Category Archives: Organized Labor

Pollution from China Reaches U.S., Our Fault?

One of the best kept secrets from the global warming crowd and the so-called environmentalist movement is that the great majority of pollution going into the atmosphere comes from China and India, not the United States.

But now that pollution from China is blowing across the Western United States, the meme changes to it’s our fault because we buy too much stuff. Not only that, but the pollution we’re getting is because of what China exports to the U.S., as if  pollution generated from what they export to other countries around the world what, goes no where, or goes somewhere else?

China’s contribution to pollution is the result of the process of their manufacturing and electrical generation, not from the products we buy. That “process” being they don’t give a flip about using clean technology as is used in the United States. 

Two facts, it is the political, labor, and tax policies in the U.S. that have driven the manufacturing and related jobs overseas. And, although the U.S. is the cleanest industrial nation for its size in the world, no amount of industry strangulation here is going to make up for countries like India and China who have no desire to clean up their act.

Here are a couple other fun facts:

• China emits more CO2 than the US and Canada put together – up by 171% since the year 2000
• The US has had declining CO2 for two years running, the last time the US had declining CO2 for 3 years running was in the 1980s

Links: Pollution from China Reaches U.S., According to New Study – | World carbon dioxide emissions data by country: China speeds ahead of the rest

“Just Say NO” To Card Check

The quid pro quo President Obama owes Big Labor isn’t complete yet. Card Check is still on his bucket list and dovetails nicely with his collectivist philosophy. An ideology that couldn’t be more un-American. Nevertheless, that’s who he is and that’s why Card Check must be defeated. PERIOD!

Read on and be part of the solution.

Dear Ross:”I owe these unions.”President Barack Obama couldn’t have stated it any more clearly.And after spending an estimated BILLION dollars to re-elect Barack Obama and maintain control of the U.S. Senate, the union bosses couldn’t agree more.They’re wasting no time demanding PAYBACK.

Top AFL-CIO union boss Richard Trumka has already made clear that he expects Big Labor’s Card Check Forced Unionism Bill to be a top priority in Obama’s second term.

Not only that, Trumka threatened to use his forced-dues political warchest to oust any member of Congress in 2014 who stands in his way.

That’s why it’s vital you sign the petition below putting yourself squarely on record OPPOSED to the union bosses’ Card Check Forced Unionism Bill — and the rest of Big Labor’s agenda — IMMEDIATELY.

Since Barack Obama doesn’t have to face the voters again for re-election, the union bosses understand this may be their last — and best — opportunity to make Card Check Forced Unionism the law of the land.

That’s why it’s vital you act today!

As you know, if “Card Check” passes, workers would no longer be able to vote for or against union boss “representation” in a secret ballot election.

Instead, the union bosses would intimidate workers one-on-one — or three-on-one — into signing so-called “union authorization cards.”

And, of course, Big Labor has yet another ticking time bomb hidden in the “Card Check” legislation.

If the union bosses can drag out negotiations with an employer past 90 days by making outrageous demands, Obama Administration bureaucrats will have the power to use this so-called “problem” as an excuse to write a new labor contract and force its terms and conditions of employment upon those workers.

So you see, not only does Big Labor want to strip workers of the right to a secret ballot but also of the right to vote on their own contracts as well!

Can you imagine the kind of damage that would do to our already-fragile economy?

I know I can.

In fact, some folks ask me from time to time, “Senator, how could the President and Congress even consider a bill like ‘Card Check’ with the economy the way it is?”

What I tell them may be hard to stomach, but it’s the truth.

If “Card Check” passes, it would mean billions more dollars for the union bosses’ coffers.

Billions more that will be spent on politics.

We’re talking permanent political power.

I hate to say it, but that’s why the union bosses, Barack Obama and Harry Reid aren’t going to let up one bit.

And with too many Republicans scared that standing on any principle will bring another attack in the media, I’m very concerned that what may happen.

That’s why it’s important you sign the petition to oppose Card Check Forced Unionism IMMEDIATELY.

Should “Card Check” pass, this dangerous power grab would:

*** Force millions of additional working Americans to pay union dues under the threat of losing their jobs, filling Big Labor coffers with hundreds of millions of forced-dues dollars;

*** Dramatically increase the wasteful work rules, hate-the-boss propaganda, slowdowns and bitter strikes that shut down businesses and destroy jobs, ensuring that even more plants are closed and more jobs are shipped overseas or lost forever;

*** Enable Big Labor to pump even more campaign cash into the coffers of its radical, tax and spend politicians who, in turn, will look for even greater ways to increase the union bosses’ forced-dues empire.

That’s why I’m counting on your help IMMEDIATELY.

After failing to pass most of Big Labor’s agenda — including “Card Check” — during his first term, President Obama is anxious to payback his Big Labor benefactors.

As he told the former Russian President, “I’ll have more flexibility after the election.

And you can be sure the union bosses are going to double-down in their efforts to make sure “Card Check” happens during Obama’s second term.

So we can’t wait.  We have to mobilize NOW.

The good news is, the National Right to Work Committee has developed a massive plan to stop the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill dead in its tracks.

Grassroots mail. Phone calls. Newspaper, radio and TV ads.

But it’s all VERY expensive — especially since everything is “last minute.”

That’s why it’s vital you act TODAY!

And that’s why, in addition to your signed petition, I hope you’ll agree to make a generous contribution to help stop the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill.

After signing your petition, please make a generous contribution of of $500, $250, $100 or $35.

This is not a battle you and I can afford to lose.

I’m convinced that with the Committee’s plan to mobilize Americans against the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill, you and I can stop this bill — and the rest of Big Labor’s agenda — dead in its tracks.

But we don’t have much time.

Please sign this petition and make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100 or $35 — or whatever you can — to help defeat Big Labor’s Card Check Forced Unionism Bill.

It’s vital you act TODAY!


Rand Paul, M.D.
U.S. Senator

P.S.  When Barack Obama was re-elected in 2012, top AFL-CIO union boss Richard Trumka was already thinking ahead for this year’s midterm elections and threatening to take out any members of Congress who opposed the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill.

That’s why there’s not a moment to waste!

Please sign this petition demanding your Congressman and Senators OPPOSE Big Labor’s Card Check Forced Unionism Bill before it’s too late.

After signing your petition, please also make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $35, or whatever you can afford, to the National Right to Work Committee — IMMEDIATELY!

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Wisconsin Political Speech Raid; Subpoenas hit allies of Scott Walker as his re-election campaign looms.

Progressives and Unions in Wisconsin are out to stifle free speech. Like the IRS political targeting, only republicans and conservative interest groups are affected.

Gov. Walker, elected three times in first term.

Once you understand the mindset of Progressives when it comes to elections, this will make sense even though they don’t. And the way this translates in elections is, they didn’t lose, they were robbed. To them, an election loss does not mean the people don’t like whatever it is they have to offer. It means they just didn’t destroy enough opponents or didn’t lie good enough to overcome their opponent’s platform. So now, they are out to intimidate the opposition’s supporters by using the courts and the associated legal cost. You see, making people think twice about contributing to Gov. Walker or any other Republican’s campaign, for fear of being investigated with zero probable cause, would give the unions the unfair advantage they’re looking for to reverse Walker’s reforms.

Special prosecutor Francis Schmitz has hit dozens of conservative groups with subpoenas demanding documents related to the 2011 and 2012 campaigns to recall Governor Walker and state legislative leaders.

Copies of two subpoenas we’ve seen demand “all memoranda, email . . . correspondence, and communications” both internally and between the subpoena target and some 29 conservative groups, including Wisconsin and national nonprofits, political vendors and party committees. The groups include the League of American Voters, Wisconsin Family Action, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, Americans for Prosperity—Wisconsin, American Crossroads, the Republican Governors Association, Friends of Scott Walker and the Republican Party of Wisconsin. One subpoena also demands “all records of income received, including fundraising information and the identity of persons contributing to the corporation.” In other words, tell us who your donors are.


San Antonio college student shot by police after being pulled over for speeding.

‘I heard [a man] say, “Oh, you’re gonna shoot me?” like sarcastic almost,’ he said. Less than a minute later, Haidarasl heard four to six gunshots. He only realized the man who had been shot was his upstairs neighbor, whom Haidrasl described as ‘the nicest guy.’


 Goodbye Movember, Hello Decembeaver

The men had Movember. Not to be left behind, the ladies have Decembeaver.

By Comedian Sarah Cooper. THIS IS A JOKE to raise awareness for Movember. Donate to Movember:

Big Labor Paid Protestors At WWII Memorial

Hey, I got paid $15. Yipee!

In yet another example of just how morally bankrupt the Democrat party machine is, they have astroturf  protestors show up to protest at the WWII memorial, posing as federal employees.

Embarrassed by all the media attention given to the Honor Flights that were met with barrier fencing, and not letting a crisis go to waste, an organization called the “Good Jobs Nation,” an activist group largely financed by unions, including the Service Employees International Union, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the United Farm Workers and the United Food and Commercial Workers, were paid $15 each to pose as federal employees protesting the government shutdown for the media crowd that was already there.

Not a word about it in the New York Times.

The Times did have one article saying how the Honor Flights were now being allowed. Thanks to a guy named Jeff Miller. I’m presuming it is my representative Jeff Miller (R-FL1), but you’d never know it from the New York Times article.

Jeff Miller, the co-founder of the Honor Flight Network, which flies veterans to Washington to see the memorial built in their honor, welcomed the news.

Links: Democrats Pay Union Members to Protest World War II Vets  |  World War II Memorial Will Stay Open to Veterans

Big Labor Owns Democrats

They own Democrats in Washington, and there is a bill in the House and in the Senate that proves this point. It is called the National Right-to-Work Act, H.R. 946 in the House, and S. 204 in the Senate.

From the legislation Summary:trumka-caucus-blog480

The National Right-to-Work Act – Amends the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act to repeal those provisions that permit employers, pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement that is a union security agreement, to require employees to join a union as a condition of employment (including provisions permitting railroad carriers to require, pursuant to such an agreement, payroll deduction of union dues or fees as a condition of employment).

Translation; the bill will repeal those portions of the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act that require you to join the union as a condition of employment. Similarly, the bill repeals those provisions that force you to pay union dues via payroll deduction, whether you are a member or not. Even if you are a union member, you can’t send them a check, or use your debit card. The government forces you to pay via payroll deduction, or to put it another way, guarantees that the union will get theirs. This was a free country. This bill will ensure that it stays that way, at least as far as getting a job is concerned.

OK, that’s the background. Where’s the evidence to support that Big Labor owns the Democrats? You would think that rational people, especially our elected representatives, would be all about freedom, and would be all about removing obstacles, not only for an unemployed person to get a job, but for employers to have one to offer. But, you’d be wrong.

Neither the House bill nor the Senate bill have a single Democrat cosponsor. Not one. House cosponsors: R-101, D-0. Senate cosponsors: R-14, D-0.

For the reason why this is the case, you don’t have to look any further than to see what political party is the beneficiary of labor union campaign contributions and street support. Hint, it isn’t the Republican party. What it shows is that Democrats value their constituents less than their campaign contributors, and are willing to let them (you) suffer the consequences.

Want another example of union ownership of the Democrat party? Wait and see how successful AFL-CIO Richard Trumpka was with his private meeting with President Obama where he wants either a union exemption from Obamacare or union subsidies for Obamacare. But none for you. You’ll gladly pay for that, won’t you?

Link: H.R. 946: National Right-to-Work Act  |  S. 204: A bill to preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor …

Obamacare’s Alternative Gets Three New Co-Sponsors

Because you have heard the president and others in his party repeatedly say that Republicans have no alternative to Obamacare, it may come as a surprise to you that the Empowering Patients First Act of 2013 (the alternative to Obamacare) picked up three more co-sponsors yesterday.

Joining in private-sector solution to improving not only access to health care, but the health care and the health insurance industries, are Scott Rigell [R-VA2], Scott Tipton [R-CO3], and Randy Weber [R-TX14].

H.R. 2300, the Empowering Patients First Act of 2013, is all of 249 pages long, compared to over 20,000 pages of law and regulations, and still growing, in Obamacare. Why? Because is not designed as a government take over of the health care industry, or to kill the health insurance industry, and put the government between you and your doctor. Further, it does not require “Navigators” hired by the government and paid for by you, to teach people how to enroll. There is no fine, penalty, or tax imposed on anyone for any reason. Therefore, it won’t be a job killer or impediment to job creation. And it won’t make keeping your current health plan more expensive like you (and labor unions) are experiencing right now.

Which is why Obamacare needs to be repealed or, at the very least, defunded. At a time when the president’s credibility is at an all time low both on the world and national stages, he could fix this one and take credit for it.

He could admit that, despite all that he thought or was told the ACA would do, it is not working as advertised. He could remind us of his pledge to the American people when he said he wouldn’t sign the bill if it didn’t lower cost and improve access to health care, you can keep your plan and your doctor if you want. President Obama could begin to redeem his credibility, by keeping his first promise, and call for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

But he won’t. His political ideology won’t allow it. Congress can and should fund the government without funding Obamacare. So don’t buy the demagoguery to come from the president and his acolytes about Republicans wanting to shut down the government. It is worth noting how Democrats equate defunding Obamacare to shutting down the government. To them, Obamacare and ‘the government’ are one and the same.

Labor Union Intimidation

Union intimidation comes in all forms. Here’s one example. Don’t be intimidated. The National Right to Work Legal Foundation is here to help.



Dear Ross ,

Pay up or get fired.

That’s the message United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 135 union bosses sent a teenage part-time Ralphs Grocery clerk in Oceanside, California.

And now with free legal aid from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, the teenager is fighting back.

These facts may sound familiar to longtime Right to Work supporters.

That’s because just six years ago, with free legal aid from Foundation staff attorneys, another California teenager who took a part-time job at a grocery store to help save money for college fought back against similar threats made by the very same union — with the same union president.

After Danielle Cookson’s story made the local news in 2007, union bosses backed off from some of their improper demands but persisted in trying to force her to pay more than can be legally required under the Foundation-won Communications Workers v. Beck U.S. Supreme Court case.

I can’t say I’m surprised they’re at it again.

It started in July when UFCW union bosses sent the Ralphs clerk a membership packet illegally stating that new hires must join the union and pay full dues as a condition of employment.

They buried information about the right to refrain from full dues-paying membership in fine print and failed to follow the Beck disclosure requirements.When the clerk learned of his rights on his own, union bosses denied or even ignored his multiple requests to resign from union membership.

Finally, last month union officials threatened to have him fired and claimed he could only resign from the union by personally appearing at the union headquarters and providing union bosses with his social security number.

If you and I aren’t vigilant standing up for independent-minded workers, union bosses would bend, twist, and break the law even more than they already do.

And even if they get caught breaking the law once, union scofflaws might try it again or come up with a new scheme to violate workers’ rights.

That’s why I’m so grateful for you continued support helping the Foundation fight back against these schemes and expose them in the media.

Thank you for all you continue to do for worker freedom.


Mark Mix

P.S. The Foundation relies completely on voluntary contributions from its supporters to provide free legal aid.

Please chip in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more today to support the Foundation’s programs.

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses.  The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, is assisting thousands of employees in nearly 200 cases nationwide. The Foundation’s mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. Its web address is help the National Right to Work Foundation grow; please forward this to a friend.

Can’t Get On The Bus In Pensacola

The Pensacola News Journal listed holiday closings. Among them is the closing, although they didn’t actually phrase it that way, of the public bus system. Here’s what they said:

“Escambia County Area Transit will run limited service for the beach trolley route.”

Translation: If you are one of those hard-working Americans that depend on public transportation to get to work, you can thank the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 (that’s a Labor Union) for not operating today.

Want a reason to leave Pensacola? How about if you depend on public transportation to get to work, you can’t hop on a bus every Sunday and holidays. Why? Because the union really isn’t interested in you, and the city doesn’t seem to care.

Time was that Blacks had to sit in the back of the bus. Today, they can’t even get on it. But this time there’s no racial discrimination involved. Now no one can get on it and you have the ATU1395, and the city, to blame.

POLITIFACT Needs A Stomach Pump On Obamacare

So the kids at the Tampa Bay Times are at it again. Angie Drobnic Holan might consider getting her stomach pumped because it is clear she has had way too muchholan of Obama’s cool-aid. Let’s examine, from a purely economic standpoint, the first claim she has allegedly “debunked.” That the Affordable Care Act, you know, the Act that Congress and labor unions are trying to get exemptions from because they can’t afford it, is the pathway drug (no pun intended) to a single-payer system, aka socialized medicine. Just forget for a moment that is exactly what Obama said he intends this bill to do. They were his words to the SEIU in 2007.

Anyway, Angie says the claim is false “because the health care law leaves in place the private health care system and the free market.”

She’s right about that. The law doesn’t say they have to go out of business. BUT it does mandate how they must run. Which WILL cause them to go out of business. The free-market isn’t free when the government dictates how “private” companies must operate. It’s the Marxist Economic Model. Look it up. And by forcing health insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions, and forcing them to cover risks that are not needed by every consumer, and with an industry average net profit of 3.5%, they have to raise their premiums, IF THEY ARE TO STAY IN BUSINESS. The Affordable Care Act also mandates that employers provide insurance for their employees (50 or more) or pay a fine. A FINE that the Supreme Court called a TAX in order to keep from overturning it. It’s now back to being called what it is, a fine.

The Affordable Care Act mandates the fine employers and people must pay for not providing or not buying health insurance, which is thousands of dollars lower than the cost of an insurance policy. It also undercuts the price of an insurance policy purchased through a government exchange by thousands of dollars to one from a “private” insurance company.

Drilling down to your wallet, all those who would prefer to pay THOUSANDS of dollars MORE for health insurance from a private insurance company than from the government raise your hand.

This is how the private health care industry will end. It will be “left in place” to bleed to death. They will find other risks to insure against because the government will have driven them out of the health insurance business. And exactly as the Heritage Foundation says, we will be left with a health system like Great Britain and Canada.

And, according to the Congressional Research Service, there will STILL be over 30 million people who won’t have a health insurance policy. So what has changed? We have  a government takeover of sixteen percent of the economy, a decimated health care industry, and 30 million people without a “health insurance policy.”

Clever huh?

Link: POLITIFACT: Debunked health care claims live on at Heritage town hall  |  Obama’s Plans For Healthcare In 2007

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Let me get this straight: If you cross the borders into Mexico illegally you will be jailed for up to two years. But, if you cross the United States border illegally you could get:

  • A driver’s license
  • Access to Social Security and Medicare
  • Access to Food stamps and Welfare
  • Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house
  • Free education for your children
  • Free health care and Emergency Room visits
  • Millions of servicemen and women who are fighting for your rights every single day

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known as America’s Toughest Sheriff, is up for re-election and is asking you to make a special contribution to his campaign of $25, $50 or even $100 today to show you stand against the Obama “justice” Department, the open–borders, pro–AMNESTY crowd, Big Labor (SEIU), and the ACLU who are on constant attack against him. You can help him HERE. And I hope you will if you can.