Category Archives: Immigration

Facilitating Voter Fraud Becomes A Priority?

Am I the only one that sees a vast voter fraud conspiracy going on here? The New York State proposal to give legal drivers licenses to illegal aliens is one example. New York State has the ‘motor-voter’ law, in which a voter registration form accompanies all drivers licenses. With no documentation to support a driver’s legal status. Now Keith Ellison (D-Minn), introduced a bill, co-sponsored by John Conyers (D-MI), to ban photo ID’s as a requirement for federal elections. Wazzsupwidat?

What’s up with that is desperation beginning to set in on the part of the majority party. Give illegals a vote, and they’ll vote for welfare programs and open borders all day long. And people like Hillary Clinton can drive the USS United States to the bottom of the sea. You will see conservatives behind bars and on exhibition. This is what a Conservative looks like. They wanted you to have to obey the law.

Another Keith Ellison voter fraud enhancement: H.R.2457 , called the Same-Day Voter Registration Act of 2007, it would amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to require States to permit individuals to register to vote in an election for Federal office on the date of the election. Couldn’t get one republican as a co-sponsor. Imagine that? I don’t hear any public outcry for such legislation. Do you suppose it is to facilitate fraud?

link:, Ellison wants to ban photo ID as requirement for voting.

Hillary Needs Cash, What?

The Clinton Campaign lost its footing just a bit with Hillary’s performance at Tuesday’s debate. She fell off her script when Tim Russert asked her whether she supports NY Governor Elliot Spitzer’s plan to issue drivers licenses to people in this country illegally. There are about a million of them in New York State according to Hillary. Hillary’s handlers all feel that Tim Russert was out to get her for some reason. One of them suggesting that he should be shot. I’m assuming that was hyperbole, but it shows how much they hate to be pressed for an answer that might give a clue as to what she really believes. Her campaign came out the next day to further explain her response to that Yes/No question.

Classic Clinton. They want to shoot the messenger. In this case, Tim Russert. That’s what they do. The fact that her campaign has their thongs all twisted up over being asked a most relevant question for a New York Senator about a New York governor is just hilarious.

“Clinton was unfairly targeted” and “The other candidates were asked questions like, ‘Is there life in outer space?’ ”

And, unfortunately for Hillary, none of the other presidential wannabes’ constituencies are in the State of New York, which explains why Russert asked her first and not the others. It’s a perfectly valid question to ask her and he would have been negligent if he or Williams had not asked it.

Pressing her on that question didn’t make Russert a bully. How else can the American People learn what she believes? As she has found out, dodging a question during a debate made her look pretty inadequate.

Now that her Chinese connection has apparently dried up, and in the course of 24 hours, they feel they need a lot of money, fast.

Mark Penn, Clinton’s senior strategist and pollster, and Jonathan Mantz, the campaign’s finance director, told the supporters on the call, which The Hill listened to in its entirety, that they expect attacks from Clinton’s rivals to continue, and she will need the financial resources to deflect their attacks.

Hardly anyone saw it. It was on MSNBC. While the Clinton Campaign and the far-left blogosphere whine over Tim Russert as being too tough on her, they should be thanking their lucky stars that it wasn’t worse.

Tim Russert’s play last night was not only nakedly sexist, but showed his immaturity and lack of respect for any woman standing up to be commander-in-chief.

Sexist? Hillary? No way.

A person wanting to be Commander in Chief should be able to answer any question from anyone. Even Brit Hume and Chris Wallace.

Both Tim Russert and Brian Williams deserve the “Chris Matthews Award” for avoiding to ask any of the presidential wannabes about Iran supplying 107 mm rockets and super-penetrating IED’s to the terrorists in Iraq that are killing Iraqis and our soldiers. I know the Clinton Campaign would disagree but the moderators didn’t go far enough. I think they did the best they could to make it more like “Softball.”

Drivers Licenses For Illegals?

Until the illegal border crossings are stopped, and some form of policy is enacted to deal with the 12 to 20 million illegals who have already illegally crossed, some politicians seem to be on a mission to grant people who are not legal citizens to obtain a drivers license. From Jeb Bush (former Gov. of Florida) to Elliot Spitzer (current governor of New York) to the latino activist group La Raza, there seems to be a willingness to solve a problem while creating another more perilous one.

The common justification to granting DL’s to illegals is that it will make the streets safer. That is arguable but it is at least a valid point. So on that basis alone I find myself in agreement with Jeb, Elliot, and La Raza to insure that they know how to drive a car and read traffic signs and are aware of the laws regarding driving a motor vehicle. But that is where my agreement ends.

The problem that is created is the potential for abuse that a DL affords an illegal alien. With a drivers license, an illegal alien can purchase an airline ticket and open bank accounts which, you will recall, is a major enabler for terrorists. Neither of which any citizen could or should support. For legal citizens, the drivers license will get you access to federal and state government services as well. And in New York State, it allows one to register to vote. Left as is, giving a drivers license to an illegal alien is merely a step towards back-door amnesty without calling it amnesty, and facilitating voter fraud, and that’s not a good thing.

The only way I would support drivers licenses for people who are not here legally is for the license to read “Drivers License for Non-Citizen” or “Non-Citizen Drivers License,” or even “Illegal Alien Drivers License.” The license should also contain a line stating “This drivers license is for purposes of driving a motor vehicle only and is not a valid identification for voting or any other government or private service.” There is a way to effectively deal with the millions of illegals who are already here, and this is but one step in dealing with it.

related: This Will Make Voter Fraud Easier

Are Democrats Using Wrong Language?

Confused as to why Democrats aren’t just steamrolling over the administrations foreign policies as regards to Iraq, Iran, health care and the lot, they think its because they just aren’t using the right words.   That their message is not persuasive.  I think they are wrong in that assessment.  Their agenda is not being widely accepted because people DO know what their message is.  Trying a different color lipstick on the pig just won’t fly any more.

Democrats are losing the battle for voters’ hearts because the party’s message lacks emotional appeal, according to a widely circulated critique of House Democratic communications strategy.

Combating Illegal Immigration

The reluctance of the federal government to be more pro-active in ‘managing’ illegals in this country has resulted in many States in the country to take small steps within their purview to help in curbing, not facilitating, illegal aliens from using this country illegally. To its credit, the State of New Jersey is one of these States and Bridgton, NJ has become a focal point for the pro-illegals apologists, like immigration attorney Valentine Brown.

For Pensacola and the State of Florida the question now is, what do our local and state police do when they encounter an illegal? Do they let them go on their merry way with a summons for no drivers license, for example? Are they supposed to ignore their legal status, or take steps at enforcement?

link: Lawyer: Police traffic stops become immigration checks

Was A Good Week For The Country, Bad Week For Harry Reid And Nancy Pelosi

In case you haven’t heard, what with the California fires and how everything is Bush’s fault, and they can’t put out the fires because the fire truck is in Iraq or some such, Congress’s dynamic duo, Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) have finished a stellar week in utter failure. And that’s a good thing. Here’s the checklist as I see it.

  1. The bad Dream Act S.2205, a stealth amnesty bill dreamed up by Dick Durban and Jack Murtha, did not pass. This is the bill that the media says is about helping illegal alien children. Oh how my heart beats for “the children.” The media never told you that these children could be 30 years old. And they could register for the program and no documentary evidence is required to qualify. And they could bring their (ostensibly) relatives living in Mexico, up to 18 or thereabouts, and no DNA test is required or even available to prove relations. And here’s the kicker, once registered they are all given legal status and they are exempt from ever being deported. Even if they have criminal records. Anything for a voting block. However, don’t go to sleep on this because Harry Reid can bring it to the floor again.
  2. The next bill to fall was the Democrat bloated SCHIP bill, H.R. 976. That was designed to increase the dependent voting block (and double the tax burden) by calling a person a child up to age 25, and to people with incomes in the middle class, 60-80k /yr.
  3. They lost an important aspect to the Domestic Surveillance Bill in the Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday. They agreed Thursday to a provision that would grant immunity to telecommunications companies that have helped the government in its domestic surveillance programs. They also didn’t want us listening in on Bin Laden if he called someone, anyone, in the United States.
  4. Nancy Pelosi pulled the Armenian Genocide Resolution from the floor, intended to put a stick in the spokes of the war in Iraq after it was clear to everybody, including the MSM, that the timing was more than suspect.

You’re not hearing much about how successful the surge is either. All measure of attacks are down from 40-80 percent. Marines in Anbar province are getting bored. Haven’t found an IED since April. It was Sen. Harry Reid who made the statement that the war is lost and that was late last Spring before the surge was fully in place.

All in all, I’d say the Democrats in Washington pretty much accomplished nothing. Another good week for the country.

related link:

Mel Martinez Resigns As RNC Chair

Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) has resigned as chairman of the Republican National Committee. Now there’s a decision I can agree with.

He dragged the party into “comprehensive” reform double-talk when the party itself was not there. Bush started this mess by appointing him. Looking back, it doesn’t take a Latino as RNC chair to engage that special constituency to attract support. Obviously Bush and he were on the same page. But on this issue they were the only pages in the book .Mel Martinez on Immigration

His political career is over in Florida. He has no chance of being re-elected as a republican. His office was flooded with calls from Floridians, like myself, advising against the President’s plan. It was an overwhelming majority of calls NOT in favor of the bill. For whatever reason he chose to ignore his constituents. Then he speaks to his critics with a condescending attitude and challenges us to submit our own suggestions. Then he ignores his constituents again. He still hasn’t released a single word about the suggestions he received. His constituents will never forget how he thumbed his nose at them. It’s over for him politically, as a republican anyway.

The President should pick the guy that he should have picked last year, Michael Steele.

Immigration Enforcement Opens Doors For Americans

Contrary to the line that the pro-illegal immigration people tell us, that these illegals are doing jobs that Americans won’t do, what we see happening on the ground is just the opposite. Since cities across the nation have begun to line up on the side of America, many illegals are returning home. Contrary to the eminent collapse of our economy that some said would happen as a result of enforcement, Americans are lining up to take jobs that previously were taken by illegals, gang crime and crime rates overall are going down in measurable and noticeable amounts, and there is less pressure on health and social services.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told The Times that “there will be some unhappy consequences for the economy out of doing this.” While the enforcement climate is still too new to show results in government data one way or the other, Chertoff’s prediction doesn’t appear to be playing out. On the contrary, there is extensive anecdotal evidence that enforcement is actually having its desired effects: More illegal aliens are going home, leading to improved conditions for American workers and communities. The first consequence of stepped-up enforcement is attrition of the illegal population — a steady decrease in the total number of illegal aliens as more people give up and go home. Attrition is the real alternative to amnesty, and we’re seeing it work.

By pulling out the welcome mat for illegals, attrition is taking the place of deportation. Let the progress continue.

LA Times: Fewer migrants mean more benefits

Another Murder For Geraldo Rivera To Ignore

Did you ever hear something about a murder and recoil at the thought of what kind of person could do such a thing? Like the recent execution of 3 out of 4 college students, this is one of those. Try a 2 year old baby boy being kicked to death by the mother’s boyfriend, Michael Hernandez  . Contrary to what Geraldo Rivera would say, this is not just another brutal murder. This is another preventable murder. You see, Michael Hernandez is an illegal alien.

video link, link