Category Archives: 2016 Election

Fed, Still Twerking Money And Debt

So this is good news? Federal Reserve, trying real hard to keep Obama’s fake economic recovery going, agreed to continue to print money and monetize the debt by  $75 Billion a month instead of $85 Billion a month.

How about we stop pussy footing around and let the economy and the markets fix themselves? Aside from the FED’s artificial resuscitation on the monetary side, we have the economic train wreck of this administration’s ideas of economics which is nothing short of the fascist economic model. Both need to stop before we see any improvement on Main Street.

Unfortunately, it’s going to take the next two elections to start.

Link: Fed hawks back taper decision, one urges bolder action

Tea Party-Like Uprising In Chicago

Having felt the heat long enough, Chicagoans are finally seeing the light. Rev. Al Sharpton went to Chicago to discuss gun violence. But the people had something to say that the he never anticipated and, not surprisingly, the media is not covering.

Here are a few choice quotes from the video:

  • “We don’t have a gangs, guns (and) drugs problem. We have a nepotism, cronyism and patronage problem.”
  • “I would call a serious town meeting, like the town meetings Republicans would call … they call it a Tea Party.
  • “we have been trained to vote in a specific manner… we need to start looking at the manner in which our elected officials have been voting… if they have not voted in a manner that is beneficial to you, yours, and your community, then you need to start voting them out.”
  • “This (meeting) was a signal sent to City Hall, to the fifth floor (this is apparently Chicagoans’ term for the Mayor’s office and the “powers that be” in City Hall — Ed.), who sent no one down here to make sure that the city he (p)resides over.” (The apparent reference is to Mayor Rahm Emanuel.)
  • “We’re asking the President of the United States: Let us, the grass roots people, not these name-brand blue-ribbon Negroes … (to) stop giving these evil people our money.”

All I can add to this is, welcome brothers and sisters. Voting differently is the way out of the malaise, the crime, and government dependency.

Link: Sharpton Holds Chicago ‘Town Hall’ on Gun Violence, ‘Tea ‘Party’ Rhetoric Breaks Out; Local Media Mum

Budget “Deal” Reached, But

What do you call a budget deal that spends $63 Billion of “settled law” called the sequester? I call it a Republican surrender. Never mind that since the sequester began, the Obama administration has claimed some economic recovery. And never mind that the sequester passed with bi-partisan support.

For un-sequestering $63 Billion dollars today and for the next eighteen months, the deal promises reductions totaling $85 Billion elsewhere. But that’s not for today or the next two years. That’s for the next ten years. Who in their right mind believes this will happen?

But that’s not even the most insane talking point the House and Senate Republican leadership is touting. They use buzz words like “specific deficit-reduction provisions” and “mandatory savings” and “non-tax revenue” that makes up this fictitious $85 Billion number. And “if you’re for deficit reduction, you’re for this agreement.” The snake oil they’re selling is that this agreement would cut the deficit by between $20 and $23 Billion, as if that actually means something. They call it “a step in the right direction.” It’s surrender. It’s means nothing more than trying to look relevant in standing up to Democrats for the sake of getting something done. It’s not going to stop demagoguery from Democrats. It’s not much more than moving the deck chairs around on the Titanic.

With a national debt of $17 Trillion, $23 Billion is like a mouse fart in a hurricane. There’s no serious attempt, not even the slightest attempt, to deal with the debt and deficit spending whatsoever. It’s like driving over the cliff at 60 miles per hour instead of 65.

Speaker Boehner is hoping to win something by playing defense with the Democrats. Mr. Speaker, you don’t win anything by playing defense. What Speaker Boehner is doing is effectively managing the decline of the Republican party. He’s doing it in two ways. By budget deals like this, which will rise its head again in time for the 2016 general election when he’ll once again cower to the demagoguery of the Left. And by attacking republicans in the House and throughout the country. Republicans who want to see real evidence of getting to a balanced budget, which necessarily means working toward not spending more than we take in, (to quote President Obama) PERIOD. I recall that that’s what they were elected and sent to Washington to do. And he can start by putting an end to the insane “baseline budgeting” scheme. If you and I can’t use baseline budgeting, what on earth makes any sane person think that the government should? They should be forced to justify every dollar of their budget before it is allocated.

This budget deal dodges a bullet. To win seats, Speaker Boehner needs to go on offense and shoot one of his own. He needs to carry a republican platform instead of a democrat-lite platform. He needs to talk about bold tax reform like the FairTax. Something that eliminates the current, punitive IRS tax code.  He needs to talk up health care reform like H.R.2300, the private-sector solution. And what better time to do that? And he needs to talk about how unleashing the economic engine of the country, achieving true energy independence, creating jobs, and putting people back to work again will turn this ship around. That’s what the American people want. And that’s something that, so far, only Republicans have a chance at delivering. Problem is, I’m not so sure Speaker Boehner has what it takes to get us there.

“Affordable” Care Act Mandate

In an effort to get to the meat of the penalty that Obamacare will impose on you, in the unlikely event that it would be possible for you to keep your insurance policy that the government (not you) deems unsatisfactory, below you will find the law as is in the Federal Register.

The penalty for not buying a government approved health insurance policy, or not buying an insurance policy at all, begins now at $95 and increases to $695 per year or 2.5% of your income by 2015, after the next presidential election.

The Joint Tax Committee prepared a summary of Obamacare that includes this discussion of the mandate:

The penalty applies to any period the individual does not maintain minimum essential coverage and is determined monthly. The penalty is assessed through the Code and accounted for as an additional amount of Federal tax owed. However, it is not subject to the enforcement provisions of subtitle F of the Code. The use of liens and seizures otherwise authorized for collection of taxes does not apply to the collection of this penalty. Non-compliance with the personal responsibility requirement to have health coverage is not subject to criminal or civil penalties under the Code and interest does not accrue for failure to pay such assessments in a timely manner.

On page 19 of this 19 page law, you will find this:

b)Special rules. Notwithstanding any other provision of law—

(1)Waiver of criminal penalties.In the case of a failure by a taxpayer to timely pay the shared responsibility payment, the taxpayer is not subject to criminal prosecution or penalty for the failure.

(2)Limitations on liens and levies.
If a taxpayer fails to pay the shared responsibility payment imposed by this section and §§1.5000A–1 through1.5000A–4, the Secretary will not file notice of lien on any property of the taxpayer, or levy on any property of the taxpayer for the failure.

The IRS only has the power to deduct whatever penalty you may incur from your tax refund. The Obama administration knows that poor people look forward to receiving their refund check each year, and don’t mind preying on the poor to take it from them. The poor would be wise to consult with their employer on how to not overpay their taxes by completing a new W-4 form so that they will get the maximum in their paycheck and, not expose themselves to government abuse.

Kerry Bowers, The Only Presidential Candidate With A Plan You Can See

Can anyone count the number of times or the number of years that you’ve heard people running for the office of the President of the United States say how they’re going to cut out the government waste and “reform government?”

One thing I can tell you with confidence is that there is only one candidate that says that AND shows you where the cuts and reforms will occur.

See and hear Mr. Kerry Bowers, candidate for President in the 2016 general election present his plan for government reform. In this video, Mr. Bowers takes off on Nancy Pelosi’s comments on CNN Sept. 23, 2013, where in discussing the national debt, she declared “there’s no more cuts to make.”

See Kerry Bowers’ plan to reform government HERE, item by item.

Link: Restore America’s Blessings, Kerry Bowers for President

Barack “The Crisis” Obama Is At It Again

Andy Rooney mode ON: Have you ever wondered why President Obama habitually decries crisis-driven management right after he does it? Andy Rooney mode OFF:

In an April 6, 2013 weekly address to the nation, the President talked about his plan to create jobs and reduce the deficit. Didn’t mention the debt, AT ALL. His plan obama_houdiniwas increasing taxes and building roads and bridges. He said then . . .

While it’s not my ideal plan to further reduce the deficit, it’s a compromise I’m willing to accept in order to move beyond a cycle of short-term, crisis-driven decision-making, and focus on growing our economy and our middle class for the long run. {emphasis added}

Today, over six months later, and two months after a five week vacation for Congress, and one day after a grandstanding government shutdown he imposed was lifted, Barack “The Crisis” Obama goes before the mic again, ostensibly removing himself of all responsibility and says “The American people are completely fed up with Washington.” (Not just fed up. I’d include Fed up, capital F)  He says . . .

“I understand we will not suddenly agree on everything now that the cloud of crisis has passed. Democrats and Republicans are far apart on a lot of issues,” Obama said. “And sometimes we’ll be just too far apart to forge an agreement. But that should not hold back our efforts in areas where we do agree.”

Shouldn’t hold back “our efforts” where we agree? You mean like opening National Parks, funding the military and veterans, funding funeral benefits for fallen soldiers? Those areas of agreement? Virtually funding everything except Obamacare? It was those areas that prompted him to not agree just to keep the crisis going.

The mid-terms and general election can’t come soon enough.

America Is Sick, And The Doctor Is Out

So what did the House of Representatives hope to accomplish by what was thought to be a futile attempt to defund Obamacare, aka a government shutdown?  How was that strategy supposed to help the Republican party?hope_and_chang_making_america_sick

Common questions over the government shutdown, arguably, imposed by President Obama. Given that the House passed bills to keep everything, but Obamacare, running.

The strategy was doing what they were elected to do, exercising their Constitutional responsibility of holding the purse strings of the federal government. It’s no more complicated than that. It wasn’t meant for the good of the party. But rather, the good of the country which, is being buried in debt at a rate unprecedented and with no end in sight.

It had less to do with politics than fighting the good fight which, was better than not fighting at all. Today, it is clear they did not prevail. Turned out to be a “lost the battle, not the war,” kind of thing.

kick_can_to_greeceWhat amazes me is how Congress still allows for increasing the debt limit. Something candidate Obama called irresponsible and un-patriotic. The words LIMIT and CEILING have no meaning anymore. Even without Obamacare, we are headed for default if drastic reforms are not made. Increasing the debt limits will only allow, and lead to, increasing the national debt.

The politics of it all is that Congress is playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver. There’s NO budget proposal by the majority that reduces deficits towards a balancing point, let alone paying down the debt. By definition, a budget that includes deficit spending, includes borrowing. And borrowing adds to our debt. (I know. Slim chance that the low-information crowd will have read this far. But just in case.)

Check this link at the CBO. There are two scenarios, Bad, and Worse. It says that no budget now or in the future will be without deficit spending. The only variable is will we go over the cliff at 100 miles per hour or 50 miles per hour.

First thing to do is to scrap the ‘baseline budgeting’ game, and make budgets like you and I have to. Then start reforms from there. THAT, won’t be popular with anyone. But when you’re sick, the medicine you need to get well tastes bad. The so-called ‘leaders’ in Washington should be preparing us for recognizing the illness, and prescribing the medicine. Instead, they’re kicking the can down the road.

America needs the right kind of doctor to save America. And President Obama isn’t the one. If one does not rise to the call, the 2014 and 2016 elections is where we’ll find one.

Kerry Bowers For President In 2016


I am pleased to announce and pass along this video of Kerry Bowers’ bid for President of the United States for 2016.

Aside from a long career in the United States Air Force, Kerry has been actively involved in communities and states where he and Deb have lived. For the last several years as volunteer State Director for Americans For Fair Taxation, AFFT, and before that as Co-District Director for the Panhandlle District of the Florida FairTax Education Association, FFTEA. As a supporter of the FairTax myself, this is where and how I met Kerry and Deb.

Kerry Bowers is not only a man of principle, a believer in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, but a humanitarian too. His platform on more topics than any other candidate dare shake a stick at are available, right now, on his website Your path to Restoring America’s Blessings starts there. Read his platform. It isn’t a laundry list of complaints and finger pointing. Rather, it is a laundry list of solutions. It also better equips you to ask questions of other candidates and probe what their solution may be. If they even have one.

Because of his openness and honesty, you know what you can expect when you vote for him in a primary election, then hopefully in the 2016 general election. He shows you where his fiscal priorities are by showing you his proposed budget for 2015. Ever seen another candidate do that? Then there is our current president who won’t make one. There’s no political smoke and mirrors with Kerry Bowers. You can expect a thoughtful and constitutionally based opinion or decision on any topic. He believes in the power of the people as opposed to the power of the government. He sees, like you see, an oppressive government now. A government that is holding America back. He knows the key to more and better paying jobs, economic recovery, and the return of, and to, family values is in reforming more than just the tax code. It must also include reforming the government. Or as he puts it, Restoring America’s Blessings.

As he states in this video, he is setting the standard for the presidential candidates of 2016. In my humble opinion, you owe it to your family and our country to visit his website and check him out.

Link: Full Transcript of the 2016 Presidential Campaign announcement video

Free At Last PAC

Promoting Republican Values in All Communities…

“Our communities are just as poor as they have always been. Our schools continue to fail children. Our prisons are filled with young black men who should be at home being fathers. Don’t settle for disappointment. Join the Republicans.” Elbert Lee Guillory

You can help yourself by joining the Republicans. You can help Louisiana State Senator Elbert Lee Guillory spread the word with a contribution to the Free at Last PAC.

Link: Free at Last PAC