Millions Still Have No Health Insurance

Got a kick out of hearing Bernie Sanders at the Town Hall last night, attacking Hillary Clinton on Obamacare. Bernie wants the endgame of what Obamacare was meant to be, Medicare for all.

What’s funny about it was Bernie saying that Obamacare doesn’t obama_carnival_barkerwork because there are, according to him, 29 million Americans without health insurance. Four years ago, when Barack O was selling the ACA, his promise that the 30 million Americans, according to him, who did not have health insurance would then have it.

Just add this to the list of broken promises, aka snake oil, that President Obama had told you about. So what has changed in the last four years?  The federal government has usurped 20 percent of the private sector economy, controls the health care and health insurance industry, and due to that, now controls you.