United Nations Warns Of Food Fight

Nine months ago, the United Nations warned that they could no longer afford to feed the worlds hungry to the same extent as before because of rising prices of the basic foodstuffs. The alleged solution to alleged man-made global warming, more bio-fuels, is drawing focus to the unintended consequences of higher cost of all food world-wide.

Giving new meaning to the phrase ‘food fight,’ Sir John Holmes, the undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs at the United Nations says rioting could spread around the world over food, as has happened in Egypt. Egypt? Who knew that Egypt is a poor and undeveloped country?  He told a conference in Dubai . . .

that rising prices would spark unrest across vulnerable nations. Average prices have risen 40 per cent across the world in less than a year.

The security implications should also not be underestimated as food riots are already being reported across the globe.

Current food price trends are likely to increase sharply both the incidence and depth of food insecurity.

related links: Food riots could spread, UN chief warns | Biofuel, A Liberal Record Of Failure