developing new weapons systems.