Hands down, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) wins the M.R.I.O.T.D. Award, for
petitioning the Atty. General of the United States, Eric Holder, to put a website operator in jail for running a website called mycongressmanisnuts.com that seeks to support his removal via the ballot box.
For what? Because the operator doesn’t reside within his district. This guy personifies the ‘Liberal Bed-wetter’ for his childish yet threatening act. Using his authority, or rather, abusing his authority to cause a criminal action against another U.S. citizen for exercising speech that he doesn’t happen to like would be cause in and of itself to bring him under investigation and in front of a Grand Jury. It is typical of how the Left views the First Amendment.
Here’s an idea. Start a website called makealangraysontestifybeforeagrandjury.com and see how he likes that?
The Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award goes to Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL)
related links:
- mycongressmanisnuts.com
- Web-site parody spurs Grayson to seek jail for foe
- Grayson threatens to imprison critic
- A Government Bully
- Poll: Alan Grayson — guts or nuts?
I just sent Rep. Grayson an email with one question:
Will you be consistent with your position on the website operator who doesn’t happen to live in your district, and return all campaign contributions that you received that were from outside your district?