NFL At The Crossroad

Steelers’ coach Mike Tomlin was not disappointed that one of his players took a knee, sat down, or stayed in the locker room during the National Anthem. Instead, he was annoyed that  Alejandro Villanueva, an Army Ranger who served three tours in Afghanistan, stood proud during the National Anthem, leaving the team in the locker room.

Apparently, Villanueva’s free speech doesn’t count. The coach wished that his team would have “shown respect” for the team, 100%, by staying in the locker room. Isn’t this about 180 degrees from sanity? He calls disrespecting the flag and National Anthem on or off the field, showing respect to the team?

It’s America that is owed some respect, just so people like you can be an a-hole. Meanwhile, Tomlin defied the NFL’s rule that says the team is supposed to be on the field during the National Anthem. Don’t hold your breath waiting for Commissioner Goodall to say a peep about it.

A lot of Americans feel differently. They would rather respect a team that plays a good game and, doesn’t disrespect them or the country. If coach Tomlin wants a political team, or a BLM team, and the NFL is OK with that, then by all means, reap what you sow.

There is an outside chance that the coach kept his team off the field to not allow his players to take a knee and embarrass the team. Major FAIL either way.

There’s a very good chance that unless Goodall gets the league under control as a sports organization, then we’ve seen the better days of the NFL.

Link: Steelers Coach Didn’t Want Army Vet To Stand For Anthem 

Discredited Ideologies

Since I don’t know when, when leaders of the political parties (Presidents included) talk about what’s great about America, Freedom and Liberty would be, naturally, the answer.

What has been omitted, until Sept 19, 2017, is Capitalism. And it wasn’t even mentioned. In a compassionate way, President Trump told the United Nations how socialist regimes don’t work for anyone.

The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented. From the Soviet Union to Cuba to Venezuela, wherever true socialism or communism has been adopted, it has delivered anguish and devastation and failure. Those who preach the tenets of these discredited ideologies only contribute to the continued suffering of the people who live under these cruel systems.

– President Trump 9/19/17

Thank President Trump for completing the picture. Freedom, Liberty, and Capitalism.  That’s nothing new, but now the type of our economy is no longer the elephant in the room.

DNI James Clapper, NO FISA

This is what former DNI James Clapper looks like when he lies to Chuck Todd on Meet The Press.

Pretty good, huh? But not until today did the media decide that President Trump was right. But they won’t admit that. The part where they all called Trump a conspiracy theorist has been forgotten.

Next up, Pres. Barack Obama, John Brennan CIA, Susan Rice NSA, AG Loretta Lynch,  James Comey FBI, Ben Rhodes NSA, Grand Jury.

Undocumented Democrats

When you hear a politician selling the need for “comprehensive” Immigration reform, you should know what that really means.

Since Sen. Ted Kennedy, immigration reform meant the more the merrier. But not from those prosperous/productive and White countries in Eastern and Western Europe. In order to survive, Democrats need a permanent dependent class, like from say, Central America. So why would anyone think that illegals from there would be Democrats if given the right to vote?

When almost all the illegals lived their entire life under socialism or a dictatorship, the Democrat Party is a natural fit.

Pew Research Center did a piece about party affiliation and illegals. It shows overwhelmingly Democrat. But then they say . . .

“And it’s uncertain whether these unauthorized immigrants, many of whom are currently unaffiliated, would adopt similar political affiliations and voting patterns if given the chance to naturalize.”

The “unauthorized immigrants” don’t know, and schools aren’t teaching, about personal freedom and liberty, the Constitution and our founding. But they do know where to look for stuff. The almighty government.

This is why, to Democrats, “comprehensive immigration reform” means guaranteed Democrat Party dominance for the foreseeable future. Adding millions of voters to the Party with a pen.

Considering the country is nearly 50/50 (Dem/Rep) now, automatically picking up a 10 or 15 (or more) point spread, would pretty much end the Republican Party as a useful organ of government.

Then the remaking of America could resume.

Link: Are unauthorized immigrants overwhelmingly Democrats?