Repeal, Do Not Replace

Not Repeal And Replace. Just Repeal. Then fix what’s left with private sector solutions, competition, Health Savings Accounts and Risk Pools.

Not Obamacare-lite with wealth transfers using the tax code. No government mandates on people, policies, coverage, or bailout guarantees for health insurance carriers. All of which contribute to higher premiums, higher deductibles, and yes, death panels.

Give insurance carriers time to revise their actuary tables for free and open market competition. They needed more than a year to adapt to Obamacare and that included 24 months of bailouts. Likewise, they will need time to adjust to something they’ve never tried, or been allowed to try, before. Free-market interstate competition where the consumer, not the government, chooses the policies and coverage they want.

Repeal Obamacare. There is no “better” way for government to make, or manage, your health care choices. Look what a great job they do with the VA. The utopian dream of socialized medicine doesn’t work, is not sustainable, and no where close to affordable.

UPDATE: Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) Files One-Sentence Bill To Repeal Obamacare

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