Fairness Doctrine Is Out Of Wind

For those who believe that reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, or anything like it, will reduce violence, consider this.

The Fairness Doctrine was in place from 1949 to 1987. In the “era” of the Fairness Doctrine we saw the following:

  • 1950 – An assassination attempt on U.S. President Harry S. Truman occurred on November 1, 1950. It was perpetrated by two Puerto Rican pro-independence activists, Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola.
  • Nov. 22, 1963 – President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald, a communist.
  • February 21, 1965 – Malcolm X assassinated in Manhattan’s Audubon Ballroom by three members of the Nation Of Islam. Radical Islamists.
  • April 4, 1968 – Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Ray.
  • June 4, 1968 – Robert F. Kennedy assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan, another Islamic extremist, in Los Angeles.
  • September 5, 1975 – An assassination attempt on President Gerald Ford by Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, a follower of Charles Manson, who pointed a Colt .45-caliber handgun at Ford. Larry Buendorf,[118] a Secret Service agent, grabbed the gun and managed to insert the webbing of his thumb under the hammer, preventing the gun from firing.
  • September 22, 1975 – An Assassination attempt on President Gerald Ford by Sara Jane Moore, while standing in a crowd of onlookers across the street, pointed her .38-caliber revolver at him.[120] Just before she fired, former Marine Oliver Sipple grabbed at the gun and deflected her shot.
  • December 8, 1980 – John Lennon was assassinated outside Lennon’s Dakota apartments by Mark David Chapman.
  • March 30, 1981 – Assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan by John Hinkley outside the Hilton Washington hotel.
  • Post Fairness Doctrine 1987 – 2011:
    January 8, 2011 – Assassination attempt on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords In Tuscon, Arizona by Jared Loughner. An insane anarchist.
Graphic graciously lifted from rushlimbaugh.com.

Not one of these murders or attempted murders were connected in any way to everything that the Left would like to attach to right-wing talk radio.

Where ‘hate talk’ is concerned, Air America Radio and its derivatives wrote the book on it. They believed that the more vulgar and hateful they would get, towards their political opponents, would build an audience. Spewing hate like they did merely drove them out of business.

Not that they have mellowed (Mike Malloy), but the popular tactic now on the Left is to just do whatever they can to discredit, call names, and make personal attacks to conservatives whose ideas they cannot deal with. Doing that spares them from debating in the arena of ideas, where they lose every time.

The fact that they just got a ‘shellacking’ in the mid-term elections just infuriates them, causing them to go all out to attack those whom they fear most. It also distracts the public from the dismal shape the economy is in after all this so-called stimulus.

Link: Will Reviving The Fairness Doctrine Reduce Violence?

Tastykake In Trouble, Etc.

A lot has happened since my previous post last week. Everything that can be said and was expected to be said over the Arizona shooting last week has been said. It’s just too bad that a legal carrying citizen wasn’t around to minimize the killing that that nutjob did. I know our prayers are with the survivors and families affected.

That said, The queen and I did some R&R in the Smokey Mountains in Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, TN. Make that the snowy Smokey Mountains. Which is why the blog took a rest. We enjoyed our time away immensely even though so many eateries we wanted to hit were closed due to the 6 inches of snow on the ground. They really are not equipped to handle snow there.

Returning, the bad news is that the Tastykake Baking Co., the makers of those delicious little cakes and pies, is in a financial jam. They’re already late loan payment is due today. Anyone want to buy a little gold mine? Run right that is. Not in its present form.

Tasty last week said fourth-quarter earnings were below expectations, partly because production efficiencies at its new Navy Yard plant hadn’t materialized.

That ‘production efficiencies’ hadn’t materialized is an understatement. Their move to the Navy Yard made their already awkward production system even worse.

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed (fast Eddie) Rendell said that the state would loan them $1 million if they needed it. I know his heart is in the right place on this offer. This offer was not made as a back door government takeover. But rather as a bridge to better days if they can fix their problems. After all, Tastykake has been in business since 1914. Every person in the tri-state area grew up loving Tastykakes. Especially the butterscotch krimpets. Mmmmm

Here’s hoping they can find an investor.

Link: Deadline For Tastykake

UPDATE: Tasty Baking wins reprieve, new debt financing

UPDATE 11/17/2012: That ‘production efficiencies’ did not materialize at the new facility in the Philadelphia Navy Yard, as I said above, is an understatement. But I was way off as to the reason. Press reports at the time failed to mention that there was a successful union takeover five months earlier. More on this later.

FairTax H.R. 25 Introduced On First Day

Congressman Rob Woodall (R-GA7) introduced the FairTax on the first day in session. It is still called  H.R. 25. ? I thought it would be assigned a different number but, I guess not.

The FairTax effectively kills two birds with one stone. Make that three birds. 1) It will be an economic stimulus like no other in the world, without increasing our debt. 2) It will be totally progressive and will eliminate all taxation for the poor via the prebate. 3) No more filing tax returns, no need for the IRS. And because the FairTax will expand the tax base (the number of people currently paying taxes) from only working Americans to every person within the borders regardless of citizenship, the individual shared burden couldn’t be more ‘fair.’

The biggest advantage and stimulus will be evident with every paycheck you receive. Under the FairTax, your gross pay will be your net pay, exclusive of any state taxes of course. That’s because under the FairTax, all the federal income taxes you are currently paying will go away. The term ‘take home pay’ will be a thing of the past. You actually get to keep what you make. And you don’t need an accountant or tax lawyer to help get it for you.  How fair is that?

And one more, which will be the biggest obstacle to overcome, and explains why H.R. 25 never made it out of the Ways and Means Committee under Charlie Rangel (D-NY15). The FairTax would end the taxing power currently held by politicians in Washington, and shift that power back to the people. Taking the ‘tax hammer’ away from Washington means no more leveraging tax breaks for campaign contributions.

The other good news here is that it begins with 47  co-sponsors. That’s more than in previous sessions when first introduced. And, among the sponsors is a Democrat, Dan Boren [D-OK2]. That’s a first too.

Meanwhile, contact your representative and ask him or her to become a co-sponsor, if they are not already. Tell them you support it and want them to do likewise.

Use this link to easily find your congressman’s phone number ->  http://bit.ly/contactcongr


Use this link to send them a quick email. -> http://bit.ly/ftcongress

“When They Feel the Heat, They Will See the Light” – Herman Cain

Link: to H.R. 25

Good News, Jobless Claims Rise

In a nutshell, the propaganda wing of the West Wing is still saying ‘the economy is now on a sustainable growth path.’ New unemployment claims rose 18,000 last month. And the four-week average of unemployment claims is 410,750.

The number of people continuing to receive unemployment benefits fell by 47,000 to 4.1 million in the week ending Dec. 25, the department said. That doesn’t include millions of long-term unemployed who are receiving extended benefits from the federal government . . . {emphasis added}


Bad weather can also make it harder for laid-off workers to apply for benefits.

So I guess we can expect more. But hey

[A]pplications are far below their peak during the recession of 651,000, reached in March 2009.

All of which sort of belies the headline of the story. “Jobless claims rise, but positive trend intact; Economist: The jobs market, ‘the recovery’s caboose, is starting to catch up‘”

In their mind, the fact that there was only 410,750 new jobless claims last week is good news.

Considering the retail industry is reporting disappointing results in December, there isn’t going to be a whole lot of hiring going on any time soon. This is because the retail industry depends on the last 6 weeks of the year to turn the loss they carry all year into what they expect will be their year-ending profit. Thus the term Black Friday. This year, we had a Black Friday in name only, because if the ink is in the black, it isn’t to the point that any hiring will be going on until next Christmas season. Compounding the business climate is that fact that the FUD Factor is still alive and well. Another not insignificant condition that forces businesses take the cautious route.

Don’t worry, be happy.

Russia Says Nyet To START

Turns out, not surprisingly, the problem with the START treaty as voiced by most Republicans and people who can read was confirmed by none other than the Russian DUMA. This presents a problem for President Obama, who championed the passage of the treaty in the Senate last month and insisted that the linking of defensive missile systems to offensive missile systems was not in the legal and binding part of the treaty.

Russia was not fooled. Instead, it appears that the President has made the U.S. look like the fool for his dancing around the issue like he did. The Russian DUMA insistes that limits on US missile defense capabilities are a central element to the treaty.

The State Duma plans to confirm the link between the reduction of the strategic offensive arms and the restriction of antimissile defense systems’ deployment in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), signed between the US and Russia, Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the Duma Committee on International Affairs says.

“During the ratification of START in the US Congress the American lawmakers noted that the link between strategic offensive armed forces and antimissile defense systems is not juridically binding for the parties. They referred to the fact that this link was fixed only in the preamble of the document. Such an approach can be regarded as the US’ attempt to find an option to build up its strategic potential and the Russian lawmakers cannot agree with this,” Kosachev says.

We will deal with these interpretations. The first thing is that our American colleagues do not recognize the legal force of the treaty’s preamble. The preamble sets a link between strategic offensive arms and defensive arms. The second thing is an attempt to interpret certain provisions of the treaty unilaterally.

The Russian lawmakers insist that all the chapters of the treaty including the preamble are legally binding, which is a common norm of international law. It is not lawful to take certain provisions and to give them unilateral interpretations like the American senators do, Alexei Arbatov, a member of the Carnegie Scientific Council, says.

There is a plausable explanation as to why President Obama treats the preamble to the START treaty the way he does. It is for the same reason he doesn’t much like our own Constitution. The document he refers to as ‘a charter of negative liberties.’ To most people, including the new majority party, the Preamble to the United States Constitution is a statement of the Constitution’s fundamental purposes and guiding principles.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Dittos for the preamble to the START treaty. It sets the ‘purpose and guiding principles’ for nuclear arms control. In the last two years, we have witnessed all kinds of extra-constitutional legislation and actions taken by President Obama and his then majority party. Well, with one exception. They have taken one part of the Preamble, ‘promote the general Welfare,’ to use as a blank check for their redistribution of wealth ideas. The rest of it is only relevant when they want it to be.

In the final analysis, like other major legislation on his plate, the President put his priority on passing legislation for the sake of passing it, regardless of its effects. The desperation of a failing community organizer manifested itself in the emergency, ‘the sky is falling,’ need to pass START  so he could boast about how he made the world safer. Meanwhile, Russia and the world are laughing at us. And him.

Link: Surprise: Russian Duma To Codify Missile Defense Language in New START

Today’s Special – Thomas Sowell Interview

Peter Robinson at the Hoover Institution interviews Dr. Thomas Sowell, noted economist, historian, and philosopher on his new book ‘Basic Economics’ and today’s economic situation and why we are where we are.

The interview is chock full of food for thought.

Thanks to the Hoover Institution for producing this interview, Peter Robinson for asking the questions, and Dr. Sowell for sharing your genius and book, Basic Economics, with us.

Repeal It, The Alternative Already Exists

Listen to all the reporting and hand wringing over the thought that the new House majority party is out to repeal Obamacare. As though something terrible will happen. Actually, passing Obamacare, or more correctly, shoving it down our throats, is precisely why there is a new majority party in the House. It’s not that Americans would not like improvements in health delivery and health insurance in this country. It’s just that they did not ask for and do not want THIS solution.

The alternative exists that will deal with those ten percent of Americans that don’t have and for some reason do not want health insurance. It will do it without ruining the health insurance industry and the plans for the other 80 or 90 percent of Americans and their employers that are just fine with their current situation and the plans they have. The alternative is not a budget buster. Nor does it take your choice away or make your health care decisions for you. That alternative is H.R. 3400

The Empowering Patients First Act, or H.R. 3400, would allow:

  • Individuals to choose their health insurance (no mandates)
  • Deductibility of health insurance premiums regardless of who pays
  • Employers to provide flexible health-insurance options to employees
  • Health insurance coverage for low-income families (300 percent of the federal poverty level)
  • Health insurance for high-risk individuals (pre-existing conditions)
  • Sale of health insurance across state lines
  • Expansion of Health Savings Accounts, or HSAs
  • Individual membership association health insurance plan
  • Association Health Insurance Plans
  • Medical liability limitations (Tort reform)

Unlike Democrat-care, the Republican alternative would not impose fines on workers or employers, require cuts in Medicare, increase taxes, require a new government bureaucracy, require a “government health insurance” option nor add $1 trillion or more to the national debt.

Pulled this out of the archives . . .

At the beginning of President Obama’s speech to the joint session of Congress on Sept. 9, 2009 a truism was spoken about “comprehensive” (that’s political-speak for government-controlled) health care.

President Obama said “A bill for comprehensive health reform was first introduced by John Dingell Sr. in 1943. Sixty-five years later, his son continues to introduce that same bill at the beginning of each session.”

The truism that seems to escape Democrats is that for 65 years, they continue to ignore the will of the people. That socialized medicine is one thing that Americans do not want, and it’s time to move on. If the president really believes what he is saying, then he ought to be confident enough to also say that if his plan does not increase the availability and quality of care and the debt, and does not decrease the cost, then he will scrap his version of health care reform before his term ends and enact H.R. 3400, the Republican alternative.

Regarding President Obama, you have a decision to make. Is he lying about there not being a Republican alternative, or is he that far out of touch that he doesn’t even know it exists? Which one works for you?

Besides, if you take the president at his word, it should be President Obama calling for its repeal. He said he would not sign a health care reform bill if it did not bring down costs or if it increased the debt. By any account, Obamacare has not lived up to what he promised. Do you still trust what President Obama says? It’s a rhetorical question.

The American people already answered that one. And it’s time for a change. H.R. 3400, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, ought to be the course of action to take where actual health care reform (as opposed to deform) is concerned. Whatever comes out of it, it ought to be something that the American people want, not what a bunch of idealogues high on government-run health care want. An idea that has been rejected routinely for 65 years.

Fairness Doctrine Is Censorship In Hungary

Actually, it is considered censorship here too, although the political Left will disagree. Freedom, especially freedom of the press and freedom of speech has been diminished in Hungary.

Hungary’s recently elected right-wing government has introduced a law demanding — under threat of fines and even shut-down — that news sources be “fair and balanced,” to borrow a phrase from a US news network.

But it doesn’t stop there.

[T]the agency created to determine whether news outlets are in compliance is stacked with political allies of the prime minister and would essentially have the freedom to punish news outlets as it sees fit.

The EU gets it and does not approve. Brings into question the notion that Hungary is not representative of the EU.

The law has raised concerns among Hungary’s European Union partner countries, particularly given that the country will assume the EU’s rotating presidency on January 1. Germany, in particular, has questioned whether Hungary can now be considered a legitimate representative of European values.

Media included in the law is TV, daily and weekly newspapers, magazines and internet sites. The whole nine yards. What is particularly amazing is that it wasn’t that long ago that Hungary was in the communist bloc where there was no freedom of the press. What are they thinking?

Link: In the Middle of Europe, a Democracy Introduces Press Censorship

Deficit Commission And Debt Ceiling Sleight Of Hand

Hearken back to 2008. The government’s budget (yeah, they had one back then) was what it was. The debt was what it was also. Since that time, we’ve seen what we were told were ‘bailouts’ for various and sundry items that were going to save the economy from collapse. Instead, what happened was that the size of government grew.

Now, the president’s Deficit Commission dutifully omitted the part about going back to where we were in 2008, as if the new bloated government was the new starting point to work on decreasing the debt. They, through this sleight of hand, have assumed the massive growth in government in the last two years as a given, instead of the temporary booster shot that the bailouts were sold to us as being.

Putting aside all the minutiae and detail, the crux of the proposal comes down to two points: capping federal government expenditures at 22% — and eventually 21% — of GDP, and capping revenues at 21% of GDP.For virtually all of the Clinton and G.W. Bush years – and during all the Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon years – federal expenditures ranged between 18 and 20% of GDP.

The more important problem is on the revenue side. According to Office of Management and Budget figures, federal revenues have NEVER reached 21% of GDP. In fact, only in Bill Clinton’s final year in office – and during WW II – did revenues even exceed 20% of GDP. During the whole time from 1960 through 2008, federal tax revenues almost always fell between 17 and 19% of GDP, only occasionally rising above 19% (chiefly in Clinton’s second term) or below 17% (G. W. Bush’s first term). Even President Obama’s FY 11 Budget has federal revenues rising only to around 19% of GDP by 2015. So the 21% “cap” represents two full percentage points of GDP above what we have experienced even during historically “high” tax environments.

The next project for the new congress (remember we still don’t have a 2011 budget) is whether or not to raise, I said RAISE, the debt ceiling. That is a process that allows Washington to put us further into debt. It is also the process that will codify and approve the smoke and mirrors of the stimulus spending as being temporary, to being the new bloated state and size of our government as being permanent.

Question is will the American people see it this way? When Obama says we need to cut spending, he means that after increasing spending by orders of magnitude that we should be content with that, keep the size and reach of government where it is,  and then we shouldn’t be spending any more.

Which brings us to ‘put our money where your mouth is’ day. Will congress acquiesce to the current size of government and all the bureaucracy that goes with it or will they say NO to raising the debt ceiling? If they approve raising the debt ceiling, will they follow up with the drastic cuts needed so we will not have to raise our grandchildren’s debt again?

Here is something else to ponder. No matter the spin about spending out there, our national debt has now surpassed, or on its way to soon surpass, our GDP. Put simply, we’re spending, and continue to spend, more than we make.

Link: What Am I Missing?

Venezuela – U.S. Without Ambassadors

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the hemisphere’s idiot, kept the heat up and bolstered his domestic street creds by refusing to accept Larry Palmer as our U.S. ambassador. Palmer is the White House nominee for ambassador who is awaiting Senate confirmation.

In response, the Obama administration revoked the visa of the Venezuelan ambassador to the U.S. Bernardo Alvarez who was out of the country at the time. Great move by the State Department and the President. What we have down there in Venezuela, aside from a maniacal communist dictator, is another Kim Jong Ill of the West that is building his political career on hating the United States and supporting all sorts of things that can ultimately bring harm to the United States.

Both sides have shown firmly entrenched stances and no willingness to compromise in the past week as the U.S. government revoked the Venezuelan ambassador’s visa in response to Chavez’s refusal to accept the chosen U.S. envoy.

“Much of the cooperation between the United States and Venezuela in recent years has involved lower-level and lower-profile individuals and agencies than the ambassadors, so the immediate fallout will be limited,” said Shannon O’Neil, a fellow for Latin American studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

“But this latest round of escalating tensions ends any hope for calmer relations or more expansive cooperation. Demonizing the United States remains too important a political foil for Chavez,” O’Neil said.

This news account does not say what input Sec. of State Clinton had in the decision, but I’m reminded of a James Carville quote, when he said ‘if Hillary gave [Obama] one of her balls, they’d both have two.’ Regardless of how it came about, Obama did the right thing.