Tag Archives: Media

Second Amendment Survives First Round

The Obama administration’s first attempt at incrementally limiting the 2nd Amendment went down in bi-partisan defeat in the Senate. Walter and Joe Biden are visibly upset.


To prey on the emotions of victims is standard operating procedure for bleeding-heart liberals. That goes without saying. But what’s interesting to me about this performance yesterday is the audacity and arrogance he displays, and whining, over losing his first attempt at putting limits on the second amendment.

But instead of supporting this compromise, the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill. They claimed that it would create some sort of “big brother” gun registry, even though the bill did the opposite. This legislation, in fact, outlawed any registry. Plain and simple, right there in the text. But that didn’t matter. And unfortunately, this pattern of spreading untruths about this legislation served a purpose, because those lies upset an intense minority of gun owners, and that in turn intimidated a lot of senators.

Making the gun lobby the bogeyman is expected. It is the American people who know, and have seen, what can be accomplished by incrementalism when it comes to legislation. This was but the first step. For him to accuse anyone of lying to the American people is the pot calling the kettle black when he says “this pattern of spreading untruths about this legislation served a purpose.” He should know, beginning with the so-called Affordable Health Care Act when he told the American people “I will not sign a bill that adds one dime to the deficit.” On Obama’s part, he knew he was lying. He knew that if it was repeated enough, with the support of the media, that the American people would believe his lies. They bought it. But since the Congress didn’t, states had to be bribed and the bill had to be forced through without a proper vote to get it enacted. Who’s to say he won’t try the same shenanigans with ‘gun’ control?

The only difference here is, gun rights folks know what Obama’s end-game is. It didn’t have to be spelled out in the legislation. Democrats have openly said they want to effectively disarm law-abiding citizens, since they can’t disarm criminals.

Below is the whiner and liar-in-chief  from The Rose Garden.

Statement by the President Transcript

Media Blackout On First Amendment Challenge

Probably the most UN-reported story with First Amendment/Freedom-of-the-Press consequences is the James Holmes Colorado theater jana_whitemassacre murder trial.  Six days after the April 1 hearing where reporter Jana Winter was ordered to show her sources for information about a journal the wackjob Holmes had kept, a Google search on “Jana Winter,Judge Carlos Samour Jr.” reveals almost nothing about it except for a lead story on Fox. The LA Times mentioned it almost as an afterthought in paragraph 20, 21, and 22, of a 22 paragraph story.

So I went to the “industry standard” in the publishing industry to see what they are saying about it. Editor & Publisher has one article dated February 1, 2013. Zip, zero, nada about the fight for Winter to reveal her source or sources. Which prompted an email from me on their contact form . . .

Is the First Amendment an aspect of the newspaper industry? Does the name Jana Winter ring a bell? Holmes? Colorado? Sources?

Have you read your mission statement lately?

Our Mission

Editor & Publisher is the authoritative journal covering all aspects of the newspaper industry, including business, newsroom, advertising, circulation, marketing, technology, online and syndicates.

Please advise why you don’t feel compelled to report the case, and publicly support this reporter?

Ross Calloway
Pensacola FL

That’s what I felt compelled to do. Your mileage may vary.

Links: Free press fight: How Fox News reporter wound up facing jail for doing job  |  Prosecutor to seek death penalty for Holmes in theater shooting  |  A Fox News Reporter Could Be Jailed For Protecting Her Sources, And Nobody Seems To Care

aSide Order

First Amendment Not For Everyone

Your First Amendment rights don’t mean much in Gaines Township, Michigan. Authorities there said that Vern Verduin, a cattle farmer who believes that President Obama’s political goals are destructive and inconsistent with American values, can’t put his trailer on his land with this message. More here.


The Left’s Attack On Dr. Ben Carson Begins

Aside from exhibiting the denial that Blacks in America are not all cut from the dependent role that Democrats expect them to play, like not straying from the Democrat Plantation, this race baiter, Touré Neblett on MSNBC, chooses to demagogue the Tide of God. Carson’s point was not whether Tide is regressive, but that in principle, everyone have some skin in the game.

And how do you like the attachment of Dr. Carson to Republicans by this Touré character? I have yet to hear Carson declare his political party affiliation. It’s true that he is being courted by conservatives to run for elected office. But all Dr. Ben Carson has been talking about are issues, problems, and his thoughts on how best to solve them, all in a non-political and common sense way. Touré’s attack is evidence enough that Democrats are feeling threatened by Dr. Carson. It’s the Chicago way to politically eliminate threats like him ASAP, which is what Touré (on NBC) is attempting to do here.

Where ‘flat’ taxes are concerned, the FairTax, although flat, is NOT regressive. But to say he is wrong about flat taxes being regressive might, in some corners of the far Left, qualify me for being racist. Oh well. Who is it playing the race card here?


Most Effective Rape Whistle

Tale Of Two Cowards, Obama & Boehner

Fascinating interview this on the March 17, 2013 edition of ABC’s “This Week” with House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), on two counts. boehner_obamaFirst is the headline, “House Speaker John Boehner says he ‘absolutely’ trusts Obama, trying to bridge differences.” I guess the qualifier is the “trying to bridge differences” part. But I’d really like to hear Boehner define that in his own words. For example, what basis do you have to trust President Obama after he said that the Affordable Care Act would not add one dime to the deficit and to the national debt? It was the president himself who said that he would not sign the Affordable Care Act if it would add a dime to the deficit. That’s just two examples, but there is a laundry list of similar cases where the words are 180 degrees from reality. Just where does this basis of trust come from Mr. Boehner?

Next in the theater-of-the-ridiculous is that Obama and Boehner agree that the country doesn’t have an immediate debt crisis. Boehner says a debt crisis does loom in the years ahead because entitlement programs are not sustainable if they aren’t changed. Once again, I guess it all depends on what the meaning of “immediate” is. The Associated Press apparently doesn’t have a clue, or independent thought on the subject either. They just report what “some conservatives” say. What it means to each of these two is the crisis won’t happen until I’m out of office (if not Speakership) so it may as well not exist. It also means that they, unlike House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, don’t have the balls intestinal fortitude to tackle the problem before it becomes a crisis. When the fix will be more painful. The lack of leadership in both of them is astounding. I am reminded of a line that James Carville said about then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and candidate Obama; ‘if Hillary gave [Obama] one of her balls, they’d both have two.’

Islam, Catholicism, Irrelevant In 21st Century?

You would not believe how bad the Iranian mullahs have their shorts in a wad over this picture. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Elena FriasWord coming out of Iran is this picture shows that Ahmadinejad has violated Islamic tradition. Apparently comforting a grieving mother is a sin. Islam forbids men from touching women who are not members of their direct family. What’s up with that?

According to The Telegraph, Mohammad Taghi Rahbar, the Friday prayer leader of Iran’s second city, Isfahan, told Mehr news agency that Ahmadinejad had “lost control”.

Some observers say this is attack is politically motivated because elections are coming up this summer. It may be politically motivated. Is it Iran being idiotic, or Islam being idiotic? Or some of each?

“Islam is on the way to irrelevancy if they don’t start including women, and certainly people of other color, and ultimately homosexuals.” Yeah, this according to Sally Quinn of the Washington Post. There is this one caveat. She was referring to the Catholic Church and Catholicism, not Islam. Do you think she, or any member of the news media for that matter, would ever say that about Islam? Christianity, that’s fair game.

Link: Iran’s Ahmadinejad blasted for consoling Chavez’s mother

Alternate Universe Defined

Daily Beast and Newsweek contributor Michael Tomasky defines the Left’s alternate universe in one sentence. On advising Obama on how he should respond to the “deficit hawks” over House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan’s budget (that the president should listen to advice from the media is another topic), Tomasky says, “Obama should ignore them—and make it clear that jobs, not deficits, are his main priority.”

The alternate reality is that the only thing we’ve seen grow since Obama took office is deficits and debt. Not jobs. Which for normal people, begs the question whether Obama is sincere, lying, or has a clue on how to create jobs in the private sector? The left-leaning media, like Obama, don’t care about deficits and the national debt. In fact, reducing the national debt and arriving at a balanced budget isn’t in Obama’s proposed budget. And that alone should be cause for concern.

The reality is that Obama’s policies and deficit expansion have only worsened unemployment and expanded the need for government help. It doesn’t matter that he says jobs are his main priority. He’s been saying that since before his first inauguration. Both he, and Mr. Tomasky are of the belief that we can spend our way to prosperity and borrow our way out of debt. How’s that working for you? The reality is, the only way either of those things will turn around is by turning loose this economy and let it grow, instead of sapping the blood from it and holding it back. That’s when real jobs, not government jobs, will be created.

Note too that the Left has a word for being responsible with the people’s money. If you think that the government should not spend more than it takes in, then you’re a deficit hawk. Which ostensibly must be as bad as a defense hawk or war hawk. It follows that you’re a deficit dove (or ignoramus) if you think money grows on trees and can spend and borrow as much as you want, with no limit whatsoever. Which label do you think the low information voters identify with?

Link: How Obama Should Respond to Ryan

The Recoverless And Jobless Recovery

Unemployment Line

There’s a reason Obama’s economy and so-called recovery is referred to as the recoverless recovery. For much the same reason that drops in the unemployment rate don’t mean that we are creating jobs.

This video illustrates the performance of the last eight recessions and why the last three all look different.

In Obama’s jobless recovery, the unemployment rate is going down. Not because more people are working, but because fewer people are working.  296,000 less in February than in January. The BLS simply shrinks the job universe of workers, referred to as the labor force participation rate, before computing the unemployment rate. It is as though those unemployed whose 99 weeks of unemployment have run out, and are still unemployed, have died. The government stops counting them.

This is how the BLS describes it . . .

The civilian labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed persons. Those persons not classified as employed or unemployed are not in the labor force. The unemployment rate is the number unemployed as a percent of the labor force. The labor force participation rate is the labor force as a percent of the population, and the employment-population ratio is the employed as a percent of the population.

  • When you include those unemployed as still living, the real unemployment rate, the U-6, is 14.3%.
  • Multiple job holders, those needing and getting two or more jobs, grew by 340,000 since January 2013.
  • There are 1,129,000 fewer workers in the work force in February 2013 than in February 2012.
  • The number of unemployed that have been unemployed for 27 weeks or over increased by 89,000 from January 2013.
  • Unemployment rate for “Black  or African Americans” ages 16 to 19 years old went from 37.8% in January to 43.1% in February 2013. Same age bracket for “White” was 20.8% in January and 22.1% in February 2013.

The “highlight” that The White House and the media report is “Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 236,000 in February, and the unemployment rate edged down to 7.7. And, that 236,000 number includes second and third jobs found by the still employed. And,  when you consider that due to retirements and population growth, a break-even in job creation would be 250,000 jobs per month, that we not only have a recoverless recovery, but a jobless recovery as well.

The details are here . . .

Employment Situation for February 2013 by

Smaller Government Wins 2 to 1

You would never know it by listening to what comes out of The White House or the President’s mouth. But, according to this Washingtonbudget_cuts Post / ABC News poll, cutting government spending is exactly what a vast majority of Americans want.

You can tell it pains the WaPo to say exactly what’s in their poll, because they don’t. You have to look at the graphic to see that not only do most “adults” support a five percent across the board cut in federal spending 61 to 33 percent, but they also oppose an eight percent cut in defense spending by a 60 to 34 percent margin. And those numbers reflect Democrats, Liberal Democrats, Independents, and Republicans.

What the Post says in print is “Some 55 percent of liberal Democrats also back the eight percent slashing of the U.S. military budget included in the sequester.” That falls in line with the administration’s liberal bent. But in its entirety, the poll shows that the American people support the exact opposite of what Barack Obama is doing.


h/t Rush Limbaugh, “We are not on the losing side when it comes to the majority of thinking in this country.”

Link: Cut government spending? Sure….in theory.

Organizing for Action And Sequestration, Update 3/2/2013

Obama-Jim-MessinaThe Obama campaign (which hasn’t ended), as opposed to the Obama presidency (which hasn’t started), presents their lies to the low-information voters over ‘sequestration.’ And I’ll throw in the low-information media in the same camp. Actually, they know better, but bend over when it comes to helping President Obama.

Here’s a letter I received from Jim Messina, the Chair-sweetie of the (non-partisan?) Organizing for Action PAC over sequestration, which he now characterizes as “Republican obstructionism.” This isn’t a right-wing talking point. This is his OFA document. The truth is in italics.

Ross —

This is what Republican obstructionism has come to:

Obama’s inaction doesn’t become Republican obstructionism.

Tomorrow, if congressional Republicans don’t act, dangerous self-inflicted budget cuts known as the sequester will rip a hole in our nation’s budget and indiscriminately cut programs vital to millions of Americans like you.

First of all, there is no budget. Hasn’t been a budget in four years. Secondly, there are no budget cuts. They represent a modest decrease in the increase in future spending. See chart below. These would be the same budget cuts that Obama proposed, and successfully got bi-partisan support for in the debt ceiling agreement two years ago. If he were honest, he would blame Republicans for ‘compromising’ with him.

The only reason Republicans won’t stop these devastating sequester cuts is because they want to protect tax loopholes for millionaires, billionaires, and corporate jets.

To quote Justice Alito, NOT TRUE. Another lie for the low-information voters and Obama kool-aid drinkers. In the big debate over the “Bush Tax Cuts” expiring, Republicans offered using the ending of the so-called “tax loopholes” (which are tax law, not anything shady or illegal) in order to get the revenue that Obama said he wanted. But Obama didn’t want that. Apparently, it was HE, not Republicans, that wanted to protect tax loopholes for millionaires, billionaires, and corporate jets. So he chose to leave them alone and raise the tax rates on everyone instead. Now he is trying to move the bar by coming back for them. On the “balanced approach side,” cutting spending, in order to avoid “dangerous self-inflicted budget cuts,” Senate Republicans offered President Obama the freedom to exercise his discretion to cut anything he wants, instead of the across-the-board cuts that he signed into law. And he refused the offer. Why do you suppose he would do that?

It’s hard to believe they let it come to this point. Beginning tomorrow, March 1st, we’re going to feel the impact.

You better believe this is exactly the point Obama wants. A contrived issue he can use to beat Republicans over the head with.

President Obama has a balanced plan to prevent the harmful sequester, reduce the deficit, and protect the middle class.

More higher taxes, more borrowing, more redistribution of wealth. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Democrat’s bill would add $41.5 billion to the deficit in 2013, $15.9 billion in 2014, and $5.2 billion in 2015 before its tax increases are scheduled to begin lowering yearly deficits. However, because it raises spending more than it raises taxes, it would still add a total of $7.2 billion to the deficit and $5.8 trillion to the national debt. All of which will destroy the middle class and every other class. This is what passes for balanced, responsible? He likes balance? Try this. I’ll take your so-called tax loopholes, in exchange for returning to the lower tax rates back to working people. 

Stand behind that plan and tell Republicans to act in the best interest of their constituents:

Did I say non-partisan?


More soon,


Jim Messina
Organizing for Action

P.S. — If Congress fails to act, this fight doesn’t end tomorrow. We’ll need to put even more pressure on Republicans to stop these budget cuts and pass a balanced plan. Join this fight now.

Let’s finish what we started. Chip in $25 or more to Organizing for Action, the grassroots movement that will get the job done.

Did I say non-partisan?
