So the meme of the day now is, if you support the President of the United States for re-election or otherwise, you must be a racist? If they only knew how incredibly ridiculous they look. Let’s see, do you remember people reacting like this when Obama fans openly showed support for him? Accusing them of what? Being an anti-police anti-American Marxists who serves Iran over the United States? I don’t remember that.
Supporting the President is a choice, and being able to express that is a right. Maybe they don’t teach that at Coach Michael Walker’s school? Frankly, in light of the 24/7 attacks on President Trump by the media/left/Democrats, all the same, it is refreshing to see youngsters participating in the civics arena. I know, independent thinking is frowned upon by so-called educators today.
Haven’t seen a picture of him, but I gather that Coach Waker, is a Black man. Probably identifies as a man anyway. Just a guess. That’s really not an issue. Especially on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, where we are judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin. A lot of White people voted for Obama you know. Seems Mr. Walker is still pre-occupied with the 60’s. As evidenced by this in their statement, “This all comes down to people trying to see one another’s point of view—and we’re coming from a place that recognizes a history of oppression for people of color.” We all have that same historical perspective. We all know where it came from, the Democrats. And we’re not at that place any more.
The coach also keep his team in the locker room during playing of the National Anthem. On his Facebook page, Coach Walker says “Please explain how and why this is appropriate at a high school basketball game?” Seems a just a little too intolerant to me.

The school put out this statement on the ‘controversy.’
Roosevelt boys basketball team statement
“The issue is what our President represents to many people of color, whether that’s what the Jordan fans knew or not.”
Really? The issue is learning to face the fact the President of the United States is the president. Like it or not. If not, you are able to try to vote him out of office. Meanwhile, open your hearts to your fellow Americans who have a different choice in mind. And get over it.
The school district had a different take on the situation.
As a school district, we support positive action that creates space for conversation and understanding among people with diverse viewpoints. Part of our role is to help our students learn how to actively engage in civic conversations—that is what education is all about.
Based on the team’s statement, looks like the superintendent has his work cut out for him, to teach their students how to cope with life, and elections.
This story encompasses all the media bias, including of course, in the title, from Yahoo News, Teens incite controversy with ‘Trump 2020’ flag at high school basketball game: ‘Please explain how and why this is appropriate’
They need to make up their mind here, is it inciting controversy or is it creating a space for conversation and understanding among people with diverse viewpoints? As usual, the adults are using the kids for their political bias, and the media eats it up. Dr. King would not approve of how his Dream turned into a nightmare in the Minneapolis School District.
I support the President. Your mileage may vary.