Sen. Elizabeth Warren announcing her candidacy for 2020 presidential race is so patriotically inspiring about America and Americans, surpassing Trump’s SOTU Address. NOT!
She portrays an angry woman inciting her supporters to essentially hate successful people in America, because, they became rich by robbing you, the ordinary working man. Wouldn’t they do better if they kept their money, and not give it to billionaires?
And when you apply for the Texas State Bar, that’s where you become an American Indian.
So the meme of the day now is, if you support the President of the United States for re-election or otherwise, you must be a racist? If they only knew how incredibly ridiculous they look. Let’s see, do you remember people reacting like this when Obama fans openly showed support for him? Accusing them of what? Being an anti-police anti-American Marxists who serves Iran over the United States? I don’t remember that.
Supporting the President is a choice, and being able to express that is a right. Maybe they don’t teach that at Coach Michael Walker’s school? Frankly, in light of the 24/7 attacks on President Trump by the media/left/Democrats, all the same, it is refreshing to see youngsters participating in the civics arena. I know, independent thinking is frowned upon by so-called educators today.
Haven’t seen a picture of him, but I gather that Coach Waker, is a Black man. Probably identifies as a man anyway. Just a guess. That’s really not an issue. Especially on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, where we are judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin. A lot of White people voted for Obama you know. Seems Mr. Walker is still pre-occupied with the 60’s. As evidenced by this in their statement, “This all comes down to people trying to see one another’s point of view—and we’re coming from a place that recognizes a history of oppression for people of color.” We all have that same historical perspective. We all know where it came from, the Democrats. And we’re not at that place any more.
The coach also keep his team in the locker room during playing of the National Anthem. On his Facebook page, Coach Walker says “Please explain how and why this is appropriate at a high school basketball game?” Seems a just a little too intolerant to me.
The school put out this statement on the ‘controversy.’
“The issue is what our President represents to many people of color, whether that’s what the Jordan fans knew or not.”
Really? The issue is learning to face the fact the President of the United States is the president. Like it or not. If not, you are able to try to vote him out of office. Meanwhile, open your hearts to your fellow Americans who have a different choice in mind. And get over it.
The school district had a different take on the situation.
As a school district, we support positive action that creates space for conversation and understanding among people with diverse viewpoints. Part of our role is to help our students learn how to actively engage in civic conversations—that is what education is all about.
Based on the team’s statement, looks like the superintendent has his work cut out for him, to teach their students how to cope with life, and elections.
This story encompasses all the media bias, including of course, in the title, from Yahoo News, Teens incite controversy with ‘Trump 2020’ flag at high school basketball game: ‘Please explain how and why this is appropriate’
They need to make up their mind here, is it inciting controversy or is it creating a space for conversation and understanding among people with diverse viewpoints? As usual, the adults are using the kids for their political bias, and the media eats it up. Dr. King would not approve of how his Dream turned into a nightmare in the Minneapolis School District.
On November 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia passed a resolution stating that “two Battalions of Marines be raised” for service as landing forces with the fleet. This resolution established the Continental Marines and marked the birth date of the United States Marine Corps. Serving on land and at sea, these first Marines distinguished themselves in a number of important operations, including their first amphibious raid into the Bahamas in March 1776, under the command of Captain (later Major) Samuel Nicholas.
The founding of the Marines in November 1775 during the times of the Second Continental Congress was to shut down the Barbary Pirates of Northern Africa who were pirating merchant ships, stealing the cargo and killing the crews in the Mediterranean Sea. As the Marine anthem goes “From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli…” They were formed to protect shipping from pirates at first. Then grew into a force that can protect our country at home and abroad.
Happy Birthday Marines Corps. God Bless you and your families for your service and sacrifices, keeping us safe, secure, and free.
Tough times for the last week of the Clinton Campaign. Significant features of the Clinton campaign have just been undercut.
The New York Times says there’s no Trump – Russia link.
Lifelong democrat and democrat pollster Doug Schoen says he can no longer support Hillary Clinton. He’s not alone in his defection.
CNN fires Donna Brazile for sharing debate questions, in advance, to Hillary Clinton. How bad is it that her supporters don’t trust that she is up to speed enough to be able to answer a question on the fly? The woman who wants to be Commander-in-Chief is proving incapable of answering that 3 a.m. call.
Obama comes out in support of FBI Director Comey, saying that he doesn’t believe that Comey is trying to influence the election. And that The White House won’t criticize the Director’s actions. This, just 4 days after joining the Clinton campaign in the criticism of James Comey, which the Clinton Campaign and the Democrat Party continue to do.
Obamacare, the “Affordable” Care Act, is becoming less affordable for more people than ever before. Health insurers are bailing out of it left and right and the Clinton campaign is still down with it.
Illegal immigration is at an all time high and getting worse.
And among other things, the momentum in the candidates show Hillary dropping and Trump rising.
Labor Day seems like such a Republican concept. Democrats should demand their own Sit-On-Your-Ass-And-Collect-Your-Check Day!
h/t Dinesh D’Souza
Piers Morgan Proposes Killing Pet Cat
Aryanna Gourdin, 12-yr-old big game hunter was recently on Good Morning Britain with former CNN failure Piers Morgan, who challenged her in a weird way about hunting big game for sport.
He asked her . . .
How would you feel if I came to your house one day, and I hunted down your pet cat, and I killed it, and I then posted pictures of me celebrating the slaughter of your pet cat?
I would have answered Piers Morgan differently . . .
If you were to come into my home and kill my dog, you’d be lying dead on the floor right next to him. Then I’d have my picture taken with me holding up your sorry head for the camera.
Trump Outreach Reaching Blacks
A little (how about the first?) republican outreach can go a long way.
Trump spoke at my church in Detroit and it opened my eyes. Never again will I be a slave to the Democrats!? Let us rise up! Together!?
The Supreme Court today handed President Obama a defeat in his executive amnesty (DAPA & DACA) order. Because the court was tied 4-4, the decision of the lower court stands.
It was a victory. But it wasn’t good. What’s not good about it is that it wasn’t an 8-0 decision. This wasn’t an immigration issue. This was a separation of powers issue. And that there were 4 Justices who thought it was OK for the Executive Branch to make law is disastrous.
Article 1 of the Constitution establishes the Legislative Branch. That’s where laws are made. Article 2 of the Constitution establishes the Executive Branch. That’s where laws are enforced. Article 3 of the Constitution establishes the Judicial Branch. That’s where laws are interpreted when the need arises. That’s the way it’s supposed to work.
Imagine what would happen to the country if Obama could pick just one more Justice? It’s over. There is no “sick and tired” clause in the Constitution like Obama seems to think. If he can’t get Congress to pass laws that he likes, that does not give him the power to abuse his power to write a law he wants.
The Founding Fathers were careful to set up these three, separate but equal branches of government. They lived what a tyrannical government was like in the Crown. They also knew that if any two, or all three, branches of government ceased to be separate, where one branch assumed the role of another, that would be the definition of tyranny.
This where we are today. And that’s why the Founding Fathers provided for the Article V Convention of States. That is the safety valve to put the States, the people, back in power when the government turns tyrannical.
The 2016 presidential campaign season is full of firsts. Not the least of which is that this is the campaign year of the Outsider. The lousy state of affairs in the country is the reason for it. People in both parties think the country is going in the wrong direction and are looking for significant change. Not hope.
One thing that is happening this time is not new. But it is way worse than ever before. Trying to blame the Republican candidate for violence happened in 2008 The Left and their willing accomplices in the media were quick to blame Sarah Palin for Gabby Giffords assassination attempt by a wacko in that campaign. Now it is worse. Now the Left is organizing protests to disrupt campaign events, Events that include physical violence against people who have differing political beliefs.
Predictably, the Left is blaming Donald Trump for the rioting in Chicago and San Jose, instead of the people doing the rioting. And although President Obama isn’t the one running around burning American flags and throwing rocks at police, and beating up on peaceful American citizens, he’s not out there telling the rioters, or the activist groups organizing them, to knock it off. He’s not calling for law enforcement to protect these Americans.
This is how Barack Obama has operated from day one of his administration, and before. First, as the leader of his party and the chief law enforcement officer of the country, the one who took the oath, it has been his duty and sworn responsibility to protect and defend the people and the constitution of the United States. Despite many chances to do that, he has done neither.
He didn’t make a statement saying for the rioters to respect the speech, including and especially political speech (1st Amendment) of others. He didn’t do it in Chicago either, when his buddy William Ayers was agitating. He didn’t do it when Trump canceled an event for the safety of supporters and the politically curious.
It is through his absence in doing that, that gives tacit approval to the idiots who can’t control themselves and, are easily swayed by the SEIU, Ayers, and the many Soros groups. This is what Obama and his party have brought about.
It was Obama who declared republicans his enemy. That’s a bit more broad than a cross-hairs on a political map. (Palin) It was President Obama who said he will reward his friends and punish his enemies. This is what Obama and his party have brought about.
Obama has a history of inserting himself in cases where he should not, and in this example, not inserting himself where he should.
In the world Obama lives in, chaos is good. Obama’s then Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, let the cat out of the bag years ago when he said “never to let a crisis go to waste.” This is what the community organizer like Obama believes. And what he does. Whether you have to create one or not. This is Obama. This is who he is. He had many chances to make his administration a post-racial administration, like a lot of people who voted for him had hoped he would. Instead, he has used his bully pulpit to exacerbate racial tensions, ethnic tensions, gender, age, income. You name it. In a sick and purposeful way, he has groomed those idiots to attack anyone with the potential of halting his “remaking” of America.
Never mind the 1st Amendment issue. This is PC gone wild. It’s also proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Students at California State University–Los Angeles have set up a “healing” space to deal with pain they were caused by having Ben Shapiro speak on campus — even though that speech was three months ago and most of them didn’t even go.
Zimmerman Sells His Kel-Tec PF-9
While the online auction to sell the gun used to kill Trayvon Martin was beset with trolls trying to circumvent the process, George Zimmerman got over six figures for it.
“The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin,” he wrote in the item description.
Looking at others your own age
Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, surely I can’t look that old?? Well . . . You’ll love this one.
My name is Alice, and I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist. I noticed his DDS Diploma on the wall, which bore his full name. Suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 30-odd years ago. Could he be the same guy that I had a secret crush on, way back then?
Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was way too old to have been my classmate.
After he examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended Morgan Park High School. “Yes. Yes, I did. I’m a mustang.” He gleamed with pride. “When did you graduate?” I asked.
He answered, “In 1975. Why do you ask?”
You were in my class!” I exclaimed. He looked at me closely. Then, that ugly, old, bald, wrinkled faced, fat-assed, gray-haired, decrepit son-of-a-bitch asked ”What did you teach????”
Belly up to the counter. Politics are on the menu and Ross is on the grill.