Tag Archives: Media

United Nations, For The Wrong Reason

It has been an interesting couple days in the UN General Assembly, as has the media coverage of it. After suffering through 96 minutes of drivel from Muammar Gaddafi, I was hard pressed to find out what nations, if any, demonstrated their approval/disapproval by leaving the chamber. A tradition of that body since its inception. Where Gaddafi is concerned, I can’t find any evidence that the US delegation walked out.

When Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke his insane bit, the US delegation did walk out.  And I share Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s frustration with the UN for giving Ahmadinejad a platform, and with the delegations there that sat to listen to him deny the Holocaust.

“To those who gave this Holocaust denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people. … Have you no shame? Have you no decency?”

The media coverage of the walkout is remarkable.  German media Deutsche Welle put it this way. Canada who refused to attend the speech, and 11 delegations left the speech.   According the Associated Press, Ahmadinejad spoke to a half-empty chamber. So out of 192 member states, only 12 showed their disapproval. Does that sound like a half-empty chamber to you?

The whole experience does demonstrate the ineffectiveness, if not unwillingness, of the United Nations to live up to its charter and how the media props them up.

The fact that President Obama is now head of the UN Security Council, a first for a US President, does not give me any hope that the UN will change. His ’round-the-world apology tour, like his speech to the UN General Assembly, validates that his idea of foreign relations is just like theirs. And for our sake, I hope I am wrong.


GOP's Alternative Health Care Plan

It is STILL a well kept secret, not mentioned in the so-called paper of record, the New York Times, and something that President Obama is STILL lying about. Nearly two months after the Republican plan was introduced, our President is still out there saying ‘they don’t have one.’

Democrats in Washington put up another disaster of a health care bill, over 1,000 pages, only a much more expensive government controlled solution.

At the beginning of President Obama’s speech to the joint session of Congress last week, a truism was spoken about ‘comprehensive’ (that’s political-speak for government controlled) health care. President Obama said . . .

A bill for comprehensive health reform was first introduced by John Dingell Sr. in 1943. Sixty-five years later, his son continues to introduce that same bill at the beginning of each session.

The truism that seems to escape Democrats is that for sixty-five years, they continue to ignore the will of the people. That socialized medicine is one thing that Americans do not want, and it’s time to move on.

A better plan exists. A plan that has what most Americans want, a private sector solution, that doesn’t balloon the national debt, and that includes tort reform. The title is more aptly named too. Empowering Patients (as opposed to empowering government) First Act. And it’s not over 1,000 pages long. It is 63 pages long.

The Empowering Patients First Act, or H.R. 3400, would allow:

  • Individuals to choose their health insurance (no mandates)
  • Deductibility of health insurance premiums regardless of who pays
  • Employers to provide flexible health-insurance options to employees
  • Health insurance coverage for low-income families (300 percent of the federal poverty level)
  • Health insurance for high-risk individuals (pre-existing conditions)
  • Sale of health insurance across state lines
  • Expansion of Health Savings Accounts, or HSAs
  • Individual membership association health insurance plan
  • Association Health Insurance Plans
  • Medical liability limitations (Tort reform)

Unlike Democrat-care, the Republican alternative would not impose fines on workers or employers, require cuts in Medicare, increase taxes, require a new government bureaucracy, require a “government health insurance” option nor add $1 trillion or more to the national debt.

As an aside, if the President really believes what he is saying, then he ought to be confident enough to also say that if his plan does not increase availability, and does not increase the quality of care, and does not decrease the cost, and does increase the debt, then he will scrap his nationalized health care before his term ends and would enact H.R. 3400 and see how that works. Sound reasonable to you?

The Republican alternative is simply less government, fewer taxes and more choices, whereas Democrat-care is just another attempt to hijack more of our liberties.

Regarding President Obama, you have a decision to make. Is he lying about there not being a Republican alternative, or is he that far out of touch that he doesn’t even know it exists? Which one works for you?

related links:

Is Jimmy Carter Right?

Does opposition to President Obama’s policies and agenda exist because of his skin color? Don’t know. Let’s examine this proposition a little closer.

Here is what Jimmy Carter, CNN, Bill Moyers, Hank Johnson, much of the Washington and New York press corps, Newsweek Magazine and the brilliant thinkers on the American Left would have you believe of Americans right now:

  • We would be more than willing to welcome cap-and-trade with open arms, even if we paid a thousand dollars or more extra every year for our energy use, if Barack Obama were only white.
  • We would be dancing in the streets celebrating the dawning of government control of our health care if only Barack Obama were white.
  • It would be just dandy if government bureaucrats rationed health care for our parents, as long as the president is white.
  • We would jump at the chance of the government owning ALL of the auto manufacturing companies .. not just General Motors … if the president just didn’t have dark skin.
  • We would applaud those ACORN workers giving tax avoidance advice to a pimp and his prostitute if the workers hadn’t been black.
  • Most Americans – even ones that don’t pay income taxes now – would be more than willing to give 70% of everything they earn to the federal government when asked … so long as they are asked by a white president.
  • We would have been thrilled, I tell you … THRILLED to have all of those Islamic goons being held at Guantanamo be not only released, but sent to be school resource officers at our local government schools, if only a white president put that plan in motion.
  • It would be OK if a white president stood back and allowed Iran to build its coveted nukes … we’re only unhappy about that because a black president is doing it.
  • Deficits? We don’t care about deficits! Make our children and grand children and great grand children pay through the nose for our president’s spending habits … just so long as the president isn’t black.
  • Government pork? Like we actually care? Look … you folks in Washington can spend all the money you want – how about more studies of the mating habits of Polish Zlotnika pigs? – just make sure it’s not a black president who signs the spending bill into law.
  • We wouldn’t care if all illegal aliens were counted twice in the next Census … just so long as the president isn’t black.
  • Those Black Panther thugs who threatened voters in Philly? The ONLY reason we’re upset that they were given a pass is because Barack Obama is black.
  • Every single member of the president’s cabinet could be a tax cheat as far as we’re concerned … just so long as the president is white.
  • Forced unionization? Bring it on! We love card check! We love the idea of union goons threatening and intimidating workers to sign a card saying they want to belong to a union! What we don’t like is that a black president is pushing this idea.
  • Single-party talks with that Gargoyle that runs North Korea? It’s about time we legitimized that little pipsqueak. We’re only mildly upset here because the person who is doing that happens to be black.
  • More regulation of the finance sector? We could care less! For all we care you can nationalize the banks and decree that only the government can make home loans .. .and you can even apportion those home loans on the basis of race if you want to … just so long as the president is white!
  • Minimum wage? Like we care about that? Raise it to $15 an hour if you want! Just give us our white president back.

Upon further examination, I may be going out on a limb, being conservative and all, but I’d say that Jimmy Carter is wrong. Like he always is btw. Because if there were a white president trying to do all the above, I would still be against him, or her. I feel better about myself now. No white guilt or anything.

But I do weep for where this President and his party has taken this country. His party using the race card against any and all opposition to advance their agenda is a disgrace. Which may explain to some extent why the media has been more a cheerleader than an inquisitor when it comes to the President and his policies. Otherwise they would have to characterize themselves as being racist.

There is nothing post-racial about Obama’s administration, Democrats in Congress, and his supporters. And every second that passes where Obama himself does not talk it down and put an end to it, is just digging their racial hole deeper.

For his part in indicting over half of all Americans as racists, former President Jimmy Carter wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

h/t Neal Boortz

Obamacare And Non-US Citizens

As a follow-up to the post How The Left Tolerates Free Speech, we will examine how the Left and the President use the English language to deceive the American people when it comes to the President’s health insurance/health care initiative and illegal aliens. Since the mainstream media refuses to do their job with a minimal amount of investigation into who is really lying to the American people, let’s examine the argument right here, right now.

When the Left says that illegal aliens will not be covered in his plan, they are referring to a section of H.R. 3200 on page 143 that has to do with a form of welfare assistance called Individual Affordability Credits under Title II – Health Insurance Exchange, IE., the government-run health insurance program. Not the receiving of health care. Despite what they would want you to believe, these are two different and distinct issues. When the President says illegals will not be covered, he is either talking about what is not yet written or lying about what is written. In either case, the proof is in the actions of the Democrats in Washington.

Sec. 246 plainly states . . .

Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

That’s fine. Obviously, cutting checks or issuing credits for illegal aliens would be problematic for a whole host of reasons not the least of which would be no Social Security Number to attach a check or credit to. They are not US citizens. They are citizens of some other country.

As for illegal aliens receiving health care under H.R. 3200, it is not that they are explicitly included but rather that they are not explicitly excluded as described on page 50, Sec 152 pertaining to prohibiting discrimination in health care. Not payments or credit, but in the providing of health care.


22 (a) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise explicitly permitted by this Act and by subsequent regulations consistent with this Act, all health care and related services (including insurance coverage and public health activities) covered by this Act shall be provided without regard to personal characteristics extraneous to the provision of high quality health care or related services.

The legalese in this section is what prompted the Heller Amendment, proposed by Rep. Dean Heller (R-Nev) in July 2009. The bill would require using the same database that is used to verify employment eligibility that verifies social security numbers on job applications, The Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS), and the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE).  The Heller Amendment was defeated along party lines.

Why do you suppose the bill would have been defeated if it were not the intent of the Obama administration to include non-US citizens? And why do you suppose the Obamamedia doesn’t seem to be the least bit curious about it either? Oh that’s right. The media watchdog died last year.

related links:

How The Left Tolerates Free Speech

In two words, THEY DON’T. They hate free speech. They don’t have any room for it. Eventually, they will do to you what they did to me, if by no other means than by bringing in the Fairness Doctrine through the back door. However, the spineless bed-wetting liberals at Air America Radio are not so subtle about it. I am now blocked from their website. (spoiling all my fun)  Read on for a little truth.

I enter a cogent and on-topic comment about a post on Air America Radio’s website regarding Rep. Joe Wilson’s ‘you lie’ comment. No name-calling, just the facts that I know they’ve not heard before. Here is an original screensave of the post.

The title of the post was ‘truth hurts, Wilson was right.’ The content follows . . .

Obama brought disgrace to Congress, using his own scare tactics. Basically carrying his campaign to the joint session of Congress. He did it by chastising all who disagree with his socialist design for health care that would not exclude illegal aliens.

He’s lies every time he says Republicans have no plan. Try looking at H.R.3400 in the 111th Congress. He’s lying to you, me, and everyone else. Yes, Joe’s right. Obama lies quite readily. Bringing disgrace to the office of the President.

He accused opponents of using scare tactics. Then said this:”Everyone in this room knows what will happen if we do nothing. Our deficit will grow. More families will go bankrupt. More businesses will close. More Americans will lose their coverage when they are sick and need it the most. And more will die as a result.” It was scare tactics like this that got his ‘economic stimulus’ bill passed.

But I digress, the Heller Amendment would have insured a citizenship test, by verifying Social Security numbers against the employment check database. It was shelved by Democrats.

So yes, Obama lied when he said that illegals would not be participating. H.R. 3200, the only bill in writing says that. And Joe Wilson told the truth.

On July 17, 2009, Democrats moved one step closer to giving free health insurance to the nation’s estimated 12 million illegal aliens when they successfully defeated (on party lines) a Republican-backed amendment, offered by Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nev., that would have prevented illegal aliens from receiving government-subsidized health care under the proposed plan backed by House Democrats and President Barack Obama.

It’s President Obama that is bringing disgrace to the nation.

The author of the Wilson article, Beau Friedlander, carries the water to make the President’s case this way.

What was it the man said? “You lie!” That’s it. What immediately preceded this ejaculation was an assurance from the president of the United States that health care reform did not include free medical assistance for illegal immigrants. The assurance was true. Wilson was mistaken.

The assurance may be true, and it also is true that H.R. 3200 does not say verbatim that illegal aliens are included. It doesn’t have to. Because it does say that they may not be excluded. See PG 50 Section 152 in H.R.3200 – health care will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise.

(a) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise explicitly permitted by this Act and by subsequent regulations consistent with this Act, all health care and related services (including insurance coverage and public health activities) covered by this Act shall be provided without regard to personal characteristics extraneous to the provision of high quality health care or related services.

This includes personal characteristics like citizenship. That is precisely why the Heller Amendment was proposed. And precisely why Democrats shot it down. It was defeated along party lines.

My original entry, which happened to be the very first entry in the comment thread was entered on Sept 10, 2009 at 11:05 pm CST, (Sept 11, 12:05 am EST) was deleted. As you can plainly see now, the first comment shown is dated September 11, 2009 – 2:40am.

Knowing these people like I do, I did a screensave of the original post just because I can substantiate what I’m accusing Air America Radio of doing. But the lesson here is it’s not about Air America Radio in particular, it is about the flaming liberal Left in general, which are plentifully represented in the Obama administration.

Having seen that my post from yesterday was omitted, I re-entered it today. They apparently missed it, because it is still there, as this screensave shows. You can expect to see that also deleted as soon as one of their good little lemmings call it to their attention.

One other thing this screensave shows after I attempted to login. My handle there is ‘hmfwic.’ Guess who has been blocked from commenting on Air America Radio’s website? Yep, me.

That’s exactly the way the far left deals with opposing dialog, even when true . They hate free speech when it is speech that they don’t agree with. You’ll be hearing the Left’s influence on capital hill, and Obama’s Czars, doing their best to carry it on to talk radio (an industry in which the Left are ‘miserable’ failures), and certain cable TV channels.

One of the commenters / lemmings there called socialistfrogg challenges me for proof. It’s not uncommon for commenters like that to be so lazy as to not look it up for themselves.

Provide proof

where it says that illegals will get free healthcare. Cant do it, can you? You are a liar. But you always lie, dont you? Keep it up, right wing extremists! You will be even a smaller minority after the 2010 elections and Dem controlled redistricting.

You people will defeat yourselves for us, again.

* Login or register to post comments By socialistfrogg September 11, 2009 – 10:22am

That won’t happen. Not by me anyway, since I’ve been banned. The fool doesn’t even know that Air America Radio is limiting the information he could otherwise get. Another of the rabid Left’s tactics. The lemmings are kept in cocoons, free of convincing, albeit opposing points of views, even when true. They don’t realize they’re being cultivated into mind-numbed robots.

related links:

Obama, Still Lying After All These Weeks

President Obama held a pep rally at an AFL-CIO picnic today to push his health care initiative. Facing BIG LABOR, he blamed opposition to his health care-turned health insurance campaign on ‘special interests’ who were attempting to ‘scare the heck out of people.’ Actually, it is his plans and agenda that is scaring the heck out of people. Witness the polls and the town hall meetings and the Tea Parties across the county. But that’s his story and he’s sticking to it.

Oh but that’s not all. In Obama-speak, if you oppose his plan, then you aren’t for health care reform or health insurance reform. That’s a smear. He also said, as he has often repeated, that Republicans don’t have an alternative plan? That’s a lie.

“I’ve got a question for all these folks who say, you know, we’re going to pull the plug on Grandma and this is all about illegal immigrants — you’ve heard all the lies,” Obama said. “I’ve got a question for all those folks: What are you going to do? What’s your answer? What’s your solution?

And you know what? They don’t have one. {emphasis added}

Yes ‘they’ do, and it’s called H.R.3400. But the Obama media never told you about it, did they? Keep an eye out in the Editorial pages of your local paper and for the major networks (CBS, NBS, ABS, and pMS-NBCBS) to call him on it? That our President makes no bones about lying to the American people to push his agenda is disgraceful in an of itself. Based on everything Obama, my guess is the mainstream media will overlook it. The media watchdog died last year.

Regarding President Obama, you have a decision to make. Is he lying about there not being a Republican alternative, or is he that far out of touch that he doesn’t even know it exists? Which one works for you? At some point you have to ask yourself what is motivating the President to lie to the American people? Did we elect a President to put America on the fast track to Socialism? Do you think he would have beat Hillary Clinton in the primaries if he ran on what he is attempting to do today?

Bayou Texar Closed Again

Did you ever think that sometimes when trying to make a point that you may as well bang your head against the wall? That’s the way I feel about what continues to happen to Bayou Texar specifically, but Bayou Texar isn’t the only waterway in Escambia County that has similar problems.

Last week, I found out that efforts to finally locate the sources of bacterial contamination in Bayou Texar were scrapped by some yet unknown city officials. And yesterday what do we see in the PNJ? Another closure. A mere two weeks since Bayou Texar was again closed.

Unfortunately for the environment and people that want to use the waterways, and people living in the pricey homes surrounding Bayou Texar, the Health Alerts in the newspaper are generating as much attention as, oh I don’t know, how about as much attention as H.R. 3400, the Empowering Patients (not government) First Act. Bayou Texar’s water quality is being ignored just as much as the health care initiative that was introduced by Republicans in Congress over a month ago. What’s wrong with this picture?

Yes Virginia, conservatives like clean water too! What is the city’s excuse? And, why would the canceling of the needed research to clean up the Bayou not be newsworthy?

Dems Lost The Debate On Obamacare

Without question, Democrats and Republicans agree that ‘health care’ and ‘health insurance’ could be improved upon, made more available, and at a lesser cost than what we have today. What is becoming more apparent is that the majority of the folks do not want Obama’s brand of socialized medicine and insurance.

Where this administration is concerned, the will of the people is irrelevant. Citizen’s reaction at Tea Parties and town hall meetings with congressmen all over the country are written off as phony opposition. Those politicians are out of touch, and apparently, they intend to stay that way. They’re not listening to the folks. Instead, they’re out there trying to sell Obamacare like selling cars. And they are selling cars, literally. Cash for Clunkers. No offense to car salesmen intended.

Rather than taking a step back and doing things that could garner bi-partisan support, like doing one thing at a time, starting with getting the economy back in shape first, Democrats in the Senate are considering passing the bill via a maneuver called reconciliation, where only a slim majority of votes are needed, 51. They are reacting to the fact that there probably isn’t enough support for his plan to overcome a filibuster, 60. To go that route just shows that they’ve lost the debate on Obamacare and will just try shoving it down America’s collective throat by any means possible.

If they succeed, it will be an unprecedented maneuver to usurp nearly 20% of the private sector economy, placing it under government control.

Even the New York Times doesn’t think it is a good idea. Considering they’re about as far left as any opinion-shaper out there, that’s saying something. What they’re really worried about is 2010.

If the Democrats want to enact health care reform this year, they appear to have little choice but to adopt a high-risk, go-it-alone, majority-rules strategy.

We say this with considerable regret because a bipartisan compromise would be the surest way to achieve comprehensive reforms with broad public support. But the ideological split between the parties is too wide — and the animosities too deep — for that to be possible.

It’s also fair to say that they’ve lost the debate that we’ve never had. There was zero input allowed from Republicans in drafting H.R.3200. The only ‘debate’ Obama expects is for Republicans to sign on to it. That’s his definition of bi-partisanship.

Speaking of Obama, he is still out there accusing Republicans as the party of NO. That they don’t have a plan. Guess what? There is a plan and it is called H.R. 3400, and was introduced in Congress over a month ago, July 30, 2009 into the 111th Congress. But the Obama media never told you about it, did they? Regarding President Obama, you have a decision to make. Is he lying about there not being a Republican alternative, or is he that far out of touch that he doesn’t even know it exists? Which one works for you?

At some point you have to ask yourself what is motivating the President to lie to the American people? Did we elect a President to put America on the fast track to Socialism? Do you think he would have beat Hillary Clinton if he ran on what he is attempting to do today?

Philly Newspapers For Sale

The Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News are in Chapter 11 litigation right now, trying to fend off creditors’ $400 million dollar claim.

They are seeking to shed most of its $400 million in debt by repurchasing the company through a bankruptcy auction for about 22 cents on the dollar. Good luck with that.

May not be possible without some pressure from Obama. He was, after all, instrumental in getting Chrysler’s creditors to take a similar deal. He may as well make it official and take them over too. Then the ‘Obama media’ wouldn’t just be an adjective. It would be a pronoun. It would also make Hugo Chavez and the Castro brothers insanely jealous.

link: UPDATE: Philly Newspaper Creditors Hire Former Publisher Hall, Auction Planned

Kennedy Sought To Overturn Himself

Last week, Sen. Edward Kennedy made a real heart-tugging appeal to the State of Massachusetts to change the law so that the Governor can appoint a successor for his senate seat.

Obviously his concern was in keeping a 60 seat (filibuster-proof) majority in the Senate, which could play a role in whether or not the President’s imaginary health care/insurance bill gets passed. Already, the Democrats are considering ramming ‘the bill’ down America’s collective throat by a procedural measure that is not meant to be used for a massive piece of legislation that takes control of nearly 20% of our economy. Watch for those fireworks next month.

The Reuters branch of the Obama media describes Kennedy’s appeal in their ‘Factbox‘ like this . . .

Under state law, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick may not select a successor but must call a special election between 145 and 160 days after the seat becomes vacant.

Before his death, Kennedy asked that the law be changed so an interim senator could be appointed. The ailing statesman said in a letter to Patrick, a Democrat, that the state could not afford to be without a senator for five months.

Reuters must be so busy helping Obama push his plan, that they don’t bother to tell you why the Massachusetts law is the way it is. As a matter of ‘fact,’ the Governor used to be the one to pick a successor in the event of a vacancy until the year 2004. So what happened in 2004?

In 2004 Sen. John Kerry was making plans to be the next president. And in 2004 the Mass. governor was Mitt Romney (R). If Kerry was to win the election, Romney would in all likelihood have replaced a democratic senator with a republican one. And Sen. Kennedy would not have that. He appealed to the legislature to change the law to require an election, with plenty of time for campaigning, instead. Taking that responsibility away from the governor and putting it into the hands of the most liberal state in the country seemed like a guarantee that Kennedy could live with. No pun intended. And that’s what happened.

Fast forward to the present and the governor in the state house is a Democrat. Oh how easy it would be to just let him pick Kennedy’s successor. Darn. It’s that law getting in the way again. No problem, change the rules. The Lion in the Senate will just have his own law overturned and replaced with his latest version,  Gubernatorial Succession version 2.0.

The headline should be, Kennedy Wants To Overturn Himself, if Reuters had all their facts straight.

link: Factbox: Kennedy’s death raises successor speculation