Tag Archives: 2008 Election

Sen. Obama Demagogues Big Oil On Windfall Profits

One only has to see this campaign ad that Sen. Barack Obama is running in Pennsylvania to get an idea of his grasp on economics as it relates to the price of gasoline. Obama labels oil company profits as ‘windfall profits’ and something that needs to be taxed, ostensibly, to gain ‘energy independence.’ The fact that Sen. Obama calls a modest 10% profit margin a ‘windfall profit,’ something to be attacked with the tax hammer, calls to attention his ignorance in economic principles, running a business, and capitalism. It also shows his willingness to mislead and misinform Pennsylvanians.

Increasing taxes on a corporation to, ostensibly, bring prices down is not only wrong thinking from an economic perspective, but to characterize Exxon’s 10% profit margin as ‘windfall profits’ is dishonest and/or shows his ignorance where economics is concerned. Playing to the dumb masses is what liberals do. It is named appropriately though, ‘Nothing’s Changed.’

Given the chance, both he and Hillary would only make gas prices at the pump higher and the country more dependent on foreign oil than ever before.  Increasing supply is not on their agenda. That is one thing you can count on.

aSide Order

Are you as shocked as this white guy to learn what goes on in some, I hope very very few, black churches on Sunday? From Barack Obama’s former minister and still ‘spiritual leader’ spewing political and racial hatred, to a church in Harlem that tore Obama to shreds, from the pulpit. Is is painful to hear. I don’t care if you read The Lord’s Prayer on Sunday and spew that political and racial hatred, it doesn’t qualify to be the tax exempt entity it is supposed to be. Question is, how is it that THESE churches still have tax exempt status?  Not to mention how damaging it is to the life and spirit of generations of black children being exposed to this kind of hatred.

Always on top of things Brian Ross of ABC News, finds that Hillary was in the White House on ‘blue dress day.’ But Brian, where’s the cigar?

Stuff White People Like. Hilarious blog. Covers many subjects that might answer some questions about white people. Helpful information for people of all races.

Olbermann Goes Ballistic Over Geraldine Ferraro

Keith Olbermann’s take on the Ferraro – Obama flap perfectly represents the ‘media’s racial angle‘ to this story. As an added bonus, you can hear, if not see, Olbermann foaming at the mouth over this.

In typical Olbermann / Liberal fashion, he accuses her and Rush Limbaugh of doing things they did not do, taking the racist accusation to the highest level. The best part is where he says that Hillary is acting like a republican. But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself.

Please notice which party it is that is turning a political fight into a racial one. These are Democrats, who are always first to notice things like race, gender, sexual preference, and the first to accuse Republicans of being racists, sexists, and homophobes. They set themselves up as caretakers for the victims they create and, through a dependent-creating liberal agenda, cultivate.

related video: Issues of race infiltrate Dems contest

It’s Not Ferraro Dividing The Party

From the looks of the news over the Geraldine Ferraro – Barack Obama flap, I’m feeling that there’s a whole lot of race going on and it isn’t being perpetrated by Ferraro when she said this . . .

If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.

I agree with Obama when he said that he did not take that as a racist remark. I didn’t see it that way either. It was an opinion of all the dynamics at work in a Presidential election where there is a woman and black for the first time in American history. What is distressing is the extent to which the media is running a racist angle on the story.

For the woman’s part, Ferraro has been there, done that. For the black’s part, Barack is there today. What Ferraro said was exactly right. If Barack was white, he would have been in the also-ran line with Dennis Kucinich long ago. But he is Black. He’s a handsome guy, he gives good speeches, is inspirational and, according to Joe Biden (D-DE), he is clean. In this case, the fact that he has not yet finished his first term in the Senate, has no executive experience outside of organizing neighborhood projects, seem to have no bearing on his qualifications to be President and Commander in Chief, during a war. If he would have been white, he’d be outta there. But the media apparently can not recognize that fact. Is it because they want to pick the candidate on the Democrat side of the ticket as well?

Obama’s response is clever, but shows his inability to deal with what she said. He instead attempts to tell her, and you and I, what we can and can not talk about.

“Part of what I think Geraldine Ferraro is doing, and I respect the fact that she was a trailblazer, is to participate in the kind of slice and dice politics that’s about race and about gender and about this and that, and that’s what Americans are tired of because they recognize that when we divide ourselves in that way we can’t solve problems,” Obama said on NBC’s “Today” show.

Let’s see if I understand this. Americans are tired of the race and gender politics? Oh, I thought there were record number turnouts in voting in the Democratic primaries. To the contrary, Americans are very interested in it. It isn’t Geraldine Ferraro who is dividing the Democratic party. This woman vs black issue is exposing the Democratic party in the same way that illegal immigration revealed the Republican party fissure between conservatives and Republicans.

All in all, Obama’s attempt to squelch speech by saying what you should not talk about, and to use it to accuse her of trying to divide the Democratic party, exposes his amateur, not presidential, abilities.

related links: Obama Says Ferraro Dividing Democrats | Ferraro:They’re attacking me because I’m whiteOlberman Goes Ballistic Over Ferraro

Clinton Consistent On Coal

After Bill Clinton’s second run for President, it was learned of a Chinese connection in illegal campaign contributions. Back then, Bill Clinton created a 1.8 million acre monument in southern Utah. On its face, an innocuous move, making environmentalists (also contributors) happy. Everybody feels good about a new park. What wasn’t mentioned was the coal reserves located in that 1.8 million acres.

The effect of creating that ‘monument’ was to take our country’s largest deposit of low-sulphur coal off of the market and out of bounds from mining. Now a quick mineralogical lesson. There are only two known low-sulphur coal reserves in the world, one of which is under this land in Utah that was blocked off by Clinton and the other of which is in China. We then see the Rhiady family, acting as intermediaries between Clinton and the Chinese government, which was making illegal donations to the Clinton campaign.

Over a decade ago, Bill Clinton didn’t blink an eye at handing a huge advantage to China while at the same time helping to cripple the coal industry at home. That was when he was trolling for campaign contributions.

So two days ago, while Clinton is looking for votes, he speaks to an audience in a small mining town in Wyoming . . .

But here was Bill Clinton in southwest Wyoming, two days before Saturday’s Democratic caucuses, telling about 1,000 people how his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, would establish 10 clean-coal technology projects if elected president in November.

“Some environmentalists don’t think we ought to be doing anything with coal, but they’re wrong,” he said. “Think about it, you could become, maybe, the first totally energy-independent state in the United States.”

They don’t call him ‘Slick Willy’ for nothing.   That would have been the time to ask Mr. Clinton why, if he is so behind the coal industry, he wrote off our reserves with a stroke of a pen?  It is easy to see Clinton’s consistency when it comes to our natural resources.  His and Hillary’s interests always come before the country’s interest.  He’ll sell you short, or he’ll sell you snake oil, as long as he/she gets elected.

Related links: Bill Clinton’s campaign roleClinton project dogs McGinty

News Conference Preparation

One or two of the Democrat contenders might just melt down on their own once the media starts to grow a pair and ask some questions. The Wizard of ID captured perfectly the way Clinton appearances have been managed. Slowly, things are changing.

News Conference Prep

The weakest link of the two is Obama. He was seen yesterday running from reporters, er, his campaign was late and he had to run, when a Tony Rezko question came up. The media was surprised to see an Obama that they had not seen before.

related link: Obama ducks questions

NewsBusted TV, Episode 145

Topics in today’s show:

  • The New York Times suffers from low approval ratings
  • Protestors plan to demonstrate at the political party conventions
  • Hillary Clinton says Barack Obama doesn’t have enough international experience
  • Jay Leno looking for job offers after he quits “Tonight Show.”
  • Rihanna named cultural ambassador from her native Barbados


Vermont Towns Vote To Indict Bush, Cheney

Big victory, if not symbolic, for the far left. From the land of Bernie Sanders ‘voters in two Vermont towns approved measures Tuesday calling for the indictment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for what they consider violations of the Constitution.’

More symbolic than anything, the items sought to have police arrest Bush and Cheney if they ever visit Brattleboro or nearby Marlboro or to extradite them for prosecution elsewhere — if they’re not impeached first.

In Brattleboro, the vote was 2,012-1,795. In Marlboro, which held a town meeting on the issue, it was 43-25 with three abstentions.

Oh, and

The question put to voters in Brattleboro referred to “crimes against our Constitution” but did not specify the allegations.

In typical Vermont fashion. What, no adults in politics in Vermont?  Sanders and Leahy don’t count.

related link: ABC news