Tag Archives: 2010 Election

Black Republican Wins In South Carolina

Voters in South Carolina nominated a black Republican lawmaker for an open congressional seat Tuesday, rejecting a legendary political name and adding diversity to the national party.

State Rep. Tim Scott defeated Paul Thurmond, an attorney who is son of the one-time segregationist U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond. Scott, who won the runoff with 69 percent of the vote, is now poised to become the nation’s first black GOP congressman since Oklahoma’s J.C. Watts retired in 2003.

I like how Obama has inspired black politicians to run for office, as Republicans.

After eighteen months of a Obama administration, Americans are beginning to realize that Obama hasn’t a clue on how to fulfill his campaign promises, and then some. And the other good news is, thanks to candidates like Tim Scott, Republicans only need to look to Tim Scott to see what it takes to win. Legislating like a Democrat-lite for the last six years is a losing proposition. Sticking to conservative principles is not only the right thing to do, but it is also the best way to govern.

Related links: Vote Tim ScottBlack SC Republican poised to go to Congress

Star Parker Gets Palin Endorsement

Excellent choice for California’s 37th Congressional District. Her list of endorsements from conservatives is impressive as well.

I like how Obama has inspired black politicians to run for office, as Republicans.

There’s a lesson here for wishy-washy Republicans. Get a spine, stand on conservative principles. All the time and in all cases.

Congressman Jeff Miller (R-FL), please take note.

Link: Palin endorses Star Parker for Congress

Dems Concerned About Voting Integrity?

Here’s one for the political pundits out there to digest. Alvin Greene, a 32-year-old unknown who lives with his father and waged no visible campaign, beat a former state lawmaker, Victor Rawl, who did campaign.

What’s funny about Green’s victory is that he had raised no money, ran no ads, and has no website. And he beat out Rawl with a 59 to 41 percent tally.

Now for the first time in history, a Democrat is concerned with integrity in the voting process.

“This is not about me,” Rawl said. “It is not about blacks. It is not about whites. It’s about the sanctity of our electoral process.”

Link: SC Dems uphold US Senate primary shocker

Khavari To Run As An Independent

Khavari to Run for Governor as an Independent

Miami, FL June 15 – Economist Farid Khavari announced today that he has withdrawn from the August Democratic primary and will run for governor as an independent in November.

Khavari’s Economic Plan for Florida has received national attention and gubernatorial candidates in at least five other states have adopted parts of the plan for their campaigns. In prepared remarks, Dr. Khavari said:

“A governor should not serve party bosses, banks, insurance companies or other special interests. A governor must be above party politics. He or she must represent all of the people of Florida.”

“I sincerely seek the support of all Floridians who care about our future, whatever their party affiliation.”

“Republican and Democratic party leaders long ago chose their candidates for governor, and put millions of dollars behind those candidates, without any input from the people. As a result, the presumptive candidates of the two major parties are just like Tweedledee and Tweedledum.” If you throw in Buddy Chiles — an unaccomplished candidate running on his father’s legacy — we might describe the current field as a choice between Tweedledee, Tweedledum and Tweedledumber. Voters can decide which one is which.

“If these are our only choices, then the banks, insurance companies and other special interests win, and Florida loses.” Voters in both parties are disgusted, and who can blame them? Ask yourself where those millions in campaign funds came from!

“Now Democrats and Republicans, and everyone else, have a real choice.”

“I’m an economist, not a politician. I have an Economic Plan to create over one million new jobs in Florida, without subsidies or “stimulus” money. These jobs will create more jobs automatically. We will create a bank owned by all the people of Florida. This bank can earn billions for the state while slashing interest costs for state and local governments—and for every citizen of Florida. Our 2% 15-year mortgages will create a thousand times more jobs than any so-called stimulus plan, while stabilizing Florida’s housing market at fair prices. Low interest-rate credit cards will earn billions for our state treasury, while saving average Florida families billions per month. This money will stay in Florida to drive our economy, not to serve Wall Street.”

“With over 1.4 million unemployed Floridians, and almost a million foreclosures, we can’t afford crony politics any more.”

“Unencumbered by partisan politics, my candidacy offers Floridians a real choice: a healthy economy, a million new jobs, a stabilized housing market, and unparalleled prosperity. Or you can limit your choices to the two major-party candidates and we can lose another million jobs and another million families can lose their homes.”

“I look forward to winning the support of all Floridians who want a bright future for our state.”

Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D. is a respected economist and author of nine books, including Environomics. His Economic Plan for Florida is at www.khavariforgovernor.com.

Black Republican 2010 Candidates

A complete list with profiles of the 32 black Republicans who are running for office as of April 2010 was complied by the Frederick Douglas Foundation.

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.”
– Frederick Douglass –

From their website . . .

We have decided to be proactive and acknowledge the overwhelming number of Black Republicans running for office in 2010 and we need your help.

If you are or know of an individual running for public office in 2010 at the county, state or federal levels, we are asking you to complete the form below.

Once a week, we will update and post the latest listing of candidates and their contact information.

Let everyone in your district and the country know you are a candidate so they can support your efforts.

H/T to the National Black Republican Association.

Related links:

What Is The Biggest Threat To America?

Dennis Prager answered that question at the University of Denver in this video. ‘We have not passed on what it means to be ‘American’ to this generation.’

Along that same line is the current lack of interest to crack down on illegal immigration. Both political parties are guilty of trying to find a way to exploit illegals for political advantage. Bush tried it under the label of ‘comprehensive’ immigration reform. Otherwise known as amnesty-lite.

Now, prepping the field for the 2010 election season, Democrats are doing it by trashing Arizonans for wanting to do nothing more than enforce the law. They used Mexico’s president Felipe Calderon as the bird to flip to Americans and Arizonans, in front of a joint session of congress no less. Obama echoed Calderon’s spin that the Arizona law, that neither of them have read, is racial profiling.  This president is not about uniting this country. This president is all about dividing this country for purely political purposes. The standing ovations that Calderon got from Democrats in congress is testament to their motivation and belief that illegal immigrants are noting more than undocumented Democrats.

Which brings me to the other angle of the biggest threat to America. It is about immigration. It is good that people from all over the world want to come to America to live and prosper, when done legally. Legal immigrants come here to assimilate and become Americans. Illegal immigrants come here not to assimilate and become Americans, but rather to use America. And if steps are not taken now to insure that America remains American, future generations might learn about the American dream from history books, because it will be gone. There’s nothing wrong or un-American about this country being a so-called melting pot. What’s wrong is to let the pot melt.

BP’s $25 Million For Florida’s Panhandle

Gov. Charlie Crist (NPA-FL) visited the Florida Panhandle a few times since the Deepwater Horizon incident. Hearing from residents and industry leaders about how the already weak economy is worsening because of the bad publicity, BP officials agreed to support an advertising fund to help offset the economic damage with an advertising effort to promote business in the Panhandle.

So far, and according to RicksBlog . . .

State Senator Don Gaetz says that, as of Friday, May 21, BP has not given Florida the $25-million block grant for tourism advertising that BP CEO Tony Hayward promised Gov. Charlie Crist on Monday.

According to State Senator Don Gaetz . . .

state officials are still negotiating a ‘memorandum of understanding’, which must be completed prior to receiving the funds.”

Well, that’s how it started. From there it has gone to a gimme-fest by politicos all over the state. Developing a memorandum of understanding over the $25 million seems only prudent. Especially when you have people like Kendrick Meek showboating for $100 million.

Aside from all that, take a peek at how the Panhandle is going to be ‘promoted.’ No, take a long look at it, and a peek is all you’ll see. Links to the proposed ads as produced by VisitFlorida.com are here:

Link to spots: http://www.2150.tv/getpass.html

password: visitflorida (case sensitive)

There are currently 2 versions of the spot – a general Florida version and a more Northwest Florida oriented spot.

Take a look at those ads. If that’s what they call focused on the Panhandle, I think we need to look to another ad agency with a more effective message. VisitFlorida.com’s website is nothing but a glorified Yahoo travel site. You’re lucky to find beach shots with sugar-white sands, and no mention of the timeliness of the ads and the beautiful conditions that exist in this part of the Gulf of Mexico and Florida.

But you will find this . . .

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Update

There continue to be no confirmed oil sightings associated with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Florida’s shores at this time.

The great majority of the hotels/motels are inland. There is no evidence there of any emphasis placed on fighting the negative impression created by the news media and environmentalists.

Considering both ads, if I had to put a percentage to it, as for how much of it is ‘focused’ on the Panhandle and how much of it is generic to Florida, I’d give the Panhandle less than ten percent. And if you don’t live in the area, like 100 percent of the target audience, you wouldn’t recognize anything to do with the Panhandle. It’s a sham.

It seems apparent that Charlie Crist and Alex Sink care more about getting the money to promote Florida than the Panhandle. The place where Florida’s economy is most severely impacted.

Give money to Crist and Sink, and you can kiss it good-bye. Especially in this political season. All the Panhandle is left with is hope. Nothing has changed.

Republicans, Don’t Count Your Chickens . . .


Republican consultants are doing a wonderful job raising expectations sky-high for the November elections, so that now, even if Republicans do smashingly well, it will look like a defeat (and an across-the-board endorsement of Obama’s agenda). Thanks, Republicans!

That’s what happened in the 1998 congressional elections, nearly foiling Clinton’s impeachment. It’s what happened to the Conservative Party in Britain a week ago. And that’s what happened this week in the 12th Congressional District of Pennsylvania, formerly represented by Rep. John Murtha.

Note to Republicans: Whenever possible, victory parties should be held after the election, not before it.

The result of the election in Murtha’s old district on Tuesday was that the rabidly anti-ObamaCare, pro-life, pro-gun candidate won! Yippee!

But the news on Wednesday morning was that the election “dealt a blow to Republicans,” as The New York Times reported.

The reason the Times’ description was not utter madness (in violation of New York Times’ official policy) is because the anti-ObamaCare, pro-life, pro-gun candidate was a Democrat and, for the past two months, every Republican on TV has been predicting a Republican victory in Murtha’s district.

Thanks to all the happy talk, if the Republican actually had won, it would have been Page 16 news. But when the Democrat won, it seemed like an against-all-odds, come-from-behind Hoosiers victory!

Why were Republicans predicting victory in a district where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2-1? Given a choice between two candidates who both hate ObamaCare, why would lifelong Democrats not vote for the Democrat?

Republicans are playing the same raised-expectations game with the November elections. Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner is ludicrously predicting Republicans will pick up 100 seats in the House in November. Newt Gingrich puts the figure at an equally insane (and weirdly precise) 78. He also predicts the Cubs will win 132 games this season and six games will be rained out.

Keep it up, Republicans, and I’m going to keep naming names. I have Nexis.

For more than half a century, the average midterm pickup for the party out of power has been 24 seats.

Your job, Republicans, is not to go on Fox News and whisper sweet nothings in conservatives’ ears. Your job is to repeal the Obama agenda. Raising expectations so high that a 30-seat Republican pickup will seem like a loss is not helping.

Moreover, we’re not going to pick up any seats this November if Republicans keep chumming around with the Democrats’ pals on Wall Street.

Roughly since the Harding administration, Wall Street has overwhelmingly favored Democrats. According to a recent report from ABC News, for example, the five largest hedge funds gave “almost all their donations to Democrats.”

For the past year, the Democrats’ Wall Street BFFs have had lower public approval ratings than Hitler. (When I say “Hitler,” I don’t mean Dick Cheney or George W. Bush; I actually mean Adolf Hitler.) While Hitler continues to enjoy great personal popularity, there is a growing dissatisfaction with his policies.

How could Republicans possibly screw that up? We try harder.

No sooner had the news come out that Goldman Sachs (Joseph Goebbels in this metaphor) had given Obama an astronomical $1 million in campaign donations, than Republican John Boehner decided that this was the time to suck up to Wall Street! So Boehner flew to New York to meet with Wall Street bankers and ask them to be Republicans’ friends.

Boehner is like the guy who just got raped in prison and doesn’t know what happened to him. Hey — what was that? Should I have thanked the guy?

As Pat Caddell says, Democrats are whores, but they expect to be paid; Republicans’ names are scrawled on the bathroom wall: “For a good time, call the GOP!”

As depressing as it is to watch the Republican Party dive headlong off a cliff, at least we have Dick Blumenthal.

Connecticut’s attorney general, pompous, freakishly ambitious, self-righteous, hold-a-press-conference-every-day Blumenthal, was a shoo-in to take Chris Dodd’s Senate seat this fall.

After all, he was a Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star and Purple Heart winner from his days as a four-star general in Vietnam. (And captain of the Harvard swim team to boot!)

But now we find out from a front-page article in The New York Times that, despite Blumenthal’s repeated references to serving “in Vietnam” — he was never in Vietnam. He got five draft deferments and then joined an elite unit of the Marine Reserves to avoid going to war, serving in their heroic “Toys for Tots” brigade.

He also wasn’t on the Harvard swim team. (Oddly enough, though, the story Blumenthal likes to tell about owning a necklace of human ears? That one’s actually true.)

Blumenthal may as well have shown up for a press conference in a dress. Suddenly, Connecticut is in play!

Naturally, therefore, Republicans are planning on running a World Wrestling Entertainment “impresario” against Blumenthal. Yes, in Connecticut … a state that is among the wealthiest and most highly educated in the nation … a state that isn’t Minnesota. The average Nutmegger doesn’t even know what a turnbuckle is, and that includes me.

Republicans could run Rob Simmons, a Connecticut legislator with a distinguished record of service in the House of Representatives, the CIA, and as a Yale political science professor — who actually did serve in Vietnam, winning two Bronze Stars and retiring as a colonel.

But defeat is so close! Republicans can almost taste the bitterness of yet another crushing loss!

The above lovingly snatched from Ann Coulter.com

Bu-bye Arlen

Pennsylvania democrats weren’t convinced that they needed more of Sen. Arlen Spector (D-PA) after sending him packing, choosing instead U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) as their nominee.

Dependent on the City of Brotherly Love to carry him to victory, Philly rejected him.

Tonight’s results also has Obama batting 1000 for killing the chances of people he campaigns for. Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and now Arlen Specter. Seems Obama has inherited the kiss of death from Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Or maybe it’s something more than that?

Link: Specter rejected by Pa. Dems in bid for 6th term

Know Your Florida Gubernatorial Candidates

Florida governor candidates compared in black and white


Miami, FL April 21 – Noted economist and Democratic Independent gubernatorial candidate Farid Khavari today challenged voters to think about their own futures and the future of Florida. “People should vote in their own interests, not for candidates who represent special interests,” said Khavari. “It’s not complicated, but this year, with over a million Floridians unemployed, and over 800,000 foreclosures in Florida, our choice of governor is a more important decision than ever.”

Khavari offered a simple comparison:


Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D. is a respected economist and author of nine books, including Environomics. His Economic Plan for Florida is at www.khavariforgovernor.com.