Category Archives: Immigration

By Their Circle Of Friends, Sen. John McCain

Like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, in politics, the company you keep says something about you. Take Sen. John McCain on immigration, for example. He says he has seen the light now that his strong advocacy for amnesty (or whatever descriptor you wish to apply), in the form of the President’s amnesty bill, or as they call it, the comprehensive immigration reform bill, has failed. But has he really?

Sen. McCain has recently dropped all kinds of names as potential advisers, except where it comes to illegal immigration issues. On that subject, the man is . . .

Dr. Juan Hernandez, McCain Hispanic outreach director: “We must not only have a free flow of goods and services, but also start working for a free flow of people.”

A credentialed member of a Mexican Cabinet position, heading the presidential Office for Mexicans Abroad. But wait, there’s more!

A hybrid of two cultures, he is the first Mexican American to hold a Mexican Cabinet position, heading the presidential Office for Mexicans Abroad. The office, newly created by President Vicente Fox, seems tailor-made for Hernández, a trusted aide handpicked by the president to protect the rights of Mexican émigrés and their families, and, perhaps just as importantly, to reach out to the millions of Americans of Mexican ancestry.

As Florida’s primary voting approaches, is it any wonder why Sen. McCain is not mentioning illegal immigration (the war, no, the economy, the war, the economy) and who his trusted advisers are on that subject? Between now and Tuesday the 29th, if not at all, will someone ask the senator if he shares Hernandez’s views of “Mexico First/” “Just A Region”/”Free Flow of People” or not?

h/t Michelle Malkin | Juan Hernandez website

UPDATE: couple hours later. Turns out, McCain was asked a little while ago, but not from a member of the media. Hear the exchange and see the transcript on Hot Air. Feel any better about him now? I don’t.

Recent John McCain History

Have you noticed how the media seems to have selected a Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain? It is also apparent that you should not know the John McCain of last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. If the media thought that it was important, they would have told you by now. This man is no conservative. And if he is the media’s choice, then that should be a clue that he is not where the republican party needs to be going.

Aside from the several McCain positions that Ann Coulter illuminates below, I can add two more things he did, and does, to her list of why I don’t want the Senator to be President. It has nothing to do with his position on the war on terror and defense, except for his position on waterboarding, Club Gitmo, and constitutional protections for the Club Gitmo enemy combatants.

One is his little coup in the Senate known as the gang of fourteen. Designed to intervene in judicial appointments, and prevent the ‘nuclear option’ concerning them. Effectively obstructing the Executive branch in judicial appointments and nominations. Politically speaking, McCain is left of Arlen Specter for crying out loud. And the other thing that turns me off about McCain is that he hardly knows the Reagan he speaks of if he is willing to subjugate conservative principles to the furtherance of liberal principles in order to ‘enlarge’ the party just to get votes. Otherwise known as the end of the republican party as we know it. And you know the media is down with that.

Ann Coulter writes . . .

John McCain is Bob Dole minus the charm, conservatism and youth. Like McCain, pollsters assured us that Dole was the most “electable” Republican. Unlike McCain, Dole didn’t lie all the time while claiming to engage in Straight Talk.

Of course, I might lie constantly too, if I were seeking the Republican presidential nomination after enthusiastically promoting amnesty for illegal aliens, Social Security credit for illegal aliens, criminal trials for terrorists, stem-cell research on human embryos, crackpot global warming legislation and free speech-crushing campaign-finance laws.

I might lie too, if I had opposed the Bush tax cuts, a marriage amendment to the Constitution, waterboarding terrorists and drilling in Alaska.

I’m beginning to see why he is the media’s choice. It’s not by accident that Sen. John McCain is the democrat’s favorite republican.

link: Ann Coulter

Was ABC’s New Hampshire Debate A Debate?

It was good to see the ‘new’ format with the presidential wannabes actually debating. No staged questioners, just the media questioning the candidates, and the candidates questioning each other. It was informative, that is, until the democrats had their turn.

Discussing illegal immigration, a major concern of people of both parties, apparently isn’t a concern to ABC News where democrats are concerned. Why is it that ABC left the country wondering where the Democrat candidates stand on the subject of immigration? I felt short-changed by ABC.

After the republicans had their turn, there was a little gaggle that lasted about 12 minutes. And it was informative and, I thought, useful. After the democrats had their turn, the gaggle was about 45 minutes. Wazupwidat? Matter of fact, during and after the debate, it was hard to discern any difference in policies between the dems on the panel. It seemed more like a pep rally of people running against Bush, who isn’t running, than something designed to inform potential voters. And we still don’t know their intentions on immigration, drivers licenses, sanctuary cities, the border, amnesty, health care, education concerning illegals, et al..

For some reason, ABC did get opinions from both parties on the war on terror. That was good. We can see the differences there. One wants to get out after winning, the other wants to get out before winning. However, there was not one question about what they would do with or about the Patriot Act, or even waterboarding. Last night John Edwards said that ‘we should use every tool available’ to fight the war on terror. That would have to include the Patriot Act. FLASH: Edwards has said that the patriot act should be scrapped. Edwards has said that the war on terror is just a Bush created bumper sticker. But those contradictions from Edwards and the others went unchallenged. Not very helpful in informing the voting public.

On the subject of illegal immigration for democrats, they were mute. It seems like ABC just came up with an alternative to planting questioners, which is, not asking the same questions of both parties and, letting them contradict themselves without question.

Compean & Ramos, Not On President’s Pardon List

The CFIF has been on the case to free border control agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos from the start, even before the U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton lied to the jury about the dangerous drug smuggler with a long-established criminal record.

And although Sutton’s office portrayed their “star witness” to the jury as a man beyond reproach… a victim of the system who only smuggled drugs into the United States just once to pay his poor sick mother’s medical bills… it was well known that this drug smuggler was a dangerous career criminal!

Thanks to the e-mails and other efforts from concerned citizens like yourself, demanding that Compean and Ramos be set free, it looked like it was actually going to happen. People in Congress got involved towards that end.

So where is it now? First of all, they are not on the President’s pardon list for this year. Second of all, granting them a pardon is meeting fierce objections from, of all people, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

Last week, Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Democrat Congressmen William Delahunt and Silvestre Reyes introduced the resolution, the importance of which Rohrabacher described to media by saying:

“The significance of the resolution is that it is truly a bipartisan effort. Up until this point, this has basically been a conservative Republican cause.”

But it only took a few days for the wind to change direction and now Rohrabacher is pointing fingers at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus:

“The [Democratic] leadership has gone along with the Hispanic Caucus… Instead of being proud [of] Mexican-Americans who are defending our border, the Hispanic Caucus is portraying them as simple, brutal cops who are committing police brutality.”

Since when is it “police brutality” for a law enforcement officer to fire his weapon when he reasonably believes a suspect is about to fire upon him?

Maybe the Congressional Hispanic Caucus should change its name to the Congressional Vicente Fox-Felipe Calderon Caucus :

Judging from their behavior, that would be about right. It also is apparent that your help is again needed. The effort to free these two scapegoats of political correctness and perversion of justice needs to start again. This is a call to action to petition your federal representatives including and up to the ‘compassionate conservative’ in the White House to pardon these agents, give them their deserved freedom, jobs, and family back.

related link: taking action | illegal alien arrested again | NOT on pardon list

Illegals On The Gulf Coast

There’s a reason that illegal immigration is such a big issue in this country.  Basically its because they are all over the country, and especially so along the Gulf coast, thanks in no small part to hurricanes Ivan, Katrina, and Dennis.  The tip of the iceberg is in two local papers in the Pensacola area today.

You have the Mexican restaurateur arrested for drug distribution and harboring Mexican illegal aliens in the Pensacola News Journal.  And in a neighboring county, the Northwest Florida Daily News  reports of an illegal alien smuggling operation getting busted.  Those involved were charged with alien smuggling and visa fraud for forging temporary H2-B visas.

Over time, be prepared for the rest of the iceberg to be revealed.

Today’s Special

News of Venezuela’s referendum which would crown the hemisphere’s idiot, Hugo Chavez, as dictator for life, and usurp the democracy movement is sounding all too familiar. Too close to call. Opponents are acting confident that they won by an 8 percent margin. The government has not released the results yet. Will be interesting to see what Chavez does if he loses.

UPDATE: 1-hour later: Chavez loses referendum 51% to 49%. OK, now stand back and watch how well Chavez takes this news.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin did what Chavez hoped to do. His political party won by a landslide. Of course, it helps when you only allow the opposition (pro-Western) party on the tightly controlled state airwaves and characterize them as provocateurs in the pay of foreign overlords. Scaring voters of a ‘western plot’ also helps.

A small victory for democracy in Hong Kong. But we’ll take it.

Things aren’t going well in Iowa for Sen. Hillary Clinton. Aside from polling second to Sen. Barack Obama in Iowa, she was booed by a group of 3000 fellow democrats in Des Moines when she spoke in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. Iowans correctly read that as nothing more than lipstick on a pig named ‘ amnesty.’ I read that as Iowa democrats are not liberal like she is. It highlights her arrogance, not leadership, to even go there after seeing how badly and how broadly the country rejected Bush’s comprehensive plan.

And qualifying for the Most Ridiculous Item Of The Day, the media comes to her aide in the aftermath of the hostage ‘crisis’ in one of her campaign offices like this.

When the hostages had been released and their alleged captor arrested, a regal-looking Hillary Rodham Clinton strolled out of her Washington home, the picture of calm in the face of crisis.

and this explains why.

It was a vintage example of a candidate taking a negative and turning it into a positive. And coming just six weeks before the presidential voting begins, the timing could hardly have been more beneficial to someone hoping to stave off a loss in the Iowa caucuses and secure a win in the New Hampshire primary.


CNN’s Democrat Party Primary Debate Analysis

For those who didn’t see the Democrat debate tonight, after all it was on CNN, here is a recap. It started out with some bickering among the candidates, most of whom took shots at Sen. Clinton’s inability to state a position on giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens. To that and many other questions, Hillary’s response was her usual, ‘the American people know where I stand…’ Oh really? I must have missed it. All of them seemed to be running against Bush, who isn’t running.

On the drivers license subject, some came right out and said, like Gov. Bill Richardson, that yes they should be permitted to have a drivers license. Sen. Barak Obama thought it was a good idea too. Others hid behind the smoke of ‘we need comprehensive immigration reform,’ which is code for amnesty, drivers licenses, and more, but they wouldn’t come out and answer the question whether they should have a drivers license.

All of them wanted out of Iraq, and Iran is also out of the question. The most hawkish on Iran was Hillary who did go so far as to say that we should use diplomacy with Iran but keep the stick. She didn’t elaborate on the stick part. She held true to her belief system which is she hasn’t one. She likes blue ribbon panels to make decisions for her.

Iran brought out the weakness of them all on the subject of the Quds Force, the terrorist-supporting wing of the Iranian military. There seemed to be a consensus that calling them a terrorist organization was not nice, except Hillary. She’s the one who voted in favor of the resolution that labeled them a terrorist organization. She had no where to hide on that one, especially after her drivers license debacle at their last debate.

Wolf Blitzer, host of the debate, joined the ranks of Brian Williams and Tim Russert in qualifying for the Chris Matthews award by not asking or even mentioning the Iranian made 107mm rockets and super penetrating IED’s that are killing ours and Iraqi soldiers and Iraqi civilians. A fair question was again ignored, giving way to their diplomatic story line.

John Edwards’ hair looked good. He had trouble completing a sentence that didn’t have the words Bush, Cheney, and neocons in it. Obviously appealing to the Soros wing of their party, but looking very silly for harping on them.

All of them spoke confidently on raising taxes for this that and the other. And on the subject of taxes, another Chris Matthews moment came up. None of them were asked whether they would make permanent the Bush tax cuts due to expire in 2010, which if elected, would be during their first term. Hold on to your wallet or make your escape plan.

On education, Wolf did ask a relevant question. Should exceptional teachers be rewarded with higher pay or bonus incentives? They were in complete agreement in towing the line of the teachers unions with a NO. It was blatantly obvious that the success of the students were not a priority. Hillary surprised me by saying, no, don’t reward good teachers, just fire the bad ones. Another rather stunning revelation was that they couldn’t agree what made a teacher a good teacher. Joe Biden, whose wife is a teacher with a masters and doctorate degree, believes that a good teacher is one who has multiple and higher degrees than just a bachelors degree. No one, not one of them, thought that successful students were relevant in determining whether a teacher was exceptional. Hillary ignored the students’ success by taking the village format. She said all the teachers in a given school should be rewarded if the school does well. Doing well doesn’t mean that the students do well. Doing well by her standards means teachers who teach in the worst of cities or neighborhoods are the ones to be rewarded with higher pay. More like combat pay. Again, no measure of the success of the students was offered. On the subject of education, it is clear that Democrats don’t give a wit about the success of the students, let alone merit pay for a job well done.

One of the funniest and scariest subjects was that of appointments to the Supreme Court. They all wanted an abortion litmus test for potential appointments to the Supreme Court. Abortion is the holy sacrament of the liberals’ political philosophy. None of them seemed at all interested in a strict constructionist type justice. John Edwards said he didn’t want a constitutional scholar on the bench, he wanted ‘a dog catcher’ on the bench. Literally, no exaggeration. I have to give him credit on at least saying what the others wouldn’t say. Which is, they want the supreme court to be filled with justices who don’t know what it is they are supposed to uphold, and who will uphold whatever the democrats want that they can’t get done through the people, the legislature.

After those grueling two hours, I don’t think it is necessary to see any more of their debates. If you see one, you’ve seen them all.

CNN link

UPDATE 11/19/07: ‘undecided’ voters were plants, activists, and Democrat operatives.

Voter Fraud, A Democrat Party Mandate?

It was just two days ago that Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn) was reported here to have come out with a proposal to prevent States from requiring a photo ID to vote in all federal elections. That’s not all he is up to. Try this. H.R. 2457: Same-Day Voter Registration Act of 2007, also sponsored by Keith Ellison.

What? You need 400 votes to win? No problem, send four busloads of ‘votes’ to that precinct. Done deal. This doesn’t sound like democracy in action, but it is within the realm of something Democrat party operatives in the Soros wing would do.

Another likely scenario. Guessing that most of those people who have never voted have the attention span of a gnat in heat when it comes to the U.S. political process, you have a one-week ad blitz, ending on election day. You flood ALL media with ads in the native language of ‘your constituents’, like Spanish or Arabic for example, to go to the polls and vote because the Democrats said that you can. And while you’re there, remember who gave you that vote and who will also, if elected, give you citizenship, a free education, and free health care.

Not one republican signed on as a co-sponsor. Imagine that? I don’t hear any public outcry for such legislation. Do you? Do you suppose Democrats just want to facilitate fraudulent elections?
