Category Archives: Race Relations

Olbermann Goes Ballistic Over Geraldine Ferraro

Keith Olbermann’s take on the Ferraro – Obama flap perfectly represents the ‘media’s racial angle‘ to this story. As an added bonus, you can hear, if not see, Olbermann foaming at the mouth over this.

In typical Olbermann / Liberal fashion, he accuses her and Rush Limbaugh of doing things they did not do, taking the racist accusation to the highest level. The best part is where he says that Hillary is acting like a republican. But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself.

Please notice which party it is that is turning a political fight into a racial one. These are Democrats, who are always first to notice things like race, gender, sexual preference, and the first to accuse Republicans of being racists, sexists, and homophobes. They set themselves up as caretakers for the victims they create and, through a dependent-creating liberal agenda, cultivate.

related video: Issues of race infiltrate Dems contest

It’s Not Ferraro Dividing The Party

From the looks of the news over the Geraldine Ferraro – Barack Obama flap, I’m feeling that there’s a whole lot of race going on and it isn’t being perpetrated by Ferraro when she said this . . .

If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.

I agree with Obama when he said that he did not take that as a racist remark. I didn’t see it that way either. It was an opinion of all the dynamics at work in a Presidential election where there is a woman and black for the first time in American history. What is distressing is the extent to which the media is running a racist angle on the story.

For the woman’s part, Ferraro has been there, done that. For the black’s part, Barack is there today. What Ferraro said was exactly right. If Barack was white, he would have been in the also-ran line with Dennis Kucinich long ago. But he is Black. He’s a handsome guy, he gives good speeches, is inspirational and, according to Joe Biden (D-DE), he is clean. In this case, the fact that he has not yet finished his first term in the Senate, has no executive experience outside of organizing neighborhood projects, seem to have no bearing on his qualifications to be President and Commander in Chief, during a war. If he would have been white, he’d be outta there. But the media apparently can not recognize that fact. Is it because they want to pick the candidate on the Democrat side of the ticket as well?

Obama’s response is clever, but shows his inability to deal with what she said. He instead attempts to tell her, and you and I, what we can and can not talk about.

“Part of what I think Geraldine Ferraro is doing, and I respect the fact that she was a trailblazer, is to participate in the kind of slice and dice politics that’s about race and about gender and about this and that, and that’s what Americans are tired of because they recognize that when we divide ourselves in that way we can’t solve problems,” Obama said on NBC’s “Today” show.

Let’s see if I understand this. Americans are tired of the race and gender politics? Oh, I thought there were record number turnouts in voting in the Democratic primaries. To the contrary, Americans are very interested in it. It isn’t Geraldine Ferraro who is dividing the Democratic party. This woman vs black issue is exposing the Democratic party in the same way that illegal immigration revealed the Republican party fissure between conservatives and Republicans.

All in all, Obama’s attempt to squelch speech by saying what you should not talk about, and to use it to accuse her of trying to divide the Democratic party, exposes his amateur, not presidential, abilities.

related links: Obama Says Ferraro Dividing Democrats | Ferraro:They’re attacking me because I’m whiteOlberman Goes Ballistic Over Ferraro

New Orleans Sees Progress, From Within

A success story for New Orleans and the citizens in the 9th Ward.  A new clinic opened up there, in a nurse’s home.  The other part of this story is to illustrate the point of how people taking action to help themselves can get the job done, and get it done far quicker and cheaper than the federal government can do.  Hats off to Patricia Berryhill for making change in New Orleans, and opening The Lower 9th Ward Health Clinic in what used to be her home.

related link: New Orleans Nurses Turn Home Into Clinic

Huckabee To Pick Up Black Endorsement

This will be good news for the Huckabee campaign. Rev. Bill Owens, founder of the Coalition of African American Pastors, is expected to be endorsing Mike Huckabee’s run for president tomorrow, the official observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

In an interview with an AP reporter yesterday, Rev. Owens said this about Huckabee . . .

He has actually done what he talks about when it comes to the African-American community, rather than just pandering.

His observation of Huckabee (R-AR) walking the walk really matters to what families in communities are hoping for.

related link: Huckabee to pick up black endorsement

h/t Sunnydale

GOP History, On This Day In 1901

Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968), thrust into the news from his grave in the 2008 Democratic primary campaign, was a Republican, and his political struggle was against Democrats. What? And here’s something else you did not know, from Michael Zak.

On this day in 1901, the Alabama Democratic Party called for a convention to write a new state constitution that would prohibit African-Americans from voting. Despite vocal opposition from Booker T. Washington and other Republican civil rights activists, the Democrat scam succeeded.

Democrats dominated Alabama’s 1901 constitutional convention, and its chairman was a Democrat. In his opening address, he said: “If we would have white supremacy, we must establish it by law — not by force or fraud… The negro is descended from a race lowest in intelligence and moral precepts of all the races of men.”

Alabama’s African-American citizens would not vote in appreciable numbers again until the 1950s.

It was a Republican federal judge, Frank Johnson, who in 1956 ruled in favor of Rosa Parks and who in 1965 ordered the Democrat governor, George Wallace, to permit Martin Luther King’s voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery.Selma Alabama

At the 2000 Republican National Convention, Condoleezza Rice said: “The first Republican I knew was my father and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I.”

Democrats want Americans to forget that Republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act much more than did the Democrats.

Republicans today would benefit tremendously from appreciating the true heritage of our Grand Old Party.

related link: Grand Old Partisan | National Black Republican Association

Enough Is Enough Weekend, Jan 12

If you’ve ever thought enough is enough about something, don’t worry, you’re in great company. This weekend is Enough is Enough weekend, brainchild of Rev. Delman Coates. The issue of music and videos degrading blacks in every way imaginable, among them doing or selling drugs, violence and other illegal activity , and the over sexation (is that a word?) and exploitation of the black woman. The BET awards this Saturday night, Jan 12, 2007, in Washington D.C., 7p.m. at the Warner Theater is the perfect place to exercise a little freedom and join the Enough is Enough Campaign. Rev. Coates, in his own words . . .


If you’ll be in Washington DC or New York City over the weekend, then you can join in the protest. Matter of fact, any weekend will do but this weekend also is the BET awards in Washington. “What’s the depth of your love, what’s the quality of your service to black folk” says Tavis Smiley, in speaking on the subject of the harmful material focused on blacks and the black community and how to combat it. It’s more than just that, here is Tavis Smiley in his own words in this clip from the 11/08/07 Tom Joyner Morning Show.

h/t: La Shawn Barber

History Was Made In Iowa, And Ignored

Last night Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) won the Iowa caucuses for the democrats, the first leg of the presidential nominating process for for the Democrat party. I’m finding it curious that we are not bombarded with headlines and news buzz on the networks about first black this and first black that. This is historic, and according to Iowa democrats and independents, Obama’s message of change was more appealing and perhaps, more believable than the others in his party. Which, on second thought, is precisely why we are not hearing much about it. Hillary is who the media wants.

Barack Obama has already surpassed anything that two other black presidential hopefuls have tried before. He won a contest that Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson could not. But that’s only the half, or third the big story that isn’t being told. He beat Sen. Hillary Clinton, the presumptive candidate and wife of the ‘first black president’ Bill Clinton, by a pretty wide margin. And this, in a state with a black population of 2 percent. Seems to me that in this field of candidates, Iowa is more ready for a black man than a white woman to lead the country.
Sen. Clinton started out as the presumptive candidate for the democrat party. Looks like that presumption was a bit presumptuous on the part of the media and her handlers. And lastly, history was made in the fact that this is the first election that a Clinton has lost since 1988. After her loss last night, Hillary gave her victory speech of sorts. It was full of ‘we’ this and ‘we’ that. Just too funny.

On the republican side, no earth-shakers there. Gov. Mike Huckabee was on home turf in a values sense. And voters in Iowa don’t like what they perceive to be negative campaigning. They also resent to some degree the flood of campaign adds that a wealthy campaign can produce. This seemed to hurt second place finisher Gov. Mitt Romney in Iowa. And to put it another way, Huckabee’s lack of money may have helped him. What?

Today In GOP History, Ending Slavery

Ending slavery has an anniversary. Thanks to Michael Zak for the following. On New Year’s Day in 1863, the Republican Party’s Emancipation Proclamation came into effect. Emancipation Proclamation While Republicans rejoiced, Democrat politicians and newspapers denounced President Abraham Lincoln (R-IL) for freeing slaves. Demonstrating their depravity, New York’s Gov. Horatio Seymour, who would be the 1868 Democrat presidential nominee, denounced the Emancipation Proclamation as “a proposal for the butchery of women and children.” The Louisville Daily Democrat called it “an outrage of all constitutional law, all human justice, all Christian feeling.”Acting on authority granted by the Republican-majority 37th Congress to seize rebel “property,” President Lincoln had issued the proclamation two months before, to the dismay of the Democrats. Effective at yearend, all slaves in Confederate-controlled territory would be “forever free.”

Ill-informed critics of President Lincoln fault him for not freeing slaves in areas under U.S. control, but the federal government lacked the necessary authority. Within three years, the Republican-majority 38th Congress followed up the Emancipation Proclamation with the 13th Amendment, banning slavery throughout the nation.

related link: Grand Old Partisan

‘The Black KKK Claimed Another Victim’

Jason Whitlock, award-winning sportswriter for the Kansas City Star, takes a critical look at the murder of Sean Taylor. This was written two days before the perpetrators were arrested.

True to form, Whitlock spoke of truths few press representatives and even fewer black leaders dare to today (emphasis added, h/t Larwyn, reader is cautioned that some of the language is a tad raw at times)

What’s amazing about this column, and others by Whitlock, is that if Martin Luther King, Jr., was alive today, he’d completely agree with these sentiments.

h/t Noel Sheppard @ NewsBusters
Jason Whitlock: Taylor’s death a grim reminder for us all

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