Category Archives: Russia

Russia Says Nyet To START

Turns out, not surprisingly, the problem with the START treaty as voiced by most Republicans and people who can read was confirmed by none other than the Russian DUMA. This presents a problem for President Obama, who championed the passage of the treaty in the Senate last month and insisted that the linking of defensive missile systems to offensive missile systems was not in the legal and binding part of the treaty.

Russia was not fooled. Instead, it appears that the President has made the U.S. look like the fool for his dancing around the issue like he did. The Russian DUMA insistes that limits on US missile defense capabilities are a central element to the treaty.

The State Duma plans to confirm the link between the reduction of the strategic offensive arms and the restriction of antimissile defense systems’ deployment in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), signed between the US and Russia, Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the Duma Committee on International Affairs says.

“During the ratification of START in the US Congress the American lawmakers noted that the link between strategic offensive armed forces and antimissile defense systems is not juridically binding for the parties. They referred to the fact that this link was fixed only in the preamble of the document. Such an approach can be regarded as the US’ attempt to find an option to build up its strategic potential and the Russian lawmakers cannot agree with this,” Kosachev says.

We will deal with these interpretations. The first thing is that our American colleagues do not recognize the legal force of the treaty’s preamble. The preamble sets a link between strategic offensive arms and defensive arms. The second thing is an attempt to interpret certain provisions of the treaty unilaterally.

The Russian lawmakers insist that all the chapters of the treaty including the preamble are legally binding, which is a common norm of international law. It is not lawful to take certain provisions and to give them unilateral interpretations like the American senators do, Alexei Arbatov, a member of the Carnegie Scientific Council, says.

There is a plausable explanation as to why President Obama treats the preamble to the START treaty the way he does. It is for the same reason he doesn’t much like our own Constitution. The document he refers to as ‘a charter of negative liberties.’ To most people, including the new majority party, the Preamble to the United States Constitution is a statement of the Constitution’s fundamental purposes and guiding principles.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Dittos for the preamble to the START treaty. It sets the ‘purpose and guiding principles’ for nuclear arms control. In the last two years, we have witnessed all kinds of extra-constitutional legislation and actions taken by President Obama and his then majority party. Well, with one exception. They have taken one part of the Preamble, ‘promote the general Welfare,’ to use as a blank check for their redistribution of wealth ideas. The rest of it is only relevant when they want it to be.

In the final analysis, like other major legislation on his plate, the President put his priority on passing legislation for the sake of passing it, regardless of its effects. The desperation of a failing community organizer manifested itself in the emergency, ‘the sky is falling,’ need to pass START  so he could boast about how he made the world safer. Meanwhile, Russia and the world are laughing at us. And him.

Link: Surprise: Russian Duma To Codify Missile Defense Language in New START

Hugo Chavez, Dictator For A Year

In a lame duck session that upstaged (as in much worse) our lame duck session here in the United States, the Venezuelan lame duck session just gave Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (the hemisphere’s idiot) the power to make laws by decree for one year. As in, without the input from the legislature. This action totally undermines the newly elected legislature set to take over in three weeks. A legislature with enough power to put the brakes on some of Chavez’s socialist initiatives.

First on his agenda is to get control of the internet, having already taken over broadcast media. Saying that his government should protect citizens against online crimes. In his little communist mind, an online crime would be disagreeing with him and/or his policies. Like this blog post for example.

Chavez’s congressional allies are considering extending the “Social Responsibility Law” for broadcast media to the Internet, banning messages that “disrespect public authorities,” “incite or promote hatred” or crimes, or are aimed at creating “anxiety” in the population.

Whether or not they will admit it, the folks in Washington have a huge problem with Chavez and his band of gypsies and anti-capitalists. With his proclaimed disdain for the Unites States, supporting the world’s worst regimes and making way in Venezuela for a combination of a hostile Russia, Cuba, Iran, China, and North Korea in our own hemisphere does not portend for a peaceful (by any measure) future. Toss in an extra boost for the drug lords, al-Qaeda, and a lack of border security at home, and we are looking at a future of unrest and tumult.

Links: Venezuelan legislature grants Chavez decree powers | Chavez defends plan for Internet regulations

The Problem With START

What would you think should be the top priority in Washington today?

It’s a lame-duck session. Time is running out. Unemployment is high, the economy is dangerously weak, and, with five (now less than three) weeks to go, no one knows what tax they’ll be paying on everything from income to dividends to death when the current rates expire Jan. 1. And what is the president demanding that Congress pass as “a top priority”? To what did he devote his latest weekly radio address? Ratification of his New START treaty.

It just gives the world a warm and fuzzy feeling to know that the United States and Russia want to scale back their nuclear arsenals.  But like Charles Krauthammer says, in post-Soviet days, ‘the Russians are no longer an existential threat. A nuclear exchange between Washington and Moscow is inconceivable.’ It is the rogue nations of the world like Iran and North Korea that need our attention. What, we voluntarily disarm while the world’s rogues and psychopaths develop nukes in secret? START ignores the real nuclear danger.

Says Krauthammer, ‘Obama’s idea that the great powers must reduce their weapons to set a moral example for the rest of the world to disarm is simply childish. Does anyone seriously believe that the mullahs in Iran or the thugs in Pyongyang will in any way be deflected from their pursuit of nukes by a reduction in the U.S. arsenal?’

OK, besides Obama’s premise being all wrong, there is a real and substantive problem with the treaty, and it is a deal breaker for Russia if it is taken out. It concerns our defensive weapons technology. Usually, ‘arms control’ deals with offensive weapons. START however, includes defensive capabilities. Aside from warheads, and defensive technology, delivery systems are also included in the mix.

  1. One difficulty is that it restricts the number of delivery vehicles for nuclear weapons. But because some of these are dual-use, our ability to deliver long-range conventional weapons, a major U.S. strategic advantage, is constrained.
  2. The second problem is the recurrence of language in the treaty preamble linking offensive to defensive nuclear weaponry. We have a huge lead over the rest of the world in anti-missile defenses. Ever since the Reagan days, the Russians have been determined to undo this advantage. The New START treaty affirms the “interrelationship” between offense and defense. And Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has insisted that “the unchangeability of circumstances” — translation: no major advances in U.S. anti-missile deployment — is a condition of the entire treaty. {emphasis added}
  3. The worst thing about this treaty, however, is that it is simply a distraction. It gives the illusion of doing something about nuclear danger by addressing a non-problem, Russia, while doing nothing about the real problem — Iran and North Korea.

The utter irrelevance of New START to nuclear safety was dramatically underscored by the revelation of that North Korean uranium-enrichment plant, built with such sophistication that it left the former head of the Los Alamos National Laboratory “stunned.” It could become the ultimate proliferation factory. Pyongyang is already a serial proliferator. It has nothing else to sell. Iran, Syria, and al-Qaeda have the money to buy.

Iran’s Islamic Republic lives to bring down the Great Satan. North Korea, nuclear-armed and in a succession crisis, has just shelled South Korean territory for the first time since the Korean armistice. Obama peddling New START is the guy looking for his wallet under the lamppost because that’s where the light is good — even though he lost the wallet on the other side of town.

UPDATE: 12/13/2010, 4:00 PM, and for today’s headline. . . ‘North Korea threatens South with nuclear war’   Any questions?

Link: The Irrelevance of START | North Korea threatens South with nuclear war

Restructure, It Worked For Russia

In fact, it worked for Russia and Argentina. In fact, to keep ‘bailouts’ on the table for countries that are currently set up to spend more than they take in is, I’ll use a technical word here, crazy. It is a waste of everyone else’s money and does not solve the problem.

Socialist states must restructure. The post WWII boom days are over. The demographics are nothing like they were 50 years ago. And ‘reform’ means ‘taking away.’

The cure means a new economic model for Europe. The lesson for the United States is that transforming America into the image of Europe is not only the absolute wrong direction for our country, but is antithetical to President Obama’s responsibility of being the steward of the country and the Constitution.

Link:  In European Debt Crisis, Some Call Default Better OptionThe State Of The Welfare State

aSide Order

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), who really did serve in Vietnam, demonstrates in just 9 seconds why he is unfit for anything remotely associated with our national defense and that of our allies.

President Obama said that the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion and subsequent leak is the greatest disaster this country has ever experienced. Well, aside from his being elected president of the United States.

And since he won’t be attending the Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetary, be sure to say a prayer for those who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve and protect us and our way of life. Regardless of how little the Commander in Chief thinks of us and it.

Presenting my favorite rock-n-blues guitarist Joe Bomamassa. Arguably the best in the business. Right up there with Jimmy Hendrix, Steve Ray Vaughn, and Eric Clapton.

Performing If Heartaches Were Nickles, written by Warren Haynes, guitar player, singer, songwriter. Warren Haynes tours with the Allman Brothers Band in place of the late Duane Allman. He also is the leader of his own band Government Mule. Enjoy!

Lyrics here.

Barack Hits A Hard Place, The United Nations

There comes a time when rhetoric just runs out of steam. Seems that is the case now over getting tough on Iran for its secret nuclear ambitions.

Permanent Security Council member China has joined Russia in opposing Washington’s plans to impose tough, wide-ranging sanctions on the Islamic Republic over its refusal to suspend sensitive uranium enrichment activity and open up fully to U.N. nuclear inspections.

If there ever was a legitimate reason to walk away from the United Nations club and form a ‘new world order,’ this is it.

Seems that limiting alternatives, like the Russia and China are doing, is their game. When the alternatives are limited, if tougher sanctions are off the table, the choice then becomes to let Iran develop a nuclear arsenal or go the military route, including a blockade. Whatever other sanctions could be imposed would be ameliorated by Russia and China.

It is diplomatic propaganda for Russia to characterize sanctions by the United States and the European Union and ‘other western nations’ as being unilateral if it does not include the United Nations. Clearly, they hang their hat on their puppet called the United Nations.

It’s crunch time for President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Their choices couldn’t be more clear. Does the United States stand with the EU and like-minded allies or will we find a face-saving way to leave the EU and the Middle East at risk and back down? I guess we will soon see exactly what Barack and Hillary mean when they speak of improving our image around the world.

Watch for yet another apology tour, while China and Russia are ROTFL.

Link: Russia warns U.S. against unilateral Iran sanctions – Yahoo! News.

Russia To Rest Of The World, Chill Out On Iran

Here  we are again. Time is running out for Iran. If time is running out, then where is all this extra time coming from? This reminds me of the furniture store on the corner that has been running ‘going out of business’ sales for the last 8 years.

Now stirring the pudding even more is Russia. They’re telling the rest of the world to just chill with this tough talk. I guess at least until Iran has their bombs and delivery systems ready.

See what having no spine, all bark and no bite, gets you?

Link: Russia warns against rushing to Iran sanctions – Yahoo! News.

The White House Compass Points To Centralize Control

After one year in The White House, and after the Massachusetts special election, the President applies to his party the only thing he knows to do to the country, centralize control.

Campaign setting, complete with props in the background.

It is becoming more obvious to the American people that there’s more to running a country, and fixing economic problems than campaigning on how bad things are and blaming Bush for it.

As Mr. Obama prepares to deliver his State of the Union address on Wednesday and lay out his initiatives for the second year of his presidency, his decision to take greater control of the party’s politics signals a new approach. The White House is searching for ways to respond to panic among Democrats over the possible demise of his health care bill and a political landscape being reshaped by a wave of populism.

Improving tactical operations addresses only part of his challenge. A more complicated discussion under way, advisers said, is how to sharpen the president’s message and leadership style.   {emphasis added}

It was a wave of populism that carried Obama into The White House. He has lost that advantage now. Now it is working against him and his agenda. No doubt his advisers have an undaunting task. How to make a community organizer appear presidential and as a leader at the same time? According to the New York Times . . .

The White House intends to send Mr. Obama out into the country considerably more in 2010 than during his first year in office, advisers said, to try to rekindle the relationship he developed with voters during his presidential campaign.

His first big chance will come when he delivers his State of the Union address. Rather than unveil a laundry list of new initiatives, advisers said, Mr. Obama will try to reframe his agenda and how he connects it with public concerns.

Instead of the campaign-style pep rally in Ohio last week, wouldn’t you rather have seen the President behind his desk in the oval office, telling Americans what his plan is to fix the economy and create jobs? And to justify why he needs a second stimulus package when, after one year, only 30% of the first package has been used while unemployment continues to rise?

Be aware of the community organizer’s tactic. When Obama speaks of the need for greater accountability, what he really means is greater government control. You don’t have to look very far to see how he has held sections of the private sector ‘accountable.’ It has been by taking them over. Could it be that a strong centralized government like that of Chavez or Putin is not really what Americans want?

What, or who, is missing in this picture?

related links:

Time Is Running Out For Iran

To say that history repeats itself is a given. And stupidity is doing the same thing every time and expecting a different result.

There is no room for a wimp when it comes to geopolitics when the stakes are nuclear and the President of Iran is a Holocaust denier, calling for the annihilation of Israel. And by ‘wimp’ I mean the United Nations, pacifists, and heads of state that don’t know when negotiations end and plan B begins.

Where Iraq is concerned, what was it, 8 years delay and 16 UN resolutions later before action was finally taken? Saddam had his nuclear bluff called and it cost him his life. But for all those years, before and after he kicked the UN inspectors out, Saddam bought time. Enough time to scatter what nuclear capability he had. Essentially, he played the UN, the United States, and the world community like a piano. While Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinijad, and North Korea’s Kim Jong-il took notes.

With Iran, history is repeating itself. And Ahmadinijad is playing the UN, the United States, and other world leaders like a piano.The UN inspectors have already been kicked out. And more time is all that Iran needs to produce a bomb to threaten its neighbors with.

Here’s some history and who said ‘time is running out for Iran,’ and when.

Sept. 28, 2006Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice . . .

The United States is willing to give European Union negotiator Javier Solana a bit more time to pursue negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program before pushing for U.N. Security Council sanctions, but Iran’s time is running out, according to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. It is important in keeping a coalition together to — if people want to explore something that doesn’t move you very far off course — to go ahead and explore it, Rice tells journalists.

July 10, 2007Israel’s Military Intelligence

Predicting that sanctions will ultimately fail to stop Teheran’s nuclear program, Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, former head of Military Intelligence’s Research Division, told The Jerusalem Post on Monday that time to launch an effective military strike against Iran’s nuclear installations was running out. According to Kuperwasser, who stepped down from his post last year, Iran is “very close” to the point that it will cross the technological threshold and have the capability to enrich uranium at an industrial level. Once they master the technology, the Iranians will have the ability to manufacture a nuclear device within two to three years, he added.

Nov. 15, 2009President Obama . . .

“We have to continue to maintain urgency and our previous discussions, confirming the need for a dual-track approach, are still the right approach to take. We will begin to discuss and prepare for these other pathways,” Obama said.

Unfortunately, the only country with the clarity to know when negotiations end is the one with the most to lose, Israel. And where Israel is concerned, if you need to defend yourself, do it.

A Diplomatic Smackdown In Russia

Correction: The video below is not what it appears to be. There was no diplomatic smackdown. I refer you to Snopes.

So do I delete the post altogether, or leave it as it is now to show that the video is a production of some dishonest folks out there (imagine that)?

The Lunch Counter is big enough to recognize when a mistake has been made and the truth should always be given the utmost respect. Therefore, the post will remain in its current form to shed the light on what is true.


Here’s an interesting 13 second clip of President Obama’s attempt at hitting the RESET button in Russian foreign relations. It amounts to nothing less than a political smackdown for the United States. Despite what The White House website has to say about it.

Looks like the Russians were not impressed with candidate Obama’s world tour during his campaign last year or with his apology tour following his election.

It is also the first time in my memory that our President was ever treated with such disrespect. The problem is, it wasn’t just a setback for him as President, it is a setback for us as a nation. He has his work cut out for him where Russia is concerned.

Unless you were watching it live, did you see this in the news?