2016, It’s Still Bush’s Fault

In year eight of the Obama administration, it is amazing to watch the Democratic candidates on the campaign trail.

They both say how terrible the economy has treated Americans. And the town-hall regular citizens complain to them about unemployment, high cost of health care, etc.. And neither of them lay the blame on the Obama regime. It’s as if he was not in charge for the last seven years.

Then you hear President Obama talk about how wonderful his recovery and economic policies have been. Especially Obamacare. And how he has created a gazillion jobs.

Listening to it all can subject you to political whiplash. Watch the candidates, and watch President Obama. The economy is good. The economy sucks. The economy is good. The economy sucks. See how dangerous that can be for one’s psyche?

When asked why two-thirds of Americans still think the country is on the wrong track, President Obama has an explanation for it. For “some people” (that would be two-thirds of Americans), it’s all Bush’s fault.

Here’s the kicker.  “There’s still more we can do.” Like “investing” in infrastructure and education.  Isn’t that what that $787 Billion stimulus bill in 2008 was for? And the $302 Billion more two years ago? The same old RBI line. Roads, Bridges, and Infrastructure.

Obama’s explanation . . .

[Wages and incomes] haven’t gone up as quickly as people had been accustomed to in previous generations. There are a lot of reasons for that. Global competition. Technology. You know, corporate practices have changed. In some cases tax policies that I’d like to see changed, and I’ve tried to push Congress to change have made a difference.

“Haven’t gone up as quickly as people had been accustomed to?” You mean like when there was a competent leader in The White House who understood free-market economics? Wages and incomes have dropped.

Why is that? According to the president, it’s because of global competition, technology, and, corporate practices have changed. Spoken like a true ignoramus on free-market economics and capitalism. In his world, which Ms. Sinclair refused to penetrate, companies and industries are not supposed to protect their interests. They’re not supposed to react to market or government pressures. They are supposed to do what the government wants them to do, including pay higher taxes and spend shareholder’s investments where he says they should. That’s economic fascism.

You can’t spend your way into prosperity, nor borrow your way out of debt. Winston Churchill understood economics, “We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”

It’s disgusting to see financial reporter Nicole Sinclair let Obama get away with his excuse without challenge and, in light of more than doubling the national debt, sit there and say “we need to spend more.” Zero accountability for the last seven years and 10 trillion dollars (and climbing) national debt. It is typical of the way the media has given this president a pass throghout his presidency.

Link: Obama articulates why Americans are so unhappy