Gratuitous Lefty Talk Radio

Ann Coulter, not one to shy away from interviews in hostile territory, sits down with Jorge Ramos on Fusion TV.

Below is a snippet of the interview that Lefty talk show host and FOX News contributor Leslie Marshall asked about.

I gave her my thoughts on her Facebook page. So far, she has expressed none of her own. Except to chant “bigotry,” “white supremacy,” and “disgusting rhetoric” about an honest and open conversation that Leslie apparently does not want to have.

Leslie Marshall

Below is a “dialog” constructed from her Facebook page. My replies are in italics. From her? Crickets.

Leslie Marshall: “‎AnnCoulter says ‪‎Immigrants Are More Dangerous Than ISIS‬, Tell me your thoughts”

1. What is your reaction when you hear these comments?

She is right.

2. “We can share our culture with other nations without bringing all of their people here. When you bring the people here, you bring those cultures here.” Isn’t that the essence of the United States of America‬? (What is the essence of Europe Leslie?)

Right again. This country has been a ‘melting pot,’ where people come to America to realize their human potential as an American. But, as Ann suggests, when other cultures come here, not to be an American, but to use America within their own segregated culture, that’s not what America is all about. That’s what happens when the melting pot melts.

3. What will Ann Coulter be saying when the Hispanic community is the majority and white people are the minority?

She’s already said it. Leave open borders and unregulated immigration and there won’t be America as we know it. Immigration should be for the benefit of Americans, and not serve as the Welfare Office or safe-house for the third world and corrupt regimes.

4. Where does this type of white supremacy stem from?

You call national pride White supremacy? Shame on you.

5. What would this country look like if this type of cancerous bigotry existed when millions immigrated from Ireland, Italy, Germany, etc? Oh wait, it did!! Then shouldn’t we understand the detrimental effect of these attitudes?

She’s already said it. Leave open borders and unregulated immigration and there won’t be America as we know it. Immigration should be for the benefit of Americans, and not serve as the Welfare Office or safe-house for the third world and corrupt regimes.

6. What percentage of the Republican party do you think agrees with Ann Coulter?

That’s irrelevant. The question is what percentage of the American people don’t like America and/or have no clue about America, except for what they can get the government to give them? Has nothing to do with the Republican Party.

7. Does Coulter spew this disgusting rhetoric just to get noticed? Or does she actually believe this garbage?

Since when does being proud of your country, nationalist pride, become “disgusting rhetoric?” Oh, since the Democrat Party’s goal became melting the melting pot. We look at other countries’ people being proud of their country and think it is charming. But to be proud of America makes you evil? That’s a purely political reaction.

8. Do you empathize with the situation that immigrants face? What is the best way to assimilate them into U.S. culture?

Immigrate legally. Don’t break the law. If you want to immigrate here to use America instead of become an American, then you’re not assimilating. Besides, fleeing a dysfunctional and corrupt country like Mexico will not fix the problem. Using the United States as Mexico’s “safe room” will not fix the problem either. The U.S. has every right to defend its borders as Mexico, or any other country, does.

 Here’s the solution:

Sort of related Link: PETER HITCHENS: Another wave of migrants is on its way (but don’t you dare mention it)