Category Archives: Race Relations

Then There’s Obama’s Economic Recovery Recession

There’s a reason the news has been consumed by things like the debt ceiling, continuing resolutions, and Obamacare. They can be easily demagogued and republicans can, and will, be blamed for all of it by the administration and the compliant media.

When it comes to the economy and related numbers, income is down, poverty is up.  It’s no longer possible to blame Bush for it. This is Obama’s failed economy. No one else’s.

Try as they might, there are some out there that tout it as a resounding success. Like MSNBC’s Ed Shultz. He can’t believe that only 45% of Americans believe Obama’s handling of he economy is good! And that was a month ago.

“It amazes me that people don’t love Obama…It just amazes me he can’t get above 50 percent when it comes to a favorable view of the economy.”

Ed then touts how the stock market is going through the roof and how Obama has been “hands off” on Wall Street. Oh really? The stock market has been artificially pumped up for years with the Quantitative Easing from Federal Reserve. Printing trillions of dollars that is not going to main street. It’s being used on Wall Street, and, is a major contributor to the widening gap in income between the wealthiest Americans and the rest of us. And that’s why any hint that the QE printing presses will be cut back causes the stock market to come down off its QE high. While Ed Shultz is touting this great stock market, and  how wonderful the economy’s doing, here comes Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve saying, “Oh, no it’s not, and if we don’t continue to pump $1 trillion a year into it, it’s gonna plunge.”

On Main Street, the picture is not any better. In fact, it’s much worse.

According to the Census report, the high point for median household income in the United States was back in 1999 ($56,080). It almost got back to that level in 2007 ($55,627), but ever since then there has been a steady decline. The following figures come directly from the report, and as you can see, median household income has fallen every single year for the past five years…

  • 2007: $55,627
  • 2008: $53,644
  • 2009: $53,285
  • 2010: $51,892
  • 2011: $51,100
  • 2012: $51,017

You also didn’t know that there are six counties in America where the median income is over twice the national median.  Four of those counties are suburban Washington.  The median income in those counties is it $101,000. And now that Obama has exempted them from the Healthcare Exchanges, making you pay 75% of their health insurance policy, the political class is doing just fine.

The new Census report also revealed that 46.5 million Americans are living in poverty. During the four years that marked President Barack Obama’s first term in office, the real median income of American households dropped by $2,627 and the number of people on poverty increased by about 6,667,000, according to data released by the Census Bureau.

Right now, one out of every five households in the United States is on food stamps. Keep in mind too that the increased cost and fines associated with Obamacare have not been fully realized yet. That will only make things worse. There are lots of troubling signs as we get ready to head into the fall season…

  • -Total mortgage activity has dropped to the lowest level that we have seen since October 2008.
  • -One of the largest furniture manufacturers in America was just forced into bankruptcy.
  • -According to the Wall Street Journal, the 2013 holiday shopping season is already being projected to be the worst that we have seen since 2009.

Oh but it doesn’t stop there. The administration will say that two million jobs were created last year? What kind?  Lower paying and part-time jobs primarily in the service ObamaUnemploymentMathindustries, some of which are second and third jobs people are taking just to make ends meet. The sad fact is that over two million jobs have been lost from the entire labor force since Obama took office. Counting unemployment the way it used to be counted, the rate would be well over 14 percent, known as the U-6 by the BLS.

But those falling median income numbers still don’t tell the whole story. Breaking it down by ethnicity, you’ll see that the strongest voting block for Democrats is hurting the most, and by far.

“The median income for non-Hispanic White households was $57,009, and it was $33,321 for Black households,” which is falling, after nearly five years of the first Black president. Black unemployment remains the highest in the country, Black median income at the lowest.  Teen Black unemployment is unacceptably, almost criminally high. With results like this, it is puzzling why the Black population votes by 93% every four years for the Democrat candidate. Under both White and Black Democrat presidents, it should be obvious that Obama’s skin color didn’t improve their circumstances one iota. In fact, they got worse. The promises are always there. They’re fighting for you. Bla Bla Bla. Have the Democrats fulfilled their promise? Are you gaining, or losing? That’s the only question you need to ask yourself. And the answer, no mater the color of your skin, is losing. At best, it’s time to realize which party can help your situation. At worst, you can ask yourself, “What do I have to lose?”

Chicago 19, Navy Yard 13, Pensacola 1

Last night wrought 1 dead and 18 wounded in two incidents in Chicago last night. According to an FBI report on crime, Chicago is branded the Murder Capital of America. A witness of the shooting in the Chicago park told a reporter, “They’ve been coming round here looking for people to shoot every night, just gang-banging stuff. It’s what they do.”

From another witness, in the CBS video . . .

They was a lot of shots like, boom boom boom boom boom boom boom. Man like like, I say like nine some people got hit. A little kid got hit in the face man. I don’t know if he’s still alie. I don’t know what’s his condition.

A “young girl” was victim of another shooting in Pensacola last night. The Pensacola News Journal reports . . .

“There was an ongoing feud on this street between individuals,” he said. “According to the family, she was not from the neighborhood.”

The Navy Yard shooting in Washington got wall to wall news coverage from a crazy person with a gun. But when it comes down to the violent crime culture? Not so much.

Links: Chicago park shooting leaves 13 wounded, including 3-year-old boy – CBS News.  |  Young girl shot to death on Maxwell Street

Free At Last PAC

Promoting Republican Values in All Communities…

“Our communities are just as poor as they have always been. Our schools continue to fail children. Our prisons are filled with young black men who should be at home being fathers. Don’t settle for disappointment. Join the Republicans.” Elbert Lee Guillory

You can help yourself by joining the Republicans. You can help Louisiana State Senator Elbert Lee Guillory spread the word with a contribution to the Free at Last PAC.

Link: Free at Last PAC

Can’t Get On The Bus In Pensacola

The Pensacola News Journal listed holiday closings. Among them is the closing, although they didn’t actually phrase it that way, of the public bus system. Here’s what they said:

“Escambia County Area Transit will run limited service for the beach trolley route.”

Translation: If you are one of those hard-working Americans that depend on public transportation to get to work, you can thank the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 (that’s a Labor Union) for not operating today.

Want a reason to leave Pensacola? How about if you depend on public transportation to get to work, you can’t hop on a bus every Sunday and holidays. Why? Because the union really isn’t interested in you, and the city doesn’t seem to care.

Time was that Blacks had to sit in the back of the bus. Today, they can’t even get on it. But this time there’s no racial discrimination involved. Now no one can get on it and you have the ATU1395, and the city, to blame.

2 Women Gang Raped By 10 to 12 Juveniles

Police say two women, ages 32 and 24, were reportedly attacked and sexually assaulted by a group of 10 to 12 black male juveniles in Kosciuszko Park (Wilmington, DE) at about 6:54 p.m. Thursday. According to police, the suspects, who range in age from 12 to 17-years-old, remain on the loose.

Guess what race the two victims were? No, you’ll have to guess because the police are not releasing it. A call to the Wilmington DE Police Department asking what the race of the victims are got me this . . .

That information was not made public. And it won’t be made public until the department wants it to be public.

Police did leave a tip line for anyone having information about the incident. It happened in a small park, surrounded by homes, with visibility through the entire park from all of the homes. And amazingly, nobody saw anything. Police say they have no leads on who the perpetrators are and no witnesses to the gang rape.

I’m not  a cop, but I’ve seen Columbo on TV. Only reason besides a public relations embarrassment that the race of the victims are kept under wraps might be due to the fact that no witnesses have yet to come forward. Any other idea why?fighting_crime

Going out to play isn’t what it used to be. Come on Wilmington. Give it up.

Link: Police: 2 Women Gang Raped By Juveniles In Wilmington Park « CBS Philly.

Julian Bond, You’re No Martin Luther King Jr.

If Dr. King were alive today, he no doubt would still be a Republican and would be called an Uncle Tom or similar racial slur by those who have bastardized his 2013_march_on_washingtonspeech and ideology from 50 years ago. Right now he’s rolling over in his grave.

At the Washington Mall the other day, Julian Bond (past president of the NAACP) held up Trayvon Martin as a martyr. No, he’s not a martyr Mr Bond. He’s a punk thug who died being one.

Trayvon’s Law: Beating up on someone could get you killed. Regardless if you are in a concealed carry state like Florida.

Democrats Leaving The Party, Welcome Home!

It may have taken a long time (like two elections) to realize that what President Obama and the Democratic Party says and what they do are two very different things. The identity politics of dividing the country and characterizing the opposition as not just wrong, but evil with selfish, racist, xenophobic, and homophobic intent is seductive and in fact, went a long way to Obama being elected twice. But now people have grown tired of hearing the same speeches year after year about how they are fighting for them, against everything bad that Republicans want to do to them. And, not seeing their lot in life improve, but get worse, despite getting every major piece of legislation they wanted, reality is setting in.

There’s a reason the President doesn’t venture outside union halls or college campuses. Not surprisingly, not all democrats are brain numb. They are not all economic imbeciles like our President. When times keep getting tougher, the “economic conservative” in them begins to show and, they are defecting to the Libertarian and Republican parties.

People look at things differently when it begins to affect their wallet. Incomes fell and are falling more in Obama’s recovery than during Bush’s recession itself, and household incomes have basically flat-lined ever since.

And those hurt the most? Blacks, Hispanics, female-headed families and the young — have fared far worse under Obama than everyone else.

Here’s a recent and most articulate example of what I’m talking about.

Links: Obama’s Accelerating Downward Spiral For America– Forbes  |  Obama’s Economy — We’ve Fallen And We Can’t Get Up –

Obama’s Economy, Recovery Is Worse Than The Recession

After reading about the layoffs continuing at my local newspaper, Investor’s Business Daily has some interesting, or rather disturbing, numbers on “Obama’s recovery.”

Incomes fell more in the year after Obama’s recovery started than it did during Bush’s recession itself, And household incomes have basically flat-lined ever since.

And those hurt the most? Blacks, Hispanics, female-headed families and the young — have fared far worse under Obama than everyone else.

There are a lot of historical reasons that people habitually vote Democrat. But the Obama regime has been so bad on the economic front that it is causing defections to the Libertarian and Republican parties. People look at things differently when it begins to affect their wallet.

Obama Is Not The Prophet Mohammad

No matter how hard they try, liberals, progressives, and democrats from sea to shining sea, must face the reality that President Obama is not The Prophet. Hemissouri-fair-obama-mask is not the Messiah, nor is he Jesus Christ. Oh wait. It’s OK to mock Jesus Christ in this country, but not Mo.

The ridiculous reaction to the rodeo clown in an Obama mask is beyond political correctness. It has resulted in this guy being banned from making a living in the state of Missouri. Not only that, the state of Missouri apologized for it. Not only that, all rodeo clowns in the state are now supposed to undergo sensitivity training. Not only that, the Missouri chapter of the NAACP is asking Obama’s so-called Justice Department, and the Secret Service, to investigate the incident. I have two words for them, investigate this.

Muhammed farve. tegning : KWThe reaction from the Left, who have no sense of humor, is not unlike all the condemnation, ridiculous condemnation, of the cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad. And so far, our President has not said a word. He’s apparently OK with all the punishment being meted out for no real reason other than he must feel like he is the Prophet Mohammad.

He, above all others, should step up and put an end to the persecution of this citizen that he’s supposed to protect. Something about the 1st Amendment and that annoying (to him) piece of paper called the U.S. Constitution.

If President Obama was any kind of leader and healer, and had the slightest intention of bringing people together, he would get his teleprompter to say “Knock it off. Relax. The bit was meant to be a joke. It goes with the territory when you’re a president. No offense taken.”

Yeah. Wait for that to happen.

Update: 8/16/2013