Remember that $787 Billion ‘stimulus’ bill? The Democrat controlled congress passed it on Friday 13th nearly three years ago. That’s the one President Obama sold to us as going towards shovel-ready infrastructure projects and green technology. It was supposed to create jobs here, in the United States.
The stimulus bill turned out to be a slush fund to award green energy grants to big campaign contributors and to buttress under-funded labor union pension and benefit plans in the states. And the green technology jobs went to China. Feeling stimulated yet?
It also marks the third anniversary of the death of the ‘media watchdog.’
History is made today, Friday the 13th, when two houses of congress vote on a 'stimulus' bill that they have not read. And what they have not read, will guarantee…
Newt Gingrich on the so-called stimulus bill, the video. Graciously lifted from .BlogRead. Call your Senators today at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose the stimulus package. And for good…
The porkulus bill was signed by President Obama today. Don't think that it is the economy he is fixing with this bill. This bill does more to reinforce a Democrat…