A funny thing happened while unpacking a box of freedom fries the other day. I was surprised to see that the Ore-Ida french fries I’ve been using were not from Oregon or
Idaho. I can vaguely recall the advertising jingle when I was much younger, something like ‘if it’s Ore-Ida, it’s all right-a.’ The Ore-Ida brand became a national favorite. It’s not national any more. Today Ore-Ida potatoes are a product of Canada, distributed by a ‘Benedict Arnold’ company (to use John Kerry’s words), HJ Heinz of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Similarly, as American Ore-Ida potatoes were, Heinz’s ketchup was too. Oh, but not any longer. Heinz ketchup is a product of Canada also. I wonder if outsourcing is no longer a democrat platform issue? Maybe it’s OK for John Kerry’s companies, just not yours?
Can’t wait to hear John Kerry say “I was against outsourcing when I was running for president, but now I’m not.”Â
ref: Outsourcing and The Left
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UPDATE note: Thanks to Tony @ HJ Heinz (see first comment to this post) for pointing out a factual error in the above post. That being that neither of the Kerrys have any controlling interest in the company, so the reference to “Maybe it’s OK for John Kerry’s companies, just not yours?” is incorrect. HJ Heinz is not his or her company. To say that I was surprised to find that those products are not from the USA was not a mis-statement of fact. Which begs the question, if Canadians can get fries and ketchup made in Canada, why can’t Americans buy fries and ketchup from the US?