Category Archives: War On Terror

The Campaigns For Victory, And Defeat

On CBS’s Face the Nation this morning, host Bob Schieffer was asking a guest about Sen. John McCain’s campaign and how he ‘has tied his campaign to victory in Iraq.’  Then asks if that will hurt him in his bid to become president?  That question is so telling of the views of the left and its media.   I don’t think it’ll hurt him as much as the democratic candidates that have tied their campaign to defeat in Iraq will hurt them.

A Suicide In The Making

Has ‘Let’s Roll’ morphed into Let’s Roll Over?  That’s what it seems like when you examine the democrats’ view of foreign policy, especially as it pertains to the Iraqi front in the war on terror.  For more on this apparent suicide in the making, visit Michelle Malkin’s post. Although Michelle’s post is regarding the 15 British troops who were taken hostage, the same can be said of some in the democrat party today.  Let’s Roll Over and Cut & Run, there’s not a hair’s difference between them.

Will The Pelosi Doctrine Work?

A comprehensive article by Amir Taheri in today’s New York Post explains how our Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi during her unauthorized trip to the Middle Eastenemies are attracted to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent and unauthorized shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East, in much the same way as the enemy of my enemy is my friend.   But Amir further explains the contrast and consequence of what he calls The Pelosi Doctrine, as opposed to The Bush Doctrine, in a way that will have major consequence to this country come the 2008 election, and likewise, on you.

Is al Qaeda Training In Venezuela?

News of Hugo Chavez allowing, if not sponsoring himself, al Qaeda to establish a training camp on Margarita Island in Venezuela is beginning to bubble up. Not surprisingly, this news has not risen to the level that the mainstream media feels we need to know. They’re probably waiting until the dirty bomb or mushroom cloud goes off before reporting it. No need to investigate now you know. Where is Brian Ross when you need him?

As is being reported elsewhere, the terrorists/Islamofascists are learning to speak Spanish with a Mexican accent, and to look, dress, and act Mexican (however you do that I have no clue). Then it is just a short waltz across the unguarded Mexican border to deliver terror to the United States. But don’t take my word for it. Just pick your search engine of choice for a combination of al Qaeda, training camps, Venezuela, and/or Chavez and see for yourself.

Update 1/13/08: Just discovered that the website out of Caracas, “” no longer exists.  No doubt taken down by the Chavez ‘government.’

The War That Must Not Be Named

A story in the Military Times gives a window into the strategic thinking–or lack thereof–of the Democrats who now control the House.

We are the ones who now cannot put a name to the war we are in.  Formerly called the war on terror.   The house majority prefers, instead, to let the enemy choose the name, based on where they are fighting, training, or attacking.  It’s just wait and see where the bombs go off and call it that, which is absurd.

James Taranto at Opinion Journal

Good Genocide Bad Genocide , What?

For years now, literally years, the Bush administration has had to push the United Nations into even discussing the genocide in Darfur, Africa. That’s the place where the Islamofascists have virtually taken over the government and have been on a mission to kill or otherwise displace the Christian native Africans. The U.N. can’t even agree calling what is happening there genocide. But the far left can see it as genocide. And I agree, it is. That, and the United Nations is a worthless group of anti-American, anti-West thugs.

Funny thing about it is, this country didn’t cause or start the genocide in Darfur. This administration is diplomatically trying to get African nations together to stop it themselves. Yet, the left has TV commercials all over the airwaves saying, ‘President Bush, stop the genocide’ as though he’s the one causing it. When it comes to Iraq and the war on terror it is the far left, these same people, who just want the U.S. out of Iraq. They want the Iraqi people to be left high and dry, to wallow in their own ‘civil war’ as they call it. If we were to pull out before the job is finished, there would be genocide in Iraq and it would be the left in this country that would be responsible for it. Go figure.

Troops = Football

To the far left, the ones apparently calling the shots in the Democrat(ic) party today, the troops are the political football and their game-plan it to play a game.  That’s why they have apparently put Barack Obama on their s***list, for really trying to support the troops.

In a post titled ‘Obama caves to Bush,’ the shadow party chairman (kos) says

“Instead of threatening Bush with even more restrictions and daring him to veto funding for the troops out of pique, Barack just surrendered to him.”

It is obvious that the far left is fighting the wrong war.  This is what Obama said that kos characterizes as surrendering to Bush.

If President Bush vetoes an Iraq war spending bill as promised, Congress quickly will provide the money without the withdrawal timeline the White House objects to because no lawmaker “wants to play chicken with our troops.”

A Liberal Who Wants To Win, Not Retreat

Meet Marc Danziger, a liberal democrat who wants to win the war, not run from it. He also believes that the war in Iraq is just one front in the overall global war on terror. And he has a plan to support any and all efforts to that end. He has started The Victory PAC.

For a perspective you haven’t heard from another liberal, with the exception of Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Ct), here’s where Marc is coming from.

I’m a liberal Democrat (pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-progressive taxation, pro-equal rights, pro-environmental regulation, pro-public schools) who supported and supports the war in Iraq. As I tell my liberal friends “Did I miss the part where it was progressive not to fight medieval religious fascists?”

I’ve been waiting for four years for the White House to start really explaining the war to the American people, and to do anything sensible at all to maintain the political capital necessary to keep America in the fight – to keep us from withdrawing because the war is too messy, or too long, or just plain makes us feel bad.


Marc is a liberal who knows who the real enemy is, and its not George Bush.

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for the heads up on Victory PAC