Tag Archives: MRIOTD

Is Jimmy Carter Right?

Does opposition to President Obama’s policies and agenda exist because of his skin color? Don’t know. Let’s examine this proposition a little closer.

Here is what Jimmy Carter, CNN, Bill Moyers, Hank Johnson, much of the Washington and New York press corps, Newsweek Magazine and the brilliant thinkers on the American Left would have you believe of Americans right now:

  • We would be more than willing to welcome cap-and-trade with open arms, even if we paid a thousand dollars or more extra every year for our energy use, if Barack Obama were only white.
  • We would be dancing in the streets celebrating the dawning of government control of our health care if only Barack Obama were white.
  • It would be just dandy if government bureaucrats rationed health care for our parents, as long as the president is white.
  • We would jump at the chance of the government owning ALL of the auto manufacturing companies .. not just General Motors … if the president just didn’t have dark skin.
  • We would applaud those ACORN workers giving tax avoidance advice to a pimp and his prostitute if the workers hadn’t been black.
  • Most Americans – even ones that don’t pay income taxes now – would be more than willing to give 70% of everything they earn to the federal government when asked … so long as they are asked by a white president.
  • We would have been thrilled, I tell you … THRILLED to have all of those Islamic goons being held at Guantanamo be not only released, but sent to be school resource officers at our local government schools, if only a white president put that plan in motion.
  • It would be OK if a white president stood back and allowed Iran to build its coveted nukes … we’re only unhappy about that because a black president is doing it.
  • Deficits? We don’t care about deficits! Make our children and grand children and great grand children pay through the nose for our president’s spending habits … just so long as the president isn’t black.
  • Government pork? Like we actually care? Look … you folks in Washington can spend all the money you want – how about more studies of the mating habits of Polish Zlotnika pigs? – just make sure it’s not a black president who signs the spending bill into law.
  • We wouldn’t care if all illegal aliens were counted twice in the next Census … just so long as the president isn’t black.
  • Those Black Panther thugs who threatened voters in Philly? The ONLY reason we’re upset that they were given a pass is because Barack Obama is black.
  • Every single member of the president’s cabinet could be a tax cheat as far as we’re concerned … just so long as the president is white.
  • Forced unionization? Bring it on! We love card check! We love the idea of union goons threatening and intimidating workers to sign a card saying they want to belong to a union! What we don’t like is that a black president is pushing this idea.
  • Single-party talks with that Gargoyle that runs North Korea? It’s about time we legitimized that little pipsqueak. We’re only mildly upset here because the person who is doing that happens to be black.
  • More regulation of the finance sector? We could care less! For all we care you can nationalize the banks and decree that only the government can make home loans .. .and you can even apportion those home loans on the basis of race if you want to … just so long as the president is white!
  • Minimum wage? Like we care about that? Raise it to $15 an hour if you want! Just give us our white president back.

Upon further examination, I may be going out on a limb, being conservative and all, but I’d say that Jimmy Carter is wrong. Like he always is btw. Because if there were a white president trying to do all the above, I would still be against him, or her. I feel better about myself now. No white guilt or anything.

But I do weep for where this President and his party has taken this country. His party using the race card against any and all opposition to advance their agenda is a disgrace. Which may explain to some extent why the media has been more a cheerleader than an inquisitor when it comes to the President and his policies. Otherwise they would have to characterize themselves as being racist.

There is nothing post-racial about Obama’s administration, Democrats in Congress, and his supporters. And every second that passes where Obama himself does not talk it down and put an end to it, is just digging their racial hole deeper.

For his part in indicting over half of all Americans as racists, former President Jimmy Carter wins the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

h/t Neal Boortz

MRIOTD Award To Casey Gane-McCalla

The Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award goes to a shining example of a Columbia educated, angry liberal black man that calls black republicans and Fox News racists, and his name is Casey Gane-McCalla writing on NewsOne.

After reading his unsubstantiated claims of racism by Fox News and its news on-air contributors, seems to me Mr. Gane-McCalla is guilty of what he is accusing the others of. He goes so far as to bring us the top 5 Uncle Toms on Fox News.

Being a Republican does not make you an Uncle Tom. If you believe in fiscal responsibility and social conservatism, it is your right to be a republican. However if you are a black republican, it should be your duty to stand up to your party when it becomes blatantly racist against your own kind. You should also realize it when they only use you to attack other black people and never to offer any other points of view.

These African Americans have made a living off of going on Fox News and smearing black leaders and culture. They often are the mouthpieces for the things that even Fox is to racist to say. They always attack another black person and never stand up to any of Fox’s or the GOP’s racism.

And more recently, this gem. ‘Nixon Would’ve Aborted Obama For Being Mixed.’

link: Top 5 Fox News Uncle Toms | Nixon Would’ve Aborted Obama For Being Mixed

Specter Ends Charade, To Join Democrats

It was a long time coming. Way too long. But Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) said he is joining the D’s. To which I say, good. It’s about time. Now Pennsylvania can elect a republican who will vote like one.

The fact that Specter is running 15% behind his republican challenger doesn’t have anything to do with it. Right. He claims the republican party has moved too far to the right and has left him.

That explanation qualifies for the winner of the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award. Today’s MRIOTD goes to Sen. Arlen Specter (Rino-PA)

The political consequence of this move means that, when Al Franken gets seated, Democrats would have a filibuster proof Senate and they can get everything they want without needing a single vote from the other side.

And that’s a good thing for Republicans. By the time 2012 comes around, Americans will have a better look at the change they got.

aSide Order

President Examines His 100 Days Himself

Tomorrow completes President Obama’s first 100 days in office. What happens on that day is that the news media focuses on his performance for those 100 days. Except for tomorrow. Tomorrow Barack is going to take care of this assessment and do it himself. He requested prime-time hours from the TV networks to put on his own campaign speech, and FOX is the only network that isn’t bending over.

President Delivers Chrysler To The UAW

GM Chairman (or is it BM Chairman?) and President of the United States Barack Obama, is engineering his fix for Chrysler. Another ‘private’ corporation. The fix is the quid pro quo for their unwavering financial support, giving majority ownership of the company, 55%, to the United Auto Workers union by putting the labor union AHEAD of secured creditors. Secured creditors are people who invested in the company. Under bankruptcy, the secured creditors are always FIRST on the list to recover what they can.

But that is not what happened.  And this is why the Obama administration doesn’t want them to declare bankruptcy. What happened is Obama publicly chastised the few creditors that did not want to go along, causing public pressure on them to play along. Obama forced them into taking less for their claim, that they paid for, and giving the remainder to the labor union, who paid nothing.

Returning the nation’s wealth to its rightful owners. It is what he campaigned on.


Feeling the need to respond to the tongue lashing he got yesterday from ‘Big Guy’ (the President), Barack’s teleprompter started up his own blog to discuss the incident where Barack lost his place and became speechless.

Here’s a portion of the transcript.

Big Guy: “In addition to John – sorry, the – I just noticed I jumped the gun here.”
TOTUS: “What? Why are you looking at those file cards? Who gave you those file cards? Ah crap.”
Big Guy: “Go ahead. Move it up.
TOTUS: “WT*! I am moving it up. When we get back to the office, we need to have a sit down …”

Time To Save The World

Air America Radio talk show host Mike Papantonio is all about a fossil fuel replacement program, and now a chemical replacement program, because chemicals can be used as a WMD. And, they are produced by big corporations, which by definition makes them almost criminal. So why stop there?

What this country, and the world, needs is a liberal replacement program. Liberal dogma, whether in ‘public’ education, economic principles, and ‘social’ matters, is just as much a weapon of mass destruction as any nuclear bomb and al-Qaeda combined where the United States is concerned.

Bio:Mike Papantonio hosts Ring of Fire, a nationally syndicated radio show on Air America Radio and is the founder of GoLeft.tv. He is a partner in the Levin Papantonio law firm in Pensacola.

link: Chemicals in U.S. might be used as WMD

ACLU Sues Santa Rosa School District, MRIOTD Winner

Yep. The intolerant left, in the form of the ACLU, is once again intimidated by a prayer at graduation, and by people (argh even teachers) professing to be religious. In the lawsuit, the ACLU fails to show where anyone was forced to participate in anything approaching religious belief.

The ACLU’s version of freedom of religion means you are not free to practice or even mention religion solely for the benefit of the intolerant, who feel it their duty to deny us of that freedom so that they don’t have to be exposed to it. Qualifying the ACLU to receive the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

related link: Pensacola News Journal article | lawsuit PDF

And as an aside, Stop The ACLU dot org.

American Airlines Wins MRIOTD Award

American Airlines is charging extra baggage fees to troops going to Iraq to fight in the war. This forces soldiers heading for a war zone in Iraq to

try to get reimbursement from the military. Presumably in their spare time. I’m sorry. I believe in the capitalist system and business making a profit and all that, but on September 11, 2001, American Airlines flight 11 was hijacked by terrorists and crashed into the North Tower 1 World Trade Center. Fifty-one minutes later, American Airlines flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon by the same group of terrorists.

America suffered the first 3000 casualties in the War On Terror that day, and the war was on. The VFW is trying to get American Airlines to waive the extra baggage fee for our brave men and women going to war.

What is American Airlines’ position?

‘Because the soldiers don’t pay a dime, our waiver of the fees amounts to a discount to the military, not a discount to soldiers,’ said Tim Wagner, spokesman for American Airlines. ‘Soldiers should not have to pay a penny of it.’

And their point is? There comes a time when being an American means more than a logo on the side of an airplane. The fact that American Airlines is showing itself to be ‘American’ in name only, by not waiving this fee, qualifies American Airlines for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award.

Businesses should make a profit, that’s what business does. But businesses should also be good citizens in their community. Waiving this fee is not too much to expect, especially since these special passengers are risking it all to insure that American Airlines doesn’t lose more planes full of passengers.

link: Soldiers pay bag fee on travel to war

Democrats Closed Tent On Lieberman

Referring to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) as public enemy no. 1, Democrats are once again illustrating how really ‘closed tent’ that party really is. They are upset that Joe Lieberman supports Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) instead of the Democrat’s choice, first-time Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL).

Anyone who knows Joe Lieberman, knows how he feels about the war on terror. Like me, he feels that there is nothing else more important to us as a society right now than to see to it that we don’t have 9/11’s on a weekly basis. They are at war with us, believe it or not. And if you’ve been blown up, what does it matter which company you can tax into oblivion? Then the company gets blown up, like what happened on 9/11. Then what are you going to tax? Continue reading Democrats Closed Tent On Lieberman

Al Gore Wins MRIOTD Award

The inevitable has happened. Al Gore adds his two cents on the cyclone (hurricane) in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. It was caused by global warming. No doubt aided and abetted by his global jet travel. Hawking his latest book ‘The Assault on Reason,’ Gore tells Terry Gross on NPR’s ‘Fresh Air’ show yesterday. . .

“And as we’re talking today, Terry, the death count in Myanmar from the cyclone that hit there yesterday has been rising from 15,000 to way on up there to much higher numbers now being speculated,” Gore said. “And last year a catastrophic storm from last fall hit Bangladesh. The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China – and we’re seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.”

The self-proclaimed inventor of the Internet supports his assertion with facts like ‘might be associated with’ and ’emerging consensus.’ No word from Gore on the emerging consensus surrounding the fact that global ocean temperature has actually dropped in the last 12 months by nearly one degree or its association with a decrease in solar activity.

Today’s Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day Award goes to Al Gore.

related link:Al Gore Calls Myanmar Cyclone a ‘Consequence’ of Global Warming

afterthought: Wait, I’ve seen this before.  First it was Rita Cosby with her book, ‘Blonde Ambition.’ Now it’s Al Gore with his book, ‘The Assault on Reason.’ Just too funny.

Olbermann, Rush Calls For Riots

What happens when people who don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh criticize him? It can manifest itself in the person of Keith Olbermann who last night accused Rush of trying to start rioting at the Democratic national convention.

If Olbermann listened to Rush enough to get to know him, he wouldn’t have shown us just how shallow he is in this characterization of Rush. The context is that Rush was playing his CinC USOC role, based on what ‘democratics’ would do if the super delegates went contrary to the popular vote. Obama had the popular vote at the time. It is not a stretch to think that the convention would degrade just like it did in 1968. Especially since there is an activist group in Denver called ‘Recreate ’68.’

The Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day award goes to Keith Olbermann at pMSNBC.

video link

related link: Maggie’s Notebook