Category Archives: 2014 Election

The Country, And Justice, Is Failing

Don’t know about you, but the country I once knew is starting to become unrecognizable, fast. We had Presidents that would keep our country secure. And would call for calm when the need arose. We had a justice system that was the envy of the world. A nation of laws, not men. When justice was “blind” and there was “equal justice under the law.”

Who knew that the justice system would go after a private citizen like George Zimmerman? No, would target a private citizen like President Obama’s Department of Justice is doing. Going on television and in every news broadcast, soliciting input from the nation for a way to put one of its citizens behind bars. That, after having already been through the judicial process and found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

Who knew that after having gone through the legal process with a jury trial, there would then be elected representatives in the nation’s capitol making slanderous accusations about this citizen, and claiming that “justice” has not yet been served? That something more needs to be done to this citizen. Never mind that this citizen has no job or resources left to support his family after having to defend himself in a long and drawn out legal battle.

And it doesn’t stop there. Aside from the government coming down on this citizen, there are national organizations like the NAACP calling for this citizen to be tried again for something, anything that they could find (having found nothing in the preceding 18 months) that would show this citizen to be a racist. The attacks on this citizen are coming from all areas public and in the government.

Innocent until proven guilty? Now, it’s guilty after proven innocent. The judicial process has been turned on its head. What’s worse is that all of this persecution is sanctioned by the President himself. He’s not calling for calm. He’s not calling for an investigation of the IRS scandal, but he instead, supports a witch hunt on a citizen, the justice system be damned. This from a man who said he was going to be the post-racial President in a post-racial administration. Who believes that now?

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I was living in the former Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, or a host of other corrupt countries where the people are subjects of the government. Not in a country where the government protects its people.

That’s the state of our State. And it didn’t get this way by accident.

And integral part of the “fundamental change” President Obama and his acolytes are implementing is the bastardization of the justice system through the introduction of some modifiers. Social Justice and Racial Justice. And from there the sky is the limit. Why not have a little economic justice? Check, we have that too.

No, this is not the country it used to be by a long shot. When political considerations like “social,” “racial,” and “economics” are introduced, equal justice under the law is by definition, extinct.

The good news is, you don’t have to accept it. You have the power to change it at the ballot box. Let’s get busy.