Muslim Militants Still Beheading

This should be required reading for White House assistant to the president for homeland security and counter-terrorism John Brennan, U.S. Attorney General  Eric Holder, and their boss President Barack Obama.

Al-Qaida-linked militants beheaded three loggers in the Philippines in apparent retaliation for government offensives in the country’s south, security officials said Sunday.

The killings were carried out as the country celebrated its 112th Independence Day, the latest in a series of terror acts by the Abu Sayyaf insurgency to mark the holiday.

Three loggers, who happen to be Christians, get their heads cut off by (listen up you three) Islamofascists, Terrorists, Muslim Extremists, aka, the enemy of the civilized world who need to be kept and treated as enemy combatants, not criminals.

For this enemy, beheading non-believers has become their version of setting off fireworks for the holiday.

Link: Muslim militants behead 3 Filipino loggers

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