Tag Archives: Media

U.S. Constitution 1787 – 2009

Congress just passed a law doing President Obama’s bidding, that of ‘getting those bonuses back.’ These are the same bonuses that the President approved when he signed that stimulus bill on Friday the 13th. That was also the day that the media watchdog died.


If the day comes that this bill passes the Senate and Obama signs it, that will be the day that our Constitution died.

related link: UPDATE:Sen Reid: Senate Should Take Up AIG Bill Before Apr 6

Socialism, Government Control Advance

Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats are making the move to socialism and total control over our lives on every front. Here’s my account of how far they have come in such a short time. Total or partial control over the financial industry, the auto industry, and most recently dictating how much people in the private sector should be allowed to make. If they can reach directly into your wallet, what’s left? The news media, specifically the print media, newspapers. That’s what’s left.

Is this the kind of change that Obama voters wanted? Somehow I don’t think so. But it is the kind of change we got.

This video from Rush pretty much nails it down for you.

related links: Pelosi asks DOJ to allow newspaper consolidation | House sets up vote today on taxing AIG bonuses

Clearing The Way To Your Wallet

For weeks now, every media outlet has been railing against AIG for paying out bonuses to some of their employees. An easier issue to demagogue does not exist and everyone is on board with it.

The new CEO of AIG says the bonuses are part of their employment contracts. Now, because the government has given AIG billions of dollars to ‘bail them out,’ the administration feels that they have a right to intervene in the employee/employer relationship and pick the pocket of the employees, or ‘workers’ as Obama likes to refer to wage earners.

It was reported early on, but not since about a week or two ago, that the employment contracts like those being harangued by the media are normal for Wall Street traders. That they operate on a ‘low’ weekly salary, and the nut of their income comes in the form of a bonus arrangement based on whatever is well known in the industry and that these contracts were part of the terms of their employment.

If all the above is true, then it is easy to see how dangerous it is that the government is talking about interfering with that employee/employer relationship by voiding the contracts and not paying the ‘workers.’

It feeds the populist feeding frenzy of eating the rich. Only in a socialist state my fiends.

Liberal Radio Network To File Bankruptcy

You have to give the Drobny’s an E for effort. They were also co-founders of Air America Radio, which has also gone bankrupt and changed hands a few times since then. From the Wall Street Journal . . .

Nova M Radio Inc., a competitor to troubled radio network Air America, is filing for bankruptcy liquidation, according to the company’s co-founder, amid mounting disarray in the small world of liberal talk radio.

Anita and Sheldon Drobny, a married couple from Chicago, founded Nova M in 2006 and have been funding the business partly out of their own pockets. Compounding their troubles: Nova M’s highest-profile host, Randi Rhodes, vanished from the airwaves earlier this month. Mrs. Drobny also said that her husband is currently hospitalized for problems stemming from the stress of dealing with the network, which has 34 affiliates.

From the Radio Equalizer . . .

In a troubling development for Sheldon Drobny’s fledgling NovaM libtalk network, flagship station KXDE / Little Rock has dumped his “progressive” format and switched to sports, according to talk radio reporter Perry Simon.

White House, Fundamentals Sound

My how things change when you leave politics out of it.

During the fall campaign, Obama relentlessly criticized his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, for declaring, “The fundamentals of our economy are strong.” Obama’s team painted the veteran senator as out of touch and failing to grasp the challenges facing the country.

But on Sunday, that optimistic message came from economic adviser Christina Romer. When asked during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” if the fundamentals of the economy were sound, she replied: “Of course they are sound.”

Never mind Obama. How’s the media going to take this 180?

 AP link:  White House says economy is sound despite ‘mess’

What A Conservative Is

Rush Limbaugh did a great job of explaining what it is to be a conservative at the CPAC get-together in Washington yesterday. Making excellent use of a large TV audience and fulfilling his role as the Doctor of Democracy, in his own words, Rush explained conservatism.

He not only explained conservatism, he also contrasted that to what the Obama administration has in store for us and its effect on the nation. Cal Thomas writes . . .

Rush embodies real leadership: he knows where he wants the country to go and he is unapologetic about giving directions. He properly ridiculed liberals for their abject and proven failure to deliver the poor from poverty and wondered why the poor continue to vote for Democrats when their position remains unchanged; at least it is unchanged for those who would rather accept a government check than do what is necessary to climb out of poverty.

Rush also made the point that people watching or hearing from him for the first time will be surprised to see the difference between what they will see of him and the media’s characterization of him.

In its entirety, the speech is motivational in a sense of looking forward and what we, as conservatives, will have to do to rebuild a majority party again.

Congressional Republicans and those who seek the presidency ought to listen and re-listen to this speech. It is the core of conservatism and it embodies not only the spirit of true conservatism, but the spirit of America’s past and America’s future, if we will embrace it.

In case you missed it, the entire speech that Rush Limbaugh gave at CPAC in Washington yesterday is below.

Socialism: Yes Or No

With bailouts and ‘stimulus’ plans and a new federal budget out there, all of which are a burden on our future generations, can it be that the fix is worse than the problem?

Under the cover of economic recovery, the Obama administration has managed to legislate a blend of socialism by that or any other name. It is nothing short of socialism via fiat.

The first question should be:

Do you want to shift the United States from a free-market capitalist society to a more socialistic one, controlling your bank, your health care and your welfare? YES or NO

This necessitates one more question:

Do you believe the government can do all that to your satisfaction?  YES or NO

With only its record to go on, the Obama administration is assuming the answer to the questions would be YES. And the  media watchdog is apparently of the same opinion.

Gov. Crist: Short-Term, Short-Sighted

At his address to the nation last night, President Obama put into perspective exactly what was bothering me with Gov. Crist’s support for his so-called stimulus bill that was railroaded through Congress last week.

Florida is expected to receive some $12 billion in federal aid from the package. Crist says it is his job to represent the people in Florida, so if he can get $12 billion out of our government, he’ll take it. The day before the vote, about the bill, Crist said . . .

My concern is not about what’s best for one party or the other. My concern is what’s best for the state and what’s best for the people of Florida.

His reasoning is as short-sighted as can be. Never-mind that the stimulus bill is 75% of a government stimulus rather than an economic stimulus. Also never-mind that the President once again emphatically stated that there were no earmarks in that bill. All without the slightest challenge from the media on that false statement. The rationale seems to be that, after the first few hundred billion dollars in earmarks, there are no earmarks in that bill.

If Gov. Crist wants to better represent his constituents, he would be looking at the long term consequences this stimulus bill will do to our economy instead of reaching for the proverbial golden ring.

For his panhandling politic-speak,  Obama called Crist out when he said . . .

In other words, we have lived through an era where too often, short-term gains were prized over long-term prosperity; where we failed to look beyond the next payment, the next quarter, or the next election.

Governor Crist can forget whatever presidential aspirations he may have in is future. At least as a Republican. Supporting that bill for the reason he said ended that question.

links: RAW DATA: Transcript of Obama’s Address to Joint Session of Congress |

Gov. Charlie Crist takes heat from Republicans for supporting stimulus package

Stimulus Day, Friday 13th

History is made today, Friday the 13th, when two houses of congress vote on a ‘stimulus’ bill that they have not read. And what they have not read, will guarantee that the next couple generations will still be paying our bill.

How’s this for ‘change?’ President Obama’s campaign promises include transparency. Does that include enough time to read what is in the 1,100 page bill? The bill that Republican input was not allowed. The ‘agreement’ was 48 hours to review the bill before voting on it. Turns out to be around 8 hours.

Today also marks the official death of the media’s role as a government watchdog. The media has so powerful a responsibility that they have the constitutional protection in the 1st Amendment to be one. That dog died today.

Democrats in Washington don’t want the people to know what is in the bill before they vote on it. A lot of what is in it this ‘stimulus’ bill  are things that, if put to a vote on their own, would not pass. So the less you know about it, the better.

It is obvious why the Democrat-controlled congress wants to rush this bill sight unseen, to the President’s desk. But what is the media’s excuse? That dog died.

Look how the watchdog AP, or make that the lapdog AP, covers the events of today. Not one mention of the fact that Democrats reneged on the deal to have 48 hours to read it. No mention of the fact that there was not enough time for anyone to read the bill. The rush to the vote is called muscling the bill through, virtually on their own. Sounds like a good thing doesn’t it. In the article, look for a mention that no one, including the media, knew what was in the bill when they voted on it. Who would have thought that the media would be satisfied with the voting and passage of a bill, the contents of which are not known?  AP doesn’t know what is in it. What is worse, AP doesn’t care to find out what is in it.

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a major victory for President Barack Obama, Democrats muscled a huge, $787 billion stimulus bill through Congress late Friday night in hopes of combating the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Republican opposition was nearly unanimous.

Quick survey here. Everyone who thinks the media would be just as lax if McCain/Palin were in The White House, please raise your hand.

link:  Democrats muscle huge stimulus through Congress

Originally posted 2/13/2009

UPDATE 2/14/2009:

Survey results from yesterday are borne out of today’s headlines. From O-AP.

Savoring win, Obama celebrates `major milestone’

Savoring his first big victory in Congress, President Barack Obama on Saturday celebrated the newly passed $787 billion economic stimulus bill as a “major milestone on our road to recovery. ” Officials said he would sign the measure on Tuesday in Denver.

Casket Chasers Of Fallen Heroes

During the last administration, the media was prevented from taking pictures of the flag-draped coffins.  At President Obama’s first prime time press conference, he was asked whether he would reverse that decision and let the media take pictures of the flag-draped coffins.

I didn’t like it then, and I still don’t like it. The reason the media wants that access is obvious, and it has nothing to do with respect for the families and their spouse, father, son, daughter, mother, brother, or sister that paid the ultimate price for our country.

I have no reservation whatsoever in saying that pictures of our fallen heroes should be off limits for the media. The media’s interest should stop at the announcement of the fatality. Beyond that it is a private family matter of no business of the media.

But when asked about this, the new Commander In Chief did not have the courage to answer that question. As the Commander In Chief, he ought to have an opinion about that, and ought to be able to give it. But what he gave is, oh, we’re looking into it. Translation: This issue hasn’t been focus group tested yet, so I’ll tell you what my position is as soon as they tell me what it is.

I’m not exaggerating. Here is the transcript.

QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President. You’ve promised to send more troops to Afghanistan. And since you’ve been very clear about a time table to withdraw our combat troops from Iraq within 16 months, I wonder what’s your time table to withdraw troops eventually from Afghanistan?

And related to that, there’s a Pentagon policy that bans media coverage of the flag-draped coffins from coming into Dover Air Force Base. And back in 2004, then-Senator Joe Biden said that it was shameful for dead soldiers to be, quote, snuck back into the country under the cover of night.

You’ve promised unprecedented transparency, openness in your government. Will you overturn that policy, so the American people can see the full human cost of war?

MR. OBAMA: Your question is timely. We got reports that four American service members have been killed in Iraq today. And you know, obviously our thoughts and prayers go out to the families.

I’ve said before that, you know, people have asked me, “When did it hit you that you are now president?” And what I told them was the most sobering moment is signing letters to the families of our fallen heroes. It reminds you of the responsibilities that you carry in this office and the consequences of decisions that you make.

Now with respect to the policy of opening up media to loved ones being brought back home, we are in the process of reviewing those policies in conversations with the Department of Defense. So I don’t want to give you an answer now, before I’ve evaluated that review and understand all the implications involved.

Upon second read, there is another possibility as to why the President did not  answer the question. The problem might be that most people, democrats included, would find it hard to make a case to again put them on display in such a way. Which leaves only the far left, his political base, to be offended if he were to say that he would not seek to overturn the current protocol. I doubt they can focus group a good reason to put the flag-draped caskets back on the newspaper’s front page. Well, I’m hoping.

But for someone who makes all his own decisions, why is he stalling on answering this one? His empty-suit is showing again.

link: Obama’s Prime-time Press Briefing