All posts by Ross

110,000 New Jobs Created, How Would Democrats Fix This?

Oh No. Adding to the three years of continuous job growth, another 110,000 more were created in September, while an earlier estimate of job losses in August was revised to a gain, quashing fears of recession. The unemployment rate is at 4.7 percent, up from 4.6. 5 percent or below is considered full employment. Tax revenues are up. Oh please tell me how the Democrats in Washington intend on fixing this.

related: from Reuters

Al Gore’s Movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Earns A Disclaimer

This is cool, no pun intended. A judge has ruled in favor of the school teacher that Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth” may be shown in schools only if the students are first told that this movie represents Al Gore’s ideas and is not the be all and end all theory about global warming, that there are others.

This means that teachers will have to warn pupils that there are other opinions on global warming and they should not necessarily accept the views of the film.


Stewart Dimmock said the former U.S. Vice-President’s documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, is unfit for schools because it is politically biased and contains serious scientific inaccuracies and ‘sentimental mush’.

High Court Judge Michael Burton said that errors were made in “the context of alarmism and exaggeration.” The film’s “apocalyptic vision” was not an impartial analysis of climate change.

Daily Mail UK link
related link: Gore gets a cold shoulder

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), Here’s Your Answer

During Sen. Reid’s harangue of Rush Limbaugh, a private citizen, on the floor of the Senate, he says this about spewing hate at our troops. “I can’t help but wonder how my Republican colleagues would have reacted if the tables were turned — if a well-known Democratic radio personality had used the same insulting line of attack against troops who support the war.” Harry, you wouldn’t understand so I’ll type real slow.

“I can’t help but wonder how my Republican colleagues would have reacted ”

That’s easy. There wouldn’t be any reaction because they don’t read Media Matters crap as fact. Its easy because he didn’t say what he is being accused of saying, and they might have bothered to listen to him first-hand.

No big deal, just another rabid lib. That’s how they would have reacted.

This is of course a hypothetical question. You first have to have a well-known Democratic radio personality.

I think he really meant Liberal, not Democratic.  As if Rush is a Republican radio personality.   I disagree that Rush is a Republican radio personality.  He is a conservative radio personality.  Republicans and conservatives are two different entities nowadays.  The whole border issue revealed that.  Regardless, dominant liberal or Democrat radio personalities don’t exist.

related: Clear Channel answers Harry Reid. A very polite ‘shove it,’ which is more than Harry Reid, the most hollow man in the United States Senate, deserves.

Day-Care Molester Commits Suicide

This Fort Walton Beach incident sure makes a case for a stay-at-home parent.

Jan Ritchie, 51, shot and killed himself Thursday morning as lawmen arrived to search the day-care center he co-owned with his wife.

Its just too bad he didn’t do it sooner, like when he realized he gets off on molesting babies. How much do you know about the day care facility you’re using? Or the church you’re attending for that matter? Perverts seem to be everywhere nowadays.

Rush Calls Out Reid

Rush called out Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) today while discussing the dishonest resolution on the floor of the Senate. Transcript follows beginning with Harry Reid’s statement on the Senate floor . . .

REID: Rush Limbaugh took it upon himself to attack the courage and character of those fighting and dying for him and for all of us. Rush Limbaugh got himself a deferment from serving when he was a young man. He never served in uniform. He never saw in person the extreme difficulty of maintaining peace in a foreign country engaged in a civil war. He never saw a person in combat. Yet he thinks that his opinion on the war is worth more than those who have been on the front lines. And what’s worse, Limbaugh’s show is broadcast on Armed Forces Radio, which means that thousands of troops, overseas, and veterans here at home, were forced to hear this attack on their patriotism. Rush Limbaugh owes the men and women of our armed forces an apology.

REID: Mr. President, just as patriotism is exclusive realm of neither party, taking a stand against those who hate and impugn the integrity of our troops is a job that belongs to both parties, all of us. I’m confident we will see Republicans joining with us in overwhelming numbers. “Confident” is the wrong word, Mr. President. “Hopeful” is the right word. So I asked my colleagues, Democrats and Republicans alike, to join together against this irresponsible, hateful, and unpatriot[ic] attack by calling on Rush Limbaugh to give our troops the apology they deserve — and I hope that all would sign this letter.

RUSH: All right. Well, somebody needs to tell him I did apologize to the troops earlier today, FOR him and FOR the Democrats and FOR the group that has fed this smear campaign, this bunch of lies that he knows is false, but he just wants to get this in the Congressional Record now. This is in the Congressional Record, and he wants it there permanently. This is a way to discredit me and rehabilitate the Democrats — and notice who they use to try to rehabilitate themselves: a private citizen. I would say this. What I want to do now is demand that Harry Reid come on this program and confront me like a man. Live, unedited, come on this show and let’s go at it. I’m not going to allow hack politicians to lie about what I said, to cover up what they have said and done. These are partisan character assassins. They’ve attacked me just as in the past they’ve attacked Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, and scores of other conservatives. Senator Reid, it is time for you to stop hiding behind the speech-and-debate clause and your Senate immunity.

You want to come on this program and call me unpatriotic, come on this program and call me unpatriotic. You want to call me a liar, you want to tell me that I did not say what I said, you come on this program and you tell me to my face that I said what I did not say. Stop hiding behind your special protections as a senator and spewing the talking points of an embarrassing, partisan hack media group called Media Matters for America. Hillary Clinton didn’t serve in the military, by the way, Senator Reid. She just voted against General Petraeus. Barack Obama did not serve in the military, Senator Reid, and he didn’t even show up to vote in support of Petraeus. John Edwards didn’t serve, and after voting to send our troops to war, he has undermined them ever since. It is unconscionable for an esteemed United States senator to launch an all-out assault on a private citizen, which is a lie from front to back, in order to cover your own actions and words, which have been the true demoralization of the US military — and if anybody owes the military of this country an apology, Senator Reid, it is you. It is Jack Murtha. It is Dick Durbin. It is any and all who have joined your effort to secure defeat of the United States and the United States military in not only Iraq, but the war on terror.

Sir, have you no decency left? Have you no shame whatsoever?

— end of snippet

Democrats Slander Rush Limbaugh On Senate Floor

The Dems’ resolution would be funny if it was a joke. But they’re serious, and blatantly uninformed. No, they’re not uninformed, they are misinforming the public about Limbaugh in an attempt to minimize his impact. In other words, the entire Democrat party is afraid of one lovable little fuzzball. That’s what’s funny about it.

I remember Patsy Schroeder on the floor of the House several years ago, saying how Rush bought his mother a new can opener to open her canned food, dog food. It was Rush just being Rush by illustrating a point with absurdity. But Schroeder believed what someone told her Rush said instead of what he actually said, and repeated that line as a fact on the floor of the House of Representatives. Within a few days she became the laughing stock of the House of Representatives.

We all know that libs have no sense of humor, which puts them at a genetic disadvantage. Now Harry Reid apparently believes what Media Matters tells him “what Rush said” which was not what Rush said. The phony soldiers, plural, like MacBeth and Scott Thomas Beauchamp with their phony stories. Those phony soldiers, and there are more than just those two. He wasn’t speaking of real soldiers or of real soldiers that don’t agree with the war. But facts just get in the way.

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV). . .

Rush Limbaugh took it upon himself to attack the courage and character of those fighting and dying for him and for all of us. Rush Limbaugh got himself a deferment from serving when he was a young man. He never served in uniform. He never saw in person the extreme difficulty of maintaining peace in a foreign country engaged in a civil war. He never saw a person in combat. Yet, that he thinks his opinion on the war is worth more than those who have been on the front lines.

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)

Maybe he was just high on his drugs. I don’t know.

Harry Reid (and the rest of their party and the mainstream media) only had to check out Rush’s website to see the webcam video of the conversation. But no, they’re much too busy. They will instead take the word of Media Matters, a George Soros funded group that provide most of the talking points for the MSM.


Reid and his cohorts in the slander-Rush-chorus show themselves to be fools and tools of the Soros wing of the Democrat Party.

related: Michelle Malkin

San Francisco Fails To Stop Blues From Flying

A follow-up to a post a few months ago, where some city officials in San Francisco said they would not allow the Blue Angels to put on their show at Fleet Week which is scheduled for next week. The city failed to pass the resolution which would have prevented the Blues from performing. A small victory but it speaks volumes as to that anti-military attitude of some of the city leaders there.

h/t Michelle Malkin for the news

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 101

Some things are worth repeating, and debunking the myths about ANWR is one of them. The media and the environmentalists will show you the prettiest pictures of the reserve, then actually tell you that this is where BIG OIL wants to drill.

This is the coastal plain, the place designated for oil exploration. ANWR Coastal Plain

And this is the coastal plain in the spring.

Coastal Plain in ANWR

And this is representative of pictures that the media and environmentalists will show you and why we need to save the planet.

ANWR protected wilderness

Any questions?