Undocumented Democrats

When you hear a politician selling the need for “comprehensive” Immigration reform, you should know what that really means.

Since Sen. Ted Kennedy, immigration reform meant the more the merrier. But not from those prosperous/productive and White countries in Eastern and Western Europe. In order to survive, Democrats need a permanent dependent class, like from say, Central America. So why would anyone think that illegals from there would be Democrats if given the right to vote?

When almost all the illegals lived their entire life under socialism or a dictatorship, the Democrat Party is a natural fit.

Pew Research Center did a piece about party affiliation and illegals. It shows overwhelmingly Democrat. But then they say . . .

“And it’s uncertain whether these unauthorized immigrants, many of whom are currently unaffiliated, would adopt similar political affiliations and voting patterns if given the chance to naturalize.”

The “unauthorized immigrants” don’t know, and schools aren’t teaching, about personal freedom and liberty, the Constitution and our founding. But they do know where to look for stuff. The almighty government.

This is why, to Democrats, “comprehensive immigration reform” means guaranteed Democrat Party dominance for the foreseeable future. Adding millions of voters to the Party with a pen.

Considering the country is nearly 50/50 (Dem/Rep) now, automatically picking up a 10 or 15 (or more) point spread, would pretty much end the Republican Party as a useful organ of government.

Then the remaking of America could resume.

Link: Are unauthorized immigrants overwhelmingly Democrats?

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