No Concealed Weapons Permit For You

It’s not news that the Second Amendment has been under attack by the Left for years. Decades in fact.

Four days from the end of the Obama administration, Obama’s DOJ added an infringement to purchasing a firearm. If you have a prescription for medical marijuana, you have no Second Amendment Right. But prescriptions for all other drugs are OK.

Maybe it’s been this way since 2017, I don’t know. But I heard today that if you have a Concealed Carry Permit, it will be revoked (infringed) if you obtain a medical marijuana prescription. You can’t have both. And you thought you had personal privacy.

All this is predicated on the fact that marijuana is still illegal at the federal level. There’s no distinction between prescribed and not prescribed. But hey, any way they can infringe on the Second Amendment, they will.

The #AmericanMarxist Left must be replaced with real Americans who support and defend the Constitution.