IE 7 Has News Feed Access

It’s not a political message, but the new version of IE, 7, has news-reading capabilities, and makes it easy to subscribe to news feeds, as easy as adding a ‘favorite.’

It’s not a ‘Feedreader‘ but it is a feed reader.   If you’re interested in monitoring blogs and news feeds of your choosing, then making this upgrade is highly recommend.  The program recognizes RSS2 and Atom3 news feeds which have become industry standard.

For example, this is the RSS2 link to subscribe to The Lunch Counter’s feed. This is the RSS link, the link to 'subscribe' to The Lunch Counter.    When a webpage is visited using IE7 that has a RSS link on it, IE7 will let you know it found a link and give you the oppty to add it to your favorite feeds list.  It’s pretty cool for a browser.  Albiet just like Microsoft to incorporate all the cool toys into their browser or operating system (popup blockers, spam filters, firewall, networking, anti-virus, and now newsreaders).

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