Sen. Elizabeth Warren, trying to sell herself as your average beer-swigging multimillionaire former Harvard Law prof who’s a champion of the middle class, pops a bottle of beer. Pulled that cap off with her bare hands. The name Michael Dukakis comes to mind.
Wanting to appeal to the middle class, she pops a beer. Stereotype much? Hillary’s hot sauce. John Kerry tried to relate with ‘get me a hunting license’ line, in full camo. Odd how Democrats always pretend to be something they’re not.
Topics in today's show: Global Warming Delusion, the latest fad disease, Barack Obama goes back on his pledge to do townhall debates, Hillary Clinton hosts dinners to pay off campaign…
Topics for the 5/20/08 episode include: --President Bush's speech to the Knesset -- China's earthquake and Al Gore --Polar bears on the federal threatened list --Same-sex marriage in California --Ted…
Here's something to ponder on election day. Archie Bunker on Democrats, proving that comedy is best when there's some truth in it. Back then, it was the Carter administration. Notice…