Category Archives: Justice


Below was my comment to the DOJ over the show raid at President Trump’s Florida home. The weaponization of the Justice Department for political purposes, FBI, is not acceptable, unconstitutional, and has got to be fixed. Time to stand up to this tyrannical Obama/Biden Administration, DOJ, FBI, and a host of top officials in them. Doing nothing will be to accept a Banana Republic, or Russian style of government. Biden’s version of the KGB. “President” Joe Biden and his administration is the threat to Democracy, not Trump.

If you’d like to petition the government too, here’s the LINK.

The Founding Fathers knew how corrupt a government could get. Because of that, they gave citizens the right and power to defend themselves against a tyrannical government in the Second Amendment. They also gave us the right to petition the government in the First Amendment. So, “when tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”*

Where Biden, Garland, and Wray are concerned, Trump Derangement Syndrome seems to have metastasized.

Want to play a game? I’ll see your 30 Federal Agents, and raise you a 30 round magazine.

You desperately need to get your operation back within the bounds of the Constitution. Expect to pay the price in Nov 2022 and 2024.

LINK: Your Message To The Department of Justice

* Thomas Jefferson

Lawless resistance

Democrats are first to declare, amid their Congressional investigations, “we need to get to the facts, we need to find out what happened.” Well, who could disagree with that?

First, they begin with the presumption that something illegal happened. Now all that’s left for them to do is to find out what it was.

Carrying on investigations in search of a crime, if not committing a crime to find a crime, is not aligned with that whole “innocent until proven guilty” thing. You know, the Constitution.

This is why Democrats must be defeated in every election, until they come to their senses and actually support, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution.

Great week for trump

  • Economy humming
  • ISIS wiped out in Syria
  • Recognition of Israel’s territory and sovereignty
  • Mueller investigation confirms that Trump beat Hillary Clinton fair and square

He summed it up precisely. It was “an illegal takedown that failed.”

Now maybe the DOJ will, for the first time, take an objective look into how it all began? An equal system of justice demands nothing less.

Link: Trump on Mueller Probe: “This Was An Illegal Takedown That Failed”

Cali And The Lawless Party

That California is going rogue is not new, except that this time they are breaking immigration law in the process. Causing the DOJ to get involved.

A.G. Jeff Sessions filed suit against California over some laws they made that are in violation of the immigration law.

Of course that’s BIG NEWS. Reported everywhere. What is instructive here, is also revealing. And that is the Democrats’ reaction to the lawsuit.

Their response does not dispute the charges. No, their response is to accuse the DOJ and the Trump administration as being racist.

What is instructive is that the Left doesn’t debate the issue when they know they can’t. They call people names instead. This case also reveals the Democrat Party as being the Lawless Party. Nothing new there. Only now it is by their own admission.

Links: Trump’s Justice Department sues California over immigration enforcement  |  Oakland mayor fires back at Sessions: ‘How dare you distort the reality’ to advance ‘racist agenda’

Memo: Sources And Methods

So the D’s in DC didn’t want to #ReleaseTheMemo because it would reveal “sources and methods.” And that would be dangerous.

Know what? They were right!

Sources: Obama administration officials including President Obama, top people in the Executive Branch, State Department and Sec. of State Clinton, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, with some made up dossier from foreign (including Russian) sources.

Methods: The weaponization of government resources. Using a made-up dossier, paid for by the DNC (that Hillary was running at the time), to lie to a FISA court judge to get permission to spy on the Trump campaign and candidate Trump, then President elect Trump, then President Trump, with no focus, boundaries or limitations. In this case, since they failed to stop Trump to get Hillary elected, they had to take him out by some other means. And this is it.

And it is dangerous, in so many ways.

  • Dangerous for society based on the rule of law,
  • the 4th Amendment of the Constitution,
  • the victims of their sting,
  • and especially dangerous for Democrats.

Funny how the only Russian collusion anyone knows about is that between the Clinton campaign and the DNC, with an assist by the FBI, and the creation of that phony, DNC paid for, dossier.

Below is the memo that was unclassified today.

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What should happen now? The whole investigation should end since the start of it was a fraud in the first place. A new special council should be created to investigate the investigators, and, all those who had a part in weaponizing the government for political purposes. From Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton on down. Paul Manifort and Gen. Flynn should have their charges dropped, and be reimbursed for their legal expenses, and an apology given.

It took almost a year, with no charges brought against anyone in the Trump organization for what was the purpose of the investigation, Russian collusion to rig the election. Yet two citizens have been ruined in the process. Trump can’t prove a negative. He can’t prove there was no collusion. The government is supposed to prove that there was. And they are no closer now than they were last year.

Bottom line, but for that bogus dossier, FISA warrants would never have been issued, and the country would have been spared all the pain that the sore losers put our country and our institutions through.

Mueller Investigation Exposed

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Matt Gaetz (R-FL) question Asst. AG Rod Rosenstein about “conflicts of interest” in the Special Counsel Investigation over so-called Trump/Russia collusion. An investigation that has gone so far from its intended purpose it’s not even mentioned any more.

Today’s House Judiciary Committee hearing was quite revealing as to the indifference of Mr. Rosenstein to obvious bias, and more, in Special Counsel Mueller’s sham investigation.

What in the world has to happen before AG Sessions gets involved? Aside from letting this show continue.